5T + 3Y

Chapter 15

Medan, 15th January 2019

It had been the second day for 3E to help out in their father's three branch offices.

This morning, Erick Vildy was seen going through the financial report delivered by the finance manager. Irritation began to flow through his edge of mind.

"Didn't I tell you to fix the financial worksheet for last December yesterday?" asked Erick Vildy throwing the file onto the table, in front of the finance manager.

"The system you talked about is quite complicated and can't be applied by my whole members, Sir," said the finance manager.

"And you simply report it to me?" Erick Vildy's emotion rose up with his voice intonation also rising up to the higher pitch. "Then, what's your responsibility as a finance manager?"

The finance manager got silent. His face turned very red.

"You can teach them, though. Obviously, by applying the old method, your work becomes slow and the margin can sometimes be very far. Why don't you just fix yourself and try to study the new things? How can this company be expected to improve if all the human resources don't want to learn the new things?"

The finance manager got silent again. In front of the boss' son, he did not dare to say much.

"Fix it again there…" said Erick Vildy pushing the file back to the finance manager. "Tomorrow morning you bring this December financial worksheet to my table. Thanks…"

The finance manager picked up his financial worksheet back. He passed by from Erick Vildy's room with his red face.

Erick Vildy followed the finance manager's leaving with his frowning face. He had been proven wrong once and he was still trying to use his same old method. He was rather irritating, thought Erick Vildy in his mind.

Anger was flowing through Erick Vildy's edge of mind.


Anger was flowing through Erwie Vincent's edge of mind.

"The one I asked you to follow up yesterday, have you done it?" asked Erwie Vincent to the secretary.

The secretary, who never thought that the branch manager would come to the office so early, stood up stiffly without any opportunity to keep all her cosmetics away from her table.

"Making up is much more important, isn't it?" asked Erwie Vincent with his relaxing smile, but his words were full of sharp and spicy cynical sense.

"Yes, Mr. Erwie Vincent… I'll follow it up today," stuttered the secretary.

"Okay… I've told you right? This supplier is very important as he provides the materials in cheap prices. We order from him once first and we give the materials a try for one year ahead."

"Okay, Mr. Erwie Vincent…"

"You must follow it up quickly because we do need a new boiler. If there's no this new boiler, the production from the factory will be decreasing in large numbers. I definitely don't have to teach you that kind of simple thing, do I?" asked Erwie Vincent, again with his relaxing smile.

"Yes, Sir… Yes, Sir…" said the secretary feeling hot and cold in front of the boss' son whom she had just met.

Oh, gosh…! Very handsome… Very cool… And very competent… Thus, I've gained back my spirit in working in the future… But, unfortunately… Having got a girlfriend already. I become curious about the girl being his girlfriend. What kind of girl is she? The qualifications to be one of the three Makmur siblings' girlfriend must be very high.

I'm also very curious… How do the other two brothers look like? Are they as handsome as and as cool as this Erwie Vincent…?

Seeing the secretary still not moving, Erwie Vincent coughed intentionally for a while. The secretary hurriedly kept all her cosmetics away from her table. Shortly afterwards, she had already been engrossed in her work.

Erwie Vincent shook his head for a while, seeing the purchasing secretary's behavior.

A bit of anxiety gathered under Erwie Vincent's mind.


A bit of anxiety gathered under Erdie Vio's mind.

"How about the material which is out of order? You've emailed the supplier, haven't you?" asked Erdie Vio emerging in front of one of the female staff in the purchasing division that morning.

The female worker was definitely startled. She brushed off her hair behind for a while and instantly checked her computer.

"Already, Mr. Erdie Vio," answered the female worker feeling a bit hot and cold because Erdie Vio was standing too close to her.

"What's his reply?" asked Erdie Vio again.

"His reply… His reply…" the female worker could not continue her statement.

"Oh, in English, isn't it…?" Erdie Vio instantly knew this female worker was still chasing after her bachelor degree in economy. Yet, he did not really understand why the human resource department placed a person who did not really master foreign languages in the purchasing division.

"Okay then… Forward the email to me… I'll get in contact with him directly," said Erdie Vio patting the female worker's shoulder lightly.

The female worker felt a bit hot and cold again. Oh, gosh…! I've never thought before that the boss' son is very handsome and cool. Knowing it'll be like this, I'll spend most of my salary joining the beauty therapies. It's such an unfortunate… This Erdie Vio's got a girlfriend. What kind of girl is his girlfriend? I'm very curious… Don't let me know I'm much prettier than his girlfriend. I'll take this Erdie Vio away from his girlfriend…

Erdie Vio got into his working room. Today he had got a lot of work. A bit restlessness was flowing into his brim of mind.


The night had come to the whole town. Because Melisa and Sabrina simply worked as staff in financial and planning divisions in Mr. Faiz's one branch office, they went home early that day. In the evening, they made up their mind to come to Eternal Solidarity studio.

Silver God was stunned seeing two beautiful women coming to Eternal Solidarity studio very early before the practice time. Working here taking care of Eternal Solidarity studio building for more than three months, I've only met one girl member. Why come again another two tonight? Are these Mr. Faiz and Mrs. Florencia's sons' girlfriends? Recently, Mr. Faiz and Mrs. Florencia indeed say that their three sons have got girlfriends and in the beginning of this January, they'll return to Medan. Are these their girlfriends? If their girlfriends have arrived, the 3E themselves must also have arrived in Medan. Siipp…! Thus, I can directly meet 3E and make sure whether or not they're the people whom Ruby Goddess inserted the three lucky stars that day. Finally this day has come, Buddha… The day which I've been waiting for quite a long time has eventually come… At last, I can reform Ruby Goddess back into her previous figure, Buddha…

"You must be Jovan Dellas whom Uncle Faiz and Aunt Florencia ever talked about…" uttered Melisa Rayadi seeing Silver God's figure sitting at his table at the corner of the first-floor auditorium.

Silver God introduced himself as Jovan Dellas in the human world. He stretched out his hand and shook the two beautiful women's hands.

"Nice to meet you… I'm Jovan Dellas. Since last October, I work here to take care of this Eternal Solidarity studio building. Very delightful to meet both of you."

"I'm Melisa Rayadi."

"I'm Sabrina… Sabrina Marcelina Tiogana… We used to be members of Eternal Solidarity team…" said Sabrina Marcelina with her bright smile.

"Yeah… It seems that… It seems that you girls…" said Silver God occasionally glancing to 3E's big photo hung on the wall of the Eternal Solidarity building.

"Hah…? Since when is this photo here?" asked Sabrina Marcelina pointing to 3E's big photo.

"That's one of their photos when performing in the dragon dance championship opening show in Jakarta last 2011, isn't it?" asked Melisa with her sparkling eyes.

"It's been hung by Mr. Faiz since last November. Mr. Faiz always says to all members that those are his three sons, and also the three highest leaders in this Eternal Solidarity team," said Silver God nonchalantly.

Sabrina Marcelina and Melisa Rayadi kept looking at the big photo for a few moments.

"And you girls are their girlfriends?" asked Silver God making an estimation.

"The middle one…" Melisa Rayadi was a bit blushful.

"The right one…" Sabrina Marcelina was also slightly blushful.

Silver God nodded his head listening to the two beautiful women's admission.

"So, how about the improvement of this studio, Jov…?" asked Melisa Rayadi again. "Did the new recent members ever join the tournaments outside again?"

"Let's not talk about the tournaments outside, Melisa… The dragon dance isn't even performed anymore. We're often lack of members who can play the pearl, the dragon's head, tail, body and even the background music. It's only lion dance which was ever performed outside for several times. Yet, our jobs were snatched away several times by that irritating Black Crow team, though…" said Silver God sighing his long breath. That was human…. There were unhealthy competitions everywhere and humans could perhaps fell the other humans down, in order to achieve their selfish and greedy goals.

Sabrina and Marcelina looked at each other for a while.

"I see… But this time 3E have returned… Hopefully, in the future there's a little bit hope and chance for Eternal Solidarity team…" said Melisa Rayadi with her wry smile.

"We go up first, Jov… Want to prepare the dragon and the appliances…" said Sabrina Marcelina.

"The dragon and its background musical instruments had been very dusty at the first time I came here. But don't worry… I've cleaned them though…" said Silver God also with his snapping smile.

"Okay… Thanks, Jov…" said Melisa Rayadi.

"Quite handsome, Mel… Quite cool as well…" said Sabrina Marcelina a bit joking. "But, he seldom smiles, and seldom shows the smile which is full of spirit and enthusiasm, like Erdie does. So, my prince is still Erdie."

Sabrina Marcelina burst out in her laughter, and so did Melisa.

"He isn't as serious a man as Erick is. He isn't as mature a man as Erick is. I'm not really into a less serious guy. Still Erick is my prince."

"Anyway, have you told your dad and mom about your relationship with Erick?" asked Sabrina Marcelina.

"Not yet… You…?"

"Not yet either…" said Sabrina Marcelina sighing her long breath. "Recalling what happened five years ago, and how angry my dad was at that time, I become doubtful to tell the truth, Mel."

"Your dad still thinks that it's 3E who have killed Stella Kuangdinata, doesn't he?"

"It's obvious you found that girl dead here in this building, isn't it? Additionally, I don't know from where my dad heard about 3E's queer and mysterious powers. If I hadn't told a lie that I'd got a job in Singapore, my dad wouldn't have allowed me to go to Singapore, Mel."

"Same with me then… My dad heard from somewhere about 3E's queer and mysterious powers. Until now, my dad has a great suspicion that it's 3E who have killed Stella Kuangdinata. If I hadn't told a lie that I'd got a job in Sydney, I wouldn't have been able to follow Erick there."

The two women looked very confused.

"But, sooner or later, our parents will have to know about our relationships with 2E, won't they? Sooner or later, we must tell the truth to them, mustn't we?" muttered Sabrina Marcelina.

"Yeah, you're right, Rin… I'll try to find a perfect time to discuss about this with my parents. Hopefully, they want to understand."

The two women began to be busy with the dragon and all its appliances.


Teddy Revan played the lion's head on the iron poles at the yard of Eternal Solidarity building. Theo Rafael was seen playing the lion's tail. Both were seen leaping briskly up and down on the iron poles.

"All are new members, Jov…" said Melisa Rayadi paying attention from below. "Mostly 80% of the old members five years ago, isn't visible anymore."

"One who's playing the lion's head is Teddy Revan… Teddy Revan Liuwis… One who's playing the lion's tail is Theo Rafael… Theo Rafael Yaputra… Next… One who's sitting over there, enjoying himself and drinking something, is Timothy Ricky… Timothy Ricky Liuwis… And, the one who's arranging the lion pants into the box is Tommy Rido… Tommy Rido Syawira… One who's sitting over there with his gaping eyes – no idea what he's daydreaming about – is Thomas Robert… Thomas Robert Liuwis…"

Listening to Silver God's introduction, Sabrina Marcelina and Melisa Rayadi looked at each other.

"Why are they the same with our 3E, Jov? Those five people's names have got their own initial, haven't they?" asked Sabrina Marcelina a bit confused.

"Yes, five of them are cousins. The Liuwis ones are the ones whose fathers are brothers. The Syawira and the Yaputra are the ones whose mothers are the other three's fathers' sisters. So, five of them are indeed cousins and hence their names have got their own initial," said Silver God giving an explanation.

Meanwhile, Erdie Vio's motorcycle had entered the road where Eternal Solidarity studio building lied. Yuni Mariany was also seen walking towards Eternal Solidarity studio building. Yet, it was such an unfortunate for the girl that her foot knocked on a big stone by the road. Her sandal was opening widely at the front part. The big stone hit her toes instantly. She screamed gently. The next seconds, Yuni Mariany was already seen walking in the limping condition by the road.

"Ouch! It's awful! Why can there be a big stone like that by the road? Gosh…! Still far away… How is this?" muttered Yuni Mariany to herself. She started to look to the left and right, but any pedicab was nowhere to be seen.

Erdie Vio's motorcycle was approaching. He bumped into a girl with her difficulty by the road. The girl looked very neat in her dressing, together with her very courteous appearance. So, Erdie Vio concluded that she had to be a well-mannered girl.

"What can I help, Miss?" asked Erdie Vio after approaching his motorcycle to Yuni Mariany.

Yuni Mariany was stunned seeing a kind of handsome face and bumping into a robust, strong, tall and cool body figure, suddenly popping out in front of her.

"My foot… My foot… My foot accidentally knocked to the big stone by the road just now. Now, my sandal has been ruined and I must walk to my destination. My destination is still far though…" said Yuni Mariany with her frowning face.

"Just follow me then… Where do you want to go?" Erdie Vio's smile melting Yuni Mariany's soul and vibrating her heart was visible here.

"To Eternal Solidarity studio building which is at the end of this road," said Yuni Mariany also with her cheerful smile. Who was not happy suddenly being offered a ride by a handsome, cool and tall man like this? Yuni Mariany made up her mind that she might not let this chance go away.

Erdie Vio showed his full of spirit and enthusiasm smile again. "Oh yeah…? Such a coincidence as I also have the same destination. Are you the member there?"

"So… So… So you're also Eternal Solidarity member, aren't you? Why haven't I seen you these times?" asked Yuni Mariany starting to put on the helmet and get onto Erdie Vio's motorcycle.

"I'm indeed the member there. Yet, for the last five years, I wasn't in Medan. I was staying in Singapore. I've just returned to Medan," said Erdie Vio with a bit queer joking tone. It was obviously impossible he spoke out that he was one of the boss' three sons establishing Eternal Solidarity team.

Out of the blue, an image of the big-sized photo which had been hung on the wall on Eternal Solidarity studio building first floor, appeared to Yuni Mariany's thought. Finally she knew who the man offering her a ride tonight was.

"Hah…? You're one of 3E whose photo is hung by Mr. Faiz on the wall of Eternal Solidarity first floor auditorium. Yeah… Yeah… Yeah… Quite right… You're one of Mr. Faiz's three sons…" said Yuni Mariany as though she got her dream come true that night.

"My identity has been figured out so quickly. Are 3E really that famous in Eternal Solidarity studio?" asked Erdie Vio still with his joking tone.

"Of course… Not only in Eternal Solidarity, but also in other teams performing lion and dragon dances, in this town, in this country. I hear from my sister in Black Crow team, even three of you were ever in magazines and television."

"Black Crow?" Erdie Vio was wondering why this girl and her elder sister were in two different teams, which were obviously competing with each other. Suspicion began to rise up, but he kept it first and did not want to show it too quickly.

"Yes… I've been asking her to join Eternal Solidarity team, but she doesn't want to, as the guys in Black Crow team are much more handsome and cooler. That's what she says okay…" said Yuni Mariany following her sister's way of talking.

Erdie Vio burst out in his laughter, "Occasionally you can ask your sister to have a stroll in our studio. See first and then she can make her judgment and decision. Oh yeah… I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Erdie Vio… Erdie Vio Makmur…" said Erdie Vio stretching his hand behind.

"My name's Yuni… Yuni Mariany Gani… Nice to meet you, Die…" said Yuni Mariany shaking Erdie Vio's stretching hand.

What a cool name it is… He himself is also very handsome, cool, very robust, and charming. I'll remember tonight for the rest of my life… Oh, Buddha… I won't forget tonight for the rest of my life…

Yet, when Erdie Vio's motorcycle got into the parking lot and when Yuni Mariany's ray of eyes bumped into Sabrina Marcelina's ray of eyes, she instantly knew that she had to struggle hard if she would want to attain Erdie Vio by her side.

"What takes you so long, Die?" asked Sabrina Marcelina curving her hands to her sweetheart's neck.

"There's one girl member of ours as well. Her foot accidentally knocked to a big stone by the road and her sandal was ruined. She was also coming here, so I sent her here," said Erdie Vio ogling his eyes naughtily to Sabrina Marcelina.

"Sending her merely once… No twice or thrice…" said Sabrina Marcelina caressing her sweetheart's face.

Yuni Mariany watched that scene with her eyes burnt in jealousy.

"Alright then… Just being sent here… There's no need to put that in heart and mind," taunted Teddy Revan while giggling loudly.

"Brother Erdie has got a girlfriend. Look at his girlfriend… Her name's Sister Sabrina…" said Theo Rafael pointing to Sabrina Marcelina who was now holding Erdie Vio's hand and walking into the studio building.

"What the hell!" yelled Yuni Mariany with her gaping eyes full of irritation to Teddy Revan and Theo Rafael. "Yeah, it's not wrong if I admire such a handsome and cool man like that Erdie Vio, is it?"

"Don't dream too high please. Falling down, it must be really hurt…" said Tommy Rido.

"Only one appearing, you've been in hot and cold like this. Yun… Yun… Later on when the other two appear, I can't fancy anymore what will happen to you. Perhaps we need to rush you to hospital for an infusion syringe," said Thomas Robert.

Five T burst out in their laughter.

"Want to drink, Yun?" asked Timothy Ricky offering Yuni Mariany a canned drink.

"I don't want! Drink it by yourself!" it obviously seemed that Yuni Mariany's mood was not really comfortable tonight.

"What the hell! What have I done wrong? I just offered her a canned drink, didn't I?" yelled Timothy Ricky a bit annoyed.

"Your mistake is that you can't read the situation, and you offer a girl a canned drink when her mood isn't really comfortable," said Tommy Rido. The other 3T admitted the truth behind Tommy Rido's wording.

"Alright then… I drink it by myself if she doesn't want it…" said Timothy Ricky opening the canned drink and gulping the content.

No… No… Of course I can't sit silently letting this situation be like this. I am Yuni Mariany Gani, the biggest ceramic businessman's daughter in this Medan, mustn't lose from an ordinary girl like that Sabrina. Even her appearance is so ordinary. What kind of right does she have to be together with my Erdie? It's all because of Yenny wanting to use the car tonight. Or else, I can come here by car and I don't have to lose my dignity in front of an ordinary girl like this Sabrina… No…! No…! No…! Whatever it is, Sabrina must be separated from Erdie! Erdie must merely pay attention to me! Only to me!

Yuni Mariany stepped into Eternal Solidarity studio building. Before thinking about the next plans, she must think about how to cure the injuries on her toes first. She entered the studio building to look for the first aid box.

Inside, Erdie Vio, Sabrina Marcelina, Melisa Rayadi and Jovan Dellas were having a chit-chat cheerfully. Suppose Sabrina Marcelina had not been there, Yuni Mariany would have joined the exciting conversation, Yuni Mariany thought by herself.

"The first aid box is here, Yun…" said Silver God giving the first aid box to Erdie Vio.

Erdie Vio gave the first aid box to Yuni Mariany. Again Yuni Mariany smiled warmly when she received the first aid box from her beloved prince. She groaned in pain again.

"Ouch…! Ouch! Really hurt, Die…" said Yuni Mariany beginning to take the second step. "Whoever is here, is there anyone who can help me smear this medicine?"

Yuni Mariany took a risk. She wanted to see who the first to open their mouths, helping her smear the medicine.

"Let me do it…" said Erdie Vio pulling a chair to be sat by Yuni Mariany. "Let me see your foot…" said Erdie Vio gently.

A bit of jealousy rose up in Sabrina Marcelina's eyes. Both Silver God and Melisa Rayadi could catch that ray of jealousy. Silver God shook his head. Obviously, in the position of holding the first aid box and being the nearest to where Yuni Mariany was standing, it was impossible for Erdie Vio to divert the duty of smearing the medicine to others. Silver God was brooding. If he had been in Erdie Vio's position just now, he would have done the same thing. Suppose Ruby Goddess was here tonight, would she be as jealous as Sabrina Marcelina?

It's obvious that this Yuni Mariany has a kind of feeling to Erdie Vio, though she knows that Sabrina Marcelina is Erdie Vio's lover. Indeed since the very beginning, I've been thinking that this Yuni Mariany is an extrovert and open-minded girl. Hmm… This Erdie Vio is really a kind-hearted man, even to a girl whom he's just known… Hmm… I'm more and more certain that the green lucky star is inside his body. I can see it from his green T-shirt, even from his green jacket, helmet, and sandals. Oh, Buddha… Why haven't his two other brothers arrived until now?

Sabrina Marcelina was seen watching the scene in front of her with her uncomfortable ray of eyes. Melisa Rayadi could catch a kind of jealousy in Sabrina Marcelina's eyes. She looked at that girl again. Yuni Mariany was seen smiling warmly, full of gentleness when Erdie Vio was smearing the medicine onto her toes and then he wrapped them with some bandage.

Melisa Rayadi sighed her long breath. It seemed that Erdie Vio and Sabrina Marcelina's journey to their marriage was still uneasy.

Yuni Mariany was seen still smiling and smiling.

At last Erdie smears the medicine onto my toes. Being the nearest to me, and based on his gentleman characteristics, it's impossible he diverts me to others. It seems that good luck is approaching me tonight. Sabrina… With your memories within these past five years, I assure you that I'll erase all those using my togetherness with Erdie for several years ahead. Let's see…

Jealousy was still surrounding Sabrina Marcelina that night.