Chapter 23

Ye-Jin: Boo!

I jump out of the closet and Jason falls back

Jason: Babe? You scared me! What are you doing here? *Gasp* Did your dad find out about us and kick you out?

I laugh so hard that I collapse on the floor

Jason helps me up and wraps his hands around my waist

Ye-Jin: No, Jordan came up with an excuse and told my dad that I have been at the all-night study center for the last few days, and my dad let me go. I came to get my book bag, Jordan and I are spending the day together

Jason: Oh thank god for Jordan.

Yejin: Umm Kook…

Jason: Hmm?

He looks at me and I look at him up and down

Ye-jin: Put some clothes on, please?

Jason: oops sorry

I turn around and wait for Jason

Jason: All done…

I turn around

Ye-jin: Can you give me my bookbag? Jordan is waiting in the car

He hands me my bag with a pout

Jason: You sure you can't stay…

Ye-jin: yeah, I'm sorry, I will try coming by tonight or tomorrow morning

Jason gives me a kiss and we walk towards the front door

Jason: Okay, but if something happens, call me immediately

I nod and open the door

Jason: let me walk you out

To my surprise, Stella was right there

It almost looked like she was listening to our conversation

Stella: oh hey…

Ye-jin: hey…

Stella: oh you are not staying?…

Ye-jin: no Jordan and I are hanging out today….so I came to grab my things

Stella looks at Jason and back at me

Stella: hope you have fun…

She gives me a smile and I smile back

Jason: Come on… let's go

Is it just me or did Somi give me a fake smile…Nah I'm just thinking weird things

I shake my head and look up at Jason

Ye-Jin: you go back inside, your hair is wet, you might get a cold

Jason: How caring of you…I'll walk to the car with you

Jordan walks over to Jason

Jason: please return my girlfriend in one piece.

Jordan: oh course I will… Do some good wedding planning

Jason nods his head and they both bro hug

Jason walks over to the passenger's seat and I roll down my window

Jason: Have fun today…but don't have too much fun or else you'll forget about me

He kisses my forehead and Jordan drives off

Ye-Jin: Where are you taking me?

Jordan: You'll see…

After a few minutes, I see a big roller coaster, a Ferris wheel. And a merry go round

I look at Jordan with a big smile

Jordan: it's been years since we went to a county fair

Ye-Jin: This place gives me so many memories…

Jordan grabs my hand

Jordan: Let's go…

He looks down at me with a smile and drags me to a ride

And then another roller-coaster…and another one

We road all the rollercoasters in the fair

After the last run, we run to a bench panting

Ye-jin: I haven't had this much fun in such a long time…it feels so good

Jordan: Wait here, ill be right back

I nod and Jordan runs out of sight

I take out my phone and take a selfie with the cute headband Jordan and I bought

I send it to Jason

Ye-Jin: I look so cute in this…

After a few minutes of Jordan runs back with two ice cream cones

I grab one of the cones

Ye-jin: I thought you went to the bathroom

Jordan: ice cream on a hot day just wraps everything together.

I take a bite of the ice cream, close my eyes, and nod

Ye-Jin: Mmm…It sure does

I take another bite of my ice-cream

And Jordan starts laughing

Jordan: How can you be such a messy eater

Ye-Jin: What are you talking about?

I touch my nose and…

Ye-Jin: oops

Jordan takes a wet wipe from his backpack and wipes my nose

A kid walks up to us and a grandma follows him

Kid: I want that grandma

He points at my ice cream

Grandma: No…you just had one

The kid pouts and Jordan crouches down to his level and hands him a small keychain

Jordan: Here take this instead….having too many sweets will give you a cold

The kid takes it and looks at him with a big smile

Grandma: Say thank you

Kid: thank you!!!

Grandma: Thanks, son…I have been trying to calm him down all-day

Jordan: It's my pleasure

The kid starts running away

Grandma: Oh, there he goes again…also you two look really cute together

She looks at me

Grandma: You are very lucky…

Ye-Jin: No…

She runs away

Ye-Jin: …We are not a couple

I chuckle and Jordan sits back on the bench

Jordan: Shall we go?

I nod and we go to the car

I get a text from my dad

Ye-Jin: Jordan, My parents left, and they won't be back for a while

Jordan smiles and glances at me

Jordan: Okay then grab my phone and text Sophie to come over…I barely see her because her parents have not let me see her

Ye-Jin: what did you do?…

Jordan: let's just say that I got caught sneaking into her house at like 2 am in the morning last week

Ye-Jin: JORDAN…could you not wait for a few hours to meet her

Jordan: no… can you just text her

I text her and put Jordan's phone down

Jordan: …and can you possibly, not come home?

Ye-Jin: yo! Why are you kicking me out of the house?!…you know what, I don't want to know…wait where am I gonna stay then

Jordan: I a dropping you off at Jason's house

I smile and look at him

Ye-Jin: I am okay with that…

Jordan drops me off

I walk to his front door and knock on the door

Ye-Jin: come on how long does it take this guy to open the door, it is freezing

I knock on his door again…but no one answers

I look around and find the tree near his door that has a spare key

But there is no key, so I sit on his porch waiting for him

It's been 20 minutes but no one showed up

I start getting scared because people are walking past me and catcalling me

I get my phone out and call Jason

Ye-Jin: Jay?…

Jason: what's up babe?

Ye-Jin: where are you, I am waiting outside your house

Stranger: hi babe…why are you alone, come with me, ill keep you company

Ye-Jin: No…Stay away from me

Jason: Where are you

Ye-Jin: In front of your house

The stranger comes closer to me

Ye-Jin: Stay away from me

Ye-Jin: Jason!

Jason: I am coming…I am coming!

He hangs up the phone and at this point, I am crying because this stranger is coming closer and closer by the minute

I keep pushing the stranger away but he still gets closer

I run to the back of the house as fast as I can