pt.9 /Christmas edition/


*me and the other members heard a bam when we was about to open the door*

*we opened the door and saw my mother shocked.Her glass was on the floor shattered*

*we all ran up to her*

Dad:honey are you ok

Y/n,joon,hope:are you

Mom:yes my children I am*while smiling*

Joon:you mean 

Hope:you you


Mom:yes I do

*we all hugged her*

Mom:how can I forgot smiley bug,smarty pants,and my ladybug 

Jimin:Haha ladybug

*I then hit him on the elbow*

Jimin:oh I mean that's a beautiful name*while trying to not luagh*


Mom:yall are a great couple 

Jimin,y/n:we know

*we all luaghed*

Jin:oooo did yall have yall first date yet

*me and jimin looked at each other then blush*

*we shaked our heads*

Jin:yahh have to be kidding me right

Hope:hehehe yall should go out tonight

Joon:yeah sis go have fun


Dad,mom:we agree

Jimin:cough cough well then ok.what do you think y/n

Y/n:sure I should love to

*we all agreed*


Mom:well it's 5pm let me get you ready 


Mom:you so excited to get you all pretty 

Jimin:I can't wait



*I then followed my mom upstairs to get ready*

Mom:ok we have 2 choices , dress 1 or dress 2

Dress 1

(beatiful pink dress

the top was a half.amd the skirt was made like a dress.the diamonds were really pretty)

Dress 2

(it was long and light was also was silver on the bottom)

*as I looked at these beautiful dresses I didn't know what to choose*

Y/n:I I pick I I 

Mom:you can't choose huh *while laughing*

Y/n:no I can't um..I'll choose number 1 

Mom:good choice

*as my mom helped me with my dress I then opened my eyes and look at myself in the mirror*

Mom:you look beautiful honey*while tearing up*

Y/n:mom don't cry

*I then hug her*

Mom:no it's just my first time I set my daughter off on her first so proud of you

Y/n:I know mother

Mom:well you can't go barefoot now haha.

Mom:I'll go get you matching shoes ok

Y/n:ok mom



*while y/n go ready her dad,hope and joon helped me get ready*

Jimin:so what should I wear

Joon:something formal

Hope:something to impress her

Dad:something like this

*her dad then showed me a nice suit*

Dad:here wear this

Joon:nice dad

Hope:yeah where did you get that suit from

Dad:that was the suit I wore when I went on my first dad with your mother

*my eyes widened*

Jimin:sir I will definitely wear this

Dad:haha that's good

Hope:what are you waiting for dude.go try it on


*I then changed into the suit*

*I looked at myself then smile*

Jimin:handsome as always*whispering*

(the suit was black but very shiny making jimin look very handsome)

*I walked out and I showed the men*

Hope:ooo nice


Dad:you look great son

Jimin:o thx

Jimin:so do i go downstairs and wait for her


Joon:but before you go

Dad:you have rules for my daughter you have to follow

*i then swallowed my spit*

Dad:come home at 11pm


Joon:don't do anything she doesn't want to do


Dad:no kissing

*I then was silent*

Joon:did you hear my dad boy*while hitting me on the head*

Jimin:I I why not pls 

*her dad then look at me with my puppy eyes*

Dad:Aisha aishhhh fine fine

*I then start jumping in the air*

Jimin:yes yes yes

Joon:but no long kisses tho,nope

Hope:haha I feel bad for jimin.hahah

Jimin:Aisha ok ok I'll follow the rules

Dad:better be

Jimin:I'll make sure she safe to

Dad:ok good son

Hope:haha well I think that's it for the rules*while marching out*

Dad:smiley boy never gets old

*we all luaghed*

*I then went downstairs to see the other members*

*suga was sleeping on the couch with a toothpick in his mouth wide open.hope was dancing zumba.Jungkook was watching cute bunny's on his phone.jin was bickering at namjoom for breaking the fridge again .Taehyung was laughing at namjoon being punished by jin.*

*wow this is my life.i love my life*



*after I got my pretty silver shoes my mom gave me she then starts to tear up again*

Mom:I'm just so proud of you.I remember when you were little.And everytime when I bought me a pair of shoes.You should take them.And start walking downstairs like a fashion model.And look at you now beautiful as can be

Y/n:yah mom you are going to make me mess up my makup*while tearing up*

Mom:haha sorry my little child

Y/n:I  not little *acting cute*

Mom:ok let's show jimin how beautiful you look

*I then nodded*

*I opened the door and took a deep breathe and went down the stairs*

*I then saw my jimin all dressed up.*

(Warning exatration)

*his hair looked soft like a feather.his suit was sparkling like the ocean.his face was sculptured into the most handsome smile.his eyes were shaped into a smile.He was the person I should always dream off*

*but literally all there mouths was open*



*as y/n went down the stairs she looked beautiful*

*I couldn't take my eyes off her*

*she was like a beautiful swan that was very beautiful*

*her hair was brown like the leaves*

*her pink sparkly dress was shining just like my suit*

*her shoes was stunning*

*I couldn't help but keep staring at her.

my mouth was indeed open*

*am I dreaming right I actually going on 

a date with her*

Y/n:cough cough well how do I look

Dad:gorgeous honey


Jin:you you look*while fake crying*.. beautiful 

*I then look at the other guys there mouth was still wide open*

*Jin then elbowed me*



Jimin:you look *while stuttering* ... amazing!!

*he then starts to blush so hard he looked like a tomato*


Jimin:yahh I'm sorry for blushing that hard because 

You are so beautiful

*I then blush*


*the other guys were still shocked of me*

Jin:well joon and hope what do you think

Hope,joon:awesome pretty yes 

*they came hugging me tight*


*joon then whispers in my ear*

Joon:if he doesnt treat you right I will track yall down

Y/n:whoa whao no that ant gonna happen

Hope:also don't stay out late 


*Jin then pushes suga of the couch*

Suga:oh yes you look wonderful *while 

putting his hand behind his neck*

Y/n:thank you suga

Suga:you welcome*while looking down*

*Jin then claps his hand in front of kookie.

From looking at me*

Kookie:ooolala pretty

Y/n:thank you Haha

*Jin was about to do something to v.he noticed

So he hurried up and stood up and said*

Taehyung:you look nice*he then sits down 

Back on the couch*

Y/n:thx you guys.

Dad:also be careful being around humans ok.

Mom:yes rember we are still vampires

Dad:so no fangs no blood ok

*me and jimin both nooded*

Dad:we forgot to tell yall that.yall are getting the age to getting your vampire cravings

*we all looked at each other*

Jimin:oh but we can handle it

Dad:no son sorry.when yall do have yall craving.yall can't help it.And the more you hold back the more you will weaken.

Joon:is there another solution to this

Dad:no son sorry

*ok so I'm 17 and jimin is 18*

*we were still young*

Taehyung:and what's the effects so that you know the cravings has started.

Dad:your eyes turns light red.You get very weak.

You start to lose your balence.You get mad sometimes.

You will try to find a human soon as will have on..


Suga:what a drag


Y/n:yahh this is bad.i hate this.we don't want to hurt humans

Mom:yahh honey stop putting those vampire cravings stuff in these children head.only when they turn 19

Jimin:yahh what my birthday coming up

Y/n:it's ok *while trying to calm him down*

Dad:you see what you did lady


*my mom then almost tries to get really mad.she had the powers*

Hope:no no time for breathe in and breathe out

*my mom did as he said*

Hope:yes that right now think of the beach and calm waves

Mom:ok son

*my mom was then calm*

Dad:what just happened 

Hope:oh to not get stress I signed up for a 30 day trial to calm and relaxation 

Joon:yeah it works great

Dad:oh oh ok

Mom:I'm calm now 

Dad:I'm soory

Mom:it's ok honey*while giving him a hug*

Jimin:baby we need to go*while jumping and pulling my arm out the door*

Joon:be safe

Hope:yeah and have fun

Dad,mom:bye you guys

Joon:don't let the butterflies get to you

*jin then slaps his own face*

Joon:yeah what

Taehyung:really butterflies 

Suga:yeah joon.even my grandmother can make a better

 joke then that

Joon:aishhhh *while going back in*

*we were then in the car*

Jimin:seatbelt pls okie

*I couldn't put my seat belt on aishh.*

Jimin:you need help

Y/n:no no I got it

*I kept struggling with it.*

*jimin then puts his hand on mine then he click the


*I then look up at him.we were 3 inches away from each other*

Y/n:thank you

Jimin:no need princess 

*he then leans back in his seat and starts the keys*

Y/n:oo where are you taking me

Jimin:somewhere special

Y/n:omg I forgot today's Christmas eve

Jimin:me to

*I was wondering why there was a tree in the house loll*

*we rode for an hour*

*mochi then turns up the radio*

Y/n:oo mochi kpop channel pls

Jimin:ok beautiful 

*he turned it there.And the song "life goes on" played*

Jimin and me: "like an echo in the forest"

"Yeaaa life goes on like this again"

*we sang in the car happly.We luaghed and smiled at each other

Filling in the moment*

*jimin then stops the car*

Jimin:we are here


*I looked around and saw trees and a path*

Y/n:where are we exactly

Jimin:you will see

*I was about to open my door but jimin stop me*

Jimin:no don't open it.a beautiful girl like you doesnt need to do anything.*he then runs out the door and opens mine*

*I then blush*

Y/n:thank you kind sir

*he then bows like a prince*

Jimin:you welcome fair lady

*we both luagh*

*jimin then covers my eyes*

Jimin:ok walk slowly 

Y/n:ok mochi

*we walked and walked*

*he then stops me and take his hands from my eyes*

Jimin:you may look now

*when I opened my eyes tears were flowing down my eyes*

*it was a blanket on the shiny grass.there were foods everywhere.

*There were romantic music.there was a shed that looked like a ball dance room.there was even Rose's and candles on the was all beautiful.Jimin even had my baby photos on some stands with flowers by it.even or childhood toys.*

Jimin:y/n *snapping me back*

Y/n:oh oh yes it's so beautiful and and

*I then break down and cry.i then bend down to the ground.

putting my hands over my mouth*

Jimin:baby pls don't cry I did this so we can enjoyed each food,laughter,dance,kiss,breath of air.In one night

*jimin then bends down by me and rubs my back and kissing me on my cheeck*

Y/n:thank you so much for being in my life.i really mean it

Jimin:awe shortie  is so cute when she confessing her love to me

*I then luagh while taking tears off my face*

Jimin:now come on let's start out date

*I then nod*

*jimin stands me up.and then we walked to the blanket*

Jimin:let's eat first ok

*oooo food.i firstly ate shrimp then a salad.and more*

Jimin:I have a surprise for you

Y/n:oooo ok

*he then pops up with chocolate strawberries my favorite*

Y/n:awe jimin you remembered

Jimin:of course I did.When we were little you fell on the sand and I gave you something sweet these strawberries.And after you ate had the biggest smile ever

Y/n:yeah that's me

Jimin:I love you so much that if I lost life should be so empty without your warmth funny silly cute self.I don't want to ever lose matter far apart we are I will always love you.Even till my last breath

*all these words made me cry agian.if I expressed my feelings to him.It should take 12 months to tell him*

Y/n:everyday when I wake up I see your handsome face.i love that you are funny sweet caring.And sometimes a little pouty when I'm not cuddling you.I love you so much It should take me years to tell you

*jimin then looked me in the eyes.and leaned forward to me.he then starts kissing me.i then close my felt like a magical trip to Disney world.i whouldnt be any happier with this man.*

*after a few minutes he took his lips off of mine*

*he then smiles at me then smirks*

Y/n:ahem so um you want to um you know um um

*my words couldn't come out right*

Jimin:dancing you mean*while ruffling his hair back in a flirting way*

Y/n:um um um 

*I just nooded*

Jimin:ok princess 

*we.then go under the shed and dance*

*his sparlkimg eyes was beautiful.*

*we danced the night away*

*leaving my head on his shoulder.while his hands are over my waist *

*jimin then points up*

Y/n:what is it

*I look up and see a missotoe*

Y/n:haha wow haha missatoee are very pretty in Christmas 

Time and-

*he then cuts my words off and kiss me again*

Jimin:I love you

*I just nooded my head*

Jimin:well let's go walk around 

Y/n:I I I 

*I shook my head*

*we both walked in the forest togther*

*he knew I was afraid of the dark*

*are hands were right by eacth other*

*he then takes my hand and put are hands together*

Jimin:my hands were cold*he smiles*


Y/n:just look at the stars isn't it beautiful 

Jimin:not beautiful as you my darling

*I then blush*

Jimin:let's race vampire edition 

Y/n:ok your on

*we then race I was winning btw*

Y/n:yes almost there

*I then see jimin already waiting on me*

Y/n:what the how you you

Jimin:hahahah I'm a fast man

*I then luagh*

*but I then start panting hard.*

Jimin:hey y/n you ok.*while hugging me from behind*

Y/n:yeah I'm I'm I'm 

*I then fall in his arms*

*eyes shut*

*breathing hard*

*jimin screaming*

*me then hearing phone calls*

*hearing gone*

*thoughts gone*



*I was panicking she just fainted in my arms*

Jimin:y/n y/n baby pls wake pls I'm begging you

*she didn't wake up.i then called the members and her parents*


Joon:hello what happened 

Jimin:she she fainted

Joon:she what now

Hope:joon who you on the phone with/in the background/

Joon:jimin y/n fainted


Jimin:I I we was just laughing and having fun an now-

Joon:it's ok.Now go carry her to the car and send her to the vampire hospital.she can't be treated at the humans hospital.

Jimin:ok but where is it.*while carrying her to the car*

Joon:ok you are near it from yall date


Joon:it's past the trees  and and its a blue building 

Jimin:ok bye

Joon:bye see you there

(Call ended)

*I then put her in the car*

*I was speeding I was going 125 miles per hour*

*I then look back at y/n in the back seat she was moving thank god.but she was shaking her head and shivering*

Jimin:y/n pls wake up

*my car then broke down*

Jimin:nonono*while getting out*

*I then squat down and worry*

Jimin:what am I going to do

*I then open the car door and see her shivering*

*i had to do something*

*I then pick her up and carry her to the hospital*

*I also rapped her in a blanket*

*I ran and ran while looking at her*

*I was worried*

*I then felt drops on my skin*

Jimin:no not rain 

*I then run faster.covering y/n face with the blanket*

*I can't get her sick*

*I finally was there I bust the door open and yelled.*

Jimin:help help she needs help pls help her

*I see nures with red eyes with the bed*

Nurse:we will take care of her sir

*she then tries to let her go from me*

*I was crying no but she need help*

*I then put her on the bed*

Jimin:pls keep her safe ok.Amd pls be careful with her she very delicate 

Nurse:yes sir

*as they rolled her out the other members and her parents saw her*



*I couldn't help it I cried and cried*

Suga:it's it's ok she will be ok*while tearing up*

*we waited for hours and I was so worried my hands whould not stop shaking*

*i need to see her*

*i tried knocking on the door but it said surgery room*

*the nurse then came out.we all stood up*


Nurse:she has used alot of her powers.And she just got weak

All she needs to do is rest.*while smiling*

Jimin:ok but can I pls see her

Nurse:not right now she is still in recovery 

Jimin:but pleas-

Dad:we can wait *from cutting me off*

*I stayed silent*

*we then sit back down*

Kookie:I'm going to the vending machine who wants snakcks 


Kookie:ok comes 

*they followed kookie like little ducks*

*I then rub my hair then out my hands on my face worried*

Dad:don't worry to much this happens to alot of girl vampires

Jimin:ok but I love her so much I need to see her

Dad:ik you do

*we then talked and luaghed about y/n*

Dad:Haha yea when y/n was small she used to cook me stuff.Like desserts.they tasted horrible.but her big cute round eyes.was staring in my soul. So I had to eat the whole thing.and say it was so good that she should start her own restaurant 

Jimin:hahahahaha thanks for telling me all makes me stop worrying a little


*I then see kookie,v,rm,hope,come back from the machine*

Kookie:yum yum*stuffing his mouth with candy and a boritto at the same time*

Joon:chips are good


*jin then starts to look at the bag of chips in hopes had*



Jin:haha hope um chips are so good you know

Hope:mhm *happily eating them in his mouth*

*is he trying to make me take the whole bag*

Jin:do you mind sharing with me

*hope then opens his mouth wide open.with chips still in it*

Hope:you got to be kidding me right. Kookie said who wants to go with could have went with us

*my eyes flinched because every word he said.spit was shooting on my face*

Hope:yah why are your eyes closed 

*hope then see spit on my face*

Hope:uh ok oops soory sorry

*while taking his shirt and trying to wipe it off*

*I couldn't take this anyone*


Hope:um I'm not hungry anymore here ya go jin.some chips

*he gave me the bag*

Jin:thank you

*lord this children these days*



*the nurse came out again singling us we can go see her*

Nurse:now one at a time

*we all went bursting In the room*

Nurse:ah peeps these days

*I then see her in the hospital bed.bretahing on a breathing machine*

*I sit by her and hold her hand tightly*

Mom:jimin you should go to the house and get rest

You look really tired

Jimin:no I'm staying until she wakes

*while putting my hand on her soft cheeks*

*they all went home and rest but I stayed and watched her*

*I watched her breathing moments to.*

*I  am so worried*

*I then drift off to sleep*

*it was moring now*

Jimin:merry Christmas baby *while yawning*

*she was still asleep.her breathing machine went a little fast.*

Jimin:what's happening to her

*it went faster and faster*

*she was twisting and turning and also sweating *

*I then ran out the door and call nurses*

*they ran in the room and kicked me out*

Jimin:pls what's happening 

Nurse:she is breathing horribly.we need to give her some training blood 

*I was a mess.*

Nurse:sir it ok she will be fine

*i then nod and sit legs are shaking*

*nurse comes out*

*she says she is calm now*

*i ran in*

*i saw y/n*

*I broke down and cried to see her ok*

*I sit down bye her and smile*



*I finlay could hear.but I heard crying


*I open my eyes and see him holding my hand*

*I them rub his hand back*

*I then shut my eyes back*

Jimin:what you are moving omg she knows I'm here

*I then luagh a little*

Y/n:I'm awake jimin

*he got up from his chair and was so happy*

Jimin:my baby is awake.i missed you so much

*he then hovers over me and starts kissing my cheeks all over*


*I try to sit up but I'm a little weak*

Jimin:here let me

*he then sits me up and smiling*

Jimin:they say you are weak but you will recovery with rest


Jimin:merry Christmas baby.

*he thens Hands me a small box*

Y/n:hm what's this*while shaking it by my ear*

*I then open it.and see a diamond ring*

*I couldn't say any words*

*jimin then puts the ring on my finger*

Jimin:this ring shows our love for eacth other

Y/n:jimin I I 

*he then kisses my forehead*

Jimin:merry Christmas  baby

Y/n:but I I don't have a gift for you and-

*he cutting me off and said*

Jimin:princess I don't need a gift.its are my gift.thank you for supporting me and loving me the way you do

*I then blush*

*I then think again wait does this ring mean engage marriage*


*he was still talking about how much he loves me*

Jimin:and your so pretty and beautiful and and


Jimin:yahh don't scare me what

Y/n:is this ring an engagement ring

*jimin then looks down and smiles.while rubbing the back of his neck*

Jimin:aishh you cought me.yes it is.i didn't know how to ask you tho

*I was so happy and filled with joy*

Jimin:will you be my wife princess *while staring at me*

Y/n:yes yes I do

Jimin:oh my oh my oh my you do you do*while standing up*

*I then luagh*

Jimin:I'm going to become a husband and I will buy you nice things.and and love you.and spend every moment with you.espacially the cuddles

*acting cute*

Y/n:yes omg I'm marrying you

Jimin:yes soon to be mrs.park y/n

*while putting his 2 hands togther mischievously.and acting cute*

Y/n:what am I'm going to do with you

Jimin:humm idk hug me tightly and say I love you jimin


*I grabbed his hand and hug him tightly and said*

Y/n:I love you jimin (over and over)

Jimin:awwwww* he then tickles my toes*

Y/n:Haha stop that's my tickle spot 

*even tho my weak body  is  hurting.just seeing this wonderful man with me.make me not feel any pain*

*the other members come rushing in*

Everyone:she awake

Joon:oh yes my sis awake 

Hope:how ya feeling

Y/n:I'm feeling great-

Dad:you hurt


Mom:you ok

Y/n:yes I-

Suga:was the rest good for you

Y/n:yes but-

*jimin notices me struggling to answer there questions*

Jimin:everyone shushh she  is trying to answer but everyone is cutting her off

Everyone:oh sorry 

Kookie:Noona you ok right

Y/n:yes kookie

Kookie:noona what's on you hand

*everyone looked shocked*

Suga:is that what I think it is*annoyed*


Dad and mom:woww  congrats my daughter 

Jin:yes jimin you finally did it huh

Jimin:yea I did*feeling proud*

Taehyung:soooooo after yall get married.can they be small little y/n and mochis running around.i want to be an uncle

Y/n:yahhhh taehyung 

*I looked at jimin but he just blushed*


Mom:they said you can be let go now


*we finally got out the hospital*

*jimin helped me to the car.*

*and we drove away*

*we then got home*

Jin:Haha I went Christmas shopping 


*we all then opened are presents and laughed*

Kookie:thx jin a bunny just what is wanted 

Suga:haha yea thx jin a pillow with a blanket

*suga then flops on the floor and lays on it*

Taehyung:yes I got a ps5 thank ya

Hope:yay I got some cans of Sprite and a teddy bear that smiles.

Thank you

Joon:oo yes whahahah a research lab thx jin

Jimin:oooo I got a wacth,and colone.thx Jin

*I then open mine up*

Y/n:oooo it's a new dress.And a candle.thank you jin

Jin:you welcome *smiling*

Y/n:wait how about my parents 

Jin:oh I just sent them to a trip to Hawaii.there gone

*while laughing*



Jin:Haha ik they happy to go on a vacation 

Y/n:yes they deserve it

*I then get sleepy*

Jimin:are you sleepy my baby

*I nodded*

*he then gently picks me up and takes me to my room*

*he then put me under the covers.making me feel cozy*

Jimin:there my shortie is all warmed up

Y/n:I not short ok

Jimin:okie cutie

*jimin then kissed my forehead*


Y/n:wait don't leave 

Jimin:you want me to stay princess 

*I nooded*

Jimin:ok.ill just sleep here then


*he then gets under the covers and put his arm over my shoulders *

*then he pulled me closer to him.Leaving me sleeping on his warm chest*

*making me cuddle even more into him*

Jimin:comfortable princess ?


Jimin:ok you needs alot of rest ok

*I nooded*

Jimin:have nice dreams ok


Y/n:okie mochi

Jimin:love you

Y/n:love you to

*we both went to with the man I love.i love you jimin*




*hope was running around with the teddy bear*

*joon was acting like Frankenstein  with his lab*

*suga was still sleep on the floor*

*taehyung was playing on his ps5 speaking loud from talking to his game friends*

*jin was making Christmas cookies*

*kookie was dancing with his bunny rabbit*

*joon then smells the cookie dough*

Joon:oooo Jin can I help

Jin:ugh sure

Jin:you put them in the pan*while yelling*

Jin:just pick the Christmas trees up and lay them on the pan

Joon:yahh ik I not dumb

Jin:ok I'll be right back.male sure you put them in the oven


*joon looked to see if he is gone*

*joon then took the dough and placed it in his mouth*

Joon:mhm so good hehehe

*he then place them on the pan an puts it in the oven*

Joon:the box says leave it in there for 10 min got it

*joon then falls asleep waiting on the cookies*

(20 mim later)

(In joon dream)

Joon:no I won't I have the files and are not the victim he is

??:no you are joon joon joon

(Dream ended)

Jin:joon joon joon*while shaking him*

Joon:no you are the victim 


Joon:ohmy! ! Oh no the cookies

*joon looked at jin mad face then saw jin had black burnt kookie In his hands*

Jin:Aisha I don't even feel like yelling child.just run

*joon then runs*


*joon tries to open the door to get out the house.but he kept pulling it.And he adcendlty yeeted the door handle*

Joon:oh it was locked that's why it whouldnt open and uh oh

*Jin then stops.and looks at the door handle in his hand*

*jin then got so mad his vampire powers went up.*


*while screaming*

*making the whole room shake*

*v stopped and dropped his controller*

*Kookie stopped dancing with the bunny*

*hope triped up and stop running around*

*suga actually wakes up.And sit up.and like what the world*

*joon dropped the handle*


*jimin fell on the floor.and y/n asked if he ok*

Jimin:aishh was that jin.

Y/n:I think so

Jimin:aishh I was cuddling you why jin why

Y/n:don't be so pouty should we go check 

Jimin:no stay 


*they both went to sleep and cuddled again*

(Back downstairs)

Jin:look you guys ik it's Christmas but pls tone it down a bit.Yall acting like wild monkeys.

Everyone:sorry we will keep it down

Joon:an sorry jin

Jin:its ok hyung lord

*joon then luaghs*

*Jin then luaghs*

Jin:the funny thing I made a wnd batch to.ik you whould burn them

Joon:oh my what

Jin:uh well look at the time


* this was the best Christmas ever for them*


Author:merry Christmas and have a good new year.i made this a little longer because it's Christmas.hope you guys liked it

(To be continued)