Chapter 9 Preparing for War.

Preparing for War.

I heard the Captain's voice panic and told everybody to start run for their life… I heard them started to run as I tried to contain my anger… I glanced up at the beasts that was growling at me…

They stopped when my eyes scanned over them and started to cast barrage spell holding out my arms as I stood up…

"Die!" I yelled out as I finished the spell…

Streeks of big fireballs flew towards the pack of beasts. They exploded on impact… sending burned body's and parts all over the place… I heard whimpering from the beasts that was growling at me a second ago… I continued to send the barrage of fireballs towards them… huge explosions sounded, and the shockwaves was immense… trees nearby exploded from the heat sending shrapnel all over the beast… the rain of exploding fireballs was like a never-ending hell…

As the last explosion echoed around the ground I scanned around… every beast was dead…

there was fire everywhere… the ground was shredded and pulverized and burned tree parts was scattered around…

"Yep… they are definitely going to call me Prince Armageddon now…" I mumbled out loud looking at the devastated sight in front of me…

So, I guess I cannot escape it now… yes I know I get angry when someone wake me up… I know I can be stupid sometimes… but… you could at least have tried to stop me… or talk me down… okey I must admit I space out when I get angry… but holy mother of… how much power did mother nature give me… there is a mile of burning or scared landscape in front of me… am I one of those stupid OP protagonists or something?...

"p…prince?" the Captain voice sounded behind me…

I turned and saw him glance at the devastated landscape… Crap…

"sorry… I got angry when they hit me with the fireball… and I… um…" please don't call me prince Armageddon…

"thank goodness you are okey… I thought you were done for when the big beast charged at you…" the Captain hugged me…

Is everyone in this land a hugger… the Captain straighten up smiling at me…

"are the civilians safe…" I asked smiling awkward at him…

"yes. we got them to the gate before the explosions started…" the Captain looked at me…

"yes… good… eh… lets go back I need some rest…" I held out my hand and called my broom to my hand..

We flew slowly back to the city. The Captain told me that the Royals and Mia had retreated back to the castle for safety and he was to escort me there when we was done. We took our time flying back and the Captain praised the flying broom. I was just enjoying the view and the freedom of flying…

When we flew over the dock area I saw the big frame of the ship Paul had ordered for me. the Captain noticed and asked if I wanted a closer look at it… I told him no, there I would get to do that later. He nodded to me and we flew to the castle…

we landed at the front and started walking to the front door. The doors opened and Mia came running towards me… she hugged over me shaking a little… I just held my arms around her to calm her down…

I saw Paul and Frida standing in the door looking a relaxed and happy at me. I smiled gently at them. Mia calmed down but she held my hand… I guess she got worried…

Frida walked us inside towards the living room. As we walked I saw paintings of mom and dad… I stopped and looked at them… they seemed happy…

"you miss home…" Mia looked at me…

"yee… but I got you here so it's not like I feel alone…" I smile to her…

We continued to walk until we reached the living room. The castle was big. But I then again the city was much larger then Terrentil… we sat down, and Mia was still clinging to my hand…

"I am fine…" I smile to her…

"will you just let her hold your hand… we had a hard enuf time holding her back when all those explosions erupted…" Frida looked firmly at me…

"eh… yee sorry I went a little overboard…" I smiled awkward at them. I saw the Captain whisper something to Paul…

"You killed over a thousand beasts!" Paul stated in shock…

"well, I cannot let them hang around the city…" I smile awkward…

The Captain explained what have happened as I sat and had to listen to it… I had just leaned back in the sofa and when Mia did the same I just tilted my head on her shoulder… I think my hear tickled her because she giggled at me… Lisa, Frida, and Paul looked stunned at me as the Captain explained everything… he took so long time to explain it that I fell asleep…

I sat up in a daze… as my brain slowly woke up I saw I was moved in a big bedroom… there was pictures of mom and dad on the wall, and a large bookcase. There was even some old toys neatly lined up… Yep… I'm in my mom's old bedroom…

I see Mia is sleeping next to me… I move quietly out of bed and go out of the bedroom. I walk out into the living room… Frida was sitting under a blanket reading a book. she saw me and tapped on the sofa for me to come over… I sat down next to her and saw she was reading the book mom used to read to me…

"good morning." Frida smiled at me and covered a blanked over me…

"good morning Oma…" I say as I yawn…

She held her arm around me and read out from the book to me. after a while Mia came walking out yawning. She sat next to me and rested her head on my shoulder, I sheared the blanket with her. Mia snuggled closer to me as Frida continued reading to us… it did not take long for Mia to fall asleep again… I sat there listening to Frida reading for us, covered in a warm blanket… after a little while I fell asleep to…

I felt someone tap my hand. I opened my eyes and saw Paul smiling at me. he gestured me to follow him. i looked around and saw Mia had fallen over to the other side, and Frida had also fallen asleep…

I got down from the sofa and made sure Mia had enuf blanket to stay warm. I followed Grandpa Paul as we walked out of the living room and down the corridor…

"sorry to wake you up but my advisors is having a meeting about the Darkness and I thought you wanted to have a say…" Paul smiled at me…

"Opa… the darkness is my war… besides, it needs to be done correctly…" I say to him yawning…

He stopped and picked me up… eh… Oh right I am still a kid…

"that's why I came and got you. I want you to speak your mind in the meeting." Paul smiled at me proud…

He carried me inside a big room full of people discussing and argued pointing at the table. He sat me down in a chair and sat himself down beside me. the room got quiet. They started to update Paul with their ideas, some suggested a full-scale attack against the darkness… another had a plan of hit and run strategi with ambush and traps…

I closed my eyes and entered my Orb… Yee it was boring… I made a spell called telekinesis. The spell would seem like picking objects out of thin air but trust me I was as disappointed as you when I had to use mana to actually gather and materialize to lift the object… for the amount of mana required there was no wonder it was not developed… but I used the mana to create a micro block the size of a grain of sand… so it basically turned in to a radio-controlled hovering car… talk about ruining my own fantasy… Mamma Nature manifested and hugged me… I just looked confused at her…

"you said I could come and steal a hug when I wanted to… what are you working on?" she looked down at the monolith desk…

"telekinesis spell… everything good Mamma?" I giggle as she rubs her cheek at me…

"only you would make a spell like this for a silly reason… I just wanted to get a hug from you… nice work on the beasts." Mother nature giggled at me…

"sorry for destroying so much land…" I said looking up at her green eyes…

"they don't die dear… they just transfer places and regrow somewhere else… see you later, I have to go back to work…" she gave me a big hug before disappeared…

So do i… I sighed and opened my eyes and continued listing to them tossing ideas around…

After a while I finely manage to move the bowl of cookies unnoticed to my lap… why did you think I made the telekinesis spell… you know me better then that… well almost unnoticed… Grampa giggled to me as he took a cookie smiling at me… after a while they stopped talking and the bowl of cookies was empty… dang Opa loves them as much as me…

"so, what do you think?" Paul glanced over at me…

"beside the cookies… it was a waste of my time…" I levitated the bowl on the table tossing the last piece in my mouth…

"King… I know he is your grandchild but having a kid in this meeting is not right." A well build knight said firmly to Paul…

"your plan about traps and full-scale attack is not going to work… the darkness beast are controlled by an entity you cannot understand…" I say looking at the huge knight…

"that is my advisor Noel…��� Paul smiled at me…

"even if a child like you happened to be blessed by an ignorant goddess it is not good to have children attending a war meeting…" Noel looked at me firmly…

Ignorant goddess… I hover the ball up to his face and make the block self-destruct. The shockwave sends him flying into the wall behind him… yes I measured the distance to not harm him… I climbed up on the table and looked at him firmly as I walked towards him…

"say it again… call Mamma Nature who is fighting night and day to keep your sorry ASS alive… I will break anyone's legs in a million pieces that call names on a Deity that protects this earth!" I said angry at him as I stand in the middle of the table…

A green mist appaired in front of me. Mother Nature materialized and stretched her hand on my cheek looking at me with a smile…

"don't blame them… they are just afraid..." a voice echoed in my mind…

She winking at me and vanished… I calmed down and walked back to my seat…

"stupid ignorant knight…" I mumble irritated as I sat down…

Everybody looked shocked at me when I looked around feeling irritated that they could not understand that Mother Nature have been fighting all this time to keep them safe…

"w…was that the goddess?" Paul asked me stunned…

"yes! she even take a break in her fight to stop me from breaking you stupid advisors legs…" I look at Noel standing up looking terrified at me and the spot where she had appeared…

"no name calling the Goddess!" Paul said out loud looking firmly at the people nodding at him..

"my apologies your Goddess, King, Prince…" Noel said stunned as he bowed to us…

"I know you all are afraid of the darkness… but don't go cursing the one that is holding them at bay so we can have time to prepare and help her save us… Opa is building a ship for me at the dock and I will make it fly just as I did with the brooms you saw at the ceremony… we will launch an air raid attack against the darkness and suppress them enuf for ither Mamma Nature to take them out or we will… I know I cannot do it alone so that is why Opa have taken me to this meeting. He knows how much time and effort i put into my work… and yes sometimes they have to literally drag me away for me to get some food or rest… but I will not slack off in this fight for our survival… even if I am a child…" I stated to them and looked at Noel firmly…

"he have taken out a thousand darkness beast by himself protecting the civilians as he escorted them back here… can anyone of my solders or people say that they would have stood alone against that many beasts… would our neighboring kingdom do it… let us work together and fight our common enemy…" Paul had stood up and said to them…

"prince… I am King Albert of Urcia Kingdom. King Paul have invited us here to go true your patent law… and I was wondering if the goddess would attack anyone that breaks the pact of the law…" Albert stood up and asked looking at me…

"anyone who breaks that law will be destroyed by me… man, women, children, animals, not even the goddess herself can stop me from killing whoever uses the patent law to start a war or tries to take advantage for evil purpose…" I said looking at them firmly…

"what if the darkness had done it… one knight said mumbled out…" giggling…

"they would be dead already…" I looked at him…

"then why haven't you killed the darkness already?" Albert asked stunned…

"if you are willing to loose 80% of the world I can do it right now… but the casualty of the humanity would be 99%, that include all races, foxes, humans, wolf, bear, elf's… animals would be extinct, and crops would burn to death…" I said holding up a white orb of flame with a blue and green glow…

Yes… I made a nuclear spell… I am not proud of bringing weapons of mass destruction to this world of magic… but at the time I thought there was an evil plot against me�� beside I was 6 years old at the time… and a princess had slapped me in the face… at least I named it Nuke… that is not a bad name… right?...

But it is stupidly easy to make an atom-based spell… you can even control if radiation will be relaced at implosion… yee surprisingly the atoms implode when the crack… and it would explain why there was black holes in the universe. If an atom imploded in an empty space it could not suck matter inside to make it go critical so instead it just expanded… mind blowing right… who do you call nerd… I just find it interesting that's all…

"l…let's seek other options first son…" Paul tapped me on the shoulder looking at the burning white orb hovering above my hand…

I nod and extinguish the nuke spell… I saw Albert sat down sweating and nod at Paul's words…

"Opa… can you tell how powerful the spell is?" I asked Paul looking at him…

"yes… did they not teach you at school?" Paul said wiping his face…

"eh… school… teacher is going to give me detention…" I said stunned…

"I already told her about the meeting and that we would have you here…" Paul smiled awkward at me…

"thank you Opa…" I jumped at him and hugged him… Crap… we are still in a meeting…

I sat down blushing as Paul patted my head… I saw everybody looked at me stunned… Crap…

"you don't seem to be worried about the darkness… but detention scares you…" Alberts asked me stunned…

"detention is boring… and Miss Kelly is Really strict…" I pouted looking down…

Albert looked stunned at Paul who was smiling patting my head…

"go and see if Mia is awake… I can take the rest of the meeting…" Paul winked at me with a smile…

I smiled to him and walked out of the room closing the door behind me… I knew Paul was using me to pressure the other nations to sign the new patent law… but he did it for me…

As I walked back to the living room I saw Mia and Frida had sat up looking confused around. As I walked inside I saw Frida holding her arm over her chest breathing relaxed out and Mia was pouting at me…

"why is it that every time I wake up you are gone…" Mia looked at me pouting…

"I was in a meeting… did you miss me…" I said smiling and leaned towards her face looking in her blue eyes…

"n…no. I was just worried you would get in trouble like you always do…" Mia said pouting at me with a blushed face…

"let get some breakfast." Frida lifted me up on her lap hugging me…

"Oma I can walk…" I giggled at her…

"oh… I did not know that. I had to carry both you and Mia to bed as you both fell asleep on the sofa…" Frida giggled to us…

She let me down and lifted Mia up… she was so stunned and started blushing as soon as Frida hugged her… Mia just stretched her hand to me as I giggled at them… I took her hand and pulled saying I am hungry… Frida giggled and sat Mia down… she walked us to the kitchen and the chef made us some eggs. It was really good…

After dinner Frida showed us around the castle. They had their own library, apparently mom was obsessed with reading, so they had one built… everybody in the castle used it, and it was a nice gathering spot at winter since it had a big fireplace… I guess mom was spoiled as a child too…

We played hide and seek with Frida around the castle and when it started to get dark Mia crashed into Noel… she fell down on the ground and he looked awkward at me as I helped her up…

"sorry Noel… we where playing hide and seek with Frida…" I said smiling to him…

"oh… sorry for being in your way Miss…" Noel said looking at Mia…

"I am Mia… sorry for running into you…" Mia said.

"this is her Royal Highness Princess Mia of Terrentil my wife… Mia this is Noel the King advisor." I introduced them…

"why does he look pale…" Mia asked me confused…

"eh… he is probably still scared of me after name calling Mamma Nature…" I smirk at her…

"I am sorry for my comment. Please forgive me…" Noel said stunned…

"what did you do!" Mia looked at me firmly…

Eh… might have overreacted when he called Mamma Nature ignorant…" I pouted to her crossing my arms…

Mia looked shocked at Noel asking if he did. He nodded and Mia lectured him about name calling women even if they are a Goddess or not… he looked even paler after she had scolded him and walked away to cool of…

"sorry Noel… but now you know why I don't like name calling…" I patted his back as he sat on the floor looking at me worried…

"um… lets just start over and be friends?" I smile awkward at him…

He nodded smiling and wiped away a tear from his cheek… Dang Mia you could go easy on him… I told him I would tell Mia that he regretted it and make sure she was not angry as I walked towards where Mia went… he thanked me and smiled as he stumbled on his feet…

When I reached Mia, who was still pouting I explained that he was just afraid of the darkness… Mia leaned more and more towards me looking firmly at me… she got so close to my face I felt awkward…

So, I did what anyone husband would do… yep. I kissed her and smiled at her, saying sorry but she look so cute when she is angry… she scolded me for a little bit, but she calmed down and turned away touched her lips with a smile…

"oh… hiding away so you can flirt and kiss…" Frida picked up Mia who blushed at her words…

"Oma… that's not what happened, and you know it…" I pouted at her…

Frida giggled at me and smiled nuzzling Mia… suddenly I got grabbed but I sensed it was Paul, so I stayed calm… he lifted me up smiling at me…

"the meeting went well thanks to you Austin…" Paul hugged me as he started walking towards the living room…

We sat down and he explained that every kingdom had agreed to follow the patent law. And congratulating me of making the first international law smiling down at me sitting on his lap…

Frida and Mia smiled at me saying they were proud of me, but I reminded them that it is only half of the objective… but now I was able to create the flying ship and brooms and to gather and train the forces needed to take a stand against the darkness beasts… Paul asked if I could plant the vine trees at the other kingdoms as a proof of contract I nodded to him but told him that I would like to finish school first. He smiled and said to me that the school would only last another month before holiday started… he explained that the harvest season will start in a month and every student is giving time to go home and help there families time to harvest the crops before winter starts…

Crap… I forgot about winter… I asked Paul if it was possible to build shelters inside the city for the smaller towns in that time period… he looked at me confused…

"the Darkness knows where I am, and they will start gathering around the city in winter to try and get close�� I fear that the smaller towns that cannot handle the amount of beasts will be wiped out…" I looked at him worried…

"just like they did in Terrentil that time…" Mia looked at me scared…

I nodded and explained that it was a possibility. I explained that incident when Mother Nature possessed me to give a warning… but I did not understand the warning at first, so a smaller town got wiped out when the darkness beast came across the town on their way to me…

Paul nodded and explained it was not a problem with building houses, but the amount of food would be shorth… I told him I would work on the food problem if he could get the houses built. I got a pen and paper and drew a sketch of a multistory house to him and indicated where they needed to pay attention to the support beams to hold the upper floors… he hugged me and said he would get it done… they walked us out to the yard looking a little sad as we said goodbye Mia said we would come and visit when we got winter break. Frida hugged her with a smile and said we were welcome anytime, she liked having us here and it would be boring when we are gone…

After a lot of hugs, we flew off with our brooms towards the academy grounds. Mia flew around looking at the town as I followed… she were smiling as she flew a few detours looking around. I told her that it was unfair to keep the guards flying in this cold weather… she looked at me confused so I pointed behind us… she noticed that the flying solders was tailing us and changed her course.