

*I then look up at the 2 boys.If they are my

children how tho.I never had any children.*

Joon:if we were in a book that going

to the human world we actually came out the

book.Thats why the pages are blank.If we go

back in the book our actions we do.will then

put the words on the page.Its like this book is

magic.But yes that's the problem.

*I and hope look at eacth other with our

mouths dropped.He said it so safisacated.*

Hope:bro you are scaring me with those big


??1:well that's explains it thanks son

*oh no did I say that out loud*

*joon and hope both look at me terrified*



*did he just say son to me*

??1:I'm soory I ddint mean to call you that

Hope:aha its ok*while trying to break the ice*


*everytime when I looked at him.I get a

strange feeling in my gut.Who is this guy really*

Joon:aha we got it here.sir you can go now

??1:you mind if I stick around

Hope:ah sure*while smilimg*

Hope:joon is that ok

Joon:yea sure

*the man then smiled.*

*there was a mirror at the liberey I went up to fix my hair.then I saw they man walked up to me.Just staring at me.wait a sec.why do we

look so so the same.his face was structured like mine.And his eyes.*

??1:oh sorry for scaring you aha.I was just

looking how pretty this mirror was

Joon:oh yes it is

*its like he know something he is not telling me.but whatever I dont know him*

Joon:so me and hope are going to meet up in

the street with the other you


to come?

??1:sure being with vampires will be fun

Hope:hey hey now dont be blurting that out.we are in a public place now

*hope was right*

??1:oh sorry

Hope:its ok*while smiling*

Joon:ok let's go then




*after me and jimin ate that cotton candy we

then started to walk.*

Jimin:baby this is so nice

Y/n:it really is jaji

(I think that's how its spelled.sorry if it isnt

spelled right)

*jimin then looks at me suprise*

Jimin:what did you call me

*while stopping me and him from walking*


Jimin:baby awww you called me that.

*he then starts to hug me then looks at me*

Jimin:why are you so cute

Y/n:idk I was born cute

*we both luagh*

Jimin:lets keep sightseeing

Y/n:okiee mochi

*he then rubs my hair*

*as we walked down the streets.we saw

parades and food stores and even little kids

playing around aww*

*but then I saw this white building on the street*

*I then stop my tracks*

Jimin:hey are you ok*looking at me then at the building*

Jimin:baby we found your karate building

Y/n:yes I cant believe we found it

*the sign says karate edition class*

Y/n:yes this is it

Y/n:should I call kookie to tell him we found it

Jimin:yes but after we go in and look

*I then nooded*

Jimin:ok are you ready


*as we went in I could smell the old apple cider smell.*


*all jimin did was smiled at me*

*while I went to go look around something

crossed my eye*

*it was karate gloves.i then pick them up*

*as I look at the gloves .I saw a name...

My eyes widened.It was my name.i then gasped out loud.*

*jimin who was tieing his shoes came running

towards me almost tripping up.*

Jimin:y/n pls tell me are you ok

Jimin:what happened

Jimin:did you get hurt

*all of his words made me feel warm and fuzzy again*

Y/n:I'm fine it's just these gloves were mine

Jimin:how do you know

Y/n:because it has my name on them

Jimin:let me see

*he then picks them up from my hand and

looks at my name.*

Jimin:yep these are yours

Jimin:awe your hands was so small*while


Y/n:ikr ahah

*as jimin was still luaghing I had got another

memory in my head.I then close my eyes*


(The memory)

*as I was in a karate tournament.I was fighting this little guy.And he kicked me back.I then fell

to the floor.I cried but then I saw my dad

looked at me.And he gave me a thumbs up

with a wink.I then know I had to keep fighting

to make my dad proud.I had my white gloves

on then I fought back.I was a feisty thing to.As I won kookie my mom amd dad came towards

me hugging me*

Dad:ik you could do it

Y/n:yes dad I made it because of you

Mom:kookie join us for dinner I want to thank

you for teaching are little sweet girl



Dad:me and your mom will start the car ok

Y/n:ok dad

*Me and kookie waited and waited for them to come get us.but they never came back*

Kookie:hey let's go see where are your parents

*I then nooded*

*we went to my parents car and saw them

you know fly away*

*tears came down my eyes as I called my mom and dad.I called them over and over while

hugging them.*

Kookie:hey--its-a-note*while crying*

*as we read the note it said.We took your

parents aways because they didnt give us what we


*jungkook then starts to hug me tigtly.Making us cry even more.we were only little 6 years

olds.we didnt know what to do*

Kookie:why whould they do this

Y/n:I I I idk*while crying*

Kookie:what do they want

Y/n:idk*tears came in my eyes till I couldn't see*

*what did they mean something they wanted.*

Kookie:hey theres something on the back

*he then reads it*

Kookie:oh and yes what we wanted was y/n.her parents said we just got revenge

Kookie:but why*yelling*

*I was speechless.why did they want me*

Kookie:listen I wont let them hurt you ok.*while hugging my little body even tighter*

*we then hug my parents once more and left.

we didnt have any phones to call or nothing*

*we went to my house.crying.we had to walk

for 1 hour to get there.*

*as I went to the couch I cried worser*

Kooike:its going to be ok

*I couldn't believe this.what were we going to


*as I hop up to get water from the refrigerator.I saw a note.It was my parents handwriting*

Y/n:hey kookie look at this note my parents

wrote*he then runs to me*

Y/n:note says dear beloved y/n.are beautiful

daughter.We are so sorry for what's going to

happen.We didn't want them to get you.We are very soory.Ik you feel alone right now.But

kookie will take care of you.

*I couldn't read this anymore so kookie took it and read it*

Kookie:we have a big secrect we have been

hiding from you.And kookie

*we both look at eacth other*

Kookie:we are vampires and so are you to.Dont be scared ok.everything will be ok.

Kookie:wait how am I a vampire.Im not related to you

Y/n:idk keep reading

Kookie:ik kookie is confused so I will tell you

why.your mother was my bsf.she and me were both vampires

*kookie stops reading*

Kookie:so my mom and your mom were bsf

and vampires


*he then starts to read again*

Kookie:they wanted you y/n because your

powers are powerful then any other.We wish

we could see you grow up.But we needed to

protect you to.But we know yall 2 cant just be

living on earth without no parents or you don't know what to do .so we have a plan. If yall go

to the bookshelf.Theres a book.I need yall to

open it and say this ritual."with all my might

protect me with this power"

*me and kookie said it over and over while

closing our eyes*

*while sucking us in.we was in this nice cool


Kookie:hey what is this place

Y/n:ig we live here now*while frowing*

*as I looked up there were these 4 guys staring at us*

Y/n:oh hi

Jimin:are yall. Parents gone to

*oo who is this guy.he had cute cheecks.And

they were red.He also had a little smile.*

Y/n:yes I'm y/n what's yours

Jimin:hi I'm jimin

*there were four members.jin,Taehyung,jimin,

and suga*

*we all became close bsfs*

Kookie:hey y/n there something else written on this paper your mom and dad wrote

*I then take the paper and read it.*

Y/n:also me and your father was blessed with 2 sons.We hid them from you because we were

scared the people who wanted you.Whould get them to.They will find you soon get a good lookup on vampire island.They know how to get in the book.

Kookie:yahh 2 brothers are cool

Y/n:hey kookie look theres some small words at the bottom

Y/n:it says.After you come here you will forget about us.But if you ever return to earth.Half of

your memories will come back.leaving us in

your head.but very blurry.

Y/n:I dont want to forget about my my my

Kookie:your your wait who were we talking

about again

Y/n:idk let's go play with jimin

Koomie:ok as he smiled.

*as we played we saw 2 new guys*

Y/n:hi I'm y/n what's yours

Joon:I'm namjoon but you can call me joon

Hope:and I'm jhope.But hope is fine.*while

smiling brightly*

Joon:we are your brothers

Y/n:haha funny I dont have any.

Hope:do you know how you got here

Y/n:umm no

*I thought a bit but I dont know*

Joon:oh yea haah we were just kidding then

Kookie:hi I'm kookie



Y/n:well let's go play then


*later we started using our vampire powers

and had fun.*

(Memory ended)



*I then feel my body falling to the ground*

Jimin:baby are you ok baby wake up

*I had now know what my parents look like.And why and how they died.but there still a little


*my tears came busting out*

Jimin:baby what happened talk to me*while

shaking me*

*I couldn't open my eyes.this all cant be.My

parents were protecting me*

Jimin:baby pls wake up.

*jimin then calls hope amd joon*

Jimin:baby its going to be ok

*while hugging


*my eyes stayed closed.If I looked at this place again I whould feel more sad*


*jimin then stars cradling me like a baby*

Jimin:shh pls don't cry

Joon:what happened

*while running*

*then hope came in running to*

Joon:did you do something to my sister

Jimin:no no she just was looking at her old

white punching gloves.Then she closed her

eyes for a long time.then she fainted.i had to

catch her.she wont open her eyes.pls help me

*why cant I open my eyes.I have to face it.My

parents was gome.And I really know the


*I then snuggle I'm jimin chest and cry more*

*i then talked*


(I I I found about my parents and and they died to protect me)

Jimin:say what

Joon:sissy your words are to mush up

Hope:I get what she said

*the 2 looked shocked*


Hope:ik what my sissy says.

*he then tell them then they looked sad*

Hope:we me and joon rember every little thing.

If we told you that your our parents died to

protect you and whould be even more

hurt.So me and joon wanted you to figure it

out yourself

Y/n:thanks you guys

Joon:but everytime when I picture my dad and mom it stills seems a little blurry



*I then open my see worried faces*

*jimin was still holding me and he then starts to pinch my cheecks*

Jimin:princess you scared me.i was really

worried about you

Y/n:I'm sorry*while I gently kissed him*

*I then look over and see this guy*

Y/n:hobi who is he*while pointing at him*

Hope:oh he is a weird man.

Joon:Aisha hobi.he knows we are vampires.And did you get the memory back with the book


Y/n:yes ik

Hobi:I totally forgot we was in a book.After he

showed us we rembered

Jimin:wait a book.We were in a book?!!

Y/n:yess mochi I will tell you you can


*he nooded*

Joon:yes he read our book


Joon:you dont have to be just

standing ther at the door.come and say hi to

y/n and jimin

*as he shouted to this guy*

*while he was walking towards us.I had a

connection to him.Idk why tho*

??1::hi y/n

*as he greeted me.jimin put his hand over my say that he will protect me.*


??1:oh sorry hello jimin

Jimin:hi *as jimin pulled me closer to him*

*jimin is very protective over me.If he dont

know that perosn talkimg to us.He will get

scared then he just starts protecting me*

Hope:jimin chill he is a nice guy he wont hurt


Jimin:are you sure

Joon:yes it's ok

*jimin then let's his hands go off of me.then he

acts calm again.*

??1:I wont hurt her.And I also have a wife*while luaghing*

Jimin:oh ok then we are good then

*while smiling*

*I just smiled back*

??1:this is a cool place

Y/n:yea I used to play karate here

??1:oo show me your moves then

*I looked at jimin and he noded*

*I stood up and the guy went to go sit down

and wacth me.I just fought namjoon.sorry bro*

Joon:ok now sissy pls be very slow with me.

kookie has been teaching you very good.


Hope:ok ready set go

Jimin:I'll be the aid if y/n gets hurt

*while echoing*

*I did a high kick towards him.but I tricked him .I whould never hurt him I love my brother*

Joon:ahh you almost got up

Hope:well done

*as I looked over at the man.he stood up and

was clapping but then.he he winked then he

put ut a thumbs up.He sat at the same spot my dad did*

Y/n:hey hey joon I need to sit down

Joon:what's wrong

Y/n:I'm feeling dizzy

Jimin:baby are you ok

Y/n:yea just need some water

*jimin went to a store to get me water.While

hobi was trying to cheer me up*

Hope:heeh dont tell joon but when ever I brush my teeth I used his toothbrush instead

*we both started luaghing*

*I see joon walking up towards us*

Joon:sis are you ok


Joon:what's so funny


Joon:ok*as he looked at the other guy*

Hope:idk why but he looks so familiar



Joon:his eyes look likes mine isnt that weird

Hope:hm yea

Y/n:the reason I felt dizzy was because of him

*they both looked shocked*



*I told them.and there eyes widened*

Joon:no no this cant be

Hope:are parents died

Y/n:ok but what if there not

Joon:that cant be

Hope:didnt you and kook was there.

Y/n:yes but now as I'm thinking about it.Our

parents always knew this whould happend.

Hope:what if it's a plain

Joon:what if they are still alive

Y/n:could he be our father

Joon:I have no clue y/n

*as we were still in shock we saw jimin running towards us with the other members.And he had water in his hands*

Jimin:here y/n drink this

Y/n:how did you get this

Joon:more lile howw did you buy this

Jimin:well I saw a red card in joon pocket. so I

took it and ran out to buy you water.And then I didnt know how to swipe it so I called the other members to help me*in a cute tone*

Joon:you used my credit card

Jimin:ohh so that's what it called

Hope:jimin you better run boy.Your not to ever mess us with his belongings especially that

Red card

*shaking his head in a shame way*

Hope:I already learnt my lesson

*I then start to luagh*

*while namjoon then chase mochi.I then drink

the water*

Kookie:hey you ok.I heard you fainted

Y/n:yea I'm ok.Did you get your memories to

Kookie:yep I that's was scary


*we then talked and had started laughing *

Jimin:haha joon couldn't catch up

*as I saw joon tiptoe behind jimin.He then

spanks jimin on the back*

Joon:got yaa

*the whole members started luaghing*

Jimin:haha funny


Y/n:hey where is that guy

Joon:idk he was just here

Taehyung:I think I saw him go out the door

Suga:yea he went outside to the parking lot

*me and kookie looked suspicious*

*we all ran to see the guy squatted done at a

red car*

Kookie:that's where your mom and dad

*I then run to the car and open the doors.*

*they wernt there*

*I screamed there names*

*they wernt there*

*it was like noone was ever here*

*jimin then grabs me and give me a hug while trying to calm me down*

Jimin:shhhhh shhhhh it's ok

*the members couldn't Stand me crying*

Joon:how can this be.this car is clean

Kookie:there belongings arent here

Jin:hey guy why are you still squatting down.are you ok

??1:I rember he* mumered*


??1:I remember

*he then starts to walks towards me*

*jimin then tries to protect me again*

Y/n:jimin it's okk

*he nods*

Y/n:you rember what

*the guy then starts to hug me tight*

*jimin tried to let him off me but he didnt let go*

??1:I missed you so much my duagther.

Everyone :daughter


*jimim then stops pulling him away from me*

Y/n:dad is that you.But you are dead

Dad:no me and your mom had to make a trap

to think we were the people who were trying to get you.whould stop looking for you

*he then stops hugging me then he cups my


Dad:my beautiful little girl.You have growned so much sweetie

*I then start to cry in his chest more*


Dad:come here son

*joon rushly hugged him*

Dad:come on smiley boy you cant forgot my

hug to

*awe I think that's was hope nickname of what father used to call him*

*he then smiles and hugs him*

Hope:dad I always believe you and mom were alive


Joon:I'm sorry we couldn't recognize you

Dad:its ok son.yall have gotton so big*while


Jimin:and I'm sorry for pulling her away for you I didnt know you were her farther

*looking guilty*

Dad:its ok I see you are dating my are protecting my duather and thank you.

Thank you all

*they all bowed*

Jin:well this is a good way to start ou the first

day in the human world


Kookie:hey y/n dad

Dad:oh yes hey kookie you gotton so big

Kookie:do you know anything about my mom

and dad

*me and kookie back then our parents was

gone.But I hope his parents are still alive to*

Dad:hm yes they are.they told me before my

memories was gone.They tried to look for you.They couldn't get in the book tho

Kooie:so my parents are here on earth

Dad:yes kiddo

Kookie:eee yes mommy daddy


*I then hug jimin who was so happy*

*hope then starts to dance around and sings

"that's my ego that's my ego"*

*we all luaghed*

Y/n:omg mom

Dad:wait honey.she doesnt have her memories yet.

Y/n:oh ok

Y/n:I will wait

*as we all cacthed up with my father.we had a great time*

*we then arrive at my dad apparment*

Dad:ok pretend yall are guest

She doesnt know yall are her children ok so

dont scare her.

*we noded*

Jimin:oo I cant wait to see my gf mom

*we alll luaghed*

*Dad knocked on the door*

Mom:hey honey who are they

*as I saw my mom.Tears were in my eyes.Me

joon and jhope all holded hands tigtly*

Dad:just guests can they stay here

Mom:oh yes sure

Mom:come in

*we went in there house and got settled in*

*this place this place.was the place I growled

up in*

*my brother and kookie noticed it to*

Dad:well how you like it

Me,joon,hope,kpokie:its nicee*while blurting*

Dad:good *as he smirked*

*we then luaghed and wacthed tv like an whole Pls rember soon*

*as me and jimin cuddled eacth other on the

couacj.I drifted off on his chest.Leaving into a

nice dream.And ik my surrounding are safe

and sound.It really feels lile home again*

*jimin then puts the blanket over us.And I

snuggle even more*

*he rubs my back and kisses my head*

Jomin:your home don't have to worry anymore

* as he wispered in my ear*

*I smiled and snuggled more in his chest.then I was finally asleep.*
