Chapte 19

**The Next Day**

I wake up to my phone ringing.

Ye-Jin: Hello?

Thomas: Hey good morning... Chris is going to kill you if you and your muscle pig are not in the dance room in 10 minutes.

Ye-Jin: What time is it?

Thomas: Six o'clock...

Ye-Jin: Ugh I hate that we have practice so early in the morning. We will be there in ten.

Thomas: Thank you and next time try to use something called an alarm clock...they are very handy, you know?

Ye-Jin: Yeah Yeah Yeah whatever, I am hanging up now.

Thomas: Okay, bye...

I hang up and wake Jason up.

Ye-Jin: Yah Get Up! Or Chris will kill us!

Jason: UGH...who made him the captain.

Ye-Jin: We all did, now get up and get ready before I whoop you.

Jason: Ok honey, I'm up.

We get ready and drive to school.

Ye-Jin: Hey guys we are here!

Chris: If you guys are late one more practice... I will kill you guys.

Ye-Jin: Who will dance the solo then? I am the only one who knows Latin pop.

Chris: Stella...

Ye-Jin: Oh no you wouldn't!

Chris: I know... but don't test me. Anyways, let's start practice.

Ye-Jin: Hey Stella, can you turn on the music? And make sure you are taking notes.

Stella: Ok, got it.

She turns on the music and we get in our places.

Chris: Ok, Guys, Ready...go! Turn, jump, hit, push. No no no no no.

Chris waves his hands at us and turns the music off.

Jordan: What happened?

Chris: You guys are doing it all wrong!

Jordan: We are trying our best here, but the choreo is just too hard.

Chris: Okay, then we can simplify it. But we just got to try to keep it fast so the judges can see our capability.

Thomas: Well, the problem is that Jason and I keep on bumping into each other before Jordan's flip which is blocking the way for Jordan to get enough space to flip.

Sophie: Ok then how about we space out a bit and we can do the routine step by step.

Ye-Jin: Stella... music queue!

Stella turns the music on and we all go to our places.

We do the routine until it's the part where Jordan needs to flip

Chris: Ok stop, umm let's see...Jordan comes forward and Jason move to the left...and Thomas, what about you go behind Yasmine.

Yasmine: But then Sophie and I will bump into each other.

Chris: Then move behind Ye-Jin...

Jordan: But then I don't have space to flip again!

Chris: Um then what if Thomas move to the left and Sophie moves forward and Ye-Jin moves to the right?

Jordan: Perfect...

**Time Skip**

We practice a few times with the new formations and we all fall on the floor exhausted.

Chris: Good job guys, the dance routine is almost perfect.

Yasmine: Let's go get some ice cream to celebrate!

Thomas: Yes!

Chris: Ok guys let's go!

Ye-Jin: Umm guys... I'll stay back. I need to practice my solo.

Sophie: Ye-Jin you need to stop pushing yourself, we are just going for an ice cream break. Come on...

Ye-Jin: I am not pushing myself, I haven't practiced at all this week.

Stella: I will stay back and take notes too.

Jason: Okay, we get ice cream for both of you guys.

They all leave and now it's just Stella and me.

Ye-Jin: Ok shall we start?

Stella: Yeah, umm can I try it with you?

I smile and nod my head.

I start the music and I start to dance and through the mirror, I could also see her dance. I was amazed because we were in sync.

Ye-Jin: Omg! That was amazing! You are amazing!

Stella: Haha thanks, but all credit goes to you.

We practice a few more times and then sit on the floor next to the speaker.

Stella: Hey what is your favorite snack?

Ye-Jin: Umm...I don't know, I like everything, But if I have to pick something, I like any type of chocolate. Why are you asking?

Stella: Jason told me this morning that you are also joining us for movie night, and my mom is making go get snacks.

Ye-Jin: Oh I see... anyways I have something to say... I'm sorry...

Stella: Huh? Why are you sorry?

Ye-Jin: I thought you were one of the girls who were trying to take Jason away from me. So to be honest I kind of wanted to hate you.

Stella: Oh no I would never like Jason like that...he is like a brother to me. Anyways, I like someone else.

YJ: Oh really?... who is I know this someone?

Stella:'s Austin...

Ye-Jin: Omg that's so cuteee... don't worry, I will help you. he is difficult to handle but don't worry, I know how to handle him.

Stella: Thank you so much!

Ye-Jin: No problem.

I smile and we talk a little more.

Thomas kicks the door open with two ice cream cones in his hand.

Thomas: We back bisses!

Ye-Jin: The only biss here is you.

Thomas: If you call me a biss! Put baddest in front of it... my way, my way, or the highway!

Thomas was yelling at the top of his lungs while strutting all over the practice room.

Jordan: This guy is spending too much time on his phone.

Ye-Jin: Mmmm, omg I love ice cream so much!

Stella: Yeah, this flavor is amazing!

We finish our ice cream and we change so we can go to our classes.

We all go to our locker rooms to change.

Ye-Jin: I am so sweaty... time for some perfume~

I start spraying my perfume all over my body and Sophie started coughing.

Sophie: Are you spraying some perfume or taking a bath in it?

Ye-Jin: Oh hehe sorry...

Sophie: Anyways, when is Jordan coming home? Just asking because it has been so long since we had some free ourselves.

I chuckle and look at her.

Ye-Jin: My parents are back so don't worry, he'll leave soon.

Sophie: Yay, ok let's go to class before Mrs.Kim kills us.

We walk to class and luckily the teacher wasn't there.

I go and sit next to Jason and put my head on his shoulder.

Jason: What happened babe?

Ye-Jin: I am so exhausted.

Jason: I told you to not overwork yourself.

Ye-Jin: I know... Hey, I have this crazy idea.

Jason: What is it?

Ye-Jin: What if instead of me just doing the solo, what if Stella and I do a duet instead? She knows all the moves and we practiced a few times in the morning and she performed perfectly.

Jason: Really, you sure? You have been waiting for the solo opportunity and plus the competition is in two weeks. I don't think we have enough time.

Ye-Jin: How about we test her after school and if she can dance the routine without stuttering and messing up we can change the formations and put her in.

Jason: Okay deal...but you have to talk to Chris.

Chris: No need, I heard you guys...I think it is a good idea but if she makes one single mistake, she is not dancing with us maybe for the international competition but not state.

Ye-Jin: Ok deal.

Chris: I'll message everyone.

Just then Mrs.Kim walks in.

Mrs.Kim: Wow for the first time, everyone is here on time. Ok let's start with the lesson

We were learning about boring parabolas and graphing, and my eyes kept on closing.

Just then Joey runs into the class.

Mrs.Kim: What is it, Jo?

Mrs.Kim is the only one who calls Joey Jo because she knew him since he was a baby.

Joey comes up to Mrs.Kim and whispers something in her ear very panicky, which worried me because he was shaking.

She nods and calls Jason and me up.

I look at Jason and then we walk to Mrs.Kim.

Then she whispers something in our ear which almost broke me.

Mrs.Kim: Sylvie is in the hospital, she got into a car accident.

Jason: WHAT!

He ran out of the classroom. Joey and I ran after him into the car and he speeded to the hospital.

And guess what, It is my family's hospital. I hope my parents don't see us.

Jason: Where is she?!

Ye-Jin: Jason calm down!

Jason: I need to see my sister, don't tell me to calm down!

I have never seen Jason this angry and worried. We ran to where the nurse, who told us that she was in the ICU getting operated on.

Ye-Jin: How did the accident happen?

Joey: She had a free period so she slept in and when she was driving to school a car crashed into her.

Ye-Jin: Oh no! Who brought her to the hospital?

??: I did.

A boy our age sitting in a chair gets up and walks close to us.

Ye-Jin: And you are?

Jason: He is our neighbor.

??: Hi, my name is Kang Ethan

He raises his hand offering me a handshake

Ye-Jin: Oh hi, thanks for saving her.

I shake his hand but he didn't let go... it was so awkward I didn't know what to do so I looked at Jason.

Jason: Umm...I think you can let go of her hand now.

Ethan: Oh sorry...

Just then the doctor came out of the ICU.

Joey: How is she doctor?

Doctor: She is fine, she just had a few minor injuries but she fractured her leg.

Jason: Oh thank god.

Ye-Jin: Can we go see her?

Doctor: Yeah she is in room ### and she can get discharged after she gets her cast put on.

Joey: Ok thank you...

We all walk into her room and see her laying in a hospital bed.

Sylvie: Why the hell are you guys here? Go back to school!

Ye-Jin: Why would we not be here?

Sylvie: You should leave, your parents might see.

Ye-Jin: Yeah I will leave with you, don't worry about my parents.

Just then the nurse walks in.

Nurse: Oh hello Mr. and Mrs.Kim. what brings you here?

Ye-Jin: We came to see our friend.

Nurse: Well your father is coming down here to check at Mrs.Jeon's leg here.

Joey and I look at each other and find places to hide.

Jason: Hide in the bathroom!

Joey: Good Idea, let's go.

We both rushed inside the bathroom and wow, this bathroom is huge!

Ye-Jin: I am small so I will hide under the sink and you can hide in the bathtub.

I hide under the table and just then we hear someone enter the room.

Joey runs into the bathtub and closes the curtains and sits down.

Mr.Kim: Hello Sylvie, what happened?

Omg perfect timing, if we waited for a few minutes, Joey and I would've been caught.

**Time Skip**

It's been 30 minutes and my neck is starting to hurt and my back was aching.

Just then the bathroom door opens...

Jason: Hey...

He opens the cupboard door and crouches down to my level.

Ye-Jin: Omg you gave me a heart attack... help me up.

He grabs my hands and pulls me out.

I stretch my back and my neck.

Ye-Jin: I never want to go under there ever again.

Jason: It's ok babe, your dad is gone.

Ye-Jin: Joey, dad is gone come out.

We don't hear anything from him so I walk to the bathtub where he was hiding and I find him sleeping.

Ye-Jin: What the heck...look at him, he is peacefully sleeping like an idiot.

Jason: Here, lemme help with this little problem.

He turns on the shower and immediately wakes Joey up.

Joey: What the heck was that I am all wet!

Jason and I were just laughing while helping him up.

We walk out of the bathroom and Sylvie bursts out laughing.

Sylvie: What happened?

Joey walks towards her and gives her a kiss.

Joey: Your brother gave me a shower.

Sylvie ruffles his hair.

Sylvie: Aww did the big baby get wet?

Jason: Your big baby was sleeping in the bathtub when my babe was cramped in a small tiny closet.

Joey: She was the one who picked to hide there.

Just then someone walked in thru the doors, shocking all of us.

Joey: Why are you here?