Chapter 9

** In The Dance Room**

Jordan: We are here, we are here!

Chris: Finally...

Jason: Let's get this practice started!!

**Time Skip**

Everyone but me fall to the floor, exhausted because we've been practicing for an hour nonstop.

Jason: Let's take a small break and then finish the practice.

Ye-Jin: Come on, one more time, please? I want to master the flip. One more time, please~

Jason: We are all exhausted, Jinnie. And plus you might get hurt if you overwork yourself.

Ye-Jin: I will be fine, just one more time and we can take a break.

Chris: Ok fine, let's do it one more time guys.

They all get off of the floor and I run to the stereo and turn the music on and run back to my place.

I was in a position to do my flip.

I started to go in the air and while I was about to land, I rolled my ankle and fell on the floor.

Ye-Jin: Aah, ouch!

Jayden: Jinnie! Are you ok?

I try to stand up but I fall back down.

Jason runs to me, picks me up bridal style, and takes me to the nurse.

**Nurses Office**

Jason: Nurse! Where is the nurse!

Ye-Jin: Jason, she is right there, calms down.

Nurse: Yes, how can I help you?

Jason: She hurt her ankle...

Nurse: Can she stand up?

Ye-Jin: No, I can't.

Nurse: Ok Mr.Jeon, can you place her on that bed?

Jason places her on the bed. The nurse comes to check on the leg and runs a lot of tests on my ankle.

Once she finished taking the tests, she turned to Jason.

Nurse: She sprained her ankle.

Jason: Huh? When will it heal?

Nurse: At least a week...

Ye-Jin: What no, that's not possible! The competition is in a week! And Jason and I have to practice our duet!

Nurse: Oh and also, you cannot have any physical activity until you can walk. This means you cannot dance this week

Ye-Jin: But the comp-

Jason: Jinnie...

Ye-Jin: No this is an important Jason! If we get first place, we can go to the states and then nationals!

Jason: It's ok, we will go to the states and you will be able to do dance in the competition. The only thing is that we might not be able to do our duet, but that's fine. This is not our last dance comp, we have next year. Your health and well being is way more important!

**time skip**

I rest for a while in the nurse's office and the Jason carries me back to the dance room so we can tell the other about my condition. But to our surprise, the cheerleaders were there practicing for the football game.

??: Baby!!

And there she was... my worst enemy.

Jason: Oh... hi babe.

Michelle: Why are you carrying... her?

Ye-Jin: I hurt my ankle, so my handsome prince charming is helping me by taking me to the isolated room.

For some reason, I feel so victorious right now.

Michelle: I think she is overreacting, babe...she just wants your attention.

Jason: Michelle, she is really hurt. And she isn't getting her crutches until tomorrow.

Michelle: Ha, yeah right, she is just using are so oblivious, babe...

she looks at me with the deadliest glare.

Michelle:...And for you, I told you to stay away from my man!

She comes closer to my ear

Michelle: This is your last warning...

I could feel Jason shaking with anger.

I look up at him.

Ye-Jin: Yah, Jason, put me down...

He looks at me

Jason: Huh? No way the nurse told you not to be on your feet.

Ye-Jin: I told you to put. Me. Down!

He puts me down but supports me by wrapping his hand around my waist.

I look up at him and smiled but not for long because I had to straighten up someone.

I hop over to Michelle with my good leg and look at her with my scary resting bitch face.

Ye-Jin: Look, Michelle... I'm not here to fight. And I am definitely not using Jason, I have no reason to use him. So if you don't mind. Jason and I have to go back to dance practice. And if you come in my way one more time, you will definitely regret it.

Michelle: Oh what are you going to do, cry to your big brother? Or are you going to go back to America?

She mocks me and all her friends laugh behind her.

Trisha: Oh no Michelle, maybe she is going to go crying to her parents. Oh yeah, I forgot, her parents are never around.

They laugh even more.

**JK POV**

I couldn't take their trash-talking anymore.

I look down at Ye-jin...her head is down low and I can tell that she is about to cry

Jason: ENOUGH!

Michelle: Babee~ why did you yell.

Jason: I don't like it when you are degrading ye-jin. And yeah her parents are barely around, but I've been there for her as her parent since the day we were born.

Michelle: I'm just putting her in her place babe. And why are you taking her side?

Jason: Maybe I should put you in your place. And one thing you should understand is that I will put Ye-Jin before anyone, even my own sister... and I think this should be the last time we meet each other.

Momo: W-what do you mean?

Jason: I mean that I break up...