Chapter 8

**Joey's POV**

I arrive at the loft and in front of me, I see Sylvie sitting on the stairs in front of the house, with her chin on her knees, waiting for me. When I saw her, it felt like all my problems have been lifted off my shoulders.

I walked up to her and she runs up to me and gives me the biggest bear hug.

Joey: Hey...What are you doing here?

Sylvie: I got very worried... you wouldn't tell me what happened, and your voice was shaky. I thought something happened to you.

Joey: Everything is fine babe, nothing happened to me. Here let's go inside, I wanna tell everyone at once so I don't have to repeat myself.

Sylvie: Ok, let's go...

*In the loft*

*Authors POV*

Everyone has arrived but Ye-Jin. Joey called her about 10 times but hasn't picked up any calls

Joey: Where is she? I'm getting a bit worried.

Noah: Don't worry Joey, I think she is just getting ready.

Just then Ye-jin unlocks the door.

Ye-Jin: Hey guys, sorry I'm late...

Joey: What happened, why are you late?

Ye-Jin: Dad yelled at mom and I had to make sure she was ok and plus I couldn't find your favorite face masks for the sleepover.

Joey: Dad yelled at mom? But he never yells at her!

Ye-Jin: I guess things just change...

We both go very sad. Jason couldn't take the silence and he had to do something about it.

Jason: Hey, don't worry they will come around. Let's lighten up the mood, shall we?

Sylvie: How are you going to do that?

Jason takes the backpack Ye-jin brought and took out all the face masks and held them up.

Jason: With these...

Everyone go excited and takes one

James, hysterically laughing: Guy l-look at A-Austin…

We all looked at Austin and started laughing because he looked like a metallic robot with his silver face mask.

Minnie: Hahaha omg that mask!

Austin: Enough guys, I don't think look that bad...

Minnie holds up a mirror to his face.

Austin: Yeah maybe I do look a bit bad.

Mia: Yeah but after you take the mask off, your face will be glowing...

Austin smiles at mia.

Austin: Thank you for looking on the bright side, Mia.

**Ye-Jin's POV**

Everyone laughs and proceeds to put their masks on but for some reason, my face mask packet wouldn't open.

I try so hard to open it, it just wouldn't rip open.

Ye-Jin: Why won't this darn thing open. Ugh, does anyone have scissors?!

Jason takes it from me and effortlessly opens the face-mask.

Jason: Here... now that wasn't that hard, is it?

Ye-Jin: I'm sorry, I'm not a muscle pig like you.

Ye-Jin: Why is it so slippery!... This is why I prefer clay masks!

Jason: Omg... you're such a baby...

He takes the packet from me again and starts putting the mask on my face.

His face was so close to mine I could feel my face heating up, luckily the face mask was red. So no one could tell.

Jason: Here...all done.

Ye-Jin: Th-thanks...

Sylvie: Umm... anyways... Can we address the big elephant in the room?

Everyone: Yeah, why did you call us here?

Joey: Well what happened was...

Joey told the story to everyone. And after telling them the story Sylvie sits next to him and cuddles with him.

Sylvie: You will always have my support... I love you...

Everyone got surprised, they haven't told I love you to each other.

Joey was speechless.

Joey: W-What did you say..?

Sylvie: I love you...

Joey had the biggest smile on his face.

Joey: I love you too…

He kisses her...

I was so happy... like genuinely very happy for him.

I'm very relieved that he found a girl that can support him with every decision he makes.

Noah: Hey Joey, whenever you need help, we are here for you. I hope you know that.

Joey: That's why I can call you guys my friends.

Thomas: Ok ok, enough being mushy... let's play a game!

Stacy: Like what game?

James: Never have I ever...

Jordan: Ooh fun!

Ye-Jin: Lemme get the grape juice bottle.

Yasmine: Ooh let's get tipsy!

I come back with the grape juice and a bunch of shot glasses...


Yasmine: Let me start... hmm... let me see...

Austin: Hurry up, will yah... we don't have all night.

Yasmine: Ok ok, I got one... let's do something simple. Never have I ever kissed your sibling's friend.

Joey, Ye-jin, Jordan, and Sylvie take a shot.

Ye-Jin: Wow, that was mean...

Thomas: My turn... never have I ever ditched class.

Everyone except I took a shot.

Sylvie: Really Jinnie? Never ditched class??

Ye-Jin: Unlike you guys, I actually like school.

Austin: You're weird... anyways it's my turn. Uhh... never have I ever has a crush on one person in our group

Oh, I think Austin is brewing something up.

But something that surprised me is that everyone except Noah drank.

Noah: Hmm interesting.... Anyway whose next?

Ye-Jin: Me... never have I ever dated someone to make another person jealous.

The only people who took a shot was Jason and me. A part of me thought Jason was indicating that he is trying to make me jealous by dating Michelle.

But I shook my head, because I was being ridiculous.

In Ye-Jin's Head: What am I thinking, I'm just going over my head.

We played a few more rounds and we slowly drifted off to sleep in the living room.

**Next morning**

My eyes open as soon as the sun hits my face.

Ye-Jin: Aah, my head!

I woke up with the biggest headache ever.

I was about to get up but I felt something heavy on my lap, but it was covered by my blanket.

I remove the blanket revealing Jason's head. He looked so peaceful while he was sleeping.

I smile and carefully lift his head off my lap and slowly put a pillow under him so I won't wake him up.

I get ready and start making breakfast for everyone.

**an hour later**

**Jason's POV**

I wake up to the fresh smell of fruits and the smell bacon.

Jason: Oh where did this pillow come from? Anyways something smells good.

I walk to where the smell is coming from and I see Ye-jin cooking bacon.

Jason: Oooh it smells so good~

Ye-Jin: Sit down, lemme give you something to eat.

Jason: Yay thank you~

She smiles at me and turns to the bacon.

Jason: Do we have practice today?

Ye-Jin: Yeah it's 2 PM...

**YJ POV**

Joey: Fooooooooooooood~

I turn to where Joey is yelling at and I see my big brother laying on the couch with both his hands in the air like a 5-year-old.

Ye-Jin: Stop being a 5-year-old and come to the kitchen so I can give you breakfast.

Joey: Ugh so much work...

He rolls off of the couch and sluggishly walks to the dining table.

Ye-Jin: Oh thank you for joining us, pretty princess. What would you like to eat, bacon or fruits?

Joey: I would like to eat-

Ye-jin didn't even let me answer, she just gave him a plate with breakfast.

Joey: Why do you even ask.

Ye-Jin: I wanted to be polite.

I give him an innocent smile and walk to the table and sit next to Jordan.

Jordan: Thanks for the food, Jinnie...

Ye-Jin: No problem, I'm happy you like it.

Right after I get a call, I look at the caller id, Chris...

**on the phone**

Ye-Jin: Hello?

Chris: Hey Ye-jin, where are you guys! Isabelle and I have been waiting in the dance room for you guys for an hour!

Ye-Jin: Huh but we don't have practice till 2 pm.

Chris: No dude, we have practice from 9 am to 2 pm!

Ye-Jin: Are you serious??

I look at the time and it's 10 am.

Ye-Jin: Shoot ok we will be there in 15 minutes!

**end of phone call**

Ye-Jin: Guys we need to go! We are late for practice! I completely forgot that we have morning practice today!

Thomas: Oh no, let's get going then!