Chapter 25

Ye-Jin: The social studies homework was so hard last night! My hand was cramping all night!

Sylvie slowly turned her head toward me with her eyes wide open

Sylvie: We had homework!!

I laugh while nodding my head

Sylvie: That's it, I am done…Mrs.cha is going to kill me and bury my body under her classroom

Ye-jin: Don't be so dramatic, just take mine…but don't copy a word from word

She kisses me on the cheek

Sylvie: Thank you, babes!

Mrs. Cha: If you guys don't want to be marked down, hurry up!

We heard the devil from the distance and speed walked to the classroom

*Time skip*

Jordan and I drive back to the house and once again I come home to an empty house

Jordan: my parents said that they are going to stop by and drop off some things

Ye-Jin: Dude that is not needed!

Jordan: they are here

Jordan's parents walk into the house with a bunch of bags

Ye-Jin: Oh hello aunty and uncle, you guys shouldn't have brought anything

Jordan's mom: You both live in this big house alone, we just wanted to bring some essentials…also what did I tell you about calling me aunty

ye-Jin: Sorry ma, I forgot…we still have the ones you guys gave last month

Jordan's dad: it is okay to have extras jinnie…We also bought your favorite chocolates!

Some back story about the parks… They are the ones who raised me when my parents were busy in the hospital and my brother was in school.

Ye-Jin: Thank you pa…

I follow Jordan's mom to the kitchen to help her put things into the fridge

Jordan's mom: So how are you and Jason?

Ye-Jin: Yeah we are fine… wait how do you know??

Jordan's mom: Jimin doesn't hide any secrets from us

I look at Jimin

He chuckles while scratching the back of his head

Jordan: Sorry…

Ye-Jin: please don't tell my parents…they will flip out and make a big scene.

Jordan's mom: I won't …

We talked for a while and Jordan's parents left because it was getting late.

Jordan opens the fridge

Jordan: ahhh… my mother's side dishes are the most beautiful thing I have ever smelt.

Yejin: oh really?… anyways I heard that you got called by Adora a few days ago

Jordan turns to me while stuffing his mouth with kimchi

Jordan: Oh yeah, she called for some auditions or something for a Kpop group

Ye-Jin: Well what are you thinking?

Jordan: I don't know, I want to focus on dancing, Music, and singing are not my thing

Ye-Jin: You should give it a try, you only have one life, so fill it with fun experiences.

Jordan: I guess you are right

Ye-jin: Well when are the auditions?

Jordan: In two days

Ye-jin: Do you know what song you are going to audition with?

Jordan: I think I am going to Jin and ask for help

Ye-Jin: Good idea, well get going

Jordan: Wait, let me eat something

I shake my head and go upstairs.


I look at my phone

Looks like your life is perfect right now…everything is going great for you. What if I move one small piece? Will everything fall apart?

Ye-Jin: Who the heck is this!?

I go into messages and see that the text is from an unknown number

I go downstairs to show Jordan, but he already left

I look back at my phone again to read the message

Ye-Jin: Maybe someone is pulling a prank on me

I turn my phone and go to do my homework.

3 hours later*

I am finally done with homework

I look at the time, it is 7:00 PM

I go downstairs and open the fridge

And grab random stuff for dinner

I grab two plates and put the food on it

The front door opens, I look up and smile

Sylvie: Hi babes

Ye-Jin: Hi, you came just in time

I give her a plate

And she hands a bag

Ye-Jin: What is this?

Sylvie: Your bridesmaid dress

I take the dress out

It was a beautiful periwinkle dress and tan heels

Ye-Jin: Your stepmom knows how to shop!

Sylvie: I know right?!

We finish eating dinner and decide to watch a movie


We both look at my phone and Sylvie grabs the phone

Sylvie: Who is this?

Ye-Jin: what is it? Let me see.

You look beautiful in blue…How would you look without it? I bet that is why Jason is still with you…

I look at Sylvie

Sylvie: You got one after school too…Who is it?

Ye-Jin: I don't know… it is probably a joke.

Sylvie: I don't know, you should tell Jason

Ye-Jin: Nah, he is focusing on his auditions, I don't want him to worry about it. If more of these messages come up, then I will tell him.

*Time Skip*

Jordan: Are you ready yet? We were supposed to leave for the wedding thirty minutes ago!

Ye-Jin: Give me a minute…I am just trying to put my shoes on

Jordan: Are you dressed?

Ye-jin: Yeah…

Jordan: Oh who am I kidding, I have seen everything before

He opens the door and sees me on the floor trying to tie my heel straps

Jordan: Here let me do it

He ties both heel straps and helps me get up

Jordan: see that wasn't tough

Ye-Jin: yeah, now try walking in them

Jordan: No thanks… I rather walk barefoot

We leave the house and get in the car

Once we get to the venue, we rush to the bride's and groom's rooms

Ye-Jin: Sorry I am late… I took some time to get ready

Sylvie: Did you run here? You are all sweaty

Ye-Jin: Yeah, Jungkook kept on calling me. I think he is more nervous that his dad

Stella: You shouldn't have kept him worried, this is such a big day for him. I would never make him worried

I look at Stella

Ye-Jin: He was fine yesterday. I guess it is last-minute jitters

Sylvie: Oh honey your makeup needs touch up

Stella: I don't think we have time girls, the event starts in 10 minutes

Sylvie: 10 Minutes is plenty of time

Sylvie grabs my hand and takes me to the vanity that is in the room

Ye-Jin: Does Stella have some wedding jitters? Why is she acting so weird?

Sylvie: Yeah I think she is a bit nervous, but it will all be gone once the ceremony is over

I nod and touch my makeup

Stella's mom: okay girls! It is the time!

We all line up and wait in the queue

*Now let's welcome the bride*

That's our queue

We walk up to the stage and stand in our lines

The wedding ceremony was so emotional. I cried when they were saying their vows.

Now it is the wedding reception and the newlyweds are having their first dance

Jason: You look beautiful

Ye-Jin: Well thank you…

The first dance ends and now everyone rushes to the dance floor to dance

Jason gets up and puts his hand out

I place mine on top and he takes me to the dance floor

Ye-Jin: Why such a formal request when there is no slow dance

Jason: I have always wanted to do that for you, but I never knew when.

I chuckle and suddenly a slow dance song appears

Jason: perfect timing

He grabs me by the waist and pulls me close.

I wrap my hands around his neck and we sway back and forth

Ye-Jin: You wanna know something

Jason: mhmm

Ye-Jin: My legs are killing me

Jason: You are the only one who can ruin a perfect moment with pain

Ye-Jin: What…they really hurt

Jason: I will massage them tonight, let's enjoy this one dance

We continue to sway back and forth for almost the entire song…and I loved it and shortly got ruined.

Right when the song ends, Somi bumps her hip into mine, making me lose balance and land straight on the floor.

Stella: Oh sorry, I didn't see you there. Jason lets dance

Stella drags Jason to the middle of the dance floor and I am still on the floor processing what just happened

Jordan comes towards me laughing

Jordan: I see you have had too much to drink

Ye-Jin: Shut up… I was pushed

Jordan: By who

Ye-Jin: Stella…

Jordan: She has been acting weird all night

Ye-Jin: You have noticed that too!

We go back to our assigned table

And I aggressively take my heels off

Sylvie: Why are you taking your heels off

Ye-Jin: Heels hurt my feet

Sylvie: Come on honey…beauty is pain

Ye-Jin: I rather choose comfort over pain

Joey: AMEN