Chapter 7

Ye-Jin: Ooh yay! Wait what time is it? Do I have time to get ready?

Joey: It's 6 o'clock...

Ye-Jin: What! I only have 2 hours?!?

Joey: Bruh, calm down, you will have time...

Ye-Jin: I ain't your bro! Anyways, I better go get ready!

Joey: My food!?!

Ye-Jin: Just make a sandwich or something for today. You should've told me that we were going to the club in the morning.

Joey: go get ready...time is ticking!

I run-up to my bedroom and I start getting ready.

After getting ready I go downstairs and see my parents seriously looking at my brother.

Mom: What do you mean you don't want to inherit the hospital? You are our successor, and you are the one who has to take over the hospital!

Joey: I want to become a musician, make music and make my own money, mom. I was never into medicine.

Dad: What are you talking about! You are the oldest son in this family and you are the one who has to take over our hospital!

Joey: But I won't be happy learning medicine, dad! I don't want to spend the rest of my life doing a career that makes me miserable! I cannot handle seeing people in pain mentally or physically!

Dad: Well if you don't want to take over the hospital, then you cannot live on the same roof as me!

Mom: Honey-

Dad: No honey, he will not live under my roof if he doesn't listen to my rules! If he wants to live under my roof, then he will have to go to med school!

Joey: I already told you, dad! I am not going to med school! It will ruin me! I won't be happy!

Dad: Then get out of my house, pack your things, and GET OUT!

Joey: FINE!

Joey runs up to his room and I follow him.

I enter his room and I see him packing his things while he called Jason.

*On the phone*

Joey: Hey dude, is there anyone staying at the loft tonight?

Jason: No, it's your loft dude, why would someone be there. Anyways what happened, Sylvie is freaking out.

Joey: Tell her to not worry, I'll tell everyone once we meet up at the loft.

Jason: Ok...

**they hang up**

Ye-Jin: Why did you do that?

Joey: What? Dad came home with an admission letter to med school. I couldn't accept it and ruin the rest of my life having a career that I don't like... You know that I am passionate about music and singing. I want to become a musician and I will not change that decision.

Ye-Jin: Where are you going to stay?

Joey: The loft because I was the one who bought it with my money and I will also be close to you so you won't need to drive far to see me.

After saying that he finishes packing his suitcase and starts taking his books and things from his dresser.

Ye-Jin: Oh ok, well that's good. I'm going to miss you in this house.

Joey: I'm not going to leave forever. I'll come back when mom and dad leave for business trips or go back to Europe.

He gives me a smile and gives me a wink.

Joey: Do you really think that I will leave you alone forever? You're my best friend.

He gives me a kiss on the forehead.

Joey: I will always be here with you... I love you, sis.

Ye-Jin: I love you too, bro.

He gives me a pair of keys.

I look at him a puzzled look.

Ye-Jin: What are these for?

Joey: These are a pair of keys to the loft, you can come whenever you want and bring whoever you want. But just don't tell dad, he doesn't know that I bought it with my own money.

Ye-Jin: OK...wait, how did you get all that money?

Joey: I have a youtube channel with all my songs and music. And people like my music.

Ye-Jin: Why don't you show that to dad? He can see how talented you are and you can stay here!

Joey: If I could do that I would've already done it, Jinnie. He wants me to be a businessman or a doctor. And he made that very clear. The best thing to do right now is to move out and when I become famous, he will understand my passion and maybe then he will be proud of me.

His smile then turns into a frown.

Joey: But for now, I have to be on my own and focus on graduating from high school and pursuing my dream.

And he gives me a sad smile.

Ye-jin: I know that you can do it and I will be by your side for everything. You know you can always count on me.

I give him a bright smile.

Joey: I know and that's why I am very grateful to have you as a sister.

He finishes packing and stands in front of me with his suitcases and ruffles my hair.

Ye-Jin: I'm going to miss you...

I just stand there looking at him with red eyes.

Joey: Hey hey hey, don't worry, you have keys to the loft and I will pick you up in the morning every day.

He wipes my tears off.

Joey: And plus, did you forget that we are going to the pub?

Ye-Jin: I'm not really in the mood to go to the pub. Can we just hang out at the loft?

Joey: Of course, go wear something comfy and come to the loft. Maybe we can have those sleepovers we always have.

Ye-Jin: Ooh, I will bring face masks then...

Joey: Just don't tell dad that you spending the night with me, he might get pissed.

Ye-Jin: Ok, let's go down now.

They go downstairs where his dad and mom are.

Joey: I'm going to leave now mom.

Mom: Son...

Joey: No mom, if he cannot support me and my dreams, then I cannot stay here.

Mom: Okay, I-I understand...

This is the first time I saw my mom cry and I can tell my dad is hurt by seeing her like that.

Joey: I'm going to get going now. Bye Jinnie…bye mom...

He leaves and my mom just breaks down.

Mom: Look at what you have done, are you happy now?

Dad: BE QUIET! If you think my discipline is not right then you can leave as well!!

My mom got startled and stayed quiet.

My dad got a call from the hospital and left.

Ye-Jin: Mom, don't worry about him, as long as you and I support him, he will be able to achieve his dream to become an idol. And seeing how successful he gets maybe it will change dad's opinion on Joey's career.

Mom: He will always have my support... anyways, where you going somewhere? You are all dressed up.

Ye-Jin: Joey and I planned to go on a double date but we are just going to have a sleepover at the loft.

Mom: Go wear something comfortable and go to your brother.

Ye-Jin: Okay but will you be able to stay in the house alone?

Mom: I won't stay here for long, I have to make dinner for your dad and me. And then go to the hospital for the night.

I go up to my room, pack my bag, and I get into my pajama shorts and a tank top because it's 10 o'clock at night and I don't wanna wear something uncomfortable.

I come back downstairs to say bye to mom and leave.

Ye-Jin: Bye momma, I'm going to leave now.

I say bye to my mom and walk to the loft.