Chapter 13

Ye-Jin: Dad... What are you doing here?

Dad: I came here to talk to Joey about his marriage.

Joey: Marriage?

Dad: Yes, with the Park's.

Joey: I already told you, I am not going to marry Rose.

Dad: Don't disobey me, I will kick you out of the loft too!

Joey: I love Sylvie, dad! You cannot force me to marry someone else and plus, I bought this loft with my own money and it is under my name, so technically you can't kick me out!

Ye-Jin: Joey...

Joey: No, I'm done listening to his rules. He has been controlling my life for too long.

Dad: Kim Joseph! Don't disrespect me!

Joey: I'm sorry, but I am not going to listen to you anymore.

Dad: Ha good luck living on your own. It's harder than you think.

Joey: I'm used to it, I've been taking care of my sister and me by myself since I was 6.

Dad: Good luck with making your own money.

Joey: Don't worry, I have my own plans...

Dad: I hope you understand that I will not take you back when you are struggling... and I forbid you from meeting my daughter!

Ye-Jin: Dad... please don't...

Dad: No, he is a bad influence and he is going to corrupt you!

I look up at Joey and he gives me a reassuring smile.

Joey: It's ok... go...

Dad: Let's go Ye-Jin, I'll drop you off at home...

Ye-Jin: I need to get my things from the loft... I'll call you once I get home.

Dad: Ok... there is someone at home to look after you for a few weeks while we are at the hospital in the UK.

Joey: You are setting a babysitter?!

Dad: Yes because I don't want him to sneak into the house or I don't want you to leave the house.

Joey: Wow... unbelievable.

My dad leaves and we go to the loft.

Joey: Dad is going too far!

Ye-Jin: I don't know what's wrong with him but I hope he comes to his senses soon.

I was packing my bag and Jason was helping me.

Sylvie: Hey Joey, why didn't you tell me that you were going to marry Rose.

We all stopped packing and looked at her.

Joey: Well I was never going to marry her in the first place, and I thought my dad cut off the marriage when I told him so I thought telling you wasn't a big deal.

Sylvie: But it is! Were you planning to marry her and still be with me?

Joey: Babe I would never marry her. And this was before I asked you out. I would've told you if he told me recently but he told me this a year ago.

He could tell that Sylvie is still bothered by this.

Ye-Jin: He is serious Sylvie, and I would've also have told you this if you guys were dating. But it happened a long time ago. And we thought the marriage topic was closed.

Sylvie: Fine, but now it doesn't matter.

**Time skip**

Jason Drops me off at home and I enter the house.

Ye-Jin: Jordan? What are you doing here?

Jordan: Hello ma'am, I am your caretaker for the next few months.

Ye-Jin: My dad told you to stay with me?

Jordan: Yep! What is going on, why do you need a caretaker?

Ye-Jin: My dad thinks that I am going to be corrupted by Joey, so he is scared that I will run off to Joey when they are not at home.

Jordan: Wow, what happened to your dad? He is so angry now.

Ye-Jin: I don't know, he used to be so happy but now he isn't... and like always, no one tells me what's going on.

Jordan: Hopefully everything goes back to normal.

**Time Skip**

A few weeks go by and Jordan is still staying at my house. My parents extended their trip for 6 more months so that's great.

Jordan: Come on Jinnie, we are going to be late for school!

Ye-Jin: I'm coming...

Jordan: Hurry, I have to pick up Sophie!

Ye-Jin: I don't understand why all of you guys are dating all my friends!

Jordan: Sophie is the one who asked me out!

Ye-Jin: She was drunk!

Jordan: No she wasn't!

I roll my eyes and he proceeded to drive.

** At school**

I walk to my locker and get ready for my class.

Someone hugs me from the back and I immediately recognize who it is.

Ye-Jin: Do you know how much hate I will get with this one hug.

Jason: I will make sure no hate comes your way.

Ye-Jin: Oh really? Just look around, all the girls look like they want to murder me.

Jason: Well it's not my fault I'm handsome.

Ye-Jin: Mhmm, sure.

I get all my books and we walk to our class.

Michelle: Come sit next to me Jason!

Ye-Jin: MY boyfriend, will sit next to me, his girlfriend.

Michelle ignores me and turns to Jason.

Michelle: Why are you still with…her! Just leave her... and come back to my arms.

She goes to him for a hug but Jason pushes her.

Jason: Don't embarrass yourself, Michelle, please never bother me or Ye-Jin!

**Time Skip**

**Jordan POV**

Mrs.Kim asks me to bring the notebooks to her office.

While I was back in class I pass the bathroom.

??: I targeted Ye-Jin's friend, thinking that she would forfeit herself. But in return, her brother came and beat all of us up. yeah yeah, I know the plan.

I heard Ye-Jin's name so I go into the bathroom to see what's up.

I come to find out it's Jackson talking to someone on the phone.

Jackson: Of course I don't like her... I just want my toy back. You did a good thing contacting her father, now she is alone.

I couldn't take it anymore.

I kick open the stall door he was in and grab his collar.

Jordan: What do mean Ye-Jin is all alone! She has me! She has Jason! She has everyone she needs! So stop trying to get her back just so you can use her! She is not a toy!

Jackson: Come on dude, we both know that she has such a hot bod. Why leave it to waste... I know you guys were a thing, don't you miss her.

Jordan: I agree that she is a beautiful woman but I never once thought to use her as a toy! It disgusts me how you treat women! Now get outta my sight before I tell the principal!

Jackson: Whatever! She wasn't that good anyway...maybe I will try Sophie next...she looks like a snack!

I wasn't planning to hit him but once I heard Sophie's name, I lost it.

I punched him so hard that his head landed in the toilet.

Jordan: Don't you dare go near my girlfriend or else I will make sure you will never see another human's face!

After I said that I walked back to class.

Once I enter the class and I see Sophie running up to me.

Sophie: Baby! Your Hand!?

I look down at my hand and I see that my hand is covered in blood.

Jordan: Oh no...

Sophie grabs her handkerchief and wraps it around my hand.

Jason comes up to me and examines my hand.

Jason: What happened? Did you get in a fight with our books?

Jordan: I got in a fight with Jackson...

Sophie: Huh? Why?

Jordan: He disrespected you and Ye-Jin…

Ye-Jin: What about me and Sophie?

I tell them what happen and I can see the rage in Jason's eyes.

Just then, Jackson walks in with his hair wet and a black eye.

Jason clenched his fist ready to punch him but just then something happened which surprised all of us.


Ye-jin walked up to him and slapped him right across the face.

Ye-Jin: Don't you feel ashamed of yourself? You crazy psycho!