Chapter 24

*Jason's POV*

After Ye-Jin left I went back home

Jason's Dad: We have to go wedding shopping

Jason: Do I have to come? I will just throw on an old suit I have

Jason's Dad: no, your suits are too small, and you rarely spend time with me anyways…by the way, you are driving

I sluggishly get up from the couch and grab the car keys

Jason's Dad: go start the car, I need to grab my wallet

*Ten minutes late*

My dad walks up to the car and gets in

Jason: finally…

We drive to the mall

Jason: let's go and get this over with

Jason's Dad: why do you hate shopping so much?

Jason: You won't get it…

*Time Skip*

We have been shopping for 5 hours now, going store to store just to find a perfect suit

Jason's Dad: Let's see if this store has a good suit

Jason: Dad, all the suits are the same, just pick one

Jason's Dad: Nothing excites me, but I feel like this store is the one

We walk into the store and to our surprise, Stella and her mother were trying out dresses

Jason's Dad: Yep, this is the store

Jason: So you made me walk for 5 hours, to find your fiancé?!

My dad looks at me and gives me a cheeky smile

Jason's Dad: Shhh…I just want to see how they are doing?

I have never seen my dad act like this

My phone gets a notification

Jason's Dad: Silence that thing, would you?

I look at who it and see that Ye-Jin sent a message

I open it and it's a cute photo of her with a headband on

Jason: She looks so cute!

Jason's Dad: I know right, I think this dress is the one

I look at my dad

Jason: How do you know what Ye-Jin is wearing without even looking at the picture?

Jason's Dad: What are you talking about? I am talking about Stella's mother's dress…

I look at Stella's mom and create an o with my mouth.

Jason: just go over there and talk to her

Jason's Dad: She said that she wanted the dress to be a surprise

Jason: Then why are you spying, just let it be a surprise

Jason's Dad: I can't help myself

Ring Ring*

Jason's Dad: Would you please silence that!…

I mouth sorry and answer the call

Jason: What's up babe?

Ye-Jin: where are you, I am waiting outside your house

Stranger: hi babe…why are you alone, come with me, ill keep you company

I hear someone talking to Ye-Jin

Jason: Who is that?! Where are you?!

Ye-Jin: In front of your house

I stand up and look at my dad

Ye-Jin: Jason!

Jason: I am coming…I am coming!

Jason's Dad: What is going on? Is everything okay?

Jason: Sorry dad, I have to go…

I leave the store and bump into Somi

Stella: Oh Jason, what are you doing here?

Jason: I am sorry but I have to go

Stella: Where? Are you okay

I stop and look at Stella

Jason: Sorry Stella, but I don't have time to talk

Stella: Wait, can you help me pick out a bridesmaids dress? Which one pink or blue?

Jason: Stella, I really can't help you

Stella: Come on, just one color

Jason: Uhhh blue, now I have to go

Stella: Wait, let me put it on so you can see

Stella goes into the dressing room and I dash to my car

Jason: What is going on with her…why is she super clingy

I speed to my house and get there in less than 10 minutes

I see no one at my porch

Jason: Ye-Jin!!!

No answer

I run to the end of the block

Jason: Ye-Jin!!!

No answer

I start to panic and run frantically around my house

Jason: Come on Ye-Jin where are you?!

I run to the back of the house and sigh in relief

I see my girlfriend crouched into a ball under a tree

I run over to her and kneel down to her level

*Ye-Jin's POV*

I see a pair of shoes walking towards me and I flinch

Ye-Jin: Please don't come near me

Jason: Hey, hey, hey…it's me, it's me…

I slowly lookup

Jason is kneeling down with a worried look on his face

Jason: Are you okay?!

I throw my hands around his shoulder, sobbing into his chest and he wraps his hands around me too

Jason: shh…shhh… it's okay, I am here, you are safe

He picks me up and takes me into the house

Ye-Jin: where have you been?

Jason: I went suit shopping with my dad

I nod my head while jungkook wraps me up with a blanket

Jason: Wait here, I will get you hot chocolate

Right when he is about to leave, I grab his shirt

He looks down on my clenched hand and looks at me

I shake my head and he chuckles

He sits next to me and turns the tv on

Jason: What do you want to watch?

I snuggle into him

Ye-jin: Harry Potter

For the rest of the night, my boyfriend and I had a Harry Potter marathon and fell asleep on each other's shoulders.

*Next day*

Jason and I get ready and drive to my house to pick up Jordan

Ye-Jin: I can't believe we are sophomores already…the year has gone by so fast!

Jason: Yes and in two years we will graduate… you will go off to London to pursue

Ye-Jin: And you will be off to audition for music companies

Jason: but I know that we will still be together

The car door opens and Jordan gets in

Jordan: Hello sophomores

Ye-Jin: Hello sophomore

Jason: To Sophie's house?

Jordan: Nope not today, her dad is dropping her off

Jason nods and starts to drive

We get out of the car and a crowd of girls runs to Jason and Jordan

Ye-Jin: Woah…

Jordan: Hello ladies

I see Sylvie and my brother so instead of seeing these girls I try to go to them

I try to go around them but more girls started ganging up

Ye-Jin: excuse me….pardon me…oh sorry!

I push the girls out of the way and boy are they wearing so much perfume, I thought I was in Victoria secret.

Ye-Jin: Sylvie! My foot is stuck! Pull me out!

Sylvie grabs my arm and pulls, and after great struggle my leg is free

Ye-jin: Wow the Boston brothers really have some fan following

Sylvie: Girl you should have seen the girls who ran towards your brother once we got out of the car

Joey: I knew I was handsome… and now I am finally getting my craze

I pat my brother's shoulder

Ye-Jin: Yes, you are finally getting recognized

I roll my eyes and link my arm with Sylvie

Ye-Jin: come on honey, let's go inside and see if any guy will be willing to hold our bags

Joey chuckles

Joey: No one will come to you guys

Ye-Jin: and why is that?

Joey: Because you are not single, and you are my sister, guys are afraid to get beaten up by me.

Sylvie & Ye-Jin: hmmp

We turn around and walk to class.