Chapter 22

**Jason's POV**

I park the car and kiss Yejin's forehead.

Jason: I love you, now let's go in and have a good time!

I unlock the front door and see my mother sitting on the couch.

But I wouldn't call her my mother because she left me when I was 10.

Jason: H-hey mom...w-what are y-you doing here?

Jason's mom: What wrong? Can I not see my baby boy?

Just then Sylvie walks through the door.

Sylvie: What is she doing here?! Jason, why is she here!

Jason's mom: Hi sweetie, how are you?

Sylvie runs to me and grabbed my arm.

Sylvie: Get out! J, get her out! Get...out!

Jason's Mom: Come on sweetie... don't you want to see your mother?

Sylvie: Why?! Why did you come here after cheating on dad and then leaving us without a single goodbye! And by the way, I don't have a mother.

Jason: Vie-

Sylvie: No... don't tell me it doesn't hurt seeing your mother who betrayed you right in front of you.

Jason's Mom: Come on don't do this, I heard you are going to get married. I want to see my baby girl get married.

Jason: No you don't! You just want to get the money from the other family!

Sylvie: And if you forgot, I am still in freshman year in high school. I will not be marrying anyone any time soon.

Jason's mom: Is this how you speak to your mother?

Sylvie: Oh please, you stopped being my mother the day you left this house. Don't you think for a second that you can waltz in here just because you need money. That doesn't make you a mom, that makes you a gold-digger.

My mom raises her hand ready to slap Sylvie but Jason hides her behind her and I get slapped instead.

**Ye-Jin's POV**

I stood next to Jason, clutching on his shirt, the entire time scared to move because the air was too intense to move a muscle.

But when Jason gets slapped, I get totally shocked and had enough.

Ye-Jin: ENOUGH! You have lost the right to even come here when you abandoned Sylvie and Jason! Now you can't come back and rule this house just because you want money.

Jason's mom looks at me with fury in her eyes.

Jason's mom: Who are you to tell me where I can be or where I cannot!

Ye-Jin: You would know who I am if you actually paid attention to your children instead of cheating on your husband with multiple men.

She swiftly walks towards me.

I hide my face with my arms but she gets a hold of my hair and she starts pulling it.

YJ: Aah, Jason!

She was pulling so hard that my eyes started to tear up.

Jason tries to separate his mother from me but his mom's grip was too tight.

Jason's father walks into the room and sees what is going on.

Jason's Father: What is going on here!

Jason's mom looks at his father and lets go of me.

Jason's mom: Ji-hoonie!...

She runs to him and Jason pulls to me and embraces me tightly.

Jason's Father: Get off me! Who do you think you are, coming into my house and acting like a child pulling on a teenager's hair! Have you gone crazy?!

Jason's mom: But I came back to you... I came back.

Just then Stella and her mother come from the kitchen.

Jasons dad grabs Stella's mother and wraps his hand around her waist.

Jason's Dad: I don't need you, I have someone who will not leave me and I am planning to spend the rest of my life with her.

Jason's mom: No you can't do this to me! You love me!

Jason's dad: I don't! I stopped loving you the day you left.

Jason's mom scoffs and leaves.

Jason walks me to the couch and puts pressure on the spot the hair was pulled.

Ye-Jin: It hurts so much...

Jason: I'm sorry baby... wait right here, I will be right back.

He leaves to the kitchen and comes back with a heat pack.

Jason: Here put this on your head.

I do as he says and I instantly feel relief.

Jason: Better?

I smile at him and nod my head,

Ye-Jin: Much better...btw where is my brother?

Sylvie: He is in the car on the phone.

Ye-Jin: Do you know who is it?

Sylvie: I heard something about being a producer from an Entertainment company.

Ye-Jin: Oh wow! Hopefully, it is good news...

Jason's Dad walks over to us and sits in front of us.

Jason's dad: I am so sorry she did that to you Ye-Jin. I will make sure that she will never enter here ever again.

Ye-Jin: It is fine, I am just glad Jin was not here, or else she would've gotten killed by my brother.

We all laugh and Joey walks in with a shocked expression.

Sylvie: What's wrong babe?

Joey: Umm... this producer named Park Alexandra calls me saying that there is an audition seat for me at an Entertainment company called Sunshine Entertainment.

Ye-Jin: Woah that is cool! When are the auditions?

Joey: Umm... tomorrow.

Jason: Are you serious, why didn't they call sooner.

Joey: They did, but they called my father this morning.

Ye-Jin: Oh no... I need to go home then. Jin, drop me.

Joey: Let's go...

Ye-Jin: Bye everyone, sorry I can't stay.

Jason kisses my forehead.

Ye-Jin: Bye baby...

Jason: Bye...

**Time skip**

Joey drives to our house

He parks on the driveway and I walk towards the door.

Ye-Jin: Do you think dad is angry?

Joey: I don't know, we just have to find out at the moment.

I unlock the door and see my dad pacing through the living room.

He looks at us and his face become relieved.

Dad: Where have you been for two days Jinnie?

Ye-Jin: Umm…I was-

Dad: Come on! Tell me! You leave for two days unnoticed and I want to know where you were.

Jordan walks down the stairs and looks at me.

Jordan: Hey Ye-Jin, you are back from the all-day study center already?

I look at him and he gives me a wink.

Dad: The study center? But where is your bag?

Ye-Jin: oh yeah! I just came here to take a shower and freshen up, I left my books and things in the rented locker.

Dad: Oh ok…go and freshen up and go to the study room to bring your books back. You can have a break for a day.

I nod and go upstairs to my room.

I take out my phone and text Jason that everything is ok.

Jordan walks into the room and I look up at him with a smile

Ye-Jin: Thank you for saving me again!

Jordan: No problem…that was a close one.

Ye-Jin: Yeah, I am gonna take a shower and go to Jay's house to get my study bag.

Jordan: Okay… get ready let's hang out today...

He leaves and I lay in bed and sign in relief.

Ye-Jin: Is all of this worth it? Is it really worth it?

I think to myself.

Ye-Jin: Yes it is… I love him…that is all that matters.

I go take a shower and Jordan drive up to Jason's house.

I knock on the door and Somi opens the door.

Stella: Hey, your back?

Ye-Jin: Yeah…I just came here to grab my stuff. Jordan and I are hanging out for the day.

Stella: Oh I see…well come in.

I walk in and don't see Jason anywhere.

Ye-Jin: Where is Jason?

Stella: Oh he is in his room.

Ye-Jin: Oh ok thanks...

I walk up to his room and hear the water running from the shower.

I try to find my stuff and remember that I kept it in his closet.

I am waist-deep into his closet and I hear the water shut off.

Ye-Jin: I should do a prank on him...

I hide inside the closet and leave a sliver of the door open so I can see when he is coming.

He was facing the mirror and I can see his muscles and abs.

I whisper to myself.

Ye-Jin: Wow my boyfriend is fit...

I immediately start to panic because he was coming my way.

I take a deep breath and wait for him.

He opens the door and I pop out.

Ye-Jin: BOO!…