A Front Battle

Chapter 14

Singapore, 12th January 2019

Rendy Ibrahim and Aldo Morales would go to Manila that afternoon. From Medan, they had to fly to Singapore first, to change to the flight which would take them to Manila. Aldo Morales' injuries were not fully recovered yet. Thus, he planned to go back to Manila. In his own hometown, he planned to meditate for a while, to recover himself so that his power could be full again and he could soon take his revenge.

Stella… Stella… Hold on for a moment… A while again, I'll recover fully and my power will also be recovered. To take your revenge… To take your revenge…

After passing through several inspections and having their passports stamped, both of them arrived at the waiting room. How astonished Rendy Ibrahim was seeing the scenery in front of him. He never thought before he would meet his three main enemies and opponents at the waiting room. He waylaid Aldo Morales' arm for a while. Aldo Morales' eyes also gaped broadly when he figured out that 3E had now reunited again and now they were telling jokes cheerfully to one another at the waiting room.

"Shit! It's wholly shit…! They've reunited again, evidently! And they'll… they'll fly back to Medan…!" said Rendy Ibrahim still gaping his eyes widely, not being able to believe his own vision.

"They're telling jokes cheerfully to one another there…. Meanwhile, right now Stella is lying in the dark cemetery, without any light, without any hope… Without her cheerfulness and laughter anymore… It's wholly shit! It's truly and wholly shit! I won't accept this injustice…! I won't…!" said Aldo Morales with his rattling teeth.

Aldo Morales got ready with both of his hands. He seemed to pop out his dark power soon. Again, Rendy Ibrahim waylaid him.

"What're you doing, Aldo? You obviously know when 3E are together, we can't beat them."

"Go away you! I won't listen to your wording anymore, Rendy! You asked Stella to go alone to the front zone of the battlefield, to separate 3E, didn't you? Those were all your plans! Then, what's the result at this moment? Do we succeed? It's obvious Stella died in vain due to your stupidity! Go away you!" shouted Aldo Morales brushing Rendy Ibrahim's hand off.

Rendy Ibrahim screamed slightly gently, "Listen to me, Aldo! To defeat 3E, we'll need another more cautious plan! Don't act so recklessly please!"

By merely flicking his middle-finger and his thumb, Aldo Morales shot a quick dark black needle towards 3E. Meanwhile, Erdie Vio would drink his water. When he was lifting up his water bottle, the dark black needle pierced into his water bottle. The water bottle darkened and blackened. It turned to dark black powder. How astonished 3E were watching the scenery happening in front of them!

"Hah? What's going on?" screamed Erdie Vio pushing his chair backward and standing up at once.

"Aldo Morales…!" shouted Erwie Vincent seeing from where the dark black needle came from. Erwie Vincent rushed in front, chasing after Rendy Ibrahim and Aldo Morales who had run away.

"Hah? Who's Aldo Morales?" Erick Vildy was in the middle of his astonishment and confusion. "Wait, Wie…! Where do you want to go?"

"Wait, Wie! Wait for us!" shouted Erdie Vio as well.

Erick Vildy and Erdie Vio followed their middle brother at once.

"Hah? Wasn't that Rendy Ibrahim, from Black Crow team, Mel?" gasped Sabrina Marcelina standing at her place.

Melisa Rayadi was also shuddering at her own place, "So… So… So, that Rendy Ibrahim also possesses some kind of queer and mysterious power, like our 3E? What actually is happening here?"

The three women at the female toilet were shocked realizing that everyone around them had frozen and totally stopped at their own places. Nobody was moving, and even the water and small other things could freeze in the air. Fright and panic began to swim out to the surface.

"Hah? Everyone is freezing at their own places and they seem to stop totally," Melisa was shocked.

"What's the matter? There's a kind of mysterious power surrounding this dimension. It's a kind of time-stopping… But, why are there only us who don't freeze and stop totally?"

"Oh, my Buddha, Friends!" screamed Julia Dewi from outside the toilet. "Three E aren't there anymore."

Melisa Rayadi and Sabrina Marcelina rushed out from the toilet. Yeah, Julia Dewi was right… Three E were not at the waiting room anymore.

"Hah? What has happened?" screamed Melisa again, turning round her head to the right and to the left.

"Where did they go?" screamed Sabrina Marcelina patting her forehead several times.

Three E continued their chasing until the second floor of the airport. Realizing that everyone around them had frozen and stopped totally, 3E began to find out that Rendy Ibrahim and Aldo Morales also possessed a kind of queer and mysterious power like theirs.

"Freeze, Rendy Ibrahim!" shouted Erick Vildy from behind. The chasing was still under way.

"Freeze! Who are you actually?" shouted Erdie Vio.

It was solely Erwie Vincent who was still chasing without saying a word. Stomping his feet to the floor, the yellow light began to glow out from his body. Then, Erwie Vincent dashed forward with his full speed. Erick Vildy and Erdie Vio also did the same. In merely few seconds, the two suspects were nearer and nearer. With one palm print, an attack was managed to be landed by 3E on Rendy Ibrahim and Aldo Morales' backs. Those two suspects were flung forward.

Aldo Morales realized there was no way to escape anymore. He turned round and opened up his pair of hands. Thousands of small dark black needles flew towards Erwie Vincent. Erwie Vincent was shocked because he had never thought before Aldo Morales would attack back out of a sudden.

"Watch out, Wie…!" shouted Erick Vildy from behind.

"Those needles are creepy, Wie!" shouted Erdie Vio from behind as well.

Erick Vildy would block those dark black needles and protect his first brother. Yet, the more agile youngest brother, dashed forward first and blocked all those needles by himself. Consequently, with his one high-pitched scream, Erdie Vio was flung back to the floor, with his crimson fresh blood squirting from his mouth.

"Die!" shouted Erwie Vincent approaching his brother.

"This is a good chance for us, Aldo!" said Rendy Ibrahim with his cynical smile. He instantly dashed forward.

Rendy Ibrahim and Erick Vildy's hands fought each other with full speed. Nevertheless, no matter how fast Rendy Ibrahim's hands were, he could not keep up with Erick Vildy's hands-speed. He began to be overwhelmed. Aldo Morales opened up again his pair of hands and there were many flying daggers flying towards 3E. Erick Vildy's eyes instantly gaped broadly, realizing his two brothers were in great danger. With one palm print, Erick Vildy succeeded in breaking Rendy Ibrahim's attack. Directing his red light to the floor, the floor broke in one line. The breaking line reached where Rendy Ibrahim was standing. The young lad was flung backward and he hit the wall behind him. Crimson fresh blood was squirting from his mouth.

Erick Vildy stretched his body rightward. As a consequence, some of Aldo Morales' flying daggers hit him. Erick Vildy stepped back several steps breathlessly and some crimson fresh blood was squirting from his mouth.

"Rick…!" shouted his two brothers simultaneously.

This time, Erwie Vincent flew towards Aldo Morales with his high speed. Their hands and feet fought very quickly at each other. The fight was inevitable anymore. Nevertheless, Aldo Morales who was less agile than Erwie Vincent, had to admit his defeat. With one kick, Erwie Vincent managed to send Aldo Morales to the huge vase in the middle of the long corridor. The vase shattered into pieces on the floor. With one kick again, Aldo Morales was sent to the decorative lights hung on the ceiling. The decorative lights ended in the same way with the vase.

Erwie Vincent instantly ran to approach his two siblings who were now trying to stand up difficultly.

"Rick! Die! You must pop out your powers as well! Combining three of us' powers, I'm dead certain we can heal your injuries and we can return those vicious poisons inside your bodies to him!" said Erwie Vincent with his sharp eyes to Aldo Morales.

Erick Vildy and Erdie Vio opened up their pairs of hands. The red and the green lights began to glow. Aldo Morales, who was still lying helplessly on the floor, could merely see that scene with his broad and wide eyes. Erwie Vincent swung his hands from behind. The yellow light palm print was landed to his two brothers' backs. The three lights became one. He was right… The small dark black needles and the flying daggers just now came out again from Erdie Vio and Erick Vildy's bodies, and this time they dashed very quickly to Aldo Morales, still lying hopelessly on the floor.

Aldo Morales was hit by his own powers. He was flung very far away backward to the wall. Hitting the wall, Aldo Morales seemed to lose his consciousness. He was lying on the floor, without any moving again.

Rendy Ibrahim gaped his eyes widely and broadly seeing Aldo Morales' condition at the moment. Knowing there was no chance for them to beat 3E, he swung his hand on the air. Dark black light came out and brought him away together with Aldo Morales from that place.

It was tranquil at once. But, the time was still freezing. Everything and everybody around them were still freezing at their own places.

Erwie Vincent touched his two siblings' shoulders. Three of them turned to three different lights. Three different lights vanished away from that place and got into the nearest toilet.

The three different lights turned back to 3E's figures.

Three E looked at one another. Three of them opened up their mouths and spoke up simultaneously, "Are you alright?"

Erwie Vincent's tears began to rise up. He did not care much anymore. All kinds of emotion and feeling swam up to the surface. He seized his two siblings into his pair of arms.

"I don't know… I've got no idea why five years ago I could suspect you guys as Stella Kuangdinata's murders. I can't figure out why I was so stupid at that time, why I could let my two brothers go, why I could let my two very precious brothers go away. I'm sorry… I'm sorry, Rick, Die…" tears were seen rolling down swiftly from Erwie Vincent's pair of eyes.

"I also want to apologize to you guys, Wie, Die…" Erick Vildy's tears were also unstoppable anymore. "I'm sorry for not being able to think clearly five years ago, so that I could suspect you guys as murders. I'm so sorry… In the middle of the fight against Rendy Ibrahim and his peer, I realized that I nearly lost both of you again for the second time. I vowed to myself, there's no more separation among us."

"I also want to apologize, Rick, Wie…" this time, Erdie Vio was seen crying like a little boy, inside his two brothers' embraces. "My loneliness for the five past recent years is enough. I won't let this togetherness go away again. This time we meet up again, I promise to myself, in the future there won't be any problem in this world which can separate us."

Three E approved and accepted one another's apologies.

Erwie Vincent took off his T-shirt. Then, he took off his two brothers' T-shirts. Erdie Vio seemed to get hurt on his stomach. Erick Vildy seemed to get hurt on his waist.

"By combining three of us' powers, there's nothing impossible, Rick, Die… As long as we believe one another, there's nothing we can't do…" said Erwie Vincent.

"Okay, Wie…" uttered Erick Vildy.

"Believing in one another…" mumbled Erdie Vio.

The yellow light from Erwie Vincent's body began to glow, and so did the red light from Erick Vildy's body, and the green light from Erdie Vio's body. The three lights were brighter and brighter. Then, they rose up to the air, and combined into one spot. The three lights fell down again, showering 3E's bodies as the mini meteors.

Few seconds passed by. The three lights were covering 3E's bodies in each color. They became dimmer and dimmer… When the three lights went out, again 3E opened their eyes. The injuries on Erick Vildy's waist and on Erdie Vio's stomach had all gone totally.

Erwie Vincent was seen sweating much, because it was indeed him who had taken out a lot of energy and power to heal his two brothers' injuries. Erwie Vincent's body was seen very weak and feeble. Erick Vildy and Erdie Vio tried to lift him up.

"Wie… Are you okay?" asked Erick Vildy very anxiously.

"Wie… What's the matter?" asked Erdie Vio also very worriedly.

"Don't worry, Rick, Die…" said Erwie Vincent still with his relaxing and gentle smile. "I'm a little bit fatigue perhaps because just now I took out too much energy and power."

"Don't worry," said Erick Vildy staring at Erdie Vio for a while.

"Erick and I will recover your energy and power," uttered Erdie Vio.

"If… If that doesn't bother both of you," uttered Erwie Vincent still with his relaxing smile.

The middle brother closed his eyes. The red and the green lights began to glow again. With two palm prints, two lights were transferred into the middle brother's body. The energy flowing into Erwie Vincent's body was seen little by little. A few seconds passed by. Slowly, the red and the green lights began to be dimmer and dimmer, and eventually they went out totally.

Erwie Vincent opened his eyes again.

"How is it?" asked Erick Vildy.

"What do you feel at the moment?" continued Erdie Vio.

"Thanks very much, Rick, Die… I've returned to the moment before we fought against Rendy Ibrahim and Aldo Morales…" a relaxing smile was seen again decorating the middle brother's lips.

"Don't say like that. Just now you spent too much energy to remove the poisons from my body and Erick's body, and you also healed my injuries and Erick's injuries totally. That means we've been balanced," said the youngest brother.

The middle brother looked at his two brothers with his vision full of brotherhood, "Because our names are nearly the same, Rick, Die… With those nearly the same names, that means our brotherhood is able to beat anything, isn't it? The trivial poisons just now didn't really matter. We can even defeat Rendy Ibrahim and Aldo Morales if we combine our powers like what we did just now."

"Yeah, the same answer also goes to you, Wie. Being short of energy doesn't really matter. You can ask it from us," uttered the eldest brother. "Anyway, you know that Aldo Morales, don't you?"

"Yeah… My colleague at the hotel back in Los Angeles there. I hear he come from Manila, the Philippines. Back in Los Angeles there, he ever attacked Julia and me. With our love power, we were managed to beat him. I've never thought before I can meet him here in Singapore. Moreover, I've never thought before that evidently Aldo Morales knows Rendy Ibrahim."

The eldest and the youngest brothers kept nodding their heads, listening to the middle brother's narration.

"It's obvious now… Besides three of us, there are two other persons possessing the same kind of queer and mysterious power like ours. Yet, their powers are dark powers in dark black color," said the eldest brother with the deep frowning on his forehead.

"I feel more relieved right now."

"Why is it, Die?" the middle brother asked the youngest brother.

"Thus, the people who can be positioned as Stella Kuangdinata's murders aren't merely three of us. I'm dead certain this time we can gain some opportunities to prove who actually has taken that woman's life."

The eldest and the middle brothers kept nodding their heads, listening to the youngest brother's point of view.

"Okay… It's been the moment for us to open back the time wave, Wie, Die," said Erick Vildy.

"And the whole airport must be in panic seeing the result of our fight just now," continued Erdie Vio.

"No other choice, Die, Rick… They still must be panicked, and still will be curious about who actually has caused the mess in the corridor in front," continued Erwie Vincent.

Three E swung their hands on the air. It was right… The few seconds later on, some women and girls' screaming began to be heard at the corridor in front. When 3E came out from the toilet, they saw their three women running here and there along the corridor. Panic and fright were seen decorating their faces.

Seeing 3E, each of them rushed into their lovers' embraces.

"Are you alright?" asked Melisa Rayadi. Erick Vildy nodded his head while caressing his princess' head.

"What an awful mess, Wie…" said Julia Dewi gaping her eyes widely seeing the fighting result between 3E against Rendy Ibrahim and Aldo Morales. "Oh, Buddha… Are you okay…?"

"It's alright, Jul. This time with my brothers by my side, nobody can put us in danger. Don't worry…" said Erwie Vincent with his relaxing smile.

"Evidently Rendy Ibrahim also possesses the same queer and mysterious power like yours, doesn't he?" asked Sabrina Marcelina shivering in fright seeing the mess in front of her.

"Yeah, yet that power is a dark power in dark black color, Rin. But, don't worry. Erick and Erwie have been here. With three of us at the same place, everything will be okay," said Erdie Vio with his smile full of spirit and enthusiasm.

The next seconds were passed by Julia's introduction to her sweetheart's two brothers, whom she solely heard from her sweetheart's stories, and now she had got her chance to meet both of them directly.


"Faiz… Faiz… Try to call one of your triplets again… It's been almost four in the late afternoon. Why haven't they arrived home?" said Mrs. Florencia to her husband. She began to be fitful inasmuch as it had been four o'clock, but there was no signal for her three sons to have arrived home.

"Just now, they called already saying that they've arrived at Kualanamu, Flor… Can't you be slightly more relaxed?" muttered her husband sipping his tea. "Our three sons have been adults. They aren't teens anymore. Furthermore, they're different from common people. So, I think you don't have to worry a lot."

"I'm much curious already you know, about the three women becoming my future daughters-in-law," said Mrs. Florencia with her slightly frowning face.

"Perhaps they're eating somewhere else first before going home. Just be patient… Shortly afterwards, your curiosity will be redeemed…" said her husband again.

Mrs. Florencia would want to open her mouth again when she heard the car horn ring outside. The maid was seen having opened the gate. Mr. Faiz and Mrs. Florencia were a bit tense sitting and waiting in the living room. Shortly afterwards, 3E's figures appeared simultaneously in the living room. Smiles were decorating their pairs of lips. Behind 3E, three pretty, graceful and charming women were seen, like the real angels going down from the heaven.

"Dad… Mom… We've come home…" said 3E in one voice.

Mr. Faiz smiled touchingly. Mrs. Florencia could not stop her compassion anymore. She dashed in front and hugged her three sons. A mother's tears were rolling down onto her three sons' T-shirts and made them wet. These were her adorable three sons, three sons whom she cherished the most.

"Finally 3E return to me… Finally… Finally this house will be filled up with jokes, laughter, joy and cheerfulness like it used to be. Finally togetherness can be felt again in this house, Rick, Wie, Die…" said Mrs. Florencia not being able to control her compassion anymore.

"Yes, Mom…" said Erdie Vio.

"We've promised to one another…" continued Erwie Vincent.

"Whatever happening in the future, we'll remain together and won't be separable anymore," continued Erick Vildy.

Mrs. Florencia's compassion reached its climax. She nodded her head steadily, while letting her tears keep flowing down. As though finding back the place which she had left before, as like the young souls of the trees deep inside the jungle, as like the four-o'clock-sunshine in the northern sky, Mr. Faiz and Mrs. Florencia knew that their three sons had made up and reunited. They felt as though there were sweet sounds going down from the seventh layer of the heaven.

Now, it was 3E's turn to hug their daddy.

"Dad… We've come home…" said 3E simultaneously.

"Yes… I know you guys can settle your own disputes. Although there has been a separation, I know that separation will let you learn more about friendship and brotherhood."

Three E nodded their heads steadily. The warmth melted the freezing air flow which had been surrounding the house for quite a long time. Mr. Faiz began to feel the ripples of cheerfulness and happiness which turned alive slowly. The warmth did not only repeat all the sweet memories from the past, but it also sang a song to rejoice the new hopes as well as wishes from tomorrow. Mr. Faiz breathed in relief because everything had returned to normal conditions.

Everybody began to sit in the living room. Again the warmth and cheerfulness were hanging in the air. The maid was seen coming out and serving watermelon, pineapple, and melon juices. Meanwhile, each of Melisa Rayadi, Julia Dewi, and Sabrina Marcelina were served carrot mixed with orange juice. It was obvious the maid had truly memorized what her young masters' favorites were.

"Who's this…? Very beautiful…" said Mrs. Florencia paying attention to Julia Dewi.

"Introduction first, Dad, Mom… This is Julia… Julia Dewi Sofia Luvin… A crossbreed between American and Singaporean. So, I think you must speak Mandarin or English with her. Her Indonesian hasn't been very fluent…" said Erwie Vincent in his quite eloquent Mandarin.

Julia Dewi adorably patted her prince's arm.

"Hello, Uncle… Hello, Aunt… I'm Julia…" said Julia Dewi in her Mandarin.

Mr. Faiz solely smiled sparklingly.

"Very beautiful…" said Mrs. Florencia with her sparkling smile as well. "Sorry if Erwie has been bothering you there for the past one recent year, Julia…"

Erwie Vincent and Julia Dewi burst out in their laughter.

"Not really, Aunt," said Julia Dewi slightly bowing her head and being a little bit blushful.

"These… Aren't these Melisa and Sabrina who used to be in the Eternal Solidarity team?" asked Mr. Faiz.

"Quite right, Faiz… These are Melisa and Sabrina, right?" continued Mrs. Florencia agreeing with her husband's assumption. "So, for the past five recent years you were following Erick and Erdie overseas?"

"Yes, Uncle… Yes, Aunt…" answered Melisa and Sabrina at the same time. Both of them looked slightly blushful.

"Gosh, Uncle and Aunt really feel sorry to you girls. Were Erick and Erdie difficult to be taken care of over there, Mel, Rin…?" asked Mr. Faiz a bit joking.

Erick Vildy and Erdie Vio burst out in their laughter.

"Not really, Uncle, Aunt…" Melisa Rayadi looked at Sabrina Marcelina for a while. "The difficult thing is asking them to reunite and make up again."

"Yes, Uncle, Aunt… Despite being difficult, I think right now Melisa and I have succeeded in one of our missions," said Sabrina Marcelina turning a bit blushful.

"It's alright," muttered Mrs. Florencia. "Your next mission is getting married with Erick and Erdie, isn't it? It's okay… Aunt will help you…"

Erick Vildy and Erdie Vio were seen being startled at their own places. Melisa Rayadi and Sabrina Marcelina looked a bit blushful again.

"And so is Julia… Okay right? Your parents over there have known Erwie very well, haven't they? They've also agreed with your relationship, haven't they?" asked Mrs. Florencia strafing to the point without any mercy.

"Already, Aunt…" answered Julia Dewi also a bit bowing and being blushful. Her cheeks were seen very red.

Erwie Vincent were seen being startled at his place.

"Not that fast, Mom," Erick Vildy interrupted this time. "You've talked about marriage without asking whether the girls have been ready or not to get married with three of us, Mom…" said Erick Vildy gulping his watermelon juice.

Erdie Vio continued his eldest brother's statement, "Yes, Mom… Sabrina and Melisa's families haven't known yet they're having relationships with me and with Erick. Yeah, we must show their families first that we're the appropriate future husbands for them," said Erdie Vio gulping his melon juice.

"Yes, Mom… I ask Julia here because I'd love to ask for Dad and Mom's approval about our relationship. About the marriage, I haven't even proposed Julia formally in front of her parents, Mom. Don't get too hurried, Mom…" said Erwie Vincent smiling relaxingly and gulping his pineapple juice.

"So, until when must I wait for your marriages and little families, Guys?" asked Mrs. Florencia scrambling her waists.

The three women kept smiling, withstanding their laughter inasmuch as they saw Mrs. Florencia's witty and easy-going personalities.

"The one who will get married isn't you, but your three sons, Flor. Be patient a little bit please…" said Mr. Faiz interrupting. "At last, sooner or later, three of them will get married. What actually are you after here?"

"Yeah… Yeah… I know, Faiz… Let everything flow following the wind and the water, right?" said Mrs. Florencia snapping her pair of lips, but in the next seconds, she had already turned bubbly and cheerful, "Drink the juice, Mel, Jul, Rin… Help yourselves…"

"Thanks, Aunt…" answered the three women in one voice.

The next conversations were already about 3E's lives in three different countries for the past five recent years, and about their plans in the future, and about what they would be doing to Eternal Solidarity team in the future.

Again the warmth and cheerfulness were covering the whole house.