Starting a great adventure

After the awkward walk, we managed to get back to my house. Once at my home, I had Bulma sit down not too far away and I started lighting a giant flame with my ki. Time to cook up Fishy the 8th.

While I let Fishy cook, I grabbed some dry tree leaves from my home and made Bulma some tea. I learned it from the original Goku's memories he had together with Grandpa Gohan. He also taught me how to make wooden teacups to drink tea in. 

"Here for you."

I told her while offering her a wooden cup filled with tea. I have no clue if she's gonna like it since it's made from random tea leaves I found.

"I never expected for anyone to actually go on a journey for the Dragon balls. I thought people had long ago forgotten about them. Yet here you are."

I said in order to break the silence. Oh, Fishy the 8th seems about ready to sacrifice his mortal body for me and Bulma's sake. He shall be missed. Latome.

Wait, what does that even mean? 

"Well, I only started my journey after I found a book in my room about the legend of the dragon balls. Since I was bored, I decided to find out if they were real or not. And lo and behold, I found two balls. One of them my dad found back in his younger days. I found the other on a cliffside."

Hmm, so she has two already. Which other ones do we have to get again? We have three so far, so another 4 to go. But how do we get them again? Uuuh, I remember Chi-Chi and the Ox-King, there was also Yamcha if I'm not wrong, but I can't remember why we met them or how. Eh, it probably doesn't matter. I'm stronger than the original anyway I'll breeze through this. 

"What do you want to wish for? Your answer will make this either easier or harder for the both of us."

I told her in a calm voice whilst praying for Fishy's safe journey towards the other world. I can't remember what she originally wished for. Plus, giving pressure like this makes my act a lot more convincing.

"I honestly have no clue yet. Maybe a book with all the knowledge in the universe in it or maybe a piece of technology from the future so I can study it. I'm still deciding. Maybe I'll keep them and when an extinction-level threat happens I can wish for it to be undone."

She answered back. Damn, I thought I was dealing with teenage lovesick Bulma for a sec, not an actual intelligent one. Hmm, this will definitely be an interesting journey. 

"Hmm, I thought you would want something more materialistic. Like, I don't know, the perfect boyfriend or a million bars of gold."

I told her. Hmm, let's see how she replies. Since she's so different from what I remember, I'll have to get a read on her. 

"Well, I don't care about money since I have all the money in the world. And the perfect boyfriend, even if it's tempting, I want someone real, not someone I wished for."

She answered whilst taking a sip of her tea. Wow, that was way too mature to have come out of a 16-year-old Bulma.

"Hmm, you passed. I like your outlook on things and your wishes seem to be selfless."

I said to her. This girl is definitely not the Bulma I know.

"Thank you, I guess? If you don't mind me asking why do you care if the wish is selfless or selfish?"

She asked. Oh yeah wait why do I care? Random bullshit go!

"Legend has it, when there are too many selfish wishes made with the dragon ball's they will start to crack because of the negative energy. If a wish is made after the dragon balls have cracked, instead of Shenron, Dark-Shenron will be summoned and instead of granting wishes, he will make the dragon ball's into creatures so unimaginably strong that they will start destroying the world. At least that's what my grandpa told me and I would rather be safe than sorry."

I explained to her. Man, that explanation dragged on for a while. Hmm, is it wise to tell her about basically the last arc of Dragonball GT? Probably not. Do I care? I don't think so. 

"That sounds scary but I don't think it will ever actually happen. I mean think about it, it just sounds unrealistic."

She said to me while taking another sip. Hmm, still ignorant. Cute. 

"Well believe what you want. Though there is something else you should know, there are people that will do anything and everything to get a wish, so you'll need protection. How about I tag along?"

I asked her while Fishy the 8th had finished cooking. I have to go with her. There are so many bad things that could happen at every corner. Hell, this world is definitely an AU so it can turn out even worse. 

"You're more than welcome to tag along. Actually, I was about to ask you to come with me anyway since I had a feeling this journey wouldn't go too smoothly."

She told me while taking a chunk of Fishy the 8th that I put on another clean stick for easy eating. I did not expect that to go that well. Actually, how did the original Goku even go with her in the first place? You know what it doesn't matter. I am way different than the original anyway.

"Then it's settled. I'll help you gather the dragon balls. You won't have to worry about anyone trying to steal them from you now that I am here!"

I exclaimed in excitement. I am gonna go on an adventure and leave this shitty mountain! I can't wait! Now I'll finally be able to do exciting stuff, like maybe I'll be able to learn some new cool moves. 

"You should go pack and once you're done we'll be off immediately."

She told me while finishing the part of Fishy the 8th I gave her. Once she was finished she got up and threw a capsule from which her motorcycle appeared. It was fully white and smooth with its wheels covered by white bulge-like covers. It also had glass on it that covered the top. 

While she was waiting outside I went into my house to double-check if I had everything I needed. I have my clothes, what else? Oh yeah, can't forget to give her the dragon ball. What else, hmm... I feel like I'm missing something, what did the original Goku bring again? 

"Oh yeah, how could I forget the power pole?"

I can't just leave it here. I put the power pole in its holder then I put the holder over my shoulder. Once I had everything, I came out of my house and saw Bulma waiting by her bike. 

"Have you gotten everything?"

She asked me while getting on her bike and turning the engine on. I probably won't be back here for a while. I'm gonna miss it quite a bit once I start fighting aliens. Goodbye old home. 

"Yeah, I have everything. I also forgot to give you the dragon ball, here. Wait, I have a question. How are we going to find the other dragon balls?"

I asked while offering the Dragonball. Hmm, it should be the same as the original but it's never bad to confirm something.

"I made this device when I first found the dragon ball, it detects certain energy the dragon balls emit."

She told me while showing the dragon radar. I wonder what energy it's picking up on. Could it be magic since it can't be ki? Or maybe another energy I haven't heard of.

"Wow, that's amazing. You must be a genius! I've never seen anything like that before."

I complimented her while getting on the bike. I wonder how much different my journey will be from the original. There's only one way to find out. 

And that's to go on the journey.

(E/N: definitely not gonna kick some kids in the crutch like the original.)

Edited by S_jay