Chapter 16

Stella: Jason?!

Jason: Stella!?

Stella runs to Jason and he gives her a big hug.

Stella: I missed you so much!

Jason: I missed you too! When did you come back?

Stella: I came back a week ago! I didn't know you attended this school!

Ye-Jin: Uhh Jason... who is she?

Jason turns to me with the biggest smile and honestly, it makes me kinda jealous that he is happy to see another girl. But I try to not look that mad because I don't wanna act like this bothers me.

Jason: Oh Jinnie! This is my best friend from the states!... and Stella, this is my girlfriend Ye-Jin.

Austin: Oh this is Stella?

Austin looks at Stella.

Austin: I've heard a lot about you...

Jason introduces everyone else.

They were talking and talking and talking.

And slowly and slowly, they forgot about practice...and me.

Jordan: Hey, do you guys wanna go out to get ice cream?

All, except Ye-Jin: yes!

Jordan: What about you Jinnie?

Ye-Jin: Umm... I think I am going to stay here and practice my solo part, I don't wanna make any mistakes during the competition.

Jason: Come on Jinnie... a small break wouldn't hurt, plus we have 2 weeks before the competition.

Stella: It's ok Jason, we should respect her dedication... you should practice Ye-Jin. We will be back in an hour.

Jason: No, Ye-Jin you've been practicing 24/7, you really need a break.

He comes up to me and picks me up off the ground.

Jason: And you know, I don't take no for an answer.

Ye-Jin: Fine…

We both smile at each other and walk out of the room.

Yasmine: They are in love~

Thomas: Yes they are.

Jason carried me all the way to the ice cream shop. I was very happy, I thought he would just leave me or ignore me like all the rom-com stories I've read. But Jason is not like all the others, he is genuine and truly loves me.

We arrive at the ice cream shop and we all get our ice creams.

Ye-Jin: Uh Jason... you can put me down now. I want to eat.

Jason: Oh yeah... sorry babe. You are so light, I completely forgot. Is Jordan feeding you correctly?

Jordan: Yes I am...

Ye-Jin: Technically, I am feeding him. All he knows is how to cook rice.

Sophie: Oh no did you taste his kimchi fried rice? I was sick for days.

Ye-Jin: Oh don't remind me of that nightmare.

Jordan: You guys do know I am right next to you guys right?

Sophie: Yes babe we are very well aware.

Stella: Wait... so Jordan and Ye-Jin live together?

Jordan: Yeah...

Stella: Are you guys siblings?

Jason: Oh no... her brother is Seokjin. Jordan is our best friend.

Stella: Oh... isn't it bothering Jason?... Your best friend and your girlfriend living in the same house?

Jason: No not really. I trust both of them.

Sophie: We trust them with our lives.

Stella: And who are you?

Jordan: My girlfriend whom I very much love.

Ye-Jin: And my best friend.

I got closer to her...

Ye-Jin: And if you get near her or any of my friends... I will end you.

Stella ran to Jason and hugged him.

Stella: Jason, she is scaring me.

JK: That's who Ye-Jin is... she will give up her life to save her friends.

Stella: Oh I see... love your dedication girl.

Ye-Jin: Umm... I think you can let go of Jason now.

Stella: Oh... yeah... sorry.

**time skip to a few days**

Ye-Jin: Jordan hurry up! We are going to be late!

Jordan: I'm coming!

Ye-Jin: I don't think Mrs.Kim is gonna like us being late!

Jordan: Gimme a minute!

He was running down the stairs, he tripped and rolled down the stairs.

Ye-Jin: Are you ok?!

Jordan: Yeah I think so.

He jumps up as if nothing happened and walks to the car.

Jordan: Don't tell anyone what happened.

Ye-Jin: Mhmm... sure I won't.

Ye-Jin: You took longer to get ready than me! What are you doing up there!

Jordan: I couldn't find my phone. Anyway, let's get going!

We get to school and unfortunately, we are late.

Mrs.Kim: Oh look who decided to finally show up.

Ye-Jin: Good Morning Mrs.Kim.

Jordan: How was your weekend?

Mrs.Kim: It was good until you both showed up late for my class.

Ye-Jin: Yes ma'am...

I walk to my seat but I see someone has occupied my seat and its non other than Jeon Stella.

Mrs.Kim: Why aren't you seated in your seat, Mrs.Ye-Jin?

Ye-Jin: Sorry ma'am.

I walk over and sit next to Chris.

Chris: What's wrong? Why the long face?

Ye-Jin: I don't know Chris, I have a bad feeling about Stella.

Chris: I mean, she did try to steal your solo spot, just wait for a few weeks and see if she changes.

Ye-Jin: Yeah I guess so...

Mrs.Kim: Kim Ye-Jin, can you please answer this question?

Ye-Jin: Huh?

Mrs.Kim: What is the quadratic formula.

Ye-Jin: Umm... umm it is...

Mrs.Kim: This is why you should pay attention to the lecture.

I could hear Stella snickering behind me so I walk up and take the marker from Mrs.Kim's hand and write the formula on the board.

Ye-Jin: Mrs.Kim I was just asking Chris for his notes. I was paying attention to the lecture.

Everyone in the room including Mrs.Kim and Stella was dumbfounded.

Jason: Yes that's my girl!

I return the marker back to Mrs.Kim and walk back to my seat.

Chris: How did you know that.

Ye-Jin: I was bored at home yesterday so I read ahead.


Mrs.Kim: Ok class that is it for today make sure to finish your homework and I will see you guys tomorrow...Ye-Jin can you bring the books up to my office?

Ye-Jin: Yes ma'am...

Stella: Why does she call Mrs.Kim ma'am?

Thomas: Ye-Jin and Joey are very close to Mrs.Kim. She was their caretaker when they were little.

Stella: Oh really? Interesting...


Ye-Jin: Finally...

Jason: Is my baby hungry?... Come on, let's go get you some food.

We were about to leave when James runs inside the classroom.

Ye-Jin: Hey James what's up?

James: It's... Sylvie. She got into a fight with Jacky.

Ye-Jin: What!?…