I put my phone away and made 21 Phones 10 of them had Angel wings stretching out from the shield made of gold on the back. Vicki looked at me and I asked to see her phone… she gave it to me, and I added a shield around the Embar crest with wings stretching out from the shield and gave it back to her… she looked at the new logo on the back of her phone and smiled thanking me…
I walked over to the guards that looked stunned at the ship…
they saw me walk over and stood up and formed a line looking nervus at me…
"anyone been a leader of a group before?" I asked looking at them
They turned and looked at a buffed guard standing at the end of the line... he took a step forward looking at me…
"I have sir." The guard said firmly…
"name?" I walked over to him.
"captain Jeff sir." Jeff said saluting to me.
"at ease… we are going to fight together so we don't have time for sir's and mam's… hand these out to the rest. I am making you the leader of the group." I said handing him the 10 phones with angel shield on the back…
"thank you sir." Jeff said taking the phones and started to hand them out…
"these are phones… they work as a communication device. Vicki will teach you how to use them… she will accompany us on our sprint to hell. If I find anyone of you so much as looking at her the wrong way I will personally toss you off the ship. She is free to command you as she wish, and you will obey her orders as if they were mine… I will not have harassment onboard the ship of any kind." I looked at them firmly…
"yes sir." They said in unison…
"call me Austin or Prince if you must but drop the Sir… we are brothers in arms from now on. How many of you have families or someone you would stay in touch with her or any other city…" I looked at them…
Everybody raised there hands looking at me…
"inform Noel who you would like to keep in touch with and he will make sure they get a phone so you can text or call when we are not fighting…" I waved Noel over to me…
I informed him and handed him 10 phones, i held the last phone and made the crest of Embar with wings on it and gave it to him and said that it was his phone and could use it to contact us if there was any problems... he smiled and nodded to me as I gave him a quick rundown of how it worked.
I told him that if he didn't understand something he could ask Paul to show him how it works… I walked over to Vicki and asked if there was anything she needed before we got on our way… she shake her head saying she have gotten everything she needed… I nodded and walked over to Mark and told him that I would need a landing dock constructed when we returned. He asked me if I could not use the docks… I giggled and said he would understand once we got on our way…
Me and Vicki walked towards the makeshift ramp and saw they were done talking to Noel so i called out that we would be leaving… everybody picked up there stuff and rushed over to me. we walked up the unsteady makeshift ramp jiggling… I boarded the ship and stood to the side smiling at the guards walking onboard looking amazed around the deck…
As the last guard came onboard I looked below making sure no one was around the ramp and gave it a good kick… the entire ramp collapsed down, and I waved goodbye to Noel and Mark looking puzzled at me…
I informed everybody to hold on to something as a walked up the side stairs to the helm… Jeff and Vicki followed me. I stood behind the helm holding the key and nodded to them… Vicki held on to the railing and Jeff did too as he looked puzzled at me…
I twisted the key to on position and the entire ship started to vibrate… Jeff looked nervus at me… I told him that it is normal and smiled… Vicki smirked looking at him… but she called out to everybody to hang on…
I felt the ship stop vibrating and hovered gently up… I flew fast up and accelerated forward at high speed… even I needed to hold on a little as we shot forward with a deep humming sound…
we flew high up gliding smoothly true the air… I smiled feeling the cold air in my face… I clicked the heater button and the air got instantly warmer… i leveled the ship out and slowed down to cruising speed… I nodded to Jeff and Vicky with a smile… Vicki straightened herself and walked to the side railing looking out on the view smiling… Jeff looked puzzled at the helm and I though him how it worked… after a I was done I stepped to the side and let him fly the ship... he smiled from ear to ear turning from side to side and up and down… I told him that I will send the solders up so he could teach them how to fly so everybody knew, and we could take shifts flying. He smiled and nodded to me… as I walked over to Vicki looking out on the horizon…
"beautiful isn't it…" I said smiling at the view…
"yes prince… it is breath taking…" she smiled looking out on the view��
"lets go inside and look how it turned out…" I smiled to her…
She nodded and followed me down to the lower deck… the guards was looking stunned over the railing… some even looked a little pale as they looked down… I told them to report up at the helm for lessons when they were able to walk… they nodded to me and started waling up the stairs…
Vicki and I walked downstairs, and I saw the wooden saloon and smiled at it… I had used the elf style I have seen from a game in my old world… the bleached wood made everything look magical… Vicki gasped as we came down the stairs…it had a table in the center with chairs around for us to eat or talk at... I walked over to her room and opened the door saying it was her room… as I walked inside and stood at the other door to my room waiting for her to look around…
I made her room a little fancier then the other rooms because she is a girl… she had a fancy elven style desk with a mirror and a comfortable chair… and a large, white wood clothing closet to store her cloths… after she was done looking around she smiled and thanked me for a lovely room… I opened the door to my room and told her that she could enter at anytime if there was a problem or to wake me up…
I walked inside and saw my desk and chair… it had a Royal elven design with tree markings design… the chair was padded with emerald green cloth.
I sat down in the chair and smiled as I was comfortable to sit in… I activated the desk opening the console for the ship and showed Vicki how to use it… I told her to keep it a secret for now until I could verify if I could trust the guards or not… she nodded smiling to me… I looked over and saw my dark wooden bed with carved with whit the same design as the desk… I looked so comfortable and i was a little tired after all the work, but I shake my head and stood up… we walked out to the saloon and I showed her the medic room… I explained that it was only for injured or sick people and that we had to keep it clean at all times to avoid getting the patient infected if they had a wound or fever… I walked out to the front towards the storage area and showed her the toilets and bathrooms… she gasped at how fancy they were and asked if everyone could use them…
I nodded but told her I had my own inside my room… and these were more for the solders and pointed at the other end and said that she had her own combined bathroom, and it was only for females so that no unfortunate incidents would happen… she walked over and open the door looking inside… she turned to me holding her hand over her mouth looking stunned at me…
I had made it fancy with a big bath so she would have a place to relax when she needed… she smiled and giggled at her own bath… her giggling made me remember Mia when I showed her the Dove… I felt my hearth ace a little… I thing she noticed because she walked over and hugged me saying Mia probably missed me more… I nodded smiling a little sad and said we should check the storage…
We walked over and saw all the food and items laying there I found the bag marked Prince and picked it up as I explained that the fridges was made with ice magic and would keep the food preserved for a long time, and the kitchen had water and the oven was the same as the Dove… she nodded smiling at me I walked over to the square patch of dirt embedded down in the floor I cast the Dome shield around it and started planting various seeds… Vicki helped me… and after a little while we had filled the entire patch…
Vicki smiled looking up at the glass roof we could see the sky… it was starting to get late… we walked back, and I told her I would rest a little, but she could wake me if anything happened… she nodded and said she would show the guards around and delegate the workload… I pointed at the room next to hers and said that Jeff would sleep there, and the rest of the guards could pick there own rooms… she nodded again, and I walked inside my quarters and laid down on the bed exhausted… it did not take long before I drifted asleep��
I woke up by a slap to my shoulder… I sat irritated up and saw Vicki looked nervus at me… Right. I told her to wake me up like that…
I said good morning frowning a little… she asked me if she could just wake me up normally because she did not like hitting me… I smiled and nodded to her… slapping me to wake me up is a terrible idea… she said sorry for waking me, but it was starting to get cold around the ship and she had noticed that the solders was shivering… I looked confused at her…
"eh… I forgot to install heaters didn't I?" I smiled awkward…
"um… yes I think so… I was working in the kitchen and had the oven to keep me warm, so I did not notice until I served the night watch…" Vicki smiled awkward at me…
"thank you for letting me know… if we get the whole crew sick we probably have to stop until they recover…" I rushed out of bed and started heading to the door…
Vicki grabbed me and said I need to change out of my pajamas first… I smiled awkward and looked down… yep.. I had change to pajamas before I fell asleep like normal…
I hurried over and grabbed some cloths out of my bag and started to undress… I saw Vicki had turned around when I noticed she was still here… I need to pay more attention to what I do… I cannot just rush like I have been doing before… I walked out after I have changed with Vicki following me… we walked to the storage in the front and I found some mono stones and some copper bars… I made 20 heater lanterns… I manage to carry 10 and Vicki grabbed the rest…
We walked back and to the saloon and I placed a lantern down at the table and turned it on… I could hear the solders breath happy out… I said sorry and explained that I had forgotten to add heaters and if they felt anything missing or want something that they could talk to me or Vicki. We handed out the heaters and I explained how they work to them…
I looked around for Jeff, but the guards told me that he always took the first shift with a guard… Vicki said it would be dinner soon and I said I would go and change with him so he could get some food… thankfully I had added the heaters on the deck so he should be fine…
I walked up to the helm and explained everything to him and took over the controls and said he could take his time to eat… he smiled and nodded and waved the guard over and walked downstairs…
It was midnight so the stars shined brightly… I looked around using my night vision everything was normal and calm as I flew straight forward… I stood steering for a couple of hours looking around enjoying the calm flight…
I noticed movement far away… I zoomed in and saw darkness beast had grouped up and killed a deer for food… I pressed the alarm button on the helm and I hardly heard the sound outside… yes I had installed an alarm button to alert the crew that enemies was nearby and had explained this to Jeff… I heard rushing footsteps running up the stairs and the sound of metal clanking together… they were noisy… I stopped the ship and walked forward to the helm railing looking at Jeff and the solders rushing out on the deck with swords in there hands looking around…
I explained that we were far enuf away that they could not hear us… I told them next time don't make such noise running up the stairs… it could ruin the element of surprise… everybody nodded looking at me walking down the stairs…
I walked over to one of the cannons and started to explain to them…
"this is a magical cannon… you don't need to reload and there should be no bang when fired… there is a fireball spell inside that recharge after you fire, and I have granted all of you permission to use them… the enemies are about 200 meters to our left about 45 degrees forward from the railing… there should not be any drop from the fireball until it reach 500 meters, so this is a perfect time to get familiar with the cannons… take turns to shoot at the enemies." I said loud and waved Vicki over...
I told her that it would be nice if she could learn the cannons too and I wanted everybody to know a little about how the systems worked on the ship… She smiled happy at me thanking me for letting a woman shoot the cannon. eh… right… they usually don't let woman use weapons in this world…
Vicki walked over to a cannon and got ready… the solders looked confused standing there… I told them to get their asses in gear and get ready to shoot on my signal… Jeff walked over to me smiling…
"you know… that the best archer I have meet was a woman…" Jeff smirked at me glancing over at Vicki…
"do you think it is wrong of me to allow a woman to shoot the weapons?" I asked him…
"No… those old rules have bothered me all this time… my younger sister used to practice sword fight with me when I was younger… even now I have not manage to beat her…" Jeff smiled proud at me…
"one salvo ready… Fire!" I yelled out and saw the cannons blast almost silently out fireballs towards the darkness beasts…
the salvo hit all over the place and most of the shot did not land… I called out to them to fire at will and they started shooting like crazy they switched out several times, but it took a long time for them to get all the beasts… when the final beast died I walked behind them and fixed the aim of all the cannons explaining that once well-placed shot could have wiped out the small group in one salvo…
once I fixed there aim I said fire… a line of fireballs flew out grouping together and when they hit they looked almost as one big fireball… the joined fireballs hit the ground at the same time and the blast looked like a fire balloon popped and gushed out with a shockwave so strong it extinguished the other small flames and knocked over several trees…
everybody smiled and cheered at the sight… and I explained that the center cannon aimed at the center of the beasts and the cannons left and right lined up the shots with the center one and continued outwards… I told them to try again themselves… and when they were done Jeff said Fire…
they got the same result and started cheering again… after a little while of practice everybody knew the basics of cannon salvoes and could also fire solo shots rather good… we stopped shooting, and everybody was talking excited about the impact and shooting methods… I asked Jeff if he were done eating and he nodded and smiled to me saying thanks for letting him eat with the solders and said the next shift would take over and I should get some rest… I nodded and walked downstairs… Vicki followed after me smiling at the cannons…
she told me to sit down and she would prepare me some food and walked to the kitchen…
I picked up my phone and looked at the message…
"sorry. I did not see the picture before now. It feels so empty in the castle without you… Opa ask if you really build the ship in a few hours. Everybody misses you… how is it going? Love princess" I smiled as I read the message…
"yes. I build the ship in an hour. i just finished teaching everybody to shoot the cannons and I am waiting for Vicki to get some food for me. I have barely slept since I left so I am a little tired. I miss you too. There is a lot to do still on the ship so if I don't respond I am probably teaching the solders something new. Love Prince." I took a selfie with my text and sent to her...
Vicki came with the food and placed the plate in front of me… I started eating and heard the message pling… I checked my phone but there was nothing I looked towards Vicki that was looking at her phone… she looked at me and smiled awkward…
"I gotten a text from Mia saying that I must drag you to bed if you did not go yourself…" Vicki said and showed me the message…
I took the phone and started to read Mia's message to Vicki…
"I thought you would take good care of my husband! Remember that he does not know common sense and will get caught up in his work. If he does not go the bed you must drag him in bed and force him to sleep. If I find out you stayed there watching him sleep I will fly over there and cut of your tail! Remember he will get grumpy if he gets woken suddenly. And make sure he eat well. and can you take a picture of him when he eats. I want to make sure he gets enuf food and that the food is good. not that I can know if it is good. just take a picture of him when he eats okey?" I giggle at the message and handed her the phone back…
"she finds it cute when I eat…" I smile awkward to Vicki and posed eating looking angry at the phone…
Vicki giggled and took a picture of my pose and sent it… only a few seconds later she got a message and she showed it to me smirking…
"oh… sorry. Did I get you in trouble. Sorry. I will message him right away." I laughed at her message…
Pling… I checked my message…
"it was me asking her to take a picture of you eating. Please be nice to Vicki. You know I find it cute how you eat. And I just wanted a picture. Sorry. Love Princess." I giggle reading the message and showed it to Vicki…
She laughed out loud… she blushed and straightened herself apologizing for laughing… I told her it was fine and that laughing is healthy… she told me that she was the cause of her families death… she had gotten married off for political reasons, but her husband would not share bed with her… she tried to explain the wed curse, but he just waved it off as superstition and had told her that he only agreed to marry her because of the business shop he would inherit, and he did not even like her…
I sat there listening to her as she explained…
The wed curse had made him lose a lot of money on a deal and he got ill and passed away… she explained that her parents had wedded her of to gain Noble status and could earn more money that way… they had talked her into marrying the noble as saying it was for the family, but she learned later that they had cheated the noble saying they owned the building when they only rented it off a friend of the family… they also got ill and passed away… and she was tossed out on the street as she had no money and her family was dead. Everybody in town shunned away from her and called her bad luck… but Paul had heard the rumors and summoned her to the castle and gave her a job as a maid…
As she looked ashamed down at the table. I explained to her that it was not her fault that they used her like that and that she was allowed to be happy and live a normal life… I am so glad Mia stopped it to happen to me…
We chatted for a long time and she asked me if I though Mother Nature would judge her for everything that have happened… I told her that Mamma Nature just helped her get away from people that was not good, I told her that a family should not act like hers had done… seemed relaxed and less stiff after we talked… I picked up my phone and texted Mia…
"alone?" I pressed send…
"yes. what's wrong. You okey?" Mia replied….
"yes. I am fine. Vicki told me about what happened to her. I am not that good with this stuff. Any tips?" I sent the message and grabbed some more food…
"every time I feel down, and you talk to me, I feel better, so I don't think you are bad at it. but she have lost her family and friends when that happened, and it is so sad." Mia wrote to me…
"I hope she will be fine onboard a warship. And she smiled when she shot the cannon. She have better aim then my brothers in arms. Having a sister in arms as good as her is nice." I message trying to explain that she was not all sad here…
"That is perfect. I will start calling her sister too. So, when she accept me as a sister I don't have to worry about her being on the ship with you." I smiled a little when she misunderstood my message…
I heard Vicki's phone pling and glanced over at her reading the message… her face blushed looking stunned at her phone… I pretended I did not see it and just continued eating… some solders came down chatting and laughing about the explosions… they sat down at the table and looked confused at Vicki… I just focused on the food trying to eat up and go get some rest…
"why is she calling me sister all of a sudden…" Vicki asked me not noticing the guards…
"eh… well I did say that my brothers and sister in arms have done well on the cannon training today. And she must have gotten her weird ideas again…" I smiled awkward at her…
"you called me sister…" Vicki looked at me stunned…
"um… well we kind of are brother and sister in arms…" I tried to explain…
"she is your sister…" one of the solders asked me looking at us…
"eh… well um… we all are brothers and sister in arms onboard this ship… when we fight close like this we have to guard each other's backs…" I tried to explain to everybody…
Jeff came down as I explained and giggled to me smirking as he sat down next to me…
"so big brother... any plan on where we are headed?" Jeff giggled to me…
"eh… well right now we are just skimming the edge of the infested land doing some ship training to get everybody a little experience and getting used to being onboard the ship.. we will not go deeper until a month of training is complete…" I stated my intentions to them…
"um… b…brother… can I fight too? I like shooting the cannon…" Vicki asked blushing a little…
"yes if you want… I will not force you to fight… but I will not stop you either…" I giggle to her smiling…
"it is nice to have a sister in arms…" Jeff said loud and smiled…
"at least you know what it means… I don't think the others do…" I whispered to Jeff…
"it is good for morale and considering the hard training I have put together it will help a lot…" Jeff whispered to me and smirked…
"if it helps us get battle ready faster, then I do not mind…" I whispered back smirking at him…
He smiled and said we needed to start practicing weapon fighting, endurance, and strength training… it sounded like a though program, but I nodded to him as talked. I heard Vicki's phone pling and not long after I felt her grabbing my shoulder… I looked up and she looked firmly at me…
"if you are done eating you are going to bed." Vicki said looking firmly at me…
I just nodded gently at her as she steered at me with firm eyes…. She had the look Nana made when I had done something wrong… before I knew it she pulled my chair backward and grabbed my hand and dragged me into my bedroom… what the heck is going on?...
She stopped in front of closet and said I had to go change to my night clothes… I nodded confused, but before I could say anything she walked back out the door… I felt tired, so I changed to my night cloths and crawled in my bed… as I laid my head down on the pillow Vicki came back inside and placed a glass of water next to my bed before turning to me…
"Mia told me to drag you to bed because she said you could talk for hours about work… sorry if it was rude of me." Vicki said to me looking a little worried…
"it is fine… don't worry about it." I said back yawning to her.
She smiled and walked back to her room… I laid my head down and fell asleep…
I got woken up by the buzzing sound of the enemy alarm… I jumped out of bed and changed my cloths fast… when I was done Vicki came into my door looking worried… I hurried out of my room with her following me… we headed up to the deck and the solders was walking fast up the stairs but was quieter than last time…
We came out on the deck and I looked up towards the helm and the guard pointed to the front of the ship with a worried look… I told them to the group that was with me to man the cannons as I walked up to the helm…
As I got up I looked towards the enemies and there was two big groups of Darkness beast charging at us…
"Fire when you have a clear shot!" I yelled to Vicki and the guards as I walked over to the helm…
I turned the ship sideways, so the cannons faced that side, and it did not take long until they started firing at the beasts… I maneuvered the ship in a circle so we would not be swarmed from both sides, we were high enough that they should not be able to jump onboard or get close too the hull… but from what dad had told me, they could shoot magical attacks fairly good…
I maneuvered and avoided as much as I could, but we still took some hits to the hull true out the battle… I had reinforced the bottom, but the outer layer was still wood…
As the battle progressed, Jeff came up looking out over the groups of enemies with a smile on his face as he walked over to me…
"your being awfully calm…" I said glancing over to him as he walked over…
"well… my training was about to start now in the morning but now we are engage head-to-head with the beasts… there is no better training then a real battle." Jeff said smirking looking down at the solders switching using the cannons…
I nodded and looked down at the solders that had switched out, they seemed out of breath and was covered in sweat… I looked confused over at Jeff… he explained that the cannons was still heavy to aim and the solders had to switch out to rest every 10 minutes… I told him to take over the helm…
He looked confused at me as I walked down the stairs and walked towards the cannons… Vicki was shooting… she had a sinister smile as she was shooting and aiming like crazy… I stopped and watched her shoot the cannon for 15 minutes before she looked out of breath, the solder behind her was also looking sweaty and a little exhausted so I walked over and tapped her on the shoulder to take over…
Vicki looked a little confused as she noticed me when she moved to the side… I grabbed the steering handles on the side and started to shoot fireballs in out of the cannon… I regulated shooting salvos between single shot and burst fire… I even had to switch to rapid fire that shoot out fireballs like a machinegun… I saw the group of solders next to me tried to keep up the paste as I kept shooting and aiming like crazy... but after 10 minutes they had to switch out being exhausted…
They had switched out 12 times and I was still shooting like crazy… I saw the solders had made it into a competition to see if they could keep up with my aiming at least… but when they failed. One by one they would glance over at me looking a little stunned as they had to change out… I guess they are confused how I was able to keep shooting like this… the cannon was not light, but it was not as heavy as a normal cannon… and the cannon was resting on a metal pole, so it was easy to aim with it, but it was still a little heavy…
So, when they changed for the 12th time I stood up and changed out with the solder that was supposed to take over after Vicki… she just looked stunned at me as I walked over to her side… I had not even broken a sweat…
"h… how are you able to keep it up like that?" she asked me out loud… I noticed everybody stooped firing and looked at me….
"eh… well I don't force the cannon towards my target… I just guide it and let the weight move it into where I want it… besides, I am still doing my dad's crazy training ritual…" I said smiling as I explained.
yep… dad had me do 50 pushups, 50 pullups, and 50 crunches every morning since I turned 1 year old… besides, I think Mamma Nature enhanced my body when she first save mom since I was unnaturally strong… and when she restored the link between us I think my body got enhanced again… I had tested my strength at home, and I could lift 100 kilos when I was 6 years old… I have not tested out my strength after the second enhancement…
"b…but you are not even sweating…" Vicki said looking at me stunned…
"no. but you could hold on more then a regular solder could… so being a maid have increased your endurance." I said deflecting her question…
The solders glanced over at Vicki as she blushed a little… but when my stomach started to growl Vicki turned pale looking at me…
"y…you have not eaten?" she asked me taken two steps back knowing I get cranky in the morning without breakfast…
"no… no I have not… I should probably finish this and go eat…" I held my tummy and looked at Vicki nodding pale at me…
Pfff I am not that cranky without breakfast… I walked over to the railing next to the cannon and stretched my hand up into the air… I saw Vicki grab the confused solder at the cannon next to me by the shoulders and pulled him backwards fast… Right, she have already seen this…
I heard she called the solders to hurry over to her as I stood there with my hand into the air… I did not make as many as last time but a 100-thousend fireballs made into a wall on the side of the ship made the solders hurry over to Vicki…
I let the scorching rain begin… fireballs flew out at high speed and exploded down at the ground making the shockwave hit the ship… the ship shakes as the vibration travels true the ship making it wobble a little like we where at sea… as the last of the beast die in the scorch of my fire spells I lowered my hand looking out on the lifeless battleground down below…
As I was standing there admiring the death of the Darkness beasts i heard Vicki walk over to me and stopped behind me… I turned and looked at her holding her hands fists on her waste looking at me tapping her foot… she always had her Maid shoes on, and they had a soft but determined steps when she walked… but the way she looked at me firmly reminded me of an older sister scolding a younger brother… I looked confused at her…
"why did you not grab some bread from the table as we walked out…" Vicki said looking at me firmly… I could see the solders looked scared towards me on the other side of the ship… oh… that's why she is doing this…
"they woke me up, so I did not have time…" I said pouting like a kid and crossing my arms… yes I know I still am a kid…
"that is hardly an excuse for skipping breakfast and throwing a tantrum almost blowing the ship apart and scaring everybody onboard. you will march down right now and eat breakfast…" Vicki scolded me…
"but big sister I…" I tried to speak but Vicki looked even angrier at me and pointed towards the stairs… what did Mia tell her to get her to ack like a proper older sister like this…
I lowered my head and walked towards the stairs… I could hear some of the solders started to giggle at the sight of me being scolded and walked defeated to the stairs… I am taking you with me!... I turned and pouted to Vicki and pointed at the solders…
"they haven't eaten breakfast too…" I saw Vicki look at me but turned over and looked at the giggling solders… they stopped giggling and turned a little pale…
"What is this… a kindergarten battleship… You will all march down and eat breakfast!" Vicki yelled at the solders who looked pale at her…
The solders nodded and walked towards me looking defeated down at the ground… I just walked down and sat at the table as the rest of them came downstairs… Vicki was walking behind everybody and hurried them to sit down at the table and said she would bring out breakfast to us. As we sat there resting we could hear Vicki in the kitchen mumbling and complaining that we were all a bunch of spoiled kids… the solders glanced at me stunned as she rambled on in the kitchen…
"big sister is just cranky because she haven't eaten too… lets thank her when she brings out the food for us…" I said smirking at the solders…
They smirked back and nodded… Vicki came out with a rolling tray and walked over to me and put down a plate of toast and a glass of water. She looked like she was in a bad mood…
"thank you big sister for looking after your younger brothers…" I said to her with big eyes and a cute smile…
She blushed a little and nodded to me with a little smile as she walked over to the solder next to me and put down a plate of toast and a glass of water…
"thank you big sister…" the solder said smiling at her doing a light bow with his head…
She blushed but nodded and walked around handing food and water out to everyone… and every solder thanked her and called her big sister… I giggled to myself as I heard them calling her big sister…
She sat down next to me with a plate of toast and we just sat there looking at her waiting… she noticed that we were looking at her and she leaned over to me whispering why we were not eating…
I whispered back that we are waiting for big sister to say that we could start eating when everybody is at the table… she blushed but sat back up straight looking at everybody waiting and smiling at her…
"go ahead and eat…" Vicki said blushing a little and smiled at us…
We nodded and started to eat together like a family… Vicki grabbed a basket of premade toast and placed it on the table for us��� she was smiling a little as she eat with us and handed the basket of toast around for anyone that wanted more…
Bzzzz… Bzzzz… Bzzzz…
The alarm went off again… I stood up and was about to hurry up to the deck, but Vicki grabbed my hand and held out a toast towards me… I looked confused at her but she said that I had to take it with me so I would not get cranky again… I heard some of the solders started to giggle so I just took it and rushed up the stairs…
This time it was just tree smaller pack of Darkness beasts that was charging towards us… the solders and Vicki that had followed me rushed over to the cannons and I walked up to the helm where Jeff was… he looked a little confused as I came with a toast in my hand and took over the helm… i told him to go downstairs to eat. He smiled and nodded to me walking down the stairs…
This continued for the entire day with smaller packs and I had divided the solders into 2 groups, when it was just the smaller packs of beast that attacked only one group was on battle station and the rest was on standby with the order to get rest and food… since we were only 12 people onboard Vicki was on my team with 3 solders, so we made an even number… I told her that when we changed I could easily make up for the loss of a cannon with my barrage spell on low power… so she could handle making food or other things she needed to do…
Jeff had the other group, and we would alternate every six hours standing guard on the deck… we only used the alarm when large packs, or many smaller packs attacked to get everybody on the deck to alternate shooting the cannons…
After a month of this I changed the course closer to the so-called black zone… the black zone is were the beasts packs was denser and larger… we had gotten the routine and training down so we did not even had to assemble everybody on the deck since everyone could shoot the cannons for the entire shift… the solders had gotten stronger as we had fought and there endurance was amazing…
Vicki was even more trained since she had to do alternate unemployed… but she liked fighting more then she liked to make food or clean… so I had changed the shift to make everybody do cleaning or cooking… even I had to do it… I would not take special treatment and did my rotation of cleaning duty and cooking duty… yes I had other jobs that the crew did not have like making sure our maps was updated and that we were on course… so after fighting in the black zone for 3 years like this I change the course for home… I gathered everybody for a meeting at the table…
"we are going home for a little bit…" I said smiling to my brothers and sister in arms…