We're not the Murders

Chapter 17

The clock had shown two o'clock early in the morning. Owing to the big time difference between the human and the god worlds, Silver God merely needed to sleep once in fifty years in the human world.

Thus, a beam of silver light whizzed to 3E's bedroom. Three E were seen sleeping very soundly in their own pajamas in red, yellow, and green colors. By sweeping his hand around, Silver God made sure that 3E would still be dozing when he was doing his experiment.

"Hi, Three Lucky Stars… Come out and show me your powers…" said Silver God sweeping his hand once. Yet, the three lucky stars seemed to glow once and afterwards, they dimmed again.

"Why don't you want to keep glowing, Three Lucky Stars? Shine on and show me your powers…" said Silver God sweeping his hand once again.

The result was still zero. Again and again Silver God swept his hand around, the three lucky stars glowed only once and then they dimmed again. Giving up, finally Silver God realized one thing.

Without their present hosts' permission, I can't borrow their powers and reform Ruby Goddess back to her figure. How is this? Do I have to tell 3E straightforwardly about my real identity and everything which has been happening so far? Oh, Buddha… This is really a dilemmatic choice…

The silver light whizzed out from 3E's bedroom.

"Hah…?" screamed Erdie Vio awaking in the middle of the night and realizing their clothes had been everywhere in the room. "Wake up, Rick! Wake up, Wie! Why do we wear merely undies suddenly? Our clothes are everywhere in this room!"

The eldest and the middle brothers woke up. They were also confused why that could happen.

"But, it's queer as well…" uttered Erwie Vincent. "Why are merely our clothes scattered everywhere? And meanwhile, this blanket is still at its place…"

"Forget it then… I've been very sleepy, Wie, Die…" Erick Vildy interrupted, being very lazy to get down from the bed. "It's indeed queer and mysterious… But, I'm sure nothing will happen. Three of us are here in this room. Suppose something occurs, we can face it together. Wie… Just borrow me your body. As a bolster…" said Erick Vildy bursting out in his laughter.

"Usually you use Die Die's body as a bolster, Rick. Why do you suddenly turn to me as your prey tonight?" muttered Erwie Vincent relaxingly.

"Just the same… Sometimes you or Die Die use my body as a bolster as well…" said Erick Vildy with his broad smile.

"Okay… Then, tonight I'll use Die Die's body as a bolster. Borrow me your body, Die," said Erwie Vincent seizing his youngest brother's body into an embrace.

"Oh, Buddha… Forgive my two brothers… Forgive my two brothers who have turned into gays…" said Erdie Vio with his exaggerating style.

At once, 3E burst out into their laughter. Shortly afterwards, snoring was heard again. Three E was wrapped up again in their own dream world.


Medan, 16th January 2019

"Having grown up, why are you still sleeping naked and embracing one another like this? You guys have turned into gays, haven't you?" Mrs. Florencia's soft screaming was heard in front of 3E's bed that morning.

"Gosh, Mom… Since we were kids, we've been used to this. Actually, last night we slept wearing the pajamas you've prepared…" said Erick Vildy rubbing his head after waking up.

Three E wore again their own pajamas.

"So, why are there merely undies left in the morning?" asked Mr. Faiz shaking his waists.

"No idea, Dad. It seems that something queer happened last night," uttered Erwie Vincent with his calm smile. "When we awoke around two, our clothes had been scattered everywhere in this room. But strangely, this blanket was still at its place. Just like that, Dad, Mom…"

"We were lazy to get up and wear our clothes again. It was enough for us to low down the air-con temperature and continue sleeping until morning," said Erdie Vio with his grinning smile.

Hearing that, Mr. Faiz patted his forehead.

"Enough… Enough… Quickly have your bath and breakfast. Today you guys still go to your own branch offices, don't you?" asked Mr. Faiz squinting his eyes for a while.

"Yes, Dad…" answered 3E in one voice and they also yawned simultaneously. Seeing that occurrence, the Makmur couple felt that there was something strange with their three sons. They stared at each other for a while.

"Hah…! Hah…! Get into the bathroom one by one please. You're not little children anymore… Adults already… You're not suitable to get into the bathroom together anymore!" Mrs. Florencia reprimanded her three sons while frowning her forehead.

"Just the same, Dad, Mom…" said Erdie Vio. "Since we were kids, we've seen our belongings one another…"

"Exactly the same, Dad, Mom…" said Erwie Vincent with his relaxing smile. "So, there's nothing which needs to be worried."

"We aren't gays, so we won't be interested in others' belongings which look exactly the same with ours," said Erick Vildy with his grinning laughter.

From the bathroom door, the Makmur couple could see their three sons' silhouette. Three of them were seen sharing all the toiletries which consisted of only one thing for each. Nevertheless, three of them were still seen facing three other directions while waiting for each turn having their baths under the shower.

"There's… There's…" Mr. Faiz could not finish his sentence.

"There's something not… not…" his wife could not finish her statement either.

"When they were kids and teens, having baths together, sleeping naked together, I reckoned that as something normal, Flor. I reckoned that as a part of their brotherhood and solidarity. However, now they've been adults and soon they'll get married soon. So… So, I think this kind of solidarity is less normal, Flor. What do you reckon?" uttered her husband going down the stairs.

"Yeah, Faiz… I think it's less normal as well, Faiz. They won't turn to gays, will they?" a beam of anxiety was seen from Mrs. Florencia's eyes.

"I become more confused at the moment, Flor. These three boys have indeed been keeping inexplicable mysteries since they were kids. Their queer and mysterious powers… Moreover, the colors of the things they use in their daily lives must be the same with the colors of their powers. You still remember, don't you? You ever changed the colors of their clothes. Erick wore green, Erwie wore red, and Erdie wore yellow. The next day both of us had to send them to hospital due to their high fever. When the colors of their clothes was changed again, two to four hours later, their body temperatures turned down again. Believe it or not…"

"Yeah, it was like that, Faiz… Since that moment, I don't dare to change their colors anymore. They themselves also know that they mustn't change their colors for more than 24 hours," uttered Mrs. Florencia frowning her forehead.

"And the last is… this closeness of theirs… Their physical similarity… From behind and when hearing their voices on the phone, honestly, Flor… Until now, I still can't differentiate which E that is," said Mr. Faiz being a bit stunned.

"Whereas they aren't biological siblings, right?" asked his wife giving a kind of certainty about the oddity meant by her husband.

The next seconds, the couple arrived at the kitchen. Julia Dewi was seen very busy in the kitchen. Evidently, Melisa Rayadi and Sabrina Marcelina had not come.

"Morning, Aunt… Morning, Uncle…" greeted Julia Dewi with her gentle smile.

Mr. Faiz and Mrs. Florencia smiled approaching their second future daughter-in-law. For a while, they forgot about 3E's oddity.


It had been eight in the morning. The sun had risen high in the eastern horizon. Yet, Sabrina Marcelina still could not go to work.

"No need to work anymore! Just search for another job! I don't want you to work with a murder, even having a silent relationship for these five recent years by telling lies to us saying that you'd got a job in Singapore and so on and so on!" shouted Mr. Louis Willy throwing his daughter's cell phone onto the table in front of his daughter. On the screen of the cell phone, his daughter was seen being drowned intimately into Erdie Vio Makmur's embrace, one of the Makmur triplets whom people suspected having killed a girl and leaving her body in their studio building five years ago.

"Dad! Listen to me first, Dad! Erdie isn't a murder! He and his two brothers indeed have queer and mysterious powers, but their three powers are in red, yellow, and green. Meanwhile, the power which killed Stella Kuangdinata five years ago was in dark black color, Dad."

"So, you've known about this Erdie Vio's mysterious power and you've still been having a relationship with him for these past five recent years in Singapore?" Mrs. Candy was amazed with her daughter's strong determination.

"I've known about their mysterious powers when knowing them in primary schools, Dad, Mom. Since I knew them, and when I was accompanying Erdie in Singapore for the past five recent years, I wasn't in danger or hurt due to their powers. Instead, Erdie ever saved me and many people when the train we rode on nearly had a crash with another train from another direction, on the same railway. I beg you, Dad, Mom… Erdie isn't a murder. He's a good guy and we'll get married soon."

Mrs. Candy looked at her husband for a while.

"She's gone off her head, Candy!" said her husband still not being able to accept his daughter's statement. "Perhaps she's been crazy about love, or perhaps she's been affected by that guy's dark magic, Candy!"

"Dad! I'm not crazy. I'm still sane. I'm really aware with my decision and choice. I've never told Dad and Mom as I'm dead certain you won't trust me. I'll prove to Dad and Mom that my decision and my choice are right," said Sabrina Marcelina with her strong heart and determination.

"You don't need to go to work anymore today!" said Mr. Louis Willy starting to pull his daughter's arm and drag her back into her room. "You must have a rest first. Later on, Dad will call a quite famous medium around here to cure you from that guy's dark magic!"

"No, Dad! No, Dad! Let me go, Dad! Let me go!" roared Sabrina Marcelina, but she did not have enough strength to rebel against her daddy.

Mr. Louis Willy opened his daughter's bedroom door and pushed his daughter into the room. The door was locked instantly from the outside. Sabrina Marcelina was heard banging and banging on the door from the inside.

"Let me go, Dad, Mom! Let me go! Let me go! I want to see Erdie, Dad, Mom! Let me out!"

"Are you sure this is the solution, Louis?" asked Mrs. Candy to her husband.

"She must be cured. I'm dead certain she's been affected by that guy's dark magic, Candy. I must call upon a medium from the edge of this alley to have a look on Sabrina's condition. If it's possible, I want him to clean Sabrina's mind away from that guy's dark magic."

"But… But… Don't you think that you're too exaggerating, Louis? I believe in Sabrina's words, Louis. If that man had been dangerous, and he'd merely wanted to harm Sabrina, our daughter would've been in danger from the very start, Louis. Same with what was admitted by Sabrina just now, Sabrina has known that guy and his two brothers since she was in primary schools and even for the past five recent years Sabrina was together with that guy in Singapore. The proof is now, Sabrina is alright and she's still virgin, if that can make you satisfied," said Mrs. Candy smiling skeptically.

"But… But… That girl was obviously found…" Mr. Louis Willy had not finished his sentence when Erdie Vio's greeting was heard from the front door.

"Uncle… Aunt… Is Sabrina at home? I come to pick her up to go to the office together, Uncle, Aunt…" said Erdie Vio with his typical smile full of high enthusiasm and confidence.

"Go away from here! Sabrina isn't around! Go away! Go!" screamed Mr. Louis Willy loudly and definitely causing Erdie Vio in great astonishment.

"Die! Die!" shouted Sabrina Marcelina when she heard Erdie Vio's voice coming from the front door. "Get me out of here, Die! They imprison me inside here! Get me out of here, Die!" Sabrina Marcelina's roaring and crying began to be heard.

"Sabrina? What's the matter, Uncle, Aunt? What's going on?" Erdie Vio was also shouting outside the door. Yet, Mr. Louis Willy had instantly shut the front door.

Erdie Vio kept banging on the front door of Sabrina Marcelina's house, "Sabrina! Uncle! Aunt! Open the door, Uncle, Aunt! Whatever the matter is, we can talk about it nicely. Why do you have to imprison Sabrina inside her bedroom?"

"Get me out of here, Die! Get me out of here! Help me, Die! Dad and Mom don't allow me to see you, Die! Get me out of here!" Sabrina Marcelina's crying was heard endlessly from her bedroom.

Panic began to cover up Erdie Vio's mountain of mind.


Panic began to cover up Erick Vildy's mountain of mind. This morning, Melisa Rayadi decided to speak up straightforwardly to her parents about her relationship with Erick Vildy. Right at that time, Erick Vildy came to her house to fetch her.

"From now on, don't get along with Melisa again! Get out of here!" said Mr. Fernandus casting Erick Vildy out of their home.

"Dad! Please, Dad! Listen to us, Dad! Erick isn't a murder! The power having killed Stella Kuangdinata was black. Meanwhile, this power of Erick's is red, Dad. Red, Dad… Why are you so stubborn? Why don't you believe us, Dad?" pearls of tears began to be seen at the edge of Melisa Rayadi's eyes.

"I can explain it, Uncle. It wasn't me, wasn't my two brothers who killed Stella Kuangdinata, Uncle. Same with what has been told by Melisa before, the power having killed Stella Kuangdinata was black. Meanwhile, our powers are red, yellow, and green."

"Do you have concrete proof based on what you've said?" asked Mrs. Nina Melina looking at Erick Vildy's figure feeling somewhat afraid.

"Prove to them, Rick! Prove to Dad and Mom so that they can believe that your power is red, not black! C'mon, show them, Rick!" said Melisa Rayadi clinging to her lover's arm and looking at him steadily.

Erick Vildy looked at his princess for a while. Melisa Rayadi nodded her head once. Erick Vildy also nodded his head once. Erick Vildy raised up his hand to the air. Red light began to pop out from his hand. With one sweep of his hand, the red light was directed to the white wall beside him. Quite right… Red stains were visible on the white wall with some cracks now.

Seeing that occurrence, the couple's eyes were gaping widely. Both of them were shocked, standing at their own spots.

"I'm sorry, Uncle, Aunt… Since I was a kid, I indeed have a kind of queer and mysterious power like what Uncle and Aunt saw just now. But, I can guarantee I've never hurt anybody or even killed someone by using that power of mine. Instead, my two brothers and I determine to protect many people using the three powers of ours. That's what has been emphasized and taught by our Dad and Mom since we were kids until now."

"So, how long have you known about this queer and mysterious power of Erick's, Melisa?" asked Mrs. Nina Melina to her daughter.

"Since I was in primary school, I've known Erick and his two brothers, Mom. I've figured out about the three mysterious powers of theirs, Mom."

"So, why didn't you tell us anything, Melisa?" asked Mr. Fernandus.

"Because I know not everybody can accept the supernatural story which is illogical and doesn't make sense according to them, Dad, Mom. If we don't have to, I won't ask Erick to show you his power either, Dad, Mom. With his power, Erick can protect me whenever I'm in danger."

Melisa Rayadi got herself drowned into her prince's embrace. Erick Vildy seized his beloved princess into an embrace.

Mr. Fernandus and Mrs. Nina Melina merely kept silent standing at their own spots. They snapped their lips. Nevertheless, the next seconds had been passed by Erick's introduction to Rayadi couple who would be his parents-in-law in the future.


There was no any other choice… Erdie Vio turned to a green light and went through the wall, getting into Sabrina Marcelina's bedroom.

"Erdie?" Sabrina Marcelina did not believe Erdie Vio's appearance in front of her. She dashed to her prince and got drowned in her prince's embrace. "I know you can get through here and save me. You must explain to Dad and Mom, Die. Show them. Prove to them that your power is green, not the dark black power having killed Stella Kuangdinata, Die."

"Okay… Okay… Thus, you must be calm first, Rin… Keep calm first okay…? I'll take you out from here and we'll go instantly to the living room. Okay…?" said Erdie Vio cooling down his princess. He wiped off his princess' eyes which were still flooded by tears.

Sabrina Marcelina nodded her head calmly. Her crying began to calm down and she began to cool down herself.

"Hug me, Rin… Don't let me go before I tell you to do so…" said Erdie Vio with his typical smile, full of enthusiasm and cheerfulness.

Sabrina Marcelina nodded her head steadily and embraced her prince. Quite right… Spontaneously she felt herself fly to the air and she did not step onto the ground. Shortly afterwards, she had found herself standing at the living room and seen her parents standing there. Both her parents were staring at her and her prince with great confusion.

"Okay… Now you can let me go…" said Erdie Vio with his cheerful smile.

"Dad! Mom! Just as what you saw just now, Erdie's power is green, not black like what has killed Stella Kuangdinata. You must believe us, Dad, Mom…" said Sabrina Marcelina with her miserable intonation.

"I'm sorry, Uncle, Aunt… Perhaps these times I've never introduced myself to Uncle and Aunt so that I didn't have any opportunity to explain about my queer and mysterious power. I can't guarantee anything to Uncle and Aunt here. The only thing I can promise here to Uncle and Aunt is that, whatever happens, I'll still protect Sabrina with this power of mine. Trust me, Uncle, Aunt… I love Sabrina deeply and I won't let anything harmful happen to her."

"Then, who… who… who… has killed Stella Kuangdinata and left her body in your studio building five years ago?" asked Mr. Louis Willy still feeling somewhat afraid of his future son-in-law.

"About that, until this second we still haven't been clear, Uncle. The clear thing is that, we won't sit down silently being slandered and suspected all the time like this, Uncle. We'll prove to anybody who actually has killed that innocent girl and diverted all his wrongdoing to three of us."

Mr. Louis Willy was instantly-quiet. He was merely seen snapping his lips. Mrs. Candy pushed her husband aside for a while. With her typical smile as a mom, she approached her daughter and her future son-in-law.

"See? Erdie is very handsome and homely… Coming from a good family and background… It's impossible he's a murder… Told you, Louis. You're mad," uttered Mrs. Candy.

"No, Aunt… I'm also an ordinary man. Yet, perhaps I possess a bit more which other normal people don't," said Erdie Vio still with his typical smile full of enthusiasm and spirit.

"You don't need to care of Uncle Louis' words. I'll talk to him and convince him later on. You guys want to go to work already, don't you? Just go then… You'll be late otherwise," said Mrs. Candy. "Next time don't forget to sit down for a while and have a chit-chat with Uncle and Aunt, Erdie. We also want to know you more closely."

"No problem, Aunt…" said Erdie Vio with his typical smile, bowing his body a bit. "Alright, Uncle… Alright, Aunt… I send Sabrina off to work first. Bye, Uncle… Bye, Aunt…"

It was only Mrs. Candy sending them off until the front door. The car engine sound was heard leaving the yard of their house. Mr. Louis Willy was still at the living room when his wife came in again.

"Have you seen that? You nearly caused your daughter to die! Imprisoning her in the bedroom! Luckily there was Erdie taking her out again!" said Mrs. Candy with her flat tone.

"Didn't you see that Erdie Vio's queer and mysterious power, Candy?" asked Mr. Louis Willy forwarding his body a few centimeters.

"Yeah, I saw it with my own eyes. What's queer with that?" asked his wife snapping her lips. "There are indeed many queer, mysterious, and inexplicable phenomenon in the world. Because my dad used to be a medium in the past, I've been used to watching the strange phenomenon like what we saw just now. So, I think it isn't so confusing that you can forget it's been the time for us to open the shop."

Mr. Louis Willy had just realized it was almost nine in the morning and they had not left for the market to open the shop.

"Okay… Okay… Forget about Erdie Vio and concentrate first on our shop business. That's what you want to say, isn't it?" said her husband with his skeptical smile.

"As long as he loves and adores our daughter, that's fine… I hear that this Erdie Vio isn't an ordinary guy, I assure you, Louis," said his wife.

"Yeah… One of the Makmur triplets, isn't he? One of Faiz Makmur and Florencia Quincy Makmur's three sons, isn't he? I hear that Faiz Makmur is one of palm businessmen whom many people respect in Medan and also in Indonesia. Our Sabrina is indeed brilliant as well, I think. She can have a relationship with one of those Makmur triplets," said Mr. Louis Willy with his snapping smile.

"And you still tried your best to separate both of them until your daughter screamed like hell. Look who's talking now," said Mrs. Candy confronting her husband without any mercy.

"I did that due to her own good. Who wants his daughter to be together with a guy being suspected as a murder? This time he's able to prove that he isn't the murder, that's fine… I keep quiet afterwards," said her husband not wanting to lose.

"Fine… Fine… Fine… It's time for us to go to the shop. Don't think that you can laze around because you've got a rich future son-in-law…" confronted his wife again.

Her husband burst out into laughter. He was seen entering the bathroom to have a bath before going to the shop that morning.


Erwie Vincent went out from Grand Aston Hotel that evening. He was standing by the road and he seemed to be waiting for a car. The car approached the side of the road and Erwie Vincent got on the car.

"How is it, Die? Have you dealt with the Chinese New Year's Eve job? Does it belong to us or to Black Crow team?" asked Erdie Vio ogling his eyes in his full spirit.

"Wah… You're underestimating me if you think that the job finally falls to Black Crow team, Die. Of course it belongs to us. That's already been unquestionable," said Erwie Vincent with his relaxing smile.

"How could you do that? You must have showed the boss of Grand Aston Hotel our past performance videos, Wie. Am I right?" guessed Erdie Vio.

"Of course… If they're not showed to him, for what do I keep those videos these times?" Erwie Vincent was seen smiling relaxingly.

"Siipp…! Thus, we can announce a kind of good news to the other members, particularly 5T who have devoted most of their time and energy to Eternal Solidarity," uttered Erick Vildy beginning to gain his spirits.

"I've also got news from Gilbert Yuwin. You guys still remember Gilbert Yuwin, don't you?" asked Erdie Vio.

"The old member who used to come from the same generation with us, isn't he?" guessed Erick Vildy.

"Yes… Now, he's staying in Kuala Lumpur, teaching in a private primary school there. He said next March there would be an international dragon tournament for the whole Asia in Kuala Lumpur. He told me this afternoon. I plan to enroll our team to that Asian tournament, Rick, Wie. What do you guys reckon?"

"Not a bad idea. There will still be two more months before March. With our frequent intensive training, I'm dead certain they can do it. What do you reckon, Rick?" asked Erwie Vincent to his eldest brother.

"What are you waiting for? If you're okay, I'm okay as well. Just give it a whirl then…!" said Erick Vildy in his full spirits.

The other 2E merely nodded their heads steadily hearing their eldest brother's approval. The rest of the journey was spent by Erick Vildy and Erdie Vio's story in their future parents-in-law to Erwie Vincent.


Julia Dewi was seen coming to the studio earlier. She also helped out in one of Mr. Faiz's branch offices. Today she came home at five, shopping first at a supermarket, and at six she had already arrived at the studio. Shortly afterwards, she was already seen being busy with her cooking in the kitchen.

Three E's car arrived at the studio. Three E entered the studio building and Julia Dewi's activities in the kitchen were heard. Once smelling her cooking aroma, Erwie Vincent instantly knew that the one who was cooking in the kitchen was his sweetheart.

"It seems that I'll follow you up later on, Rick, Die…" said Erwie Vincent with his grinning smile looking to the kitchen.

Erick Vildy patted his first brother's shoulder gently, "Both of us have been managed to persuade our future wives and also our future parents-in-law. Now, it's your turn, Wie."

"Yes, Wie…" said Erdie Vio circling his arm onto his elder brother's neck. "Assure her that Yenty Marlina is nobody for you and she absolutely can't replace Julia Dewi in your heart. Like that…"

"Siipp… You guys go up first then. I'll follow you up later on…" said Erwie Vincent relaxingly.

The other 2E went to the elevator to the third floor. Erwie Vincent walked slowly to the kitchen. Quite right… Julia Dewi was seemingly busy with her cooking in the kitchen. Two robust and strong arms slowly hugged her from behind. Julia Dewi twisted away and still kept being busy with her cooking.

"You're still sweating, Wie… You don't take a bath first, do you?" said Julia Dewi a bit blushful.

"Am I smelly? No, right? I've just had my fitness sessions at Grand Aston just now. It's normal that I'm sweating," Erwie Vincent's gentle and wet hoarse voice was heard behind Julia Dewi. Every time when Julia Dewi heard that voice, her mind and feeling were really uncontrollable.

"Have a bath first… After bath, you can have your dinner already. Sorry if the chicken isn't really tasty. This is Indonesian recipe… I've just learnt it in the office this morning," said Julia Dewi with her snapping smile.

"Whatever you cook, it's always tasty, Dear…" whispered Erwie Vincent from behind.

At last Julia Dewi gave up. She was very obedient when Erwie Vincent turned her body around to the front and now she was standing face to face to her sweetheart. Erwie Vincent took out a bud of yellow rose and gave it to Julia Dewi. Julia Dewi smiled warmly and received the yellow rose from her beloved prince.

"You know yellow is my color. Together with this yellow rose, I've given you my color, Dear Julia. I'm sure you can take care of it well," whispered Erwie Vincent. His gentle and wet hoarse voice really made Julia Dewi's soul shivering.

"How about Yenty Marlina? What would you do if she also asked a bud of yellow rose from you?" asked Julia Dewi staring straightly to her beloved prince's eyes.

"I'd tell her… If she asks for my help, okay, no problem… I'll help her. But, if she asks a bud of yellow rose from me, I'll tell her I've merely got a bud of yellow rose and I've given it to the woman whom I deeply love after my mom…" whispered Erwie Vincent and this time Julia Dewi's fortress of defense, which was as strong as the Great Wall of China, was falling down.

Julia Dewi got herself drowned into her prince's embrace.

"Just now you said that I was still sweating and now you're hugging me tightly, Dear Julia…" said Erwie Vincent bursting out into his crispy laughter.

"I did say you were still sweating, but I didn't say I didn't like it," said Julia Dewi tightening her embrace.

Erwie Vincent caressed his sweetheart's head. A melody of happiness was covering up his sea of soul and mind.