3 vs 3

Chapter 16

Teddy Revan and Theo Rafael planned to perform the butterfly movement on the iron poles. With one 180-degree turn, Theo Rafael would move to the iron poles in front of him. Meanwhile below them, Thomas Robert was seen playing the lion drum, Tommy Rido and Yuni Mariany were seen playing the cymbals, and Timothy Ricky was seen playing the gong.

Nevertheless, because they were not careful enough, one accident happened. Theo Rafael nearly made a mistake in stepping the iron poles. From below, the lion was seen slightly shaking and nearly falling off.

The music stopped at once when Theo Rafael got angry with Teddy Revan who was a child not liking rude and harsh behavior.

"What's happening to you? Can you perform it or not?" shouted Theo Rafael. "When I jumped just now, why didn't your body also turn round in full? I nearly couldn't catch the iron poles over here you know!"

"You yourself who aren't keen enough on jumping, so don't blame me! In butterfly movement, the one being the key role is the tail player, not the head player!" shouted Teddy Revan also very loudly.

"Yeah... Yeah… Yeah… I'm wrong! I'm not keen on jumping! You're always right! Just repeat it once again so that I don't make mistakes anymore!" shouted Theo Rafael with his intense cynical tone here.

Erdie Vio paying attention from below, would like to stare at his sweetheart for a while. Yet, his sweetheart was not looking at him and looking at another direction. Erdie Vio had known already what was occurring to his sweetheart's mood that evening.

"The team members can quarrel with one another! What's the use of being team members if you can't complete one another and correct your mistakes one another!" shouted Ahmad Sentosa clapping his hands and entering from the front gate which indeed was not locked during the practice hours.

Erdie Vio looked from behind the terrace fence of the studio building. Perhaps the lighting at the terrace was very dim so that Ahmad Sentosa absolutely could not notice his existence that evening.

"Don't be so proud of yourself please! Don't feel too high about yourself! Even you yourself aren't the best member in your team!" shouted Timothy Ricky.

"Rather than you keep on searching for problems with us like this, it's better you go back to your studio and improve your own ability," said Tommy Rido.

"This time we've been able in this butterfly movement and the performance at Grand Aston at the Chinese New Year's Eve will be ours," said Theo Rafael on the poles.

"Really? That's Chinese New Year's Eve. Are you sure such an important performance will be given by Grand Aston boss to such… such… such unprofessional lion dance players like you?" asked Ahmad Sentosa in his cynical tone.

Ahmad Sentosa and some of the male members following him behind began to laugh out loud.

"Enough, Mad…" said Yenny Mariana from behind. "What are you hoping by searching for problems with them every evening like this? The day of the performance is drawing to a close. We'd better have more practices, rather than searching for problems with another team. Are you aware of this or not?"

"Let me satisfy my revenge first, Yen! Can't you give me a little space to quench the thirst of my grudge?" hissed Ahmad Sentosa harshly.

Yenny Mariana snapped her lips. She stepped back again and stood beside Yenty Marlina who was also staring at her in an awry way.

"I think we'd better go back to the studio and let's ignore these Ahmad and the others. What do you think, Yen?" whispered Yenty Marlina at her cousin's ear.

"I think we'd better be here, Yenty… When we return first, after they've arrived at the studio and seen us there, they'll be angry at us again… I don't know what happens to this Ahmad. Instead of practicing, he comes here and searches for problems with another team, for the consideration that their three highest leaders haven't been here for five years," whispered Yenny Mariana again.

"It's so unfortunate that we haven't met the Eternal Solidarity's three highest leaders, Yen. I'm so curious…" said Yenty Marlina softly and gently, with her calm and relaxed behavior.

"Of course we haven't met them. We've just been in this Black Crow team for three years, haven't we?" whispered Yenny Mariana again. She looked agitated and could not stand being there any longer.

Out of the blue, a black car entered the parking lot of Eternal Solidarity studio building. The black car went straight forward until the back part of the parking lot. Yenny Mariana could not see who was driving it due to the dark black windshield. But, it was obvious that Yenny Mariana had not seen this black car when she came to this Eternal Solidarity studio building many times before. Who was that? Yenny Mariana was seen frowning her forehead.

The lion jumped forward and finally reached the last highest pole. The background music was played once again.

"Do Black Crow people often come here and search for some problems?" asked Erdie Vio when his other two brothers had appeared and stood beside him.

"Often do they come here, Erdie Vio…" said Silver God as the real condition was. "They don't search for problems, though… Just like this… Taunting, underestimating, and felling down the new members' mental… Often do they feel very discouraged. Mr. Faiz and I must often give them such long preaching to boost up their mental and spirit again."

"Oh… Of course we can't just sit around watching this," said Erick Vildy wanting to take two wide steps ahead.

"Calm down first, Rick…" said Erwie Vincent holding his eldest brother's movement. "There will come the time for us to show up ourselves in front of those Black Crow people. Trust me…"

Erick Vildy postponed his steps.

"Yeah, Rick… Just take a look at how the condition will change in several minutes ahead," said Erdie Vio.

Erick Vildy sniffed for a while, "Okay then… When there has come the time for us to show up ourselves, just don't forget to ask me to go together with you…" he said with his slightly joking tone.

Erdie Vio burst out into his crispy laughter. Erwie Vincent just smiled relaxingly. Erdie Vio circled his hands to his two brothers' necks.

Silver God was stunned standing behind three of them.

Not wrong anymore… I'm dead certain Ruby Goddess inserted those three lucky stars into these three brothers' bodies. Their T-shirts, sandals, and even the bracelets they're wearing on their wrists are all in red, yellow and green colors. Not wrong anymore… Okay… I'll try to find the perfect time to prove this assumption of mine… Ruby Goddess… Be patient please… I'll reform you back into your figure…

The lion was still dancing on the iron poles.

"They'd like to perform the butterfly maneuver whereas I saw that they hadn't been very skilful," said Erdie Vio.

"I've got an instinct they'll fall down from the iron poles, Rick, Die… We'd better go there. Rescuing people is much more important," said Erwie Vincent with his snapping smile.

"Okay… Let's go there," said Erick Vildy.

Three E arrived beside the iron poles. Ahmad Sentosa's eyes were gaping broadly. Yenty Marlina and Yenny Mariana looked at each other for a while. Yuni Mariany smiled meaningfully watching that scene.

The butterfly movement was repeated once again. Again and again, Teddy Revan's body did not turn round in full, and Theo Rafael's leaping was not all out either, because he still less believed his cousin. Consequently, Theo Rafael fell off the iron poles. Teddy Revan was also pulled downwards.

Yet, Theo Rafael's body was caught by Erick Vildy. Teddy Revan's body was caught by Erdie Vio. Because it was merely a practice, the lion's body was not tied up. The lion's body was flung away and was heading for Yenty Marlina who was standing the nearest to the iron poles. She screamed gently and stepped back instantly. Her foot stumbled over the foot of the drum right beside her.

Yenty Marlina fell backwards. Yet, never had she thought before that she would land on Erwie Vincent's catching. She was slightly stunned seeing a good-looking handsome charming face, together with his gentle and relaxed smile, and his robust, strong, and squatty arms catching her body.

"Are you okay? See that? The lion's head nearly hit you just now," said Erwie Vincent helping Yenty Marlina to stand up, still with his relaxing smile which made Yenty Marlina's soul shake in ripples.

"What the hell are you doing! I've told you that your body did not turn round in full, haven't I?" shouted Theo Rafael pointing to his cousin several times.

"You yourself didn't jump in full either, so don't blame me please! Blame yourself as well!" replied Teddy Revan also very loudly and harshly.

"Enough please! Quarreling won't solve any of your problems!" Erick Vildy stopped the quarrel between the two cousins.

"What you've got to do is learning from your mistakes and believing one another among your teammates," said Erdie Vio. He turned to the spot where the lion's head was lying down and took the lion's head.

"Rick! C'mon!" said Erdie Vio and he also gave his gestural language to Erwie Vincent, "Wie! Play the drum! Still remember, don't you?" Erdie Vio's typical smile which was full of spirit and enthusiasm, was visible.

"Of course I do," said Erwie Vincent walking towards Thomas Robert. "Can I use the drum for a while?"

"Here you are, Brother," said Thomas Robert handing over the drum sticks to Erwie Vincent.

The music began to be played. Erdie Vio played the lion's head and Erick Vildy played the lion's tail. The lion started to jump onto the iron poles. Within three minutes, it managed to reach the latest highest pole. The lion turned around and the butterfly movement was successfully performed for three times. Ahmad Sentosa and friends could solely swallow down their saliva, seeing 3E's abilities in performing the lion dance and playing the background music.

Yuni Mariany, Tommy Rido, and Timothy Ricky shook their heads for quite several times because there were some background music formulas which were totally different from what had been taught by the previous senior members who had been out from Eternal Solidarity. In fact, there were still many background music formulas which they had not learnt.

The lion jumped down from the iron poles. The closing background music was played and finally the whole lion dance performance was over in seven minutes. Teddy Revan and Theo Rafael clapped their hands seeing 3E's abilities in performing a lion dance.

"Among teammates, you must believe one another. Or else, you can't give out your greatest performance," said Erick Vildy approaching Teddy Revan and Theo Rafael.

"Yeah, Brother…" said Teddy Revan being obedient at once.

"Yes, we can… we can, Brother. We'll learn more and more and try our best," said Theo Rafael being calm at once under Erick Vildy's teaching and preaching.

"Brother Erwie Vincent…" Timothy Ricky called, "Why was the background music just now different from what we've learnt from the previous senior members?"

"This is the newest style, Little Brother… There are so many background music formulas being made and created by people. There's no boundary for that. The more we see and hear, the more background music formulas we can play," uttered Erwie Vincent smiling relaxingly.

"Alright… How is it, Mr. Ahmad Sentosa?" asked Erick Vildy staring sharply at Ahmad Sentosa.

"Don't have a plan to go away from Eternal Solidarity yard, do you?" asked Erdie Vio with his cynical smile. "Hence, I'm dead certain you've known already the Chinese New Year's Eve performance at Grand Aston will belong to which team, haven't you?"

"Alright… Alright… Let's see later… Let's wait and see to whose hands that performance will fall into…" said Ahmad Sentosa starting to feel fearful. He stepped back for several steps and gave gestural movement to his teammates to get out from there.

"Go back, Yen!" said Ahmad Sentosa putting his hand onto Yenny Mariana's shoulder.

However, Yenny Mariana flicked away his hand. Yuni Mariany, watching over that scene, began to smile meaningfully.

Don't let yourself have a crush on Erdie Vio as well, Yen. If you also have a crush on him, we'll be competing fairly to have him. Yet, inasmuch as you're my sister, I'll help you to separate our Erdie from that irritating and annoying Sabrina, Yen…

"I don't plan to join the Black Crow team anymore, Mad," said Yenny Mariana sighing her long breath.

"What did you say?" Ahmad Sentosa's eyes glared sharply this time. "Can't you speak up those words and we talk about it peacefully in the studio later on?"

"I also want to be out from Black Crow team, Mad," said Yenty Marlina after gathering her courage to express the same thing.

Silver God frowned his forehead deeper and deeper seeing the unexpected development of the condition.

"Back to the studio and we talk about it there!" said Ahmad Sentosa with his rattling teeth.

"I want to be out right at this moment, Mad. Sorry… Sorry… But I can't stand with your childish behavior anymore," said Yenny Mariana making her firm decision with her deep serious stare.

"What did you say?"

"How many times should I have to remind you, Mad? How many times have I reminded you guys that the performance day has been drawing to a close? Rather than looking for problems with another team, isn't it better you guys train, practice, and improve your own abilities and skill? I've been fed up with this… I want to be out from Black Crow team right now. I want to join Eternal Solidarity then. Coincidently, my sister Yuni also joins Eternal Solidarity team. Yenty is also our cousin, so I think it isn't very wise for three of us to be separated into two different teams."

Silver God, 3E, 5T, and 3E's girlfriends were now paying attention to 3Y. Suddenly, 3Y became the center of attention at Eternal Solidarity yard that evening.

"Rick…" called Yenny Mariana approaching Erick Vildy, "You want to accept me and my cousin, don't you? Now, Yuni, Yenty and I are totally out from Black Crow team, don't have any more connections with Black Crow team. So, you want to accept three of us in this team of yours right?" she said with her deep serious glare. Not knowing why, Melisa Rayadi started to detest the seriousness and confidence within Yenny Mariana's self.

"Hah…? I… I…" Erick Vildy was obviously seen facing a kind of dilemmatic choice that evening.

"Wie… Wie…" called Yenty Marlina shaking Erwie Vincent's arm that evening, "You and your two brothers would want to accept us into this team of yours, wouldn't you? We promise not to have any relation anymore with Black Crow team. You believe us, right? You believe us, don't you?" she said in her relaxed and gentle style, but a bit coyly. Not knowing why, Julia Dewi started to dislike Yenty Marlina's style and character.

Erwie Vincent himself felt very perplexed from where these two girls knew their names. Did Yuni Mariany who had been in Eternal Solidarity for a couple of moments, tell them?

"I… I…" Erwie Vincent started to be doubtful. He was solely staring at his two brothers, asking for help from his two brothers how to end such a dilemmatic situation like this. Evidently, his two brothers were also facing the same thing.

"Okay... Okay… Want to quit, just quit then… Moreover, your existence in the studio doesn't help much either. Just listen, 3E… Starting from tonight, just reckon I'm throwing away rubbish into the dustbin. You've known who's the rubbish, and who's the dustbin, haven't you?" Ahmad Sentosa's cynical smile was visible here.

"You…" Erick Vildy was about to move forward and strike Ahmad Sentosa.

"Let him talk gibberish as much as he wants, Rick…" said Yenny Mariana withstanding her beloved handsome prince's steps. "Time will tell which one is like gold in grass and which one is like garbage in gold. Is that right, Mad?"

"Okay… Okay…" said Ahmad Sentosa starting to be run out of words, "You'll regret doing this to Black Crow team! Yeah… Yeah… Yeah… I assure you'll regret!"

Ahmad Sentosa and some of his members went out from Eternal Solidarity yard. The gate was heard to be kicked harshly by Ahmad Sentosa before he went out of Eternal Solidarity yard.

"Die… Die…" Yuni Mariany called out after feeling that she was holding the ace card at the moment. "You accept Yenny and Yenty in your team, don't you?"

"I… I…" said Erdie Vio also staring one another with his two other brothers.

Finally, it was Erwie Vincent who broke the ice.

"Okay then… Just like this… Yenny and Yenty will follow the training in the lion and dragon dances music background for three months. If they pass, of course they'll be like Yuni, we accept them into this Eternal Solidarity team. If they don't pass, mmm… very sorry and really really sorry, we can't accept them," said Erwie Vincent with his gentle and relaxing smile, "Just like this, okay?"

"Yeah, I agree with Wie Wie… Just like this… Just have the training first then. We'll see together your improvement for the next three months. Okay…?" said Erick Vildy finally relieving his easy breath.

"Okay… I also agree with Wie Wie's idea… Being trained first for three months ahead. Let's see the condition later on," said Erdie Vio also relieving his easy breath.

"We can certainly pass. Don't doubt our abilities. Right, isn't it, Yenty?" said Yenny Mariana delightfully to Yenty Marlina.

Yenty Marlina solely nodded her head enthusiastically this time. Five T stared at one another meaningfully. Three Y clapped their hands one another. Silver God glanced to 3E's lovers' facial expressions for a while. The three women's facial expressions were not good to be seen.

The next seconds were passed by the introductions among 3E, their three girlfriends, 5T, 3Y and some other members coming a little bit late that evening. After the introduction sessions were over, the basic maneuvers and basic music background formulas practices in lion and dragon dances began, under 3E's guidance and teaching directly.

Three E's girlfriends were seen a bit ignorant in teaching and guiding 3Y that evening. Nevertheless, 3Y were still seen enthusiastic and full of spirit as though they were neglecting 3E's three girlfriends' less good mood that evening.

So, this is Erick's girlfriend…? Hmmm… Can she beat me who is a daughter from the biggest ceramic businessman in this city? Please… Please… Please… Even her outer appearance is so ordinary… Suppose Erick met me first, this girl wouldn't get her chance anymore. Yet, everything hasn't been late. Everything hasn't been late for me to separate this Melisa from Erick, and then I can get Erick for myself… A bit of certainty was swimming through Yenny Mariana's sea of mind.

Full power has been in my hands, Sabrina. I've said it, haven't I? Good luck is really in my hands tonight. With Yenny and Yenty by my side, my confidence has risen up. I'm dead certain in the not so distant future, you'll be separated from my Erdie. Hahahah… A kind of mysterious smile was seen decorating Yuni Mariany's lips.

Oh, Buddha… So, Erwie's got his girlfriend, hasn't he? Oh gosh, Buddha… Why should I meet Erwie later than this Julia Dewi? Why, Buddha…? But I can't lie to myself, either. I… I… I've got a crush on Erwie at my first sight. I like him. No matter what the way is, I must get him by my side. Ripples of love began to cover Yenty Marlina's edge of feeling.


The practice was over at ten in the late evening. Everybody was ready to go home. Yet, 3E indeed planned not to go home and they would be staying overnight in the studio.

"Want to go home already, Mel?" asked Erick Vildy to his sweetheart.

"You don't go home, do you?" replied Melisa Rayadi a bit tensely.

Feeling fairly astonished, Erick Vildy realized Melisa Rayadi's jealousy a bit that evening.

"Going home now, Jul?" asked Erwie Vincent to his sweetheart.

"No need your worries. I'm staying at Melisa's house. Perhaps Melisa, Sabrina and I will take a pedicab ride home together tonight," said Julia Dewi flatly, without any emotion.

Erwie Vincent patted his forehead for a while. It seemed that since 3Y were accepted into the Eternal Solidarity studio, there was something wrong with these 3E's three girlfriends. Erwie Vincent had just realized it at that second.

"Let's go home, Rin… I'll send you home first," said Erdie Vio with his full of spirit and enthusiastic smile.

Yet, his cheerfulness and enthusiasm vanished at once when Sabrina Marcelina replied, "No need your worries. I came here together with Melisa. Now, I'll go home together with Melisa as well and this time there's Julia Dewi accompanying us."

Erdie Vio scratched his head which was not actually itchy. It was impossible that Sabrina could be jealous just because of 3Y's appearance in Eternal Solidarity studio. However, a woman's sea of mind and feeling was indeed full of mystery. Erdie Vio started to be perplexed.

"Die… Die…" said Yuni Mariany coaxing and coaxing beside Erdie Vio. "My toes were still hurt. My house is only nearby around here. You can send me home for a while, can't you, Die?"

"Hah…? Hah…? I… I…" Erdie Vio was seen running out of words, moreover when he realized that Sabrina Marcelina was staring at him sharply.

Evidently, Yenny Mariana also coaxed Erick Vildy for the same thing.

"Isn't… Isn't your house only nearby around here? And just now you said your family has got your own chauffeur, didn't you?" Erick Vildy stuttered as he realized that Melisa was looking at him with his sharp stare from only several-meter distance.

"Dad called me just now. Our chauffeur begged for permission to go home one hour ago, Rick. Dad was also grumbling in the phone why I could have my practice until the late evening like this. I told him that the day of our performance was drawing to a close and there were still many members who couldn't master the performance. If there's somebody sending me home, at least Dad can trust my words that I'm going home late due to my serious and real practice. Is that right, Rick? Please, Rick… Just once this time…" said Yenny seemingly shaking her beloved handsome prince's arm.

Sabrina Marcelina and Melisa Rayadi were already seen going out from the studio building furiously. The door being slammed very harshly was heard behind their backs. Both Erdie Vio and Erick Vildy were about to follow their sweethearts' steps when hearing again,

"Ouch! Ouch! My foot is hurt! I wonder whether it can be infected or not…" said Yuni Mariany started to groan in pain.

"Oh gosh! It's already ten then. I've never gone home in the late hour like this. Dad must be very furious knowing that I go home in the late hour like this…" said Yenny Mariana rubbing her cheeks and lips.

"Jov… Jovan… Can you…" asked Erwie Vincent trying to avoid the unpleasant situation by talking to Silver God.

"Wie… Wie…" called Yenty Marlina and at once Erwie Vincent froze at where he was standing. "It's been very late in the evening. Mom called just now and asked why I hadn't been home at these late hours. I said I'd been on the way already. Could you… Could you send me home please?"

Yenty Marlina was seen smiling warmly and gently.

"I was in the same car with Erick just now. I… I don't drive car by my own…" stuttered Erwie Vincent.

"It's alright… It seems that Erick also wants to send Yenny home. So, you, Yenny, Erick, and I can be in the same car. Just drop Yenny off first, and then drop me off. Yenny's house and mine are both in Jati Mas Residence. We only stay at the different blocks then…" said Yenty Marlina smiling gently again.

"But… But… But I… I…" Erwie Vincent could not finish up his sentence. Julia Dewi was seen going out from the studio building at once and slamming the door furiously behind her back.

Erwie Vincent patted his forehead once again. Silver God snapped his smile. Three E were seen very weak in front of women, both those who had been their girlfriends and those who were approaching them and trying to get their attention. They were just the same with him then. Silver God still remembered when there were still many goddesses trying to approach him and get his attention. He also remembered when there were many goddesses heart-broken when he put his choice onto Ruby Goddess.

Three E stared at one another for a while. Three of them nodded their heads inasmuch as in a situation like this, three of them had not got any other choices besides sending 3Y back to their homes.

"Die… You go to the car together with Rick then… Yenny and Yuni live in the same house. You borrow me your bike and I'll send Yenty home by motorcycle. Just like that then…" uttered Erwie Vincent.

Erick Vildy nodded his head, "Okay…"

Erdie Vio threw his motorcycle key to Erwie Vincent. Erwie Vincent took and put on his brother's green jacket and helmet.

"Don't lock the door, Jov… Half hour later, we'll be back. Tonight three of us will be staying in the studio," said Erwie Vincent to Silver God.

Silver God nodded his head while squinting meaningfully one of his eyes to 3E.

Three E sniffed and sighed their long breath. Shortly afterwards, the car and the motorcycle engines sound was heard leaving the studio yard.


"We can't just sit quietly watching this!" shouted Melisa when the Grab they were riding home had already left Eternal Solidarity building.

"Did they behave the same in the past when three of them were having their relationships with Stella Kuangdinata simultaneously?" asked Julia Dewi.

"Just like that, Jul…" said Sabrina Marcelina sighing her long breath. "Their weak point is that they can't refuse a kid and a beautiful woman's begging. Due to this weak point of theirs, they could be trapped in Stella Kuangdinata's hands."

"Oh, I see… That Yenty Marlina is indeed seen very aggressive, although her way of talking is very relaxing and gentle. Of course I won't be lost from her. If she wants a kind of war, I'll definitely give her some services," said Julia Dewi unpleasantly punching the car seat where she was sitting.

"I won't sit quietly watching Erick fall down to Yenny Mariana's trap, either. There was obviously something incorrect. Seeing 3E's return to Eternal Solidarity, there come the other 3Y, quitting from Black Crow team and joining Eternal Solidarity team. I suspect that these 3Y, just the same with Stella Kuangdinata in the past, are merely used to make 3E quarrel with one another and separate them again, like what happened in the past," said Melisa Rayadi with her quick and gasping breath.

"Yeah… I also think in the same way. There must be something incorrect here, Mel, Jul… I think it's so coincident… There must be something behind that 2Y's joining into our Eternal Solidarity team. Don't say that their pre-meditated actions are far creepier than Stella Kuangdinata's in the past."

"Don't worry, Friends…" said Julia Dewi with her meaningful smile. "This time you've got Julia Dewi Sofia Luvin with you. Of course I won't sit down quietly watching Erwie jump to that Yenty Marlina's trap. No way…"

Three of them were silent at their own places of sitting. The Grab was running smoothly through the quiet and tranquil night roads.


Half hour passed by. Finally, 3E went back to the studio.

"Because of this 3Y's appearances, Melisa is angry with me and until now she hasn't replied my chat, Wie, Die…" said Erick Vildy a bit grumbling.

They arrived in front of the door of their room on the third floor. The door was opened and a wide clean bedroom was visible.

"Wow! Mom is the best in the world. As soon as we say we want to stay in the studio overnight, this room is instantly clean. Our pajamas and all the toiletries have all been prepared. Mom is the best indeed…" said Erdie Vio taking and turning around her green pajamas.

"Don't say Melisa, even my Julia hasn't replied my chat until now, Rick. How about your Sabrina, Die?" asked Erwie Vincent to his youngest brother.

"Same…" Erdie Vio sighed his long breath. "Actually I think those 3Y approach us just because they're amazed with us. Not meaning to be snob or what, Rick, Wie… In the world of lion and dragon dances, our names have been heard everywhere. So, perhaps those three young girls approach us because they've been feeling curious about 3E whom they see on the television and magazines so far. They've been feeling curious what 3E's real characters and personalities look like in the real life. Is that right?"

"You might be…" said Erwie Vincent nodding his head and sitting on the bed, beside his youngest brother. "If we explain it slowly to 3Y that we've got our future wives, I think they can understand, can't they?"

"Hopefully, Wie, Die…" said Erick Vildy still being doubtful. "The fact is three of them are very aggressive, even creepier than Stella Kuangdinata's behavior and personality in the past. Don't you feel that this is such a coincidence? As soon as we return to Eternal Solidarity, there comes Yuni Mariany knowing Black Crow team people well, there comes Yenny Mariana and Yenty Marlina quitting from Black Crow team and joining our team. Can these 3Y be like Stella Kuangdinata in the past, assigned to make us quarrel with one another again?"

"Mmm… That's my second possibility, Rick, Wie…" said Erdie Vio nodding his head.

"Actually just now I ever thought until there. Yet, because it was merely their first day being here and they didn't show any suspicious behavior, I just ignored it. Let's wait several time ahead and see their further improvements."

"That's why just now you said they had to have their training first for three months ahead, Wie. Is that?" asked Erick Vildy with his broad smile.

"Yeah, that's it… Let's see until three months ahead. Within these three months, we can slowly explain it to them that we've got our own future wives. I think at least they can understand bits and pieces," mumbled Erwie Vincent.

"Huh! So perplexing!" grumbled Erick Vildy.

"But it isn't more perplexing than Stella Kuangdinata's case in the past, Rick…" uttered Erdie Vio starting to frown his forehead.

"Ya, Die Die is right, Rick… Just fancy until now we haven't known who killed her and left her body on the second floor in this studio building of ours," said Erwie Vincent also frowning his forehead. "But, considering the recent situation, I think the one being the most possible having killed her is only one person. Do you have the same thought with me?"

Three E stared at one another and at last they mentioned that name in one voice, "Rendy Ibrahim!"

"That's right! I also thought it was him," said Erick Vildy. "It's obvious Aldo Morales whom you said really loving Stella, was impossible to have killed the woman whom he loves much. He even spills out all his grudge to us inasmuch as he thinks it was us who have killed Stella."

"But…" Erdie Vio was seen still frowning his forehead. "Let's think about it carefully, Rick, Wie… Rendy Ibrahim solely competes with us in lion and dragon dances. I think… I think… How do I put that? Did he need to use someone's life to destroy three of us only due to a simple and meaningless competition like this? This isn't a competition related with money in the business world. This is only a simple competition between two groups in lion and dragon dances. Rendy Ibrahim is a smart and sly person. I don't think he'll use someone's life for a small and meaningless purpose like this, Rick, Wie… Do you think so?"

"So, you think that... Is there any other bigger and scarier motive rather than a simple competition motive between two teams in lion and dragon dances?" asked Erick Vildy being seen frowning his forehead this time as well.

"Yeah, Rick, Wie…" uttered Erdie Vio nodding his head steadily. "I'm dead certain there must be something creepier and scarier rather than a competition between two teams in lion and dragon dances. Just fancy that… They've also got a kind of queer and mysterious power like ours."

"However their powers are dark black. Until now, we haven't even known from where our powers come from and what those three lights inside our bodies really are," muttered Erwie Vincent relaxingly snapping his lips.

Three E were silent and they were not saying anything more. Silver God who had been standing outside, in front of the door of their room, did not hear anymore conversations in their room. Perhaps 3E had been fatigue and had fallen asleep.

Rendy Ibrahim and Aldo Morales from the Black Crow team… They also possess a kind of queer and mysterious power, but their powers are dark black. This is going to be complicated. Has Black Stone Demon known where Ruby Goddess inserted the three lucky stars? I must be aware starting from now on. I won't let Black Stone Demon find and attack 3E. I won't let that happen…

A bit of anxiety began to cover Silver God's edge of mind.