

*as I woke up from jimin chest the sun was

beaming on my face*

Jimin:aw looks who up*smiling*

Y/n:haha hey hey

*I then kiss him on the cheek*

*jimin then hugs me tight*

*I looked around but where are the others*

Y/n:hey mochi where are the others

Jimin:oh they didnt want to wake you.they went to the store

Y/n:ohh ok hey did my dad and mom went to

Jimin:yes they did

*I then looked down because I noticed me and him were the only ones in the house*

Jimin:hey why are you blushing


Jimin:haha are you blushing because we are in this house alone


*jimin then came forward to me*


*but he looked at me but then grab the remote behind me*

Jimin:haha did you see your face

*I then was mad*

Y/n:Aish why am I being stupid

*as I whispered*

Jimin:oo let's see what's on the tv


Y/n:mochi I'm going to use the bathroom ok

Jimin:noo dont leave me

Y/n:wym(what you mean)

*I then try to stand up but he grab me and

started tickling me*

Jimin:no your not leaving

Y/n:jiminahh I have to go to the restroom

Y/n:haha stop

*jimin then. Stops ticking me and let's me go*

*I shaked me head and went*

*as I got done jimin wasnt on the couch*

Y/n:hm where could he be

*I looked everywhere for him*

Y/n:jimin jimin

*i then go look outside for him*

*as I do i see the others*

*they all looked at me shocked*

Joon:hey sis what's wrong

Hope:yea what is it

*as all the members stop what there doing*

Y/n:ii cant find jimin


Kookie:where could he be


Jin:let's help her find her mochi

Dad:honey we will go out the groceries on the

table we will be right there ok

Mom:what did you Call this stranger honey

*all the members stop and looked at us*

Taehyung:haha he mean lile you know because he never knew her so

Joon:so he just call her that yea..

*mom looked lile we were acting suspicious*

Mom:oh ok..

*we then went outside to look for jimin*


Jon:hey so where the last place you saw him

Y/n:I saw him on the couch we were playing

and he told me not to leave

*wait pls dont tell me he was serious what if he knew something.*

*I then see suga eyes widened*

Suga:hey guys

*we all turned around and saw jimin*

*I ran as fast I can to him.somthing happened

to him*


Jimin:get away from me.dont come near me

*we all looked confushed*

Kookie:hey waht are you talking about

Joon:hey why are your eyes black

Hope:yea I thought only red for us

*I then looked in jimin eyes.I felt a chill*

Jimin:just dont

*I then walk towards jimin*

Joon:y/n no

*as I pulled my hand towards jimin.He pushed me away hard*

*I was then on the ground*


*all the members went around me*

Kookie:jimin what's your problem why are you acting like this.I told her if you ever treat her

wrong I whould always protect her.And you lost

*I then was crying*

*joon and the other members tried to calm me down*

Joon:shhhhh shhhhh it's ok

Hope:I dont know wht he whould do that

Y/n:its like idek him anymore.*while crying*

*my dad then went up to jimin*

Dad:now you told me you should never hurt my daughter why you do it

Jimin:hm well idk

*we all looked shocked*

*my dad then looked very shocked*

*jimin walked passed us then he looked at me

and smirked*




*all I rember was sitting on the couch waiting

on y/n to come back.Becauae they were going to get me.And I didnt want her to leave me*

*as I woke up I was in a white van.With 3

vampires in it*

Jimin:what do you want from me

Man3:you see instead of getting your little gf

we decided to get you.

Man2:whahah yes so she can come to get you.

but we will get her.

Man2:its all about the power

Jimin:but but I'm not there she is probably

worried sick about me

Man2:haha dont worry we have that covered

*what did they mean*

Jimin:whatever yall are going to be pls dont

hurt her

Man1:haha idk maybe maybe not

*I then saw myself tied with a rope.i started to

shake myself out but it was to tight*


Man1:haha theres Noway you can get out.we

tied you good

Man3:and theres no way you can get back to

her right mochi *while laughing*


*I then felt my arm hurting a little and

she crying who hurted her arm*

*I was worried sick*

*if I told her they were coming for us maybe.we could of got help*

Man2:hey 23451 did you do what I said

23451:yessir I did.i hurted y/n

Jimin:you did what

Man2:woww he even vidoe recorded it to

Jimin:let me see

*as I looked at the viode.I I was in it but how.i

wasnt there*

Jimin:hey how am I there

*all the mans luagh*

Man2:haha it's you but a fake version


Man1:its a evil robot version of yourself

Jimin:nono now she will hate me*while crying*

Man3:exactly whahah

*I then felt grit in my teeth*

Jimin:let me see her noww.And where are we


Man3:haha oooh just say we are going to a cliff

Jimin:a whatt

Man3:yes a cliff

Man3:is she doesnt find you.oh well

*I then felt mad*



Y/n:why was he acting like this

Joon:idk it's not him tho

Hope:whatt what do you mean

Joon:its not jimin


Joon:everyone knows jimin eyes are red.And he whould never hurt y/n

Hope:that makes sense

Y/n:yes you are actually right

Y/n:so where is he really

Taehyung:idk hm what if I reconnect the robot of jimin.And see there location

Joon:good idea

*as they all talked I kept quiet worried about


*kookie then sat by me*

Kookie:its going to be ok.we will get him back

*I then nodded looking down*

*he then put his hand on my back and rub it*

*I then smile at him*

Y/n:thank you

Kookie:for what

Y/n:for everything thank you

Kookie:awe yw

*he then gave ma a big hug*

*jimin wherever you are we will find you*

*as kookie left I then felt a sharp pain In my


Y/n:Aisha oh no

*joon and hope then turn around at me*

Joon:hey sis what's wrong

Y/n:unum i um nothing

Hope:um no wht is it

*ahh embarrassing*

Y/n:I um I um

Joon:you what

Y/n:its a girl thing

*as I rushed to the bathroom*

*joon and hope both looked shoocked*

*why now for God's sakes*

*after I finished my business I then went out

the door*

Y/n:hey suga where did my brothers wen-

Suga:they went to the store to get you


Y/n:o *as I made a o shaped on my mouth*

*suga just rubs my hair and luaghs*

Suga:cute*as he says quietly*


Suga:haha nothing

*I then walked in the kitchen*

Y/n:well hey jin.*while I hugged him*

Jin:oh hello y/n

Y/n:haha ik you wont let joon back in your

kitchen hah

Jin:ya got that right

Suga:hey jin let me help you with something

Jin:ok cut the onions


Y/n:hey why are yall cooking right now

Jin:oh for the trip ik yall will be hungry looking

for are mochi

Y/n:yes thank you jin


*as I saw suga cutting the onions he started


Y/n:um suga are you alright

Suga:ahh my eyes it burns

Jin:well you asked for help to cook

Suag:but I didnt want to do the onions

*while crying*

*I then luagh*

Y/n:hey let me do it

Suga:yess pleas-

Jin:no stob it*as he slapped me hand away

from the knife*

Y/n:hey jinn

Suga:I was going to let her

Jin:no she is not cutting onions

Jin:you just go wacth tv y/n.ik its rough for you

right now

Y/n:ok jin

*I looked at suga then jin and left*

*as I sat down, joon and hope popped up*

Joon:here for you

Hope:and this is also for you

*joon gave me girls prducts.And hope gave me chocolate and flowers*

Y/n:aww thx you guys

Hope:your welcome while smiling

Joon:we felt guilty that you had to say that

Hope:so we got you stuff


Joon:Jinn you done yet

Suga:I'm never cutting onions again

Jin:oh no you will be back*while smirking*

Jin:yes we are done

Joon:ok let's hit the road

Dad:ok let's go


*we all went in the car and we found there

location thx to Taehyung*

*as joon was driving we found the van*

Taehyung:I see it

Y/n:me to

Taehyung:ok leys bump it

Eveyone:what noo

Jin:you crazy boy*as he hit him on the back of

his head*

Joon:ok I go open the doors. Taehyung drives.

And hope just stay hope

Hope:ok*while smilimg*

Y/n:be careful joon

Joon:ok I will

*I saw joon went outside of our driving car.And tae started driving *


*Taehyung drove closer*

Dad:oh no it says dead end.Thats a cliff up ahead




*as I was still thinking how I'm going to go off

the cliff and not see y/n again.i heard a familiar voice*

Joon:jimin help me open the door

*my eyes widened.I then looked out the

window and saw them right behind me*

Jimin:oh ok

*the 2 mans were sleeping and the other one

was driving*

*I then opened the door*

Joon:come hurray take my hand

*as I pulled my hand towards him.somthng felt pulling me back*

*as I saw the car stop behind me.*

*I then knew that I was off a cliff*

*as I drifted in the van looking up at the black

car I see y/n she is crying*



*I then ran out the car and yell*

Y/n:noo noo jimin plss noo!!!

*I was going to jump off the cliff to and find

him but.joon and hope held me back*

Y/n:no let me go noww*as crying*

Joon:y/n no you cant*while yelling*

*I then squat down and wacth the van go down the cliff*

Kookie:come on y/n

Y/n:no I'm staying

*kookie then gives me a hug tightly*

*I cried and cried*

Y/n:pls come back pls

*all the members then looked heart broken

even my dad.they just cried and had there head hang down*



*I snapped back to life.*

*I then hung on a lege*

*as I saw the van go down.I then breathe


Jimin:that was close

*I started climbing*

*as the higher I got I heard crying and crying*

*I was finally at the top*

*I then saw y/n hugging kookie*

*kookie then looks at me frightened*

Kookie:hey guys its its jimin!!

*they all looked at me*

*joon them ran up to me to pull me up*


Jimin:I'm here you guys.

Jimin:did yall miss me for that lon-

*I then felt a warm hug from y/n*

Y/n:I I I

Jimin:its ok it's ok I'm here

*I hugger her tightly*

*we both cried for a while*

Kookie:haha suga your crying

Suga:no I'm no it's the onions

Jin:mhm yea right*while luaghing*

*we all luaghed*



*I never felt so happy in my life to see my love


Y/n:I thought I had lost you

Jimin:what and let you date another guy.Haha that's funny..I whould never leave you

*his words warmed my heart*

*to brighter my mood he then spins me around*

Dad:well it's good to see you again

Jimin:yes sir it is

Dad:dont be so formal call me dad

Jimin:haha ok dad

Jin:joon go start the car

Joon:ok jinn

*joon then start skipping to the car*

*as joon turned the key to start the engie.he

then tried to turn the car around to the road.

But he turned it to hard and broke the steering wheel*

(Joon is our king of destruction😂😂)

Joon:uh oh

*I then see joon running away from the car*

Y/n:hey joon where are you going

*he then runs to me*


*as joon was about to finish his sentence jin

went to go check the car*


Joon:uhh yes

Jin:did you break the steering wheel again for

the 100 time

Joon:um yes

*we all luaghed*

*joon then went behind me*

Joon:sis save me

Y/n:ok I'll try *luaghing*

*Jin came towards us walking mad*

Jin:come here better run to


*Jin then went behind me and spanked joon on the butt again*

*I then started laughing until I had no air*

*Jimin tried to pick me up from the groud.But

he actually tripped from luaghing and fell on

top of me*

*we both couldn't move.we were luaghing like crazy*

*as I looked in jimin eyes I then calmed down


Y/n:haha that was funny

Jimin:yea it was

*jimim then starts to kiss me all over my cheeks*

Y/n:aha stops that tickles

Jimin:ok*he then pulled me up.*

*my dad had already fixed the steering wheel *

*we went in the car.and drove away*

*leaving me and jimin talking about our first


*I cant wait for that to happen*

*jimin then gets a snack out his pocket.and fed me*

Jimin:ok my princess is hurgry.say ahh

Y/n:ahh*as my mouth widened*

Y/n:yes but jin also made food

Jimin:its eat

*jimin gently fed me snacks*

Jimin:did you miss me y/n*while in a cute face*

Y/n:yes mochi I really did

Jimin:me to me to

*I then luagh at him.And we talked through

the whole ride*


(Back at home )


*as I was waiting for them to come back my

mind went blank for as sec*

*I saw flashes of the girl and 2 boys also my

husband,and the car*

Mom:oh myy I rember

*I then dropped my glass of water on the floor.

Leaving it broken*
