Chapter 15

**At the store**

Joey and I were walking through the store trying to find the pads.

Jason: Ok so what are they?

Joey: I don't know, I came with you because I needed some stuff from the store and I didn't wanna go alone.

Jason: Are you serious! What am I going to do now?

Joey: Just ask that lady over there and I will get some groceries.

Jason: Ugh fine... Why did I believe that you are smart?

I go up to the lady and tap her shoulder.

Jason: Umm excuse me...

Lady: Yes? How can I help you?

Jason: C-can you please t-tell me where the p-pads are?

The lady chuckles...

Lady: Yeah sure... follow me.

We walk over to the aisle and she gives me a box.

Lady: Here you go...

Jason: Thank you so much! I owe you one!

I walk around the store like a lost dog to find Joey and finally, I see him looking at meat.

I creep up behind him.

Jason: Bro! All of them are the same, just pick one.

Joey: AHH you scared me! Anyways, did you get what you need?

Jason: Yeah... let's go now.

We finished paying and drove to Ye-Jin's house.

Joey: Did you get chocolate? It helps with her cramps.

Jason: No... she didn't ask for it.

Joey: Ahh you are clueless.

He grabs something from the back seat.

Joey: Here... free brownie points.

Jason: How do you know that chocolate helps with cramps but you don't know what pads are?

Joey: Your sister told me about the chocolate the other day.

Jason: Thank you dude... love ya!

I walk up to their house and ring the bell.

Jordan: Hello who is it?

Jason: Open the door... I got something for Ye-Jin.

He opens the door and I run the Ye-Jins room.

Jason: Babe I'm here!

I look around the room and I see a hand extend out of the bathroom.

Ye-Jin: Give it to me, I'll come out in a minute.

I give it to her and sit on her bed looking around.

While I was looking around I saw a familiar bracelet on her side table.

Jason: Huh? I've seen this bracelet before...

I look closer and it's a bracelet that we made when we were 3.

Ye-Jin: What are you looking at?

I turn around and show her the bracelet.

Jason: You still have this!

Ye-Jin: yeah, of course. It gives me good luck!

Jason: Haha... just saying... you were an ugly artist.

Ye-Jin: Yah! I bet mine is better than yours!

Jason: Well you are out of luck because I don't know where it is.

She rolls her eyes and sits next to me.

Jason: I have a surprise for you.

She turns and look at me with the widest smile I've ever seen on her face.

Ye-Jin: What is it?

I whip out the chocolate box Joey gave.

Ye-Jin: OMG how did you know?!?

Jason: It was an instinct. And I had some help.

She hugs me and we both fall down on the bed.

Jason: I know, I know I'm the best boyfriend ever. No need to tell me

Ye-Jin: Hey! Overconfidence guy... don't get ahead of yourself, I haven't complimented you yet.

Jason: You are not proud of me?

Ye-Jin: Of course I am! Thank you!

I leaned in for a kiss and right then Jordan walks into the room.

Jordan: Jinnie! Why did you call me 10 times?

We both turn our heads and we see a surprised Jordan.


Jason: Bro! Don't you know how to knock?

Jordan: Sorry... I thought you left.

Jason: But still! What if she was naked!

Jordan: It's not going to be the first time.

Jordan whispered it but Ye-Jin and I heard it.

Jason: YOU WHAT? I don't feel safe with you both living alone in this house now.

Ye-Jin: That was a year ago, babe. We both have someone else in our lives that we love very much and that's why my dad picked him as my caretaker.

Jordan: Yeah! Don't you trust me? I thought you were better than that Jason.

Jason: Ugh fine don't get all pouty.

Ye-Jin: Anyways...let's get ready for practice.

Jason: Yeah, if we are late, Chris will kill us!

**Time Skip**

**YJ POV**

Jason, Jordan, and I arrive at the dance room.

Chris: Wow, you guys are on time for practice today!

Jason: We came early just for you.

Chris: Aww I feel so honored.

We practiced for about two hours and we took a small break.

Jordan: I hope we win states!

Ye-Jin: We will! I am very confident!

Chris: Yes we will! So we don't need to overstrain ourselves. Especially you!

Chris pointed at me and I got shocked.

Ye-Jin: Me?

Chris: Yes you... You have a solo part and you are the only one who knows Latin pop, no one can replace you this time. So don't do anything stupid and do not overwork yourself.

Ye-Jin: Yeah yeah, got it...

Just then a young girl walks in.

??: Hey, is this the dance team?

Chris: Yes, how can I help you?

??: Hi I am Jeon Stella... I'm the new Latin pop dancer, I was told that I am part of the solo part of the routine.

Ye-Jin: Huh? That can't be... I was supposed to have a solo part. Just me.

Stella: Sorry to break it to you hun, It turns out you are not. Maybe you are not as good as they expected...

At this point I am burning with rage and the only person to calm me down is Jason but he is not here. He went out with Thomas to get snacks for us.

I called up Mr.Soo to figure out what's going on.

Mr.Soo: Hello?... What is Mrs.Kim?

Ye-Jin: Umm... Hi, Mr.Soo I am calling you because it seems that we have a new member?

Mr.Soo: Oh yeah...I forgot to inform you guys about her. She is new to the school and she specializes in Latin Kpop. So please be nice to her.

Ye-Jin: But I thought I would have a solo part in our dance routine.

Mr.Soo: You are... she is going to take your place if you are hurt and can't dance. We can't afford to lose a single member this time.

Ye-Jin: Oh ok I get it... And I promise that I will take every precaution to be safe.

I end the call and turn to Stella.

Ye-Jin: Turns out you are just a replacement for the team if someone is not able to dance at the competition.

Stella: What! Th-that's not possible! I cannot simply be a dumb understudy!

Ye-Jin: Yeah, I think you can call it that... anyways if you can excuse us... we have to practice.

Isabelle gives her a piece of paper and a pencil

Chris: Oh yeah take notes because we don't have time to teach you the entire routine.

Thomas and Jason with their hands full of bags

Thomas: Snacks have arrived!

Jason drops the bags that were in his hand.

Jason: Stella...