Chapter 18

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

I rubbed my eyes and look at the phone again hoping that what I saw was wrong.

But it wasn't...

My heart broke and my eyes started to water.

I felt very used, I can't stand to look at him so I left the restaurant.

**Jason POV**

I come back to the table and I see that Ye-Jin wasn't there.

I got worried so I ask the server if they have seen her.

Jason: Umm excuse you know where the lady sitting right here went?

Server: Yeah, she just left crying...I hope everything is ok.

I look around the table to see if she left a note or anything. But I didn't see anything but my phone.

When I turned my phone on I see the text that Stella sent.

Jason: Oh gosh!

I mentally slap myself and run out of the restaurant and try to find Ye-Jin but I couldn't find her anywhere.

And to add to my bad luck, it started to rain so I looked like a drenched loser trying to find my girlfriend to clear up all the misunderstanding.

Jason: Great... just great. Maybe she is at Joey's house.

I run all the way to Joey's house and bang on his door.

Joey: Jason what happened, why are you drenched?

Jason: I screwed up bro...I screwed up big time.

Joey: What are you talking about?...

Jason: It's Jinnie...

Joey grabbed me by the collar and pushed me against a wall.

Joey: What did you do to my sister!

Jason: Dude...let me go.

He pushed to be a bit harder and yelled at me.

Joey: What did you do!...

Sylvie ran into the living room and separated Joey and me.

Sylvie: What is wrong with you guys. What happened?

Joey: He did something to Jinnie!...

Jason: I didn't do anything! She misunderstood me.

Sylvie: Tell us what happened...

Jason: Well as you know tomorrow our family and Stella's family are having a movie night, so she texted me saying that she can't wait for tomorrow.

Joey: Ok so what is the problem with that?

Jason: She texted baby at the end and she sounded like we were together and that I was cheating on Jinnie.

Sylvie: Oh no. Do you know how long she waited for you?

Joey: Do you know the main reason why she turned into a playgirl?

Jason: Yeah, because she wanted to make me jealous.

Joey: No, it is because she thought she would never have a chance with you. And you have no idea how happy she was when you asked her out. I've never seen her so happy in my entire life.

Jason: What am I going to do? How am I gonna fix this? I screwed up.

Sylvie: You didn't screw up, it was a misunderstanding. Just go to her house and talk to her. She will understand the situation.

Jason: Are you sure? Ok, I will go right now!

Sylvie: Oh and don't forget chocolates and white roses...those are her favorites.

I nod and head out of the house.

**Time Skip**

I parked my car in front of Ye-Jin's house and grabbed the box of chocolates and roses.

Jason: ok get it together Jason... you didn't do anything wrong.

I motivate myself and get out of the car.

Jason: Come on dude you got this! Go up there and talk to her. That's it.

I haven't felt this nervous even when I was asking her out.

I ring the doorbell and wait for a response.

??: Hello may I help you?...

Was that Mr.Kim? Shit, I better not screw it up.

Jason: H-hi Mr.Kim h-how are you?

Mr.Kim: I'm fine, why are you here for? And why do you have flowers and chocolates?

Jason: Oh t-these? M-my dad told me to gift them to you?

Mr.Kim: Oh really, how nice? Come on in...Mrs. Kim and Ye-Jin love white roses. And are these Belgium chocolates? Jinnie loves them.

Jason: Oh really? Then my dad got the right things as gifts!

Mr.Kim wraps his arm around my shoulder and walks me to the living room.

Mr.Kim: So what are you planning to do after high school?

Jason: I honestly don't dad wants me to take over the family's company but I just don't know what I want to do yet. But I have 3 more years to think about it, so I am going to take my time and make a decision.

Mr.Kim: Oh I see...Well, why don't you want to take up Jeon's hospital?

Jason: I don't know whether or not I want to be a doctor or not. I mean it sounds amazing to help people but I just don't know whether or not it's my thing.

Mr.Kim: It is an amazing experience to be a doctor, the adrenaline rush in the OR room is amazing. But still...think about it and pick the right path.

Jason: I will Mr.Kim...

Mr.Kim: Anyways I heard you and Jinnie are in the same dance team.

Jason: Yes Mr.Kim, we have a show in a guys should come.

He smiles at me...

Mr.Kim: We will be there...

Jason: Great...Well, I better get going now...

Mr.Kim: Wait, have dinner, it is the first time you came over to our house in a long time...I will go call Jinnie and Jordan down.

Jason: Umm ok...

Mr.Kim calls Ye-Jin and Jordan down and I walk to the dining room.

Mrs.Kim: Oh hi Jason...How are you?

Jason: I am fine Mrs.Kim, how are you doing?

Mrs.Kim: Oh you know, jumping from hospital to hospital.

Jason: ooh must be stressful...

Mrs.Kim: You have no idea...come sit down, I finished making dinner.

Jason: Well I hope you get some free time soon...Here let me help.

I help Mrs.Kim bring the food to the table where everyone is seated

Jordan: Jason? What are you doing here?

Jason: My dad... um, he told me to send some flowers and chocolate.

I was looking at Ye-Jin the entire time, but she was not looking at me.

She was just looking at her empty plate.

Jordan: Oh ok...

I knew something was off because Jordan and Ye-Jin were barely looking at me or anyone. But her eyes were not puffy which was not surprising because she doesn't really show that much emotion other than rage or stubbornness.

Mr.Kim: Ok everyone! Let's eat!

We all started to eat.

Mr.Kim: So Jason, how are you doing at school.

Jason: Oh I am doing well, I usually have a lot of free time after school and after practice so I study a lot because I am not really into video games or sports. I mean I do make music from time to time but that's it.

Mrs.Kim: So all you do is study? Nothing else?

Jason: Well when I take breaks from studying, I work out for an hour so my brain doesn't get fried.

Mr.Kim: Wow healthy and smart...that's nice.

Mrs.Kim: You are awfully quiet Jinnie, what's the matter?

Ye-Jin: Oh umm...nothing... I've just been having a bad day and I just want to finish my dinner and go up to my room, please.

Mr.Kim: Kim Ye-Jin! Respect, please.

Ye-Jin: Sorry...

**time skip**

**Ye-Jin POV**

I got home from the restaurant and I saw my parents sitting in the living room. Thank goodness I was drenched in rain, they were not able to recognize my tears.

Dad: Why are you dress so fancy, Jordan told us that you went to dance practice.

Ye-Jin: We got the costumes for the state competitions so I was trying them out, I accidentally forgot to take the dress out.

I go upstairs and clean myself up.

Just then my dad calls me to come down to eat dinner.

We finish dinner and Jason leaves

**In my room**

I was just standing in my room staring into the mirror.

Jordan: what are you doing...

Ye-Jin: Huh? Oh nothing, I am just thinking...of something.

He walks into the room and sits on my bed.

Jordan: What's wrong? You ok?

I started crying.

Jordan: Hey Hey Hey what happened?

I told him the entire story.

Jordan: Everything will be ok. Everything will be fine.

Ye-Jin: I don't know what to do? I am shattered.

Jordan: Hey don't worry, everything will be ok.

Jordan hugs me and I cry while I clutch onto his shirt.

Jordan: Shh shh...shh.

I calmed down and looked up at him.

He caresses my hair and smiles at me.

Ye-Jin: Everything will be ok?

Jordan: Everything will be ok...

After he said that, we just stayed there for a couple of minutes.

I snap out of it and break apart from his hold.

Ye-Jin: Umm...I'm tired and we have practice tomorrow.

Jordan: O-oh ok, I'll get going then, umm...g-good night.

He runs out of the room...

I sat down on my bed holding my head.

I stayed there for a few minutes and rushed to get my phone.

I called Sylvie...

Sylvie: What's up bb?

Ye-Jin: Something bad happened... something really bad.

Sylvie: What happened? What did you do?

Ye-Jin: I didn't do anything...I think it was Jordan... I think he wanted to kiss me.

Sylvie: He what? How did that happen?

Ye-Jin: Well I was crying over Jason and he came and calmed me down. And then we just sat on the bed in each other's arms for a few seconds looking at each other.

Sylvie: What ?! Jason didn't show up with flowers and chocolate?

Ye-Jin: He did, for my dad! He didn't even look at me!

Sylvie: No...he got those for you, bb...I think he made it up because he didn't want you to get in trouble.

Ye-Jin: Vie he cheated on me. The least he could do was try to make small talk with me or glance at me, the entire time he was talking to my mom and dad. He didn't even talk to Jordan... why did he show up if he-

Sylvie: *Sigh* He didn't cheat on you...

Ye-Jin: But I-I saw his phone an-

Sylvie: It was a misunderstanding, we are having family night tomorrow with her family.

Ye-Jin: But she called him baby...

Sylvie: the bond between Jason and Stella is very strong, they both have known each other for as long as Jordan and you have know eachother. They don't feel anything for each other but friendship. He came to your house for you...he got your favorite flowers and your favorite chocolates for you. He showed up at your brother's house and got beaten up by him because he thought he didn't deserve your love because he broke your heart. He ran all the way to Joey's house in the rain because he thought you were wandering on the road and he didn't want you to hurt yourself.

Ye-Jin: Oh my god. I have to go see him. I-I have to tell him how sorry I am for misjudging him.

Sylvie: Go... he is probably at his apartment. Wait but what about your parents?

Ye-Jin: I can just tell them that you are having a panic attack and my best friend needs me.

Sylvie: Wow your using me for Jason...

Ye-Jin: I've already told you, I will choose Jason over anything but my parents. I've waited for 4 years for him to ask me out, and I don't want to lose that.

Sylvie: I understand, now hang-up and get your guy.

Ye-Jin: K bye...

Sylvie: Bye...

I hang up the phone and run downstairs.

Dad: Hey Jinnie, what are you doing up so late? You should get up early so you can study for your final exams.

Ye-Jin: Sylvie is having a mental break down and a panic attack, can I go?

Dad: Yeah go...go, take care of your friend.

Ye-Jin: Really? Thank you, I will be back tomorrow morning.

I ran out of the house and get into my car, and drive to Jason's apartment.

I run-up to his apartment and knock on his I bang on his door.

Ye-Jin: Come on, open up...

Just then I remember that Jason leaves a spare key under the mat just in case.

I find the key and unlock the door.

I run in and I see him on the couch sleeping with half his body hanging off of the couch and drool all over his face.

Ye-Jin: You got to be kidding me...You GOT to be KIDDING me!

Jungkook got startled and fell off the couch.

Jason: Jinnie? Omg Jinnie what are you doing here?

Ye-Jin: You got to be kidding me! You show up at my house, don't even talk to me and then you come home and sleep like a sloth!

Jason: Your dad was there, what was I supposed to do? I can't just look at you with lovey-dovey eyes while stuffing my mouth with food in front of my girlfriend's father.

Ye-Jin: Yes, but at that moment you were my cheating boyfriend but that doesn't give you the right to go to bed! How could you sleep!

Jason: I didn't cheat on you...

Ye-Jin: I know, I just talked to Sylvie and she told me what happened.

I walked over to him and he wraps his arms around my waist

Jason: I am sorry...

Ye-Jin: It's ok, I understand. But I hope you don't cheat on me for real.

Jason: I would never, you are the love of my life and I can't lose you.

I smile and I hug him...

Ye-Jin: That's all I want to hear.

I Break my hug and look at his face.

Ye-Jin: Your check is bleeding...what happened?

Jason: I tried to get out of the car after dinner and fell…

Ye-Jin: You are so clumsy... come on, let's get you cleaned up.

I drag him to the living room and find the first aid kit.

Jason: Underneath the sink in the kitchen...

I get the first aid and sit in front of him and start treating the cut.

Jason: I've never seen you so angry before.

Ye-Jin: It's all your fault...

Jason: What did I do?

Ye-Jin: I thought you came for my dad instead of me...

Jason: I did come for you, I came to your house and then I see your dad. I thought I was going to get killed.

I start laughing and accidentally pressed the medicine too hard on the wound.

Jason: Ow ow ouch!...

Ye-Jin: Sorry...sorry.

I finish dressing the wound and put a band-aid on.

I sit next to him and he turns to me.

Jason: Do you want to come to the movie night tomorrow? My parents would love to see you again.

Ye-Jin: I don't know...

Jason: Why not?

YJ: Because it's family night...and I'm not family.

Jason: Who said you are not, you are my sisters best friend, and the love of my life. I think that qualify's as family.

Ye-Jin: Ok...I'll be there...

I smile and He kisses me on the cheek and we cuddle until we fall asleep.