Chapter 20

I got shocked when I see this person walk up to us.

??: What? Can I not see my future wife?

Ye-Jin: Who are you? And why are you calling Sylvie your Wife? Why did I not know about this? And why did Joey know about this?

Sylvie: He is…- I was about to tell you today but I got into the accident. Well, he is Lee Ji hoon, he is the son of **** entertainment.

Sylvie hooks onto Joey's shirt.

Joey: He showed up at the loft yesterday and caused a scene.

Ye-Jin: Oh really? But Sylvie is only in high school.

Sylvie: Hence, future wife.

I turn to him with an attitude and walk towards him.

Ye-Jin: Do you really think you have a chance with Sylvie? Do you know who you are competing with?

Ji Hoon: Well you see, I don't need the looks to impress a girl. You know why? I got the money any girl wants.

I started laughing.

Ye-Jin: HA who do you think my best friend is? Do you think she is some type of skanky little gold digger?

Ji Hoon: Well aren't all girls like that? All they want is a guy with a bunch of money so they can buy fancy stuff.

Ye-Jin: Well sorry to break it to you hun, not all girls are like that, some girls want a guy who can care about them and show them some love. And I don't know who can show her that kind of care and love other than my brother.

Ji hoon: I bet I am ten times better than your brother.

Ye-Jin: Oh really? Well then in your opinion, what is the first thing you see in a lady.

Ji Hoon: I mean I look at the looks because I need they need to look good cause I don't want to look bad in public. And I would say that you are my standard... I wouldn't mind if you wanted to get coffee sometime.

Jason: Ok hold up, I would mind if you got coffee with her.

Ji Hoon: Who cares about you. You are just Sylvie's annoying brother, that's it, you have nothing to do with this hot and sexy girl.

Jason: Well I am that hot and sexy girl's boyfriend, so yes I do mind if you get coffee with my girlfriend. Oh, and her name is Kim Ye-Jin, not hot and sexy.

Ji Hoon: Aw hot and sexy is taken...oh well, I tried. Anyways if you ever get bored of him, here's my number.

Ji Hoon throws his business card at me and Sylvie rips it

Sylvie: I already told you, I am NOT marrying you... not now...not in the future. So I would very much appreciate it if you leave before my boyfriend and brother throw you out. And stop flirting with my best friend.

Ji Hoon: Ok honey!

Joey: HONEY! No, she is not your honey...She is my honey. And I would like you to leave now.

Ji Hoon winks leaves and we all sigh in relief.

Jason: Wow he is a very bad person. How did dad convince you to marry him?

Sylvie: He didn't, dad told me to meet him, not marry him. But now I clearly don't want to marry him.

Joey: Oh I hope you don't.

Sylvie: Why would I? He is an ass.

Ye-Jin: I second that.

Nurse: Umm, your cast is all done so you are discharged and can leave whenever you want. Do you need and crutches or a wheelchair to assist you?

Sylvie: Umm crutches, please. I already have a personal wheelchair.

Joey: Yep, personal wheelchair.

He picks Sylvie up bridal style and walks out of the hospital room.

Ye-Jin: Anyways, thanks for treating Sylvie. We have to go now, bye.

Nurse: Bye, study hard.

Jason and I smile and her and nod our heads.

We successfully left the hospital without getting caught.

We walk to the car but Joey and Sylvie are nowhere to be found.

Jason: Where could they be?

Ye-Jin: Let's just wait inside the car.

Jason and I got into the car.

20 minutes later Joey and Sylvie walk up to the car.

Ye-Jin: Oh look, they are here!

Joey: Hey guys! Missed us?

Ye-Jin: Why did it take you guys so long.

Joey: We bumped into mom, she was on the verge of crying so I had to calm her down before dad finds out.

Ye-Jin: Details now...

**Joey's POV**

**20 Minutes Ago**

Sylvie: Will you carry me like this all the time I get hurt.

Joey: I don't want my princess to strain herself and feel worse. And crutches will hurt you.

Sylvie: Aww I love you so much.

Joey: I love you too now let's go to school and put some knowledge in that beautiful brain of yours.

Mom: Joey? Is that you?

Joey: Mom?

I gently put Sylvie down and walk over to mom.

She hugs me really tight on the verge of tears.

Mom: Why haven't you visited or called me?

Joey: Sorry Ma, I've been busy and didn't think you wanted me to call you because I left the house.

Mom: You are my baby boy, I will never be mad at you, and plus you didn't do anything wrong. I fully support you.

Joey: Thank you Ma, but I'm sorry I can't stay to talk for long, I have to go to school and I don't want to see dad.

Mom: I understand, where are you staying, maybe I can come to visit.

Joey: I live at the loft with Sylvie.

Mom: Oh I see, are you dating Jeon's daughter?

Joey: Yes ma, we have been dating for a few months now.

Mom: Omg I am so happy for you both! Now I will definitely Come over to the loft.

Joey: I can't wait then, but we have to go to school now.

Mrs.Kim: Ok go. Have hard!

Joey: I love you ma...see you later.

Sylvie: Bye Mrs. Kim, It was nice to see you again.

Mom: Please, call me mom.


Mom smiles at both of us leaving.

Unexpectedly dad walks towards her and stands next to mom.

Dad: They seem to be happy.

Mom gets startled because she didn't know that dad saw everything.

Mom: Yah, you scared me! yeah, I am happy that he is finally happy.

Dad: Yeah, I feel content seeing him happy.

Mom: Why did you kick him out, if you are that happy for him?

Dad: I wanted to see if he would fight for his dreams or follow my footsteps and inherit all my money as I did for my father. Did I ever tell you this?

Mom: What is that?

Dad: I wanted to be an idol when I was his age but I never had the courage to stand up to my father. And to be honest, I was a bit angry when he wanted to go against my words. But then when I went to apologize to him and ask him to come back, but then I saw Ye-Jin with him and I don't know why I got very angry.

Mom: You got angry because they are growing up and you are not there to help them step by step.

Dad: I don't want to leave them, I want them to be with me all the time and make sure they are going on the right path.

Mom: You can always put them on the right path but you and I both know that there are some things that we can't control.

Dad: Like dating or the path they want to take. I know, you told me this already.

Mom: Yes but I also wanted to say that you can advise them but never force them to do what you want to do. Just support them.

Dad: I am not going to give them suggestions, They will go the way I want them to go, and if they want to go their own way, they can leave my house.

With that said, dad leaves, and mom stands there dumbfounded.

**Present time**

**Ye-Jin POV**

Ye-Jin: Aww mom missed you a lot, you better spend more time before you become an idol.

Joey: Yeah I am planning to invite her after finals.

Jason: Speaking of finals, we have...arrived at school.

We exit out of the car and everyone stares at us but mainly at Joey because he is carrying Sylvie.

Ye-Jin: Its lunchtime, let's go to the cafeteria.

We met everyone at the cafeteria.

Jordan: What happened? I got so worried when you both ran out of the class.

Jason: Sylvie got into an accident.

Just then Jacky walked towards our table.

Jacky: Oh hey Sylvie...I heard you got into an accident. Hope you feel better.

Sylvie: Umm...thanks?

She leaves without saying anything else.

Joey: Umm that was weird.


Sophie: Ugh, it's chemistry time, lets go Tom.

Thomas: What are you talking about, I love chemistry

Sophie: You love everything...

Thomas: Except for the word moist, the way it sounds disgusts me... moist mo-ist. See weird.

Sophie: Mhmm sure, come on let's go.

**Time Skip**

All our classes were done and it was time for Stella's audition.

I walk into the dance room and don't see anyone else there.

Ye-Jin: Wow I never realized how quiet and cold this room is without anyone.

Mr.Soo: That's why I am always in here.

Mr.Soo comes out of nowhere and walks towards me.

Ye-Jin: OH you scared me, Mr.Soo.

Mr.Soo: Sorry... Anyways what brings you here? We don't have practice after school.

YJ: Stella is auditioning to be added to the dance routine.

Mr.Soo: wait but that means she will also be in your solo part, are you okay with that?

YJ: Yeah, Stella and I practiced together and I feel like the routine is better as a duet instead of a solo. But Christian wants to see if she knows the entire routine.

Mr.Soo: well good luck with that, imma head out for the day.

Mr.Soo leaves and Jason walks in with a cup of coffee in his hand.

Ye-Jin: Is that coffee? Me want some.

Jason: Here.

He hands me the coffee cup and I take a sip out of it.

Ye-Jin: why is it this sweet! How much sugar did you add?

I choke on the coffee and spit it all out in the trash can.

Jason: It's no good without the sugar.

Ye-Jin: You crazy, I feel like I am gonna get diabetes with one sip.

Jason: Oh please don't exaggerate.

He patted my cheek and I raise my eyebrows. The door opens, revealing Stella.

Stella: Umm...Hey guys...

Stella Walks towards her cubby to put her things away.

Chris walks in with a big smile.

Chris: Okay guys, let's get started...Stella is not going to be the only one auditioning.

Thomas: Who is joining us?

Then someone came through the door which shocked everyone, especially Jason.

Michelle: Hi guys…missed me?