

*I then wake up and see jimin watching tv*

Jimin:Hahahahahahah He fell

*i then glance and saw him watching funny fails*

*i then faked cough to get his attention*

Jimin:oo your up*while luaghing*

*i nooded*

Jimin:well how are you feeling 

Y/n:im feeling good right now

Jimin:heh so we are  engaged right

Y/n:yes*while smling*


Y/n:jimin I'm going downstairs im going to 

make breakfast 

*jimin then run to me*

Y/n:what the whats wrong

Jimin:yayayay breakfast *while jumping me*

Y/n:aish don't scare me like that.I thought

 something happened 

Jimin:sorry sweet baby im just hungry

Y/n:okie okie

Jimin:but you are still my cute princess 

*i then blush*


*he then leans towards me*

Jimin:you have beautiful  hair


Jimin:its very shiny and pretty


Jimin:and did you wash it

*he then became closer to me.I could smell his breath on the tip of my nose*


Jimin:It kind of looks like bacon and very 

gressey*while licking his lips*

*oh no I better go cook something or he will 

eat my hiar*

Y/n:i better go now mochi*rushing*

Jimin:yahh *while following me*


Y/n:yahhh don't touch my hair its not food

*i then ran downstairs*

*i went to the kitchen  opened the fridge then

 took bacon out*

*i then see jimin is snapped out his food trance*

Y/n:you ok mochi

*jimin then looks up at me*

Jimin:oh my sorry.

*i then luaghed*

*i fried the bacon.*

*i then felt 2 hands around my waist*

Jimin:the bacon is done yess

*i then look up at him acting like a little child*

*i then rub his hair and smile.he can act like a 

child.then he can act like he is protecting me.

And he acts like he is so silly.haha.*

*i then called the others to come down*

Taehyung:yayaya food

Joon:yesss y/n your the best sis in the world

Hope:yess sissy

Suga:wow good job on the food

*while blushing*

*kookie noticed*


Y/n:thx you guys

*after we all ate.Jimin was staring at the 

window outside*

Y/n:hey what is it

Jimin:nothing its nothing

Y/n:what is it mochi

*he looked sad there's have to be a reason why he just dead staring outside*

Jimin:do you really want to know*while staring at me*

*i noded*

Jimin:well when  I was little my parents was 

always busy working.So this guy always

 babysitted me.Right now I'm pretty sure he

 whould be 30.


Jimin:i just want to check on him he has kind of been a farther to me

Y/n:i get it


Y/n:do you know where is he

Jimin:no i don't

Y/n:should we find him then

Jimin:i hope so


*jimin then looks at me.then he hugs me and 


Y/n:hey its ok *while looking down at him*

Jimin:what if he doesnt rember me.How he 

used to make me feel happy when I cried over my parents

Y/n:he will rember you mochi ill be right back


Jimin:ok pls be carful

Y/n:im only going upstairs to namjoon.haha ill

 be careful 

*i then walk upstairs to namjoon room*

*i then knocked on the door*

Joon:who is it.If it is jin sorry for breaking your 

phone.I will buy you a new one.

Y/n:wait what

Joon:oh my it's you .hah pretend I didn't say 



Joon:so what is it sis

Y/n:jimin wants to find his babysitter when he 

was young

Joon:ah whats his name

Y/n:umm I didn't ask him

Joon:oh ok 

Joon:ill just find clues and we can find him

Y/n:ok yayy an adventure

Joon:aww my sissy  is a cutie pie


*joon then gives me a tight hug*

Joon:I never get to tell you this.but I love as hope

Y//n:aww I love you to

*joon then kisses  me on the cheeck*

Joon:well come lets go find him


*as we walked downstairs we saw jimin and 

Taehyung *

Joon:Taehyung  ask jimin some questions about the man

Taehyung:ok got it.

*while jimin and v talked.V got some info.And

 now they know where he might be*

*me and joon was sitting outside waiting on


Joon:so your getting married huh

Y/n:yea*while smiling*

Joon:I just want you to know that me and hope are  always with matter what

Y/N:aww thank you

Joon:and if jimin breaks you small cute going to -

Y/n:hah no thats not going to happen 

Joon:I guess your right

*i looked at the beautiful blue sky.and then see the snow on the ground*

*i then started shivering from the cold*

*joon then notices*

Joon:are you cold


Joon:yes you are i can tell

*i don't want him to worry*

*i  then see joon take off his jacket and rapped

 it around me*

Joon:there all warm*while smiling*

Y/n:thank you but won't you get cold

Joon:haha I'm a man i can take your big suppose to protect you and care for you. 

Y/n:ik but

*joon then put his finger on my lips making me sush*

*i just nodded and took his 


*we then saw jimin and Taehyung*

Jimin:o did something happen to you y/n

Y/n:oh no i was just cold.and my brother gave me his jacket

Jimin:aww well are you warm I can also give you my jacket.

Y/n:im good jimin  now let's go find him.I want

 to thank him for making you so sweet and nice


*the rest of the members joined us*

*we all went to the car*

*Taehyung drove*

Suga:so where exactly is this guy?

Taehyung:oh he is on se ship


Taehyung:yea.he works on the ship.

Jimin:woww a ahip

*after an hour we then was at the ocean*

*we then got out*

Kookie:ahh my legs hurt*while screeching *

*kookie then see my sleepy face.he then put his hand over my neck.and lay his head on my 


Kookie:we will both be lazy vampires

*we both luagh*

Kookie:one time i caught  suga wacthing Dora

*we then started luaghing*

*suga then slowly walked up to us*

Suga:hey y/n what are you to luaghing about

Y/n:umm just a kids show

Suga:o..Kookie did you tell her about me

 wacthing Dora.Because if you did.You watched little Enstines 

Kookie:yahh you didn't have to do me like that

*while whispering*

Y/n:haha yall are to cute

*i then shake my head and luagh.While suga 

and kookie was blushing*

Jimin:ok everyone we now wait for the boat

Y/n:yes sir captain

Jimin:haha you don't have to call me that

Y/n:i know loll

*i then see hope skipping towards us with his 


Hope:hi sissy while tickling me

Y/n:hahaha heyy

Hope:i love my teddybear jin gave me

Y/n:haha ik

*hope is so cute*

Hope:hehe (talking to the bear)

/Ok now we are going on a ship.dont get scared or seasick/

*me and jimin then luaghed*

*we all looked up and heard a noise.*

Jin:ah it must be the ship

Jimin:yayy I get to see him

Y/n:im so hapoy for you

Jimin:thx baby for helping me do this

Y/n:aww you welcome

*a man then said all the board*

*me and jimin holded hands and went in*

*hope then skips in with the teddy*

*joon was going on his phone.But then

 bumped into suga who was sleep walking in*

*Kookie was speed walking in*

*jin was horse luaghing at joon who tripped up on the rug while walking in*

*and Tae  was just regularly walking in.And was thinking just look how weird the others walk in*

*as we went in there were people here 

humans.But we noticed some vamoires there.


Jimin:do you guys know which part he works on

Joon:all the way on top he make sure the ride is smooth for anything

Jin:oo cool job

*me and jimin went up the stairs.while the 

other members got in there rooms*

Y/n:are you exited 

Jimin:yes i can't wait for you to meet him.he is 

so nice

Y/n:oo ok

*we they was at the door.about to open it


(The man pov)

*hm just like every other day.Work work work*

*i am so tired working here but I have my


*i then hear someone at the door*

Guy:who could that be

*i see a girl and a boy*

*hm why does this guys looks so familiar*

*yahh that's jimin*

Guy:jimin is that you

*jimin then shakes his head and hugs me while crying*

Jimin:i missed you do much.why did you leave .

Guy:I had my reasons.And who is this

*i then see she is also a vampire.But I noticed  a ring.Isnt that his mother ring she gave him*

Jimin:ah yes this is my beautiful princess y/n.

soon to be wife

*i then look at her and she has the nicest

 calmest smile.She was pretty*

Guy:ah nice to meet you y/n

Y/n:nice to meet you to.Im so hapoy this

 reunion is so nice.And jimin you didn't have

 to call me princess infront of guests

 *while blushing*

Jimin:aish I call you that whenever I want to

 *giving her a cold glare*

Guy:haha so tell me about yourself y/n



*as they talked they luaghed and 

talked.and talked.I wanted to talk to 

to him*

Jimin:y/n-shii stop talking.i wants to talks now

*tugging her sleeve while whispering in her ear*

Y/n:alright mochi ok*while she cupped my

 checks and pinched it*

Jimin:haha finlayy so-

Y/n:im soory one sec jimin.Also what is your 


Guy:oh my name is Justin just call me justey

Y/n:oo nice name and ok

Jimin:ok so justey how you been

Justey:I have been good

Jimin:that's great

*y/n then went to the railing to see the water*

Jimin:hey y/n be carful.I don't want you to fall

Y/n:ok mochi

*i then kept wacthing  her every move while me and justey were talkimg*

Justey:you must really lover her

Jimin:yes i do.she is half of my heart.without her it would just one lost half



Justey:oh I have someone  you need to meet

Jimin:oh ok who is it

Justey:oh her name is rose she works with me.

she is your age to

Jimin:ah okie


*i then see a girl come out*

Jimin:oh nice to meet you im jimin

Rose:ik who you are*while smiling*


Rose:this dude have been talking about you 

alot and we finally meet

*while looking at me down and up*

*i then look away*

Justey:rose did you meet jimin soon to be wife


Justey:ah yes

Rose:no where is she

Jimin:at the railing looking at the water

Rose:ok*while walking to her*

*something isn't right*

(We all no rose is the niest person ever.this is 

just a story)



*i then see a girl walking up towards me*

Rose:hello im rose.And you are jimin fiancé 


*i then noded*

Rose:ok the water is really blue today


Rose:your so lucky you got him

Y/n:you mean jimin right

Rose:yea duh

Y/n:oh haha I love him so much

*i then see she glared at me in a mad way.she 

then put a smile on her face*

Rose:well nice seeing you

Y/n:you to

Justey:y/n im taking jimin downstaris to show 

him some art

Y/n:oh cool ok.Jimin have fun

Jimin:okie *while kissing me then smiles the


*rose then got even more mad*

*me and rose was left in the room*

Rose:how about I give you a little tour about the animals in the sea


Rose:okie follow me

*We then get to the docs*

Rose:if you can see it there's a dolphin 


*i looked and looked but I dint see any dolphin*



Y/n:there no dolphin 

Rose:look closer


*i looked closer and closer*

*i was on the edge*

Y/n:i don't think there's no dolphin and-

*i then felt a push on my back*

*i then fell in the water*

*oh nono*

Y/n:helpp* trying and struggling *

*i knew how to swin but I was to weak.And so I was half drowning*

*there was no rose anymore.what is she trying to do*

*my whole body then went under the water*




*i then smile and fake cry to jimin and justey.*

Jimin:rose whats wrong where y/n

Rose:she fell in the water.And I don't see her


*jimin then runs out to the docs*

*i then see some other guys to.Uhhg*

Justey:hm I told you to hurt her.but not drown

 the  girl

Rose:who cares she doesn't deserve jimin 

*we then run to the docs*

Joon:y/n no.she to weak.i don't see her

Kookie:im going to have a panic attack if we

 don't find her

Suga:she can't swin*while crying*

*i then rolled my eyes*

Taehyung:y/ N can you hear us.rose what

 happened before she fell

Rose:she couldn't see the she got 

closer and fell

Jimin:i can't lose her

*while crying*

*jimin rushly took off his shirt.i then blush*

*before you no it he jumped in the water*

Joon:pls find her jimin😔



*i then went under water romaimg and 

looking for y/n*

*i look and heart was beating so much*

*i then see her.her body was like a floating 

statue with her eyes closed.with her brown hair floating around*

*i then rushed to her putting her in my arms*

*i kept looking at her.pls be ok*

*i then got air.i then put her on the doc*

Joon:y/n*while crying*

Hope:pls dont tell me she is d-

Kookie:nono she not stop hope.dont say that

*while crying*

*i them shake her but she whouldnt answer her breathing stoped*

Jin:hurry try cpr


*i then pushed my lips on hers and breathed air.while pushing her stomach*

Jimin:it isn't working

Joon:jimin you are doing it wrong let me

*joon then went up to her.And put his lips on

 y/n.he kept pumping her chest and breathing 

air.he then  checks her pulse.*

Joon:i can feel her blood moving its working

Suga:feel her 


*he felt it and it was pumping*

Joon:yes yay

*he then kept pumping her chest and giving

her air.until she spit up water and cough*

Joon:y/n*while kissing her over the cheecks*

*she was still coughing*

Y/n:i just want to say thank you joon

*while putting her weak hand on his cheek.

makimg joon cry*

joon:I told you I always will protect you

Y/n:jimin*as she looked up at me*

Jimin:im here darling*i then went up to her to

give her a hug*

*i was a crying mess*

Y/n:i thought I was really gone

Jimin:i wouldn't let that happen 

Y/n:haaha *while gentle kissing me on my


*ik she got weaker.she needs to  rest*


*he then hugs her so as all the members*

Kookie:im so glad you  here 

*i then put a towel over her*

Jimin:come on let me get you dry.Ans set for



Y/n:before we go can i talk to rose for a minute 

Jimin:um sure baby go ahead

*i didn't trust rose*

*i then wacth her speak to rose*

*rose then tell her something in the ear.but wht did she tell her.They then luagh*

*ah it just girl talk I guess*



*i then walk up to rose*

Y/n:hey why did you do that

Rose:hm oh what do you mean

*while smiling*

Y/n:you pushed me on purpose why

Rose:hmm well

*she then whipers in my ear*

Rose:well because I don't wamt you with jimin.if you say a word to jimin that I pushed you.i will

do something even worse.

*chills then came on my back*

Rose:haha also I see jimin is looking at us so

 just fake luagh ok

*why I did what she said and i walkedd towards jimin*

Jimin:everything ok

*i nodded*

Jimin:come im going to get you dry


*it hurted me that I lied to jimin*

*he then taked me to a room*

*he then brings me a rob and a towel*

Jimin:here change in robe.while I find you something to wear


*i went to the bathroom and got dry.i then put

the one on*

*I walked out to see jimin with his Hoodie and

sweatpants on the bed*

Jimin:is it ok if you wear my clothes

Y/N:yess  I whould love to

*he then smiles*

*i then went to the bathroom and change in his was so comfy.*

*he then aaw me*

Jimin:you look beautiful 

*i just luagh

*jimin then puts me in bed*

Jimin:go to sleep ok

*in a worried look*

Jimin:are you still cold


*i was dead cold.i just like bothering people*

*i then sneeze*

Jimin:babay are you sick

Y/n:I I *i then looked at his worried face*

Y/n:yes.*while snifflimg*

Jimin:ok ill order some soup ok

Y/n:ok.and for company you want to see your 




*i then see jimin walked out the door and I then see my 2 amazing brothers*

Joon:hey are you ok

Hopee:do you need a cuddle

Y/n:im ok im just a little sick.and I whould love a cuddle

*hope then lays by Me.he hugs me tighly.

making me not feel cold anymore*

*joon then cuts the heater on and then he 

starts dancimg*

Joon:heheh wewewe heheh wewewe .I am

 jooney laalalal*while doing a goofy dance*

*me amd hope Burts out luaghing*

Joon:yayy i made you luagh sissy

*he then sits by me*

*i luaghed hard until my stomach got weak*


*hope them stops cuddling me*

Hope:oh my did I do that. I hug you to hard 


Y/n:haha no.silly. just luaghed hard.until my 

stomach hurted 

Hope:oh are you ok

Y/n:no it hurts

Joon:where does it hurt


*as I pointed to the side of my stomach*

Joon:is it ok if I check it

*i then noded*

*joon then gently lifted my hoodie or jimin

hoodie.He then sees a bruise on it.He then genlty rubs. It.*

Joon:hope go get that medicine cream


*he then came back with the cream*

*joon rubs it on my side*

*he then pulled my hooide down*

Joon:does it feel better now

Y/n:yes thank you

Joon:you welcome

*jimin then comes back with soup*

Jimin:soup is here baby


*joon then sits me up*

*jimin. Then places the soup in my lap*

Jimin:ok say ahh


*he then started feeding me*

*joon and hope then left leaving me and jimin*

Jimin:y/n come cuddle with me


*we cuddled and wacthed a moive*

*he then kiss my forhead*

Y/n:i have to go to the restroom right quick

Jimin:ok*he pauses the moive*

*i then got done and saw him half sleep on the bed haha*

*i then jump to get his attntion*

*but i jumped to high he noticed the bruise*


Jimin:baby whats that on you stomach

Y/n:a bruise

Jimin:oh no baby come here

*i then went up to him*

*he then lay me on the bed.then he pulled my

hooide up a little.*

Y/n:what are you doing

*jimin then starts kissing my bruise*

Jimin:i want it to get better

Y/n:aww it will

*he then pull my hooide back down*

Jimin:its almost dark do you want to go downstairs


*we went downstairs and saw the members eating*

*kookie then stands up with food in his mouth*

Kookie:yahh y/n you ok


*while sitting by him*

Kookie:thats good

*i then see jin eating shrimp*


Jin:you want one

Y/n:yes pls

*jin then puts the shrimp in my mouth*

Jin:your such a good child.thank God for you

*i then smile*

*i then see joon walking behind jin*


*jin then chokes on his shrimp *

*he then coughs an yellss* could you and y/n be siblings 

yall are the opposite. 


*the whole table luaghs*

Suga:haha I recorded the whole thing

Hope:haha did you see jin face

Jimin:hey send me the video

Taehyung:me to

*after all the luaghs we all see rose aproching*

Rose:Oh hey y/n how ya feeling*while smiling*

Y/n:i couldn't be any better

Rose:good good

*she then sits by jimin*

*i see he is a little uncomfortable *

Rose:so jimin tell me about your life

Jimin:my life is y/n

*i then smile.but rose then stomps her feet*

Rose:oh ant that nice

*jimin was Eating pizza.but he had sauce on the side of his lips*

Y/n:jimin you have-

*before I could finish rose put her finger and 

took the sauce off his plump lips.*

Rose:haha you had some sauce on your lips

Jimin:it ok.i could of got it

*i then felt jelly.she then looks at me then

smirks.Then she put the sauce from jimin lipss and puts it in her mouth*

*And I felt my heart was sinking*

*joon noticed so as suga*

*jimin then looks at me*

Y/n:haha I have to go to the bathrom

Jimin:but you already had went

Y/n:i just need to go again

Jimin:but wait

*i then run to the bathrom*

*i locked the door.and check if anyone was

There .I then cried*

Y/n:i see now.she trying to take him away from me

*i then look in the mirror and wipe my face.*

*I then opened the door but someone pushed me back in*

Y/n:justey why are you iin a girls bathroom

*He then put me on the wall*

Y/n:hey what are you doing

Justey:oh there just something in your hair


Justey:you been crying haven't you

*i nooded*

*i then burst out crying again*

Justey:hey its ok

*he then kisses me*

*what the*

*i tried let go.but he was to strong*

*i then got a grip and letted go*

*before i could say anything he then lands his 

lips on my neck*

Y/n:what is wrong with you

Justey:be with me.

Y/n:no i love jimin

*He stands up. and then raise his hand towards me.making me flinch *

Y/n:pls dont hurt me

*he then drops his hand and yells*

Justey:why can't you be with  me.leave jimin.he is just a little boy

*this mean words he Said about jimin.made 

me very angrey*

y/n:first of all.he not a little boy.he  is about to 

turn 18.And no i love jimin

*justey then kicks the wet floor sign*

*Making me jump*

*he then bends down towards me*

Justey:just you wait pancake

*omg really.i like princess better*

Justey:just you wait*while rubing my checks*

*he then walks out*

*i cry more.he just warned me.rose taking 

jimin.i don't know what to do*

*i looked in the miror and saw a mark on my 


*i then cover my hair over it*

*i try to put a smile on myself and I then left*

*i then went. To Hope and joon room*

*i slammed on there bed crying*

*i then hear footsteps *

*i then wipe my 



Y/n:oh just visiting

Joon:Oh you ok

Hope:have you been crying

*i trusted them i have to tell them*



Hope:yea sisisy

y/n:well rose is the one who pushed me

*joon and hope looks mad*

Joon:where is she

*while standing up*

Y/n:nono pls if she knew she will do something bad

*he then sits

 back down*

y/n:she also is trying to steal jimin away from me

hope:yahh what no

Y/N:and and then after ii went to the restroom.

justey he he 

*i then cry in joon  chest*

Both of them:he what

Y/n:he tried to kiss me.he

 wants me.but I said I loved jimin then he got mad.he then warned to be with him.


*hope then punches the wall*

*joon genlty lets go of me and looked in my Eyes*

Joon:now tell me he didn't touch you right

*while looking mad*

Y/n:yea he did

*joon stands up and get his punching gloves*

Y/n:where are you cant go he 

warned me

joon:i just can't let him touch you no 

Hope:uhh and we thought he was nice

Joon:if jimin heard what you said. just say you won't  be seeing justey around

*i then pull my hat cover off of me.and move my hair from my neck*

Joon:y/n y/n *while closing his eyes*

Hope:ik he didnt

*while tearin. Then punching the wall agian*

Y/n:it hurts

Joon:why whould he do this to you.Your beatiful body cant be treated like this


*i just cry*

*jimin then comes in*

Jimin:joon I was wandering can i use  your  remote.And have you seen my baby-

*he then sees me*

*he then sees my tears*

*he then sees it on my neck*

*he then see a punch on

the wall*

*he.then looks back at me*

*joon then goes over me*

Joon:she is fine the remote is over there

*he then moves joon out the he is infront of me*



*the room went silent.leaving my head hangingdown*

*jimin then see me. Crys*

Jimin:nono baby baby pls dont cry i didnt mean to yell.i just want to know

*in a soft tone*

*he then hugs me.and I. cry even more*

*he then keeps looking at the spott on my neck*

Joon:ill tell him y/n

*i nooded*

*i then hold his hand and land my head on his


*as joon was telling  him.his grip got tighter and Tighter *

*as i see jimin he  stands up.he then start to shake his head and cry.while backing up*

Jimin:no it can't be true

Hope:its true

*jimin then looks at me neck and gets mader*

Jimin:i can't belive this.he hurted you..and

rose pushed you.and she trying to get me 

from you

*i then nod*

*jimin  Eyes were darker then before  he then

takes some of his power and puts it into me toheal me*

*i then saw my bruise was gone*

*jimin them goes up to me*

Jimin:did it work

*I nooded*

*he then squisys my cheecks*

Jimin:i am so sorry that I was so sorry

*he then kissed me.*

*we were both crying *

Jimin:so whats the plan to take them down
