Coming back in

Toby:"Should I knock on the door?"

Stickman:"Are you trying to get us caught!?!"

Toby:"No but it's the right thing to do"

Stickman:"Tell me why the hell that's the right thing to do"

Toby:"To check if anyone's home"

Frass:"Toby if you want to knock on some doors id be happy to tear off your arm and slap you with it"

Toby:"That's cool can you do it now!"

Frass:"Uh...forget it"

DJ pulled out 4 watches and gave everyone a watch,he than wrapped it around his arm and pointed to a glowing blue button on the watch.

Stickman:"You want us to put it on and press the button?"

DJ nodded and everyone put the watches on and pressed the button turning them invisible.

Toby:"Oooo another cool thing"

Stickman managed to find a vent,Frass than flicked the vent breaking it.

Stickman:"Damn you are strong"

Frass:"Yeah I know"

The team than crawled into the vent hoping that they won't get caught.

Frass:*Whispers* "Where's the vent to our dorm?"

Stickman:"Should be on the next right"

Frass:"Better be on the next right"

Stickman:"It is"

So they crawled for nearly 10 minutes until the came across a vent on the right.

Toby:"Ight imma head out"


They crawled out of the vent and uncloaked but something was slightly off.

Frass:"Who's knife is that?"do you

Stickman:"Whose books are those?"

Toby:"Whoms pillow pillow is that"

DJ pointed at the door

Stickman *Gasp* "Someone's coming "

Frass:"Hurry everyone cloak"

They quickly tapped the butting and became invisible again

???:"WHOS IN HERE oh it's you guys just come out you can't hide from a robot"

Frass:"Damn it!!!"

They all uncloaked.

???:"Mhmm now tell me why are you in here?"

Stickman:"Well you see uhm we kinda left school to retrieve my weapon bag but we realised we have to come back or else some shit will go down so we got here and went into the vents hoping we would ind our dorm but TA DAAA we came here by accident"

???:"Oh good enough"

Frass:"Sye can you not tell anyone who could get us into deep shit?"

Sye:"I dont really care just dont breaking into our dorm again"

Frass:"Ok thanks"

???:BUZZ 'Stickman,Frass,Toby and DJ report to my office NOW'

Stickman:"Wait what?!?"

Sye:"I guess you guys got caught huh?"

Frass:"Eh shut the fuck up or else I'll rip out those two red glowing eyes you have and give it to DJ so he could make a gun that I would use to kill you"

Sye:"I...will keep that in note"

The team stormed out of the room and quickly ran up the hall that leads into the principal's office.

Toby:"Are we there yet?"

Frass:"What do you think smart ass?"

Toby:"WERE HERE?!?"


Stickman:"He was being sarcastic"

Toby:"Oh yeah sarcasm is a thing"

They finally made it to the principal's office.

???:"Hello boys I would like to talk about something with you guys so could you please take a seat?

They all took a seat it the nicely made wooden chairs.

Stickman:"What do you need Principle Easton"

Easton:"I got bored so I decided to do something were I pick four random and students and give them...something special and turned out you four were the lucky winners"

Stickman:"Oh wow I love special things! but what are you giving us?"

Easton:"I'm giving you guys papers that have details about each one of you"

Stickman:"Um ok"

Easton:"But im giving the papers not to the person there about its to someone random"

Frass:*Whispers* "Oh shit"

Easton:"What did you say?"

Frass:"I-I said Ok"

Easton:"Alright,here you guys go"

Principle Easton handed out the paper.The first paper he handed out was given to Stickman It, was about frass.

Name:Cannati Fistich



Features:Fox ears

Father:Mactin Fistich





Stickman:"Your name isn't frass?"


Next paper handed out was handed to Frass, it was about Toby

Name:Toby Molleton



Features:Blond hair,Red and blue baseball cap



Sibling(s): Tara and Monika

Frass:"Toby your 16?!?"


Frass:"How did you skip grades?"

Toby:"I'm big brain" He said while smiling

Frass:"Eh sure you are"

Next paper was given to Toby, It was about DJ.

Name:Drake Jones




Father:Conner Jones

Mother:Lindsey Jones


Toby:"OOOOOOOOO DJ stands for Drake Jones"

DJ facepalm.

Last paper was handed to DJ It was obviously about Stickman.

Name:Ryder Iliger




Father:Gordon Iliger

Mother:Jessie Iliger


DJ quickly took out his phone and texted everyone in a group chat on a texting app this message 'Stickman your name isn't Stickman its Ryder so how do you have the Stickman birthmark and how why do you have the Stickman name?' Stickman typed back 'Its my middle name I know its kinda a law to have me named stickman but my parents broke it' Frass replied with 'Speaking of names Toby how did you get your last name? your parents are unknown' Toby replied with 'My older sisters remembered our last names before we were abandoned' Frass replied with 'Ah ok wait you have sisters AND YOU WERE ABANDONED?!?!'


they all put down their phones

Stickman:"Oh yeah can we leave now?"

Easton:"Yeah bye!"

They all left the office and walked back to there dorm.

Frass:"Finally we're back"

Stickman:"Yeah and we can catch up on some work and slee-"

Stickman was interrupted by a police siren going down the street.

Stickman:"Never mind that lets just help the cops"

And so they got ready to go help the cops so basically what I'm saying is to be continued.