Team base

Stickman:"Finally we're back home"

Frass:"Don't get to happy, we still have to get criticized by fucking Wester for 10 minutes"

A folded note from DJ came flying at Frasses head.Frass Unfolded the paper and read 'Can you not swear'.Of course this slightly angered Frass so Frass crumbled u[ the paper and threw it back at DJ but 10 times harder.The paper knocked back DJ.

Stickman:"Hey what's your deal man!?!"


Stickman and Frass started to argue while that was going on Toby helped up DJ.


Never thought Stickman and Foxman would ever argue this much they are usually best friend for the most part after a really stressful mission they become a bunch of meanies towards each other...wait am I bleeding!


Foxman:"I BET I could put the stick in the bo-" why did wolfman pause...oh wait because I yelled out blood and he's reacting to it.

Foxman:"HOLY FUCK AMOLY we didn't realise you were bleeding like that! we should hurry and get into the base"


The team rushed into the base and rushed toby to the nearest table

Stickman:"Not the lunch table anything but the lunch table"

Frass:"Ah shit I should of placed him in a chair,now the tables bloody"


The anonymous being walked out of the shadows slow clapping.

Frass:"Uh Wester could you help us?"

Wester:"Ok fine but this is the last time i'll ever help fix your problem"

Wester's hands began to glow green he than clapped and created a wave of green energy that healed everyone in the room.


Wester:"No problem but while everyone's in the room I might as well point out some stuff about your team"

Frass began to cross his arms to prevent himself from punching Wester while DJ and Stickman were behind Frass for a second line of defense.

Wester:"First to begin I need to talk about the roles you play on the team so let's begin,Stickman you're the leader of the team and for sure the most skilled of the team you know how to use your weapon but in a close combat fight you will be slaughtered,DJ you are the brains of the team you come up with some of the best strategies and plans i've ever seen you also have a few gadgets you can use and your a decent upclose fighter but you can't take that much damage since your more human than all of your teammates and you have a hard time communicating since your mute,Frass your the most worked out person on this team your one of the best fighters in the world and your really fast and tough...well because your a literally half fox half human but your anger is your downfall I truly thought all foxxes were clever and smart but your the second dumbest on this team and finally Toby you're more physically stronger and bulkier than your teammates you all can hold up your own against 12 men without any problem but the thing that keeps you from being on of the best on your team is that your the dumbest person I have ever met and let me tell you I met toddlers smarter than you,im done with this part but now it's time to tell you how to improve stickman train with martial artist or even Frass,DJ either become faster or make yourself a voice machine or something,Frass try to become zen and Toby pay attention in class"

Toby:"Your mean"

Frass walks over to a wall and punches it creating a hole five times the size of him.

Wester:"Make sure to clean that up Mr.Fistich"


Stickman:"Aye guys we gotta get back to the college"

DJ nods and walks off.

So they left and walked all the way to the college since they had no car.