Terra Australis Incognita

Two days later a similar meeting was being held at the Dai Oda Empire. This was after the second round of negotiations had been concluded between the representatives of the United Albion Empire and the representatives of the Dai Oda Empire.

Representatives of the Dai Oda Empire had similar thoughts where they also wanted to get the upper hand in the negotiations. A human without greed is almost non-existent after all. It is just that their level and object of greed differs.

The Oda-jins had no practical use for Lakshadveepa Archipelago since it was on the other side of Jambudveepa. Keeping a Military Unit there, would be suicide. It will also invite a lot of trouble from Kingdoms and Empires of the Jambudveepa.

Also, the administrators as well as the Naval Officers of the Dai Oda Empire were aware of the prowess of the Empires and Kingdoms of Jambudveepa Continent. Whether it was the Aaryavarta Empire or the Dravidam Empire or the any of the Kingdoms - they were all hidden Dragons and crouching Tigers.

They almost never bothered to attack any nation. But if they were attacked, they would fight to death to the last men and women. Unlike the Dai Oda Empire and the United Albion Empire, even women were warriors, commanders and Generals. And some were fiercer than men.

It was a well-known fact that the Jambudveepa had mythology related to Demon Slaying Goddesses like Kaalee, Durgaa and Chandee. Not just empires, even tiniest kingdoms had those Sheroes in Jambudveepa.

Some Female Generals were so fierce that they had gained nicknames based on those Goddesses. For example, Manikarnika the Queen of Jhaansi Kingdom was called 'Chandee' for her fight against the Portucale Army.

On the other hand, Queen Keladi Chenamma of the Kannada kingdom had gotten the nickname 'Durgaa' for her fight against the Mongol Army. There were other female warriors who had gained fame in Wars.

There was no benefit in taking such a headache.

On the other hand, Hong Kong Archipelago did serve its purpose, but that it was not the only location that had their ideal Conquest Point. The Island nation of Singhanapura was as good as Hong Kong Archipelago.

Thus the Dai Oda Empire's representatives had only proposed these two options to get the real thing they wanted – conquest of ASEIN, the Alliance of the South East Indiana Nations. Singhanapura was supposed to be their starting point.

The Imperial Meeting was taking place at the Azuchi Castle in Omihachiman of the Shiga Prefecture.

"So, what happened? Did they agree?" asked Emperor Oda Nobunaga.

"No, they did not. Nobunaga-Heika, the negotiations continued until we reached 50 : 50 split." Tokugawa Ieyasu replied.

"As expected, and then did you make the counteroffer as we discussed earlier?" asked Emperor Oda Nobunaga.

"Yes Heika, we did" Akechi Mitsuhide interjected.

"And?" asked the Emperor the impatience on his face apparently visible.

"We got the Singhanapura & and the Neon Zeeland. We will also have right to the ASEIN in case we win those in our Conquest War, which I am sure we will.

In return, they get the Lakshadveepa Archipelago and they get to keep their own territories – Hong Kong Archipelago, the United Federation Colonies in the Maayan and the Alkebulan Continents." replied Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the Commander in Chief of the Conquest Forces.

"That is Great news. We got what we wanted. Not only we got the ideal location we also got them to take all the bad ones. The United Albion Empire will be in a lot of trouble.

At that point we will continue with our conquest and gobble up the other territories before them, surpassing everyone, becoming the Number 1 Empire in the World." Emperor Oda Nobunaga proudly declared.

And with that the negotiations were complete, with both empires thinking they have outwitted the other, and ecstatic with the results.


After successful negotiations, a common ground was needed to be selected as the Head Quarters for the Alliance. The Royal Capital Sydney of the newly formed New South Wales Kingdom in the continent of Terra Australis Incognita, now called Australis for short, was agreed upon by both the parties as the Head Quarters for their Alliance.

His Highness Charles, the Princes of Wales represented the United Albion Empire. On the other hand, Oda Nobunaga sent his right-hand man and Commander in Chief of the Dai Oda Conquest Forces – Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

A meeting between the two representatives took place at the newly established 'Imperial Alliance Head Quarters' in the city of Sidney, in New South Wales of the newly discovered Australis continent.

"Welcome General Hideyoshi-denka" said Prince Charles.

"Thank you for your Hospitality, Your Highness." replied Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

Both used other's honorifics while addressing. After all, they were also seasoned diplomats.

After the basic introductions and few discussions, a plan was drafted. Military personals and commanders who will participate in the domination of the Maayan Continental Defence Force were decided. Both of them were happy with the result.

"It was really unexpected. We would have never thought that the Maayan Continental defence Force's Head Quarters was hidden not in Maayan but the newly discovered Hawaii Islands. Thank you for informing us, even when we had no formal alliance then." Prince Charles expressed his gratitude.

"We have always traded some information. Even if we were not official allies, we were potential allies then." replied General Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

"Still, we need to thank you nonetheless. We also noticed a lot of movement between Pearl Harbour and the ports of Miami, Norfolk and Oakland. I think they too have received intel from their spy network and preparing to face us." Prince Charles informed General Toyotomi.

"Of course, with our combined forces, they do not stand a change, irrespective of how much they prepare" he added further.

"Indeed. We are going to win this and then go for Singapore, right?" General Toyotomi asked.

"Definitely." Prince Charles spoke with a lot of confidence.

After finalizing other details, they formally named their Alliance - 'Alliance of the Conquerors', but the other Kingdoms and Empires called it 'The Albion-Oda Alliance'.


Unbeknownst to them, the information about Pearl Harbour in the Hawaii Islands being the Head Quarters of the Maayan Continental Defence Forces was leaked intentionally by Karna's spy network. Not only that, it was Heaven's Judgement, Karna's Military Outfit that had practically directed Captain James Cook to discover Hawaii Islands.

Also, the movement they had noticed was just random stuff and people being moved by Maayan Continental Defence Force on orders of Karna. Maayaa also used her illusionist powers to fool the reconnaissance team of the Albion-Oda Alliance.

They were being played like a fiddle by Karna.


Chapter End.