Chapter 14

**Ye-Jin POV**

I was on my phone, scrolling through Instagram, when Jordan enters the classroom and Sophie being worried about him.

Jason: I'll go see what's going on...

Jason walks up and asks him what happen and I walk up right behind him.

I silently heard everything Jordan was telling us, and I was disgusted by Jaskson.

I saw Jackson walk in and I just lost it.


Ye-Jin: Don't you feel ashamed of yourself? Is this how you treat women?

Jackson just put his head down and didn't say anything.

Ye-Jin: I am very disappointed in you and disgusted in myself for having feelings for you. And if you come close to me or any of my friends... I will not let you go with just a slap!

Jungkook stands next to me and talks to Jackson.

Jason: Yo Jackass, trust me, you never want Ye-Jin on your bad side.

**Time skip**

**dance class**

Sylvie and I walk to the locker room after lunch to change into our dance outfits.

Sylvie: Omg Jordan did what!?

Ye-Jin: He punched Jackson!

Sophie: Wow, Jordan has never been so violent!

Ye-Jin: I know right! He must really love Sophie.

Sylvie: Wow, I'm still shocked!

Ye-Jin: the funny part was that Jackson landed in the toilet!

We laugh and walked into the room.

Jason: Why are you guys laughing?

Sylvie: Ye-Jin told me what happened during break time.

Jordan: He deserved it...

We all go to the corner of the room and do our stretches.

Joey: You know and dad are gone for an entire year, can't you come and stay with me?

I look up at jin with the Saddest eyes ever.

Ye-Jin: I already to you... the entire house had cameras everywhere. And dad is asking Jordan for updates on me every hour.

Joey: Ugh! I really hate him! Doesn't he know how much you mean to me?!?

I just shrug and proceed to sit on the floor.

Ye-Jin: I don't know bro, he changed.

Right when Joey was about to talk, Mr.Soo walks in.

Mr.Soo: Ok class... today we have a new student.

Everyone: Yay... Who is it?

Mr.Soo: Come in...

??: Hello

Joey and I look at the new student and looked at each other.

Joey & Ye-Jin: Jacky...

A little back story about Jacky, she was Joey's ex 4 years ago. And she was my best friend in elementary school. Long story short she cheated on Joey with another guy and broke our friendship and joined another friend group.

Jacky: Hey Joey...

Everyone looks at us and Jacky.

Sylvie turns to me and whispers.

Sylvie: Who is she?

Ye-Jin: Remember when I told you the girl broke Joey's heart...

She nods.

Ye-Jin: Well that's her...

Sylvie looked at her and at Joey.

I have never seen Joey so serious in his life.

Joey: What are you doing here?

Jacky: Aww babe... why do you say that? Aren't you happy to see me?

Jacky comes closer to Joey but he moves back.

Joey: I am not your babe and I am not happy to see you... I've forgotten about you a long time ago.

Jacky: Why are you saying that... I know you missed me.

She comes up to Joey and tries to kiss him.

Right then, Soyeon comes in-front of Jacky and slaps her.

Jacky: Who the heck do you think you are!

Sylvie: I believe I am Joey's girlfriend that didn't cheat on him...

Jason: Oh man holy shizz! You just got burned...

Sylvie: And if you excuse us... there is a class that is going on right now.

We all left Jacky to dumbfound and walked to Mr. Soo.

Mr.Soo: As you all know, the next few weeks are very crucial for us.

Jacky: Huh?... What is going on?

Mr.Soo: Oh... our competition team is going to the state-level competition.

Jacky: Oh cool... can I join?

Jason: No, sorry, the team is full.

Jacky looks at Jason up and down and smirks.

Jacky: Ooh who is this handsome man?

I couldn't handle her anymore.

I walk up to Jason and stand next to him.

Ye-Jin: My boyfriend...

Jacky: Yeah right, someone like you could never get a man like him... I mean look at him.

She comes closer to Jason.

Jacky: If you ever get bored with can always come to me... here is my number.

Jacky winks at him and Sylvie comes up to us and pushes Jacky away from Jason.

Jacky: Ok I get you are Joey's girlfriend, but why are you interfering with every boy I flirt with?

Sylvie: The boy you are flirting with is my brother. And look here, girl... I am sick and tired of you using my family. So stay away from my brother and my boyfriend and mind your own business.

Jacky: You are really getting on my nerves...

Sylvie: Oh don't worry honey... the feeling is mutual.

*time skip*

Its the next day and while I was getting out of bed I felt this sharp pain in my stomach.

Ye-Jin: Ahh, what the heck?

I looked down and understood what's going on.

I rush to the bathroom and yell for Jordan.

Ye-Jin: Jordan!...Jordan!

I kept on yelling for him but he didn't answer

I call him but he didn't answer either.

Ye-Jin: Ugh, who sleeps this deep?!

I dial Jason's number and call him.

Jason: Hello..?

Ye-Jin: Jason... I need your help!

Jason: What is it, babe? What's wrong?

Ye-Jin: I need you to go to the store and get me pads. Hurry!

Jason: Huh? What are those?

Ye-Jin: You know the things girls use at that time of the month.

Jason: Nope... no clue...

Ye-Jin: I am on my period bimbo... and I need pads!

Jason: How am I supposed to-

**Jason POV**

I call up Joey because I have no idea what Ye-Jin wants me to bring.

Jason: Bro!

Joey: What is it?

Jason: What are the pads?

Joey: Yah! Why are you asking me? Ask Jinnie!

Jason: She wants me to bring them and I have no idea what they are...

I hear Joey chuckle through the phone.

Joey: Haha... Ok just meet me at the store and I will show you.

Jason: Ok hurry... she said it's an emergency!