Blood bath

Stickman:"Ok guys we have to get ready!"

Frass:"Aye aye captain"

Frass opened the window and climbed out alongside with the other 3.They than ran out off of campus and onto the streets,DJ took of his head phones and tabbed a digital button on it turning it into a hoverboard

Frass:"Damn talk about fashion"

DJ than tapped another digital button on the hoverboard with his toes creating 3 more hoverboards.They got on the hoverboards and quickly started to follow the tracks of the police cars.After a few minutes they arrive to the crime scene and they all instantly spotted a bunch of bloody bodies piled up outside the building.

Frass:"De-Dead b-b-bodies?"

Stickman:"Yes and dead cop bodies...everywhere"

Toby:"This psychopath killed a lot of people"

Frass:"Yeah and they shall pay!"

They walked into the building hear lots and lots of screaming and saw lots and lots of new bodies and blood scattered across the walls.

Frass:"Who is doing this?"

Stickman:"Don't ask me"

They searched the premise for the person responsible for this but all they found were dead bodies,until they walked into a huge room in the back of the building.




??? took out two swords out of thin air and charged forward,the cop started to fire his gun *BANG BANG BANG* but to bad ??? was quick enough to deflect all 3 of the bullets point blank and decapitated the cop.

Toby:"Oh shit"

???:"Whos there?"

Frass:"Damn it Toby!"

???: "Oh I see more people to kill"

Stickman:"Your the person whos going to be killed"

???:"Yeah right"

Stickman:"Guys you know what to do"

Frass went into his fighting stance,Toby took out a giant hammer,DJ took out a plasma blade and stickman dug into his bag and took out a katana.Frass leaped forward aiming for a punch but ??? did a quick side step and dodged it,before Frass could touch the wall in front of him he quickly repositioned so he wouldn't fit the wall face first but instead bounce off the wall using his legs and he seceded he bounced off the wall and went for another punch but ??? blocked it and gave Frass a punch to the gut followed by a knee to the jaw sending him upwards hitting the roof,while Frass was falling ??? took out a broadsword and was ready to swing but Toby quickly smashed ??? in the back with his hammer sending him crashing into the wall but ??? seemed to brush it off and charged towards Toby with the broadsword,Toby managed to do a backbend and dodge a slash going for the head trying to decapitate him Toby falls to the ground and uses his hammer to trip ???.While Frass was still falling DJ and Stickman were trying to think of a way to save him but the only way they could catch him is if someone were to physically catch him even though he was falling at a high speed and if someone were to catch him they would get dragged down with him but also Frass didn't faint so he could stick the landing.



Frass quickly repositioned his body before hitting the ground,after a few seconds of falling he finally lands on the ground.While all of that was happening Toby had ??? in a full nelson on the floor.

Toby:"What's your name sir?"

???:"My real name doesn't matter but you can call me slicer"

Toby:"Ooooo so you have a nickname"

Slicer:"Yeah so?"

Toby:"My friends have nicknames as well"

Slicer:"I'm tired of talking to you"

Slicer manages to break free of the full nelson,stand up and kick Toby all the way across the room,not so long after that Frass came towards slicer ready for round two.Slicer transformed his broadsword into duel sword and began to block all the punches Frass were doing,Frass was punching so fast that his fist lit on fire.Stickman took the opportunity to attack Slicer,Stickman put back his katana and took out a laser sniper and aimed it at Slicer waiting for stop moving or for Frass to land a hit on him.Frass was still trying to hit Slicer at least once but but he couldn't even leave a mark on Slicers swords,even with how fast Frass was punching Slicer could predict and block every single flaming punch Frass did.

Frass:"I'm about done with you!"


Frass takes a huge step and closes his eye while still in his fighting stance, he quickly leaped forward,his fist was engulfed with fire because of how fast the attack was going, Slicer attempted to block the strike but the punch was to fast for him to react to.Frass successfully landed the strike creating a huge gust of fire to knock back Slicer,the gust of fire completely destroyed the other half of the building including the upstairs area.

Toby:"Frass you good bro?"

Frass:"AHHHH my arm hurts DAMN IT!"

Toby:"He's probably dead"

Frass:"Yea- TOBY BEHIND YOU!!"

Slicer was quick enough to recover and dash behind Toby without anybody noticing well besides Frass.

Slicer:"You fools thought I'd be killed by something like that?" he quickly said

Slicer had his broadsword out at the time and went for a strike straight for the head so Toby took out his hammer and attempted to block it but...*SLICE* Tobys hammer got sliced in half leaving him wide open,Stickman Quickly shot the laser sniper at Slicers torso,being a laser sniper it went light speed which is Slicer couldn't even imagine to react too.The shot was a success and the laser bolt went straight through Slicers lower half of his body causing Slicer to collapse.


Stickman:"Explain why you killed all these people and specifically in this building or else I will shoot you again"

Slicer:"Err fine,Im here for a piece special item that can change the fabric of reality I can't go further into detail but there's my reason"

Stickman:"Do you have this item on you?"


Stickman:"Great but i'm still going to kill you for killing like 80 people"

Slicer:"Lets just see about that...SWORD DANCE!"

100 swords appeared in the air than Slicer all of a sudden stood up and pointed at stickman,all of the swords began to point at Stickman and Slicer had ran away,DJ threw a bomb at Stickman that created a force field around him the swords began to fly towards Stickman but the force field deflected all 100 swords the last one shattering the force field.

Stickman:"Thanks man"

DJ gave Stickman a thumbs up and smiled.

Just before they could talk about what just happened the swords started to glow.


Stickman:"Lets run out the giant hole Frass created QUICK!"

They ran out of the building using the hole in it *BOOM* the swords that had exploded destroyed the bottom whole bottom half of the building causing the building to collapse.

Stickman,Frass and Toby:"Oh shit"

So they ran back to the school hoping that no one caught them so to be continued.