Chapter 14 Darkness.

I woke up laying in bed feeling weak… my body felt heavy as I turned my head looking out the window… it was night. I saw Mia was sleeping next to me, I saw she have been crying so I gathered my strength and manage to gently hold her hand before I passed out again…

I woke up again and saw Nana changing a wet cloth on my face, she smiled at me worried… I turned and saw Mia was still sleeping next to me I tried to move my hand to her, but I could only move it halfway before my strength faded away… I saw Nana lean over and helped my move my hand to Mia's hand… I held her warm hand and smiled at Nana before I passed out…

I woke up the third time but this time I closed my eyes and entered my Orb… as I fell into the orb feeling weak I saw Mamma rushing over to me and filled my entire body with green mist looking worried at me…

"Mamma… is it the darkness?" I asked looking worried at her…

"yes in a way… the Darkness God have found a way to block our link… my only way was to wait her for you to show up…" Mamma said looking over my imperial form…

I felt my strength coming slowly back as I rested my head in her lap… she singed a beautiful song and cuddled my hair as I rested… I felt my body gain strength and started to recover I smiled up at her as tears fell down from her cheeks and landed on my head…

"don't cry Mamma…" I said with a weak voice…

"they are happy tears dear…" she wiped my head and giggled to me…

Her laughter filled my hearth with happiness, and I felt it spread true my body filling my entire being with energy… I sat up feeling refreshed… Mamma hugged me smiling relived... I could feel she was shivering…

"what happened?" I asked worried…

"the darkness God manage to break true my defense with a small needle and poked it at me with out me noticing at first… he used it to sever our connection and that and the fact that you spent 7 hours steering the boat of your true the snowstorm… you almost died, and I was so worried I might lose you…" Mamma looked sad at me.

"I am going to kill them all. I will start my gathering everything and hunt down every last Darkness beast to the bitter end. They will not get away from hurting you…" I looked firmly at her…

"okey… but a lot of darkness beast have surrounded the place you are at now… they are just waiting for you to get weak so they could go in for the kill… lucky you were near one of the vines when it happened…" she stroke my cheek gently smiling at me…

"is there a chance it might happen again?" I looked worried at her…

"no… the same trick wont work again… and I reinforced the link so it may never be broken again…" she smiled at me…

"is it dangerous to you?" I ask worried and checked her green body…

"there you go again making me proud… Yes. if you turn on me you have the power to kill me..." she said smiling to me…

"that's all?" I looked confused at her…

"for a God or Goddess, this link is based on trust and you have the power to kill me if you wish…" she bent her head down looking a little worried…

"so, no risk to you?" I ask again…

"if you mean no harm to me then no… even if you die… I will not." She glanced up at me…

"there is no way. Absolutely no way I will ever kill you… even if you killed my loved ones I would rater die myself then hurt you… you helped me when I was in need… I will help you when in need." I said to her firmly…

Mamma hugged me and cried on my shoulder… I held my arms around her stroking her back… I let her rest on my shoulder… she must have been afraid that I would betray her… I guess true friends are really rare for Gods…

"s…sorry… it is just rare to find a soul as pure as yours even in the eternal world…" she sniffled as she sat back up…

"I cannot say that I am pure… but I know the true meaning of friendship and loyalty…" I smiled awkward at her…

"what we Gods call pure is those with only good intentions… it is not on the level of humans or foxes…" she smiled at me and dried her tears…

"oh… well I am about to wipe out the darkness so I would not call that pure…" I smiled awkward…

"but your intentions shine from the deepest part of your soul… and I can read it like an open book…" Mamma kissed me on my head and lifted me back on my feet…

"stay safe Mamma…" I smile at her...

She nods at me smiling proud as I exit my Orb… I open my eyes and sat straight up… Mia sat next to me with tears in her eyes… she was startled when I sat up but smiled happy and hugged me and kissed me… when she stopped she looked at me as I wiped her tears away…

"Darkness beast have surrounded the city…" Mia said looking worried…

"did they make you scared…" I smile gently at her as I wiped the rest of her tears…

"yes… but I was more worried about you…" she looked worried at me…

"I am fine now… I will go and take care of them for making you cry…" I smirked to her…

She smiled at me nodding at me with big eyes as I stood out of bed… I put on some fresh cloths and walked out winking at Mia blushing at me but jumped down from bed and followed me…

I walked down the hall towards the front door with an angry face… Hurt Mamma nature and make Mia cry… you are so dead...

As I walked passed the living room I glanced and saw the mom and dad with Paul and Frida, Nani and Tom, Lisa, Mitch and Molly, Vicki, and the guards. Even Charles and his Wife April was there. Everybody stood up stunned walking towards me… I just continued walking to the front door… as I opened the outer door I heard the overwhelming growling in the air… I walked towards the castle gate with Mia following behind me… the snow got pushed aside as I walked on the ground…

I stopped just outside the gate and looked at Mia walking to my side… I saw the others stop a few meters away looking shocked at us…

"point at them who made you cry…" I said looking at Mia firmly…

Mia Looked worried out and the massive fields of darkness beast growling in the air...she lifted her hand and pointed at them… The growling stopped I followed her finger pointing at the darkness beasts outside the city wall…

I nodded to Mia and turned towards the darkness beasts… Mia walked back smirking…

"what did he ask dear…" I heard April asked Mia looking worried...

"he just asked me who made me cry mom." I heard Mia giggle at April…

"you have made my wife cry for the last time…" I looked angry at the beasts…

I felt my rage fill my body… I stretched a pair of green wings out of my back and started to levitate of the ground high up in the air and stopped when I was above the castle… I concentrated and felt my rage fuel my Barrage spell making the sky fill up with Fireballs with a hint of green shine to them…

"die.." I stretched out my hand.

The Fireballs flew out in every direction towards the Beasts… the endless view of explosions engulfed the fields in a raging yellow flame shining green… the endless sound of explosions echoed in the air as It rained fire around the city… the fireballs stretched out for miles and started flying as soon as they were created…

The havoc lasted for a long while until the last Darkness beast around the city was killed… still I felt my anger burn in my body for the Darkness… I levitated down and landed gently on the ground looking over the city wall… this will be the last time they try to come her… I turned around and looked at everybody staring at me in shock… Mia was just smiling covering her ears looking at me…

I walked towards her smiling a little sad and stopped a few meters away… she lowered her hands and walked forwards to me slowly… I kneeled down looking sad at her…she kneeled down to me and laid her hand gently on my cheek smiling a little sad at me…

"you have to go now… don't you?" she rested her head at mine..

I nodded gently to her…

"your leaving now? But you just got her… and we have not held a ceremony yet…" April stepped forward looking a little angry at me…

"mom…" Mia looked at her with a sad smile…

"fine… but you better come back… I will not have my daughter be a widow… y…you're not allowed to break this family apart…" April said looking firmly at me… tears ran down her cheeks as she spoke…

I smiled and nodded to her, but April pouted and looked at me firmly…

"more words dear… mom wont stop until you say it…" Mia looked worried at me…

"I promise I will not let my beautiful wife be a widow. I am doing this to keep her and my family safe from the darkness… beside she will just yell at me if I die…" I looked back at April and stated…

"less words husband…" Mia mumbled looking down blushing… as everyone giggled at my words…

I lifted her cheek and kissed her on the lips… when I stopped she looked at me dazed… I helped her up and guided her back to April's arms. I gave April a hug… she smiled at me sad….

"make sure she is safe when I am gone…" I smiled at April nodding at me before i walked over to mom and dad…

They hugged me both and told me to be careful and stay warm… really warm… I am going to fight a swarm of evil and they tell me to stay warm…

"please come back to me afterwards…" Mom hugged me again tight… dad helped her up smiling sad at me… I smiled a little sat at him and walked over to Nana….

Nana picked me up hugged me hard… at one point I heard my spine crack… but I felt way lighter afterwards so I just giggled at her as she nuzzled me… she put me gently down and smiled sad at me holding her tears down���

I walked over to Frida and Paul and gave them a hug too… Paul told me that he had ordered the shipyard to work on the ship when we left 3 days ago… I looked stunned at him and asked if I was asleep for 3 days…

Everybody giggled at me as I smiled awkward at them…

Paul nodded to Mitch…. Tom and Mitch kneeled beside me asking to join my mission… I refused and said they have wife's here and they should stay and keep my family safe… Mitch asked if they could at least escort me back to the city… I nodded and said that they could and that they would bring the sailboat back to Mia after I left… they smiled and nodded to me…

I walked over to Lisa and smiled at her… she jumped at me and gave me a hug….

"Aunty… I almost thought you were going to slap me" I giggled to her…

"I will if you don't come back…" Lisa smirked at me…

I smiled and nodded to her saying it is a deal… I walked over to Molly and Vicki and gave them a hug thanking them for everything they have done for me… They asked if they could come with me… I refused and said it was no place for a young woman as them to be on a battleship… I walked and saw Cora stood behind in the distance… I walked over and hugged her… she looked confused at me as I smiled at her…

"thank you for taking so good care of me and Nani… without you Cora I would not learn how to read and wright as fast as I did... Please watch over Nana and mom until I come back…" I smiled to Cora as she blushed and nodded to me wiping a tear away smiling…

I smiled at walked over to the sailboat and was about to board it… Vicki walked over with a determine face and stopped in front of me...

"I am not a young woman I am a widow… please take me with you." Vicki said looking ashamed at me…

I looked over at Paul and saw him nodding gently looking sad at me…

"you might die…" I looked at her firmly…

"I will gladly join my husband…" Vicki said to me with a straight face…

Mia walked over to my side and looked at Vicki…

"how can I let a woman onboard on a long journey with my husband…" Mia looked firmly at Vicky

Vicky kneeled down and whispered something in her ear… Mia turned pale and looked towards Paul and Frida… they nodded looking sad at her… Mia turned to me nodding…

"it seems you have earned the trust of my wife… and I know she would not allow any woman to travel alone with me without a good reason… I will not pry or ask for the reason. But since she have allowed it I will make an exception… but… touch my tail or any improper actions and I will kill you myself…" I looked firmly at Vicki…

"I accept." Vicki bowed and got onboard the boat.

"be nice to her…" Mia smiled sad and kissed me…

"you said that foxes are jealous…" I whisper at Mia… she just looked at me firmly…

"that bad…" I whispered…

"worse…" Mia said kissing me like she would not see me again…

I blushed looking down at her smirking at me holding my hand… she started to walk away, I stretched out my hand holding gently onto her as she walked slowly away…she stopped when my fingers started to slip away and held my hand looking down at the ground… I saw everybody was silently crying as they looked at Mia… I held the tip of her fingers as she turned towards me silently crying…

"take care of mom's twins until I come back…" I said giving her a hint and smiled a little sad…

She smiled to me and nodded as tears ran down her cheeks… I felt tears drip down from my chin as I let go and boarded the ship…

I put the key in place and started to fly up into the sky… I shot full speed towards Embar making the ship vibrate and shake… Mitch came over and put his hand around me…

"let me fly… go downstairs and get some rest." He smiled at me sad and pushed me gently away from the Helm… I nodded sad and walked downstairs to the private bedroom… I curled up in bed and fell asleep…

I got woken up by Vicki taping gently on my shoulder… I sat up and dried my eyes… yep… I must have cried in my sleep…

"don't be so gentle when you wake me up… I am at war after all…" I said Missing Mia…

Vicki nodded and slapped my back and handed me a plate of food… I looked stunned at her but smirked and thanked her… she told me that it have been 4 hours since we left, and we should be close to Embar soon… I smiled and nodded to her as she smiled a little awkward at me…

She left to let me eat in peace… after I had gulped down the food I walked over to the desk and checked the ship stats… the batteries was low… I guess Mitch have pushed the ship to the max… I felt the floor vibrated a little… so running for 4 hours continuously like that drains the batteries…

I closed the panel and walked upstairs… Mitch and Tom had stern but relaxed faced as they looked at me coming up the stairs… they stood at attention as I stepped onto the deck… I waved my hand at them and looked forward…

The Kingdom at Embar came in to view… Mitch ask if I wanted to land back at the academy to keep the sailboat hidden… I shake my head saying that it would not matter… he nodded and steered towards the dock… it did not take long for him to land gently near the dock…

I saw Noel and Dockmaster Mark standing there waiting for me… I told Mitch and Tom to let the sailboat recharge for an hour before they fly back home… I tossed them one gold each and told them to get something to eat… after I showed them how to check the batteries…

I stepped down from the boat and helped Vicki get down on the ground…

"are you sure you want to do this… we are probably going to be away for a long time…" I said to her worried…

"yes. my work is all I have left to care about…" Vicki looked uncomfortable…

"okey… I will not refuse any help I can get…" I nodded to her…

I said goodbye to Tom and Mitch telling them to have a safe flight back to Terrentil… I walked over to Noel and Mark who looked worried at me…

"I will take over the ship now…" I stated to them…

"b…but prince Mark have only begun on the hull and it will take a year for it to be complete…" Noel explained…

"I assume you have gotten the list ready?" I asked him… yep I have asked Paul to get the materials and food ready…

"y…yes. the last of the materials for the ship is being transported here and I gathered the food and seeds from the list… his Majesty also got me to gather some troops for you…" Noel stretched his hand to his side…

There was about 30 to 40 troops standing there in full battle armor… most of them looked nervus at me, but some looked excited and smiled…

"Listen up… I am going on a long voyage to fight the Darkness… you might not come back, and it is going to be hard work with long hours fighting… there will probably be some down time, but that will be dedicated for maintenance and recovery… if you had any though jobs before… I will guarantee that if we return home you will call those jobs resting hours… I will not force you to come. This is a choice you have to make for yourself… if you have children or a wife I would strongly suggest that you stay behind. There will be no punishment or disgrace for staying… but if you decide to step onboard the ship when I take off there will be no return… you are free to quit at any time, but I will not stop… I will keep going forward until either me or the darkness is dead… take some time to think about it and if you are willing to give up years or your life to this mission take a step forward…" I stated out my terms loud at them…

I stood there waiting at talked to Mark about the materials and he pointed at a row of wagons rolling down the street and said that's the last of it… I looked true the list Noel handed to me and double checked that they have not forgotten anything… I smiled and nodded to Noel and Mark who still looked worried at me…

I turn back to the solders seeing around 20 men had stepped forward… some looked unsure and afraid…

"I say again. There is no shame in staying back guarding the city. I will consider it an honor for those who are willing to stay behind and keep the city and its people safe… and I can guarantee that at it will be hard work… so take a step back if you are unsure or are willing to guard the city for me instead… like I said… there will Not be any punishment or anyone thinking you are weak if you stay… this will practically be a suicide run… and we will not return until the Darkness is dead." I said firmly and looked at the guards…

One by one they took a step back until there was only 10 guards left…

"if you remaining are still sure you want to follow me into hell itself walk over to the barracks and wait… we will leave in a few hours…" I said looking at them…

The last 10 men saluted me grinning and marched over to the barracks… I turned back to Mark and asked for the blueprint of the ship… he asked me to follow him to the worktable… I nodded but turned to the other solders…

"please do me the honor of guarding the city for me until I return." I bowed to them…

They saluted me and walked away smiling… I turned to Mark and followed him to the worktable standing in the open… when I got there I checked the design… I took a pen and started making some changes to the interior… on the bottom I made a layer of plated armor for defense that stretched up at the hull… above that was water and sewage storage… above there was generators and batteries with a large storage… the next level was supposed to be crew quarters and cannon hold for 200 men… I drew an open space in the front for a garden with a small glass ceiling in the center…

Since it was the last room before the deck I made around 16 private rooms 8 on each side of the ship. With a joint living room at the center. i moved the captain quarters down to the same level but cut away some of the space for the staircase up where the captains quarter was…

I made one of the rooms bigger and it had a door connected to the captain or Prince room as I called it… that was going to be Vicki's room. I modified one of the rooms on the opposite side to be a Medic room and had it equipped with shelfs and a bed that was higher up then the rest.

I drew the cannons on the deck and angled them to face more downwards since we would be shooting on the ground below instead of away… after drawing for a little while I stood up and checked over the blueprint… I nodded smiling and figured I would just change it if I needed to…

Mark said that it would take more then two years to make all the changes I had made… I told him I would build it myself and he would not need to worry about it… both Noel and Mark looked at me confused… I just smiled at them and walked over to the side and stretched my hand out to the ship…

As I stood there preparing I saw everybody looked at me confused… I giggled to myself, thinking this is probably going to blow there mind… after a little while I had used telekinesis on all the materials and cargo… I stretched out other hand… the materials started to fly in the air towards the ship…

I focused and started to build it like I had drawn in the blueprint… materials and cargo started flying at high speed and the ship started to take shape… after an hour of work the ship was complete…

I lowered my hands tired and looked at the big ship and smiled at its name… "Angel" that had white wings on each side… I had loaded everything inside and infused the mono blocks to the hull… I made a helm on top of the staircase room and a control desk at my quarters… I took out my phone at took a picture of it making sure the name and wings stood out…

"I made a ship after you again darling…" I pressed send giggling to myself…