Walk and talk

super small summary:After the team encountered Wester they went off to go back to school now let's continue.

Frass: He wants me to be zen!?!

Stickman: "Yeah I guess he wants more out of a person who comes up with some of the gayest burns ever I mean like dude you said stickdick along side with stick in the box."

Frass:"I dont know what youre talking about but i'll say whatever I want sticker dicker."

Toby:"Congratulations you just played yourself."

Stickman:"For once Toby is making sense."

Frass:"Stickdick...Stick in the box...Sticker dicker...I did just play myself."

DJ throws a paper airplane at Stickman it says 'Wester told me to use a voice machine? I think he means voice device but I think his idea is good one.'

Stickman:"Yeah it gives you a chance to make a advanced voice device"

DJ threw another piece of paper reading 'True but before I do that I must make something that I can write on so I can stop wasting paper'

Toby:"You could create a infinite sign you could write on"

Stickman:"Dude thats that the equivalent of super glueing a dry erase board to a stick"

DJ threw another piece of paper saying 'but Toby may be on to something, maybe I could create some sort of bored I could type on and compose messages'

Frass:"Sorry for interrupting your guys brainstorming but Its getting pretty dark and I feel like we missed a lot of things maybe we should stop walking and start running"

Stickman:"Oh shit your right let's go guys!"

-__2 hour timeskip__-

Stickman:"*inhale* why and how are we so far away from campus? *exhale*"

Frass:"I have no idea but It would of token like 10 minutes for the car to drive us there"

Stickman:"I'm surprised that your not tired, your half fox not half cheetah"

Frass:"Yeah yeah yeah I know i'm just way more fit than you guy"

Stickman:"Dude we have been running for 2 straight hours non stop and you have your...fox ears and...fox eyes"

Frass:"Really? fox ears and fox eyes? what does that have to do with running exactly?"

Stickman:"I dont know but they help you in some way"

Frass:"In what way?"

Stickman:"In fox hearing and fox...seeing"

Frass:"You sound uneducated"



Toby:"Hey guys I think I found the big building"

Frass:"Oh we're here finally!"

Stickman:"Lets just walk in and act like we never left"

Frass,Toby and DJ nodded and walked up to the door but...T O B E C O N T I N U E D