Chapter 21

I go next to Chris and whisper yell at him.

Ye-Jin: Why is she here?!

He leans near my ear

Chris: She said that she knows the routine, so I was like why not.

Ye-Jin: Dude, you know that she left the school right? How would she know the routine?

He shrugs his shoulders and faces me.

Chris: We'll see...

He walks over to the stereo and I follow him

Ye-Jin: Yah! You can't let her be part of the routine!

Chris: Why not?

Ye-Jin: Well, first of all, she is a skank, and second of all, she bullied me last year.

Chris: What does that have to do with dance?

Ye-Jin: Yah! She is a bad person!

Chris: Dude listen, this school has never gone to nationals, so if we have a small chance to make our routine better or create better moves, then I am all for it. And because I am the leader of this group my decision is final. And if you are against it, you are happy to leave.

Ye-Jin: You can't be serious? Are you really kicking me out?

Chris: I am not kicking you out, I am just saying that if you don't like my decision, then you can leave.

Ye-Jin: Wow ok, well I am not leaving because this is the only bit of freedom I have, but don't come running to me when she does something bad.

I walk away and sit near the windows.

**Time Skip**

Stella and Michelle finish the routine and everyone was shocked by their routine. But mostly Stella because she absolutely nailed it... and for Michelle, she tanked it like absolutely bombed the routine. I honestly don't know how she is a cheerleader, she has horrible hand-eye coordination. And she kept on looking at Stella t the mirror, trying to copy the routine.

We all run to Stella and congratulates her because she danced the routine perfectly without any mistake or difficulty.

Ye-Jin: I guess my solo is a duet. And we are gonna rock it!

Stella: Oh hell yeah!

We both laughed and all of us turned to Michelle.

Chris: We will get back to you in a few days.

Jason: You may leave now.

Michelle: You wanna come with me, babe?

I stand next to Jason and I grabs his hand.

Ye-Jin: I don't think so bAbe!

She shrugs her shoulders.

Michelle: Suit yourself.

She gathers her things and leaves.

I sigh in relief and turn to Jason.

Ye-Jin: She is always interfering with things in my life.

Jason: Don't worry, I'll protect you.

I smile and he kisses my forehead.

Jason: Come on let's finish practice...

**Time Skip**

After a few hours of hardcore practice, we all decided to call it a day and go home.

Jason and I arrive at his apartment.

I throw my backpack on the floor and throw myself on the sofa.

Ye-Jin: Today was so exhausting

Jason chuckles and lays on top of me.

Jason: Aah it really was.

Ye-Jin: Yah, you are so heavy!

Jason: But you are so comfy!

He cuddles into me more and buries his head in the crook of the neck.

Ye-Jin: You are very comfortable, aren't you.

Jason: Very, and you smell like lavender.

I let him lay on me for a little while and just then for my luck, I have to go to the bathroom.

So I try to shimmy myself off without disturbing Jason because he fell asleep.

I tried for 5 good minutes but it was too much.

I had no option but to wake him up.

Ye-Jin: Umm baby, baby I know you are comfortable but, I really need to go.

Jason: Mmm... 5 minutes babe. Just 5 more minutes.

Ye-Jin: I don't think I have 5 minutes!

I yelled at him which made him flinch and sit up.

I ran to the bathroom...

After a few minutes, I come out of the bathroom and I see Jason sitting on the couch just waiting for me to come out.

Jason: Remind me to ask you if you have to pee before cuddling next time.

I walk over to him with a shy smile and straddled my legs on his lap with my hands wrapped on his neck.

Ye-Jin: I am sorry for ruining our moment.

Jason: I have never felt so loved... like this before.

He paused for a few seconds.

Jason: Thank you for loving me.

Ye-Jin: No need to get all mushy and gushy.

I get off of him and walk over to my bookbag.

Ye-Jin: Get up, we need to get ready and go to movie night.

Jason: Can't we have our own movie night?

He looks at me with a smirk and a wink.

Ye-Jin: You are nasty, come on get up and get ready.

He groans and gets up.

Jason: Just remember, you are not helping a needy man~

Ye-Jin: Go ... you nasty human being.

He goes up the stairs, halfway up, he looks down and gives me a wink.

I chuckle to myself while going through my bag trying to find my phone.

He comes back down wearing overalls.

Ye-Jin: You look so cute! How come I've never seen you wear overalls before.

Jason: Yeah you did, I always used to wear overalls when we were small.

Ye-Jin: Bruh, how do you expect me to remember what style you wore when we were little?!

Jason: I remember what you wore when you were little.

Ye-Jin: Oh really, what did I wear?

He looks at me with a big smile.

Jason: You used to always wear a princess dress with a pink tutu over it. Your hair was in a bun and a big pink bow and butterfly clips. I always thought you had a big carnival going on in your head. It was very colorful. AND you would not wear anything else.

Ye-Jin: Bro that was very detailed. How do you remember all of that?

He shrugs and gives me a peck on my lips.

Jason: I have incredible memory power, that's how I remember to love you with all my heart every day.

Ye-Jin: Ewww... so cheesy.

I shrug and close my backpack.

Ye-Jin: Come on, let's go before you get all mushy again.

Jason: But you love it when I get all mushy...

Ye-Jin: I do and I love you for that, but I really want to go watch a movie and eat popcorn and pizza.

I look at him with my puppy dog eyes and he just chuckles while looking at me.

Jason: Come on, little puppy, let's go.

He grabs my waist and we both walk to the car.

*In The Car *

Jason: I need to get Stella a person, she is getting a little lonely.

Ye-Jin: She already has someone in mind...

Jason: Really? Who is it?

Ye-Jin: Someone... I am not going to tell you... I am not a snitch.

Jason: Come on... you can tell your beautiful boyfriend everything and he won't say a word.

Ye-Jin: I know my beautiful boyfriend won't say a word but I promised that I won't say anything. This means I won't tell anyone...not even the person I love the most in this world.

Jason: Who is this person you love the most?

Ye-Jin: Hmm... Joey? No Jordan! Wait maybe Austin.

Jason glares at me while still looking at the road.

Jason: Oh I see...

Ye-Jin: Oh wait not them, I remember who I love the most... but I forgot his name. I remember how he looks though, he this super tall Buffy human being.

I look at Jason and smile at him.

Ye-Jin: He even has these two front teeth that buck out a little kinda like a bunny.

Jason: Oh really? This person you are describing sounds as you love him very deeply.

I look up at him and smile.

Ye-Jin: Yes... I love him since 5th grade. He is a very special person.

Jason drives up to his driveway and parks the car

He takes off his seatbelt and kisses me.

Jason: I love that you still love me after I failed you since the 5th grade.

Ye-Jin: Hey, that is not important... the important thing is that you got some sense knocked into you are now you are my boyfriend. That is all that matters.

He kisses me one last time and we get out of the car.

Jason: Let's go in and have a good time.

**Jason's POV**

We walk in and saw the one person I never wanted to see ever in my life again.

??: Hey Jason! I missed you so much!

This person jumps up from the couch and runs up and hugs me.

Jason: H-hey mom...w-what are you doing here?