Don't Go, Erwie Vincent, Erick Vildy...

Chapter 22

Black smoke began to scatter everywhere in the auditorium. Black smoke began to coagulate to form Rendy Ibrahim's figure. Rendy Ibrahim appeared before Erick Vildy who was helpless on the floor.

"Finally the prey has fallen into my trap. Tonight I will get the red lucky star," Rendy Ibrahim's blaring laughter was heard.

With one sweep of his hand, black needles shot rapidly towards Erick Vildy and Melisa Rayadi. Melisa Rayadi screamed high again. Melisa Rayadi seemed to close her eyes. Erick Vildy wiped his hand too. He turned into a red beam. The red light enveloped his beloved princess and disappeared from that place. He secured his princess idol to another place. The black needles were still streaking toward him one after another. Erick Vildy kept dodging and dodging. He climbed over the wall. One by one the black needles left puncture marks on the walls and on the floor.

Erick Vildy turned around this time. With one sweep of the red wave, finally Rendy Ibrahim's black needles disappeared instantly. Rendy Ibrahim dashed forward lunging at Erick Vildy who was still perching on the wall. Erick Vildy also dashed forward at his opponent. There was an exciting battle in the air. Both hands and feet competed with each other. Several times there were explosive waves in the air.

"Rick! Watch out, Rick! Rick!" screamed Melisa Rayadi from below, watching the battle above her with great tension.

Rendy Ibrahim took out his black ropes. Ropes shot swiftly towards Erick Vildy. Erick Vildy avoided the ropes by darting quickly to the second floor of the auditorium. Sweeping its red waves across the air, the red waves formed a sword. Once again Rendy Ibrahim directed his rigging towards Erick Vildy. Erick Vildy dashed forward lunging at Rendy Ibrahim. The sword automatically cut the ropes one by one. However, the poison on Erick Vildy's body reacted once again. Erick Vildy lost his strength in midair. The red sword just vanished. Melisa Rayadi's eyes widened when she saw the poison in her lover's body reacting again.

Erick Vildy was hit by black rigging several times. Fresh red blood was gushing out of his mouth. Finally, Erick Vildy was flung back onto the first floor of the auditorium.

At the same time, the time passage opened in the auditorium. The other two Es appeared in the auditorium. Erdie Vio immediately directed his green waves towards Rendy Ibrahim. Rendy Ibrahim who was unprepared was immediately hit by the green wave. Lost all the ropes and flung him to the first floor of the auditorium.

The other two Es immediately approached the eldest brother.

"Rick! Rick!" called Erwie Vincent.

"He put poison in your cup, Wie. The waiter poured the syrup wrong. I drank from your cup and finally the poison has now lodged in my body," said Erick Vildy haltingly. Poison reacted once again. There was Erick Vildy's helpless scream.

Rendy Ibrahim broke all the plates and glasses that were on the table. The fractions were pointed at 3E. Erwie Vincent and Erdie Vio directed their waves of light to block all of the fragments. Immediately all the fragments disappeared as soon as they were hit by the yellow and green light waves. Rendy Ibrahim dashed forward again.

This time I have to get the three lucky stars. The Black Stone God promised me. If I manage to get three lucky stars tonight, luck and luck will be on my side.

Middle brother and youngest brother dashed forward. There was a hand and foot battle between the two main heroes and the main enemy.

Erick Vildy slowly got up and sat on the floor. Mustering what remained of his strength, he let out another red glow. The red rays were directed at the bodies of the two brothers. The other 2Es' bodies gave off the yellow and green glows respectively. The three rays merged and crashed towards Rendy Ibrahim. Fresh red blood appeared from Rendy Ibrahim's mouth when he was knocked back far behind.

The black stone demon appeared. The demon swept his hand through the air and a pitch black light appeared from his hand. The demon blocked Rendy Ibrahim's body in the air. Meanwhile from the opposite direction, 3Es three beams of power continued to attack nonstop.

"God… God… Black Stone God… Why? Why? Why are you doing this to me? Why are you using me as bait…? Why…?" asked Rendy Ibrahim on the line between sadness and helplessness.

"You promised to help me, didn't you, Rendy? You promised… Therefore, you must fulfill it, even if you have to sacrifice your life. Just like Stella Kuangdinata, for my followers who fail in their duties, must die. They must die honorably in battle. Succeed or die…" said the Black Stone Demon without any pity.

The poison in Erick Vildy's body reacted again. He felt incomparable pain in his left chest. Meanwhile, the Silver God who was in another place, also suffered the same wound. Automatically, the Silver God also screamed frantically while clutching his left chest. It could be seen that his left chest was blackened because the poison was getting more and more terrible.

"Silver God! Silver God!" cried Ruby Goddess as she laid Silver God on her bed. However, the pain did not decrease. Silver God was still screaming frantically while clutching his left chest.

"Something happens to 3E! What's happening exactly? Has… Has… Has Dark Stone Demon recovered from his wounds and has risen from his hermitage? Oh no…! Oh, Buddha… What should I do now…?" Ruby Goddess started to panic while biting her fingers.

Erick Vildy couldn't take the pain anymore. The poison in his body was eating him away. He couldn't bring out his red power anymore. As a result, 3E lost a leg. Of course Dark Stone Demon's wave of black light won the battle. Erwie Vincent and Erdie Vio were thrown in two different directions with fresh red blood spurting from their mouths.

It was seen that Rendy Ibrahim was slammed forward. His body seemed to hit the wall. After that, his body looked limply down and didn't move anymore. There were bloodstains and large cracks on the walls.

Erdie Vio fell right beside her eldest brother. The black radiance belonging to Black Stone Demon shot forward again. The black light began to coagulate and form numerous black snakes. All black snakes shot out at high speed towards Erick Vildy and Erdie Vio.

"No! Watch out, Rick, Die!" Melisa Rayadi shouted at her high-pitched tunes again.

Unexpectedly, now Erwie Vincent was running as fast as lightning and stopped in front of his two siblings. No doubt, black snakes penetrated his body immediately. There was fresh red blood pouring down from his mouth and all over his body. Black snakes were seen to appear from all over Erwie Vincent's body with their heads still moving.

"Wie...!" shouted Erick Vildy and Erdie Vio in unison. Tears began to flow down from their eyes.

"Wie…! Wie…!" shouted Yenty Marlina, who had been witnessing the battle. She immediately ran forward, lunging towards Dark Stone Demon without thinking anymore.

"No, Yenty! That person isn't human!" shouted Yenny Mariana about to intercept Yenty Marlina's arm, but Yenty Marlina was already running away.

With just one sweep of his hand, Black Stone Demon managed to send Yenty Marlina's body back behind him. Fresh red blood was gushing out of her mouth. Yenty Marlina fell back into the laps of Yenny Mariana and Yuni Mariany. An instant later, she had lost consciousness and her world was sinking into pitch black darkness.

"Yenty...!" shouted Yenny Mariana and Yuni Mariany together.

"Let Brother Erwie Vincent go!" shouted Theo Rafael.

"Let him go!" said Tommy Rido.

5T charged towards Black Stone Demon. However, also with a sweep of Black Stone Demon, 5T were all lost and were slammed onto the stage. In fact, Timothy Ricky's body hit the backdrop of the stage. The whole stage was crushed and fell on the body of Timothy Ricky who lay helplessly below.

"Why are you doing this, Wie...?" Erick Vildy's tears seemed to ripen the river.

"Why did you sacrifice yourself for us, Wie...?" Erdie Vio's cry never stopped.

"Back… Back… Back from the past, I am suspicious... suspicious... suspicious... I suspect you weren't just my brothers, Rick, Die. I suspect that the two of you are… are… two soul mates of mine separated in other places and eras. So, saving my two soul mates is the same as saving my own, isn't it?" Erwie Vincent's sentence halted there. He seemed to be getting weaker and weaker.

"How stubborn! Why do you guys keep fighting against me? Why don't you guys hand me over the three lucky stars in a good way? If only you handed over your three lucky stars to me properly, this wouldn't need to happen," came the roar of the demon's voice.

Suddenly automatically, all the black snakes turned back into black smoke. Black smoke began to envelop Erwie Vincent's body. Suddenly Erwie Vincent immediately disappeared from the presence of his two siblings.

"Wie…! Wie…!" shouted Erick Vildy and Erdie Vio in unison.

"If you want your brother to be safe, it's easy, Erick Vildy, Erdie Vio... Right at the middle of New Year's Eve, come to the top of the highest mountain on Lake Toba. O gods and humans… You have underestimated, belittled, and insulted me for a long time. I want to show all of you. New Year's Eve, which should be the most joyous, will be the saddest night of your entire life."

Black Stone Demon also swept its black smoke onto Rendy Ibrahim's body, who didn't move anymore. Disappeared the body from that place. There was still the demon's laughter blaring before he finally disappeared from the auditorium.

"Julia Dewi... Julia Dewi..." said Melisa Rayadi as soon as she saw that Julia Dewi had been standing at the side door of the auditorium with her eyes blank and empty.

However, as soon as Melisa Rayadi was about to grab Julia Dewi into a hug, she felt Julia Dewi's body starting to collapse. Automatically, Julia Dewi lost consciousness and fell into Melisa Rayadi's arms.

"Julia…! Julia…! Julia…! Wake up, Julia…! Awake…!" shouted Melisa Rayadi, patting Julia Dewi on the cheek. However, the pats did not budge.

Erick Vildy and Erdie Vio gave off their red and green rays. In an instant, the auditorium was again as neat as it had been before. It did not appear that there had been a major fight there.

The waiter returned to 3E's table. To his surprise, the yellow cup into which he had poured the syrup had now turned black.

Aldo Morales appeared to be hiding behind the backstage. He had heard and seen all the battles just now. He didn't help Dark Stone Demon after knowing all the facts. There were tears in his eyes and rolling down his lids.

Stella… Stella… Stella… Now I know who killed you. I know who should be responsible for your death, Stella. During this time I have mistakenly spilled all this grudge and hatred against 3E. They are completely innocent… The one who killed you, who should be responsible for your death, is precisely the one who gave me this power. Oh, Stella… Tell me… Tell me… What should I do now…? What should I do…?


Mr. Faiz and Mrs. Florencia were forced to lie to the three couples who were their important guests that night. They were forced to say, 3E and their three lovers were having a dragon performance elsewhere so they didn't have time to join the dinner in Marriott.

Mrs. Florencia's eyes were swollen all through New Year's Eve and when asked by her guests what had happened, Mrs. Florencia simply answered haphazardly and didn't seem to say much that night.

Mrs. Florencia did not enjoy any food or drink served in front of her that night. Her mind kept fixating on the fate of her second child who was nowhere and not knowing what he was going through; continued to drift to her first child who was still struggling against the vicious poison that was lodged in his body; to his youngest son, who was now definitely under heavy pressure because of his brothers. Both of them suffered an unlucky fate because they wanted to help their middle brother.

Mrs. Florencia couldn't take it anymore. She could not hold back her tears again, which constantly wanted to roll out. She excused herself from her husband and all of her guests that night, saying that she had a little work and housekeeping to do before the Chinese New Year the next day.

So with that, Mrs. Florencia went out from Marriott immediately and headed to Eternal Solidarity.


"Wie…! Wie…! Where are you going?" asked Erdie Vio after Erwie Vincent. Erwie Vincent, who was still wearing his yellow nightgown, was seen among the many unclothed people, the black ones, and the brown ones.

The large crowd was walking down a small alley leading in one direction. Erdie Vio finally realized where he was.

"Wie…! Wie…! Come back, Wie…! Do not go there…! That's the wrong direction! It's the right direction here…!" shouted Erdie Vio, but Erwie Vincent was still going in the wrong direction, farther and farther.

Erdie Vio tried to break through the crowd. He got closer and closer to Erwie Vincent. He finally arrived at a point where there were six intersections surrounding him.

Oh, Buddha… There are six intersections now. These six intersections immediately group these people according to their clothes... Some are not dressed at all, some are dressed in black, dressed in gray, dressed in brown, dressed in colors like the one Wie Wie and I are wearing now, and those who are wearing white . Where does each of these intersections actually take them to? Oh, My Buddha…! I lost Wie Wie… Oh, no…! Where's Wie Wie…? Where is he? The yellow shirt is completely gone... Where is he?

"Wie…! Wie…! Where are you…? Where are you…? Wie…! Wie…!" shouted Erdie Vio continuously and finally he woke up from his dream.

"You dreamt about Wie Wie, Die… Calm yourself, Die… Calm yourself… I'm sure Wie Wie must be okay. We've promised to always be together. You haven't forgotten that, have you?" said Erick Vildy who had been lying next to his youngest brother.

"Calm yourself down… Calm yourself down, Erdie Vio… If you experience turmoil yourself, what will the condition of Silver God be? Enough of what's happened to Erwie Vincent and Erick Vildy. I beg you not to do anything harmful," said Ruby Goddess, who looked very worried about the condition of Silver God who was also like an egg on the tip of the horn in front of them.

It seemed that Silver God couldn't open his eyes completely anymore. He could only hold onto his left chest continuously with a million sweat that kept pouring from all over his body. It could be seen that all the divine accessories and jewelry he was wearing began to wither one by one. Ruby Goddess channeled her pink energy back to continue to maintain the existence of the divine spirit possessed by Silver God.

Mrs. Florencia was still compressing her eldest child with sobbing cries. Erick Vildy opened his eyes and this time he asked a question that was difficult to answer even by Ruby Goddess.

"Mom… Ruby Goddess… You must know what relationship the three of us have with Silver God. You must know about that, mustn't you? Mom... Say it, Mom... Tell me why what happens to us also has no small effect on Silver God. Say, Mom… Say it, Ruby Goddess," said Erick Vildy, and then he coughed again, and as soon as the poison in his body reacted again, he seemed to be in pain holding his left chest again.

Mrs. Florencia immediately calmed her eldest son to lie down again.

"Say, Mom... Say, Ruby Goddess... What is the true relationship between the three of us and Silver God? And we've also seen Silver God dividing himself into three gods with the exact same three colors as ours, when you weren't awakened and when Silver God was lonely. What does that mean, Ruby Goddess?" asked Erdie Vio again.

"Is it still unclear to you?" said Ruby Goddess with a gaze. "What's happening to you now, also affects Silver God. Look at the situation now. Due to the influence of the power of the three lucky stars on the bodies of the three of you, conditions are not much different from yours. You've seen Silver God split himself into three fruit gods, haven't you? There is Watermelon God who is red, just like you, Erick Vildy. There is yellow Pineapple God, just like Erwie Vincent. And finally, there is Melon God whose whole body is green, just like you, Erdie Vio. What does it mean? And you've seen the face of your biological mother in the past, haven't you, Erdie Vio? Okay… The picture of your father didn't exist at all because there were still no cameras in your day. But, Erwie Vincent has met his biological father and has also seen a photo of his biological mother. Tell me what your biological parents look like when compared to how Mr. Faiz and Mrs. Florencia look like now."

Erick Vildy now looked at his youngest brother, "Have you met your real mother, Die? How does she look like, Die?"

"The same... Exactly the same as Mom... Like two peas in a pod..." said Erdie Vio pointing to Mrs. Florencia.

Mrs. Florencia shed tears again as she nodded her head. You only have one child, Mrs. Florencia. Gathered or separated in other places, does that mean a lot to you? Again, Master Ce Hui's words echoed in Mrs. Florencia's ears. At that time, she didn't really understand the true meaning behind the sentence. Now slowly she began to understand.

"What… What… What does that mean, Mom? Why... Why... Why do Die Die and Wie Wie's biological parents in the past look like two peas in a pod with the current Dad & Mom?" asked Erick Vildy frowning deeply.

"A person who has a strong determination and promise, usually in the seconds before his death will continue to remember that determination and promise, so that after his death, he will keep that determination and promise in his eighth layer of consciousness and pass it to the next life. So, it is possible that in the next life the person will be born with the exact same physical features, stature, and face as in his previous life. Now you understand, don't you, Erick Vildy?" said Ruby Goddess looking straight at her interlocutor.

"Hah…? Is that true…?" Erick Vildy looked shocked. Mrs. Florencia could only nod her head letting her tears dripping freely.

"So… So… So… My biological parents and Wie Wie's biological parents are… are…" Erdie Vio was unable to continue his statement anymore.

"Good guess, Erdie Vio. Your biological parents and Erwie Vincent's biological parents are two past lives of the present Mr. Faiz and Mrs. Florencia," said Ruby Goddess.

"So... So... So Wie Wie and I are actually..."

"Yes… You two are also the two past lives of the current Erick Vildy. And, when you die in the future, Erick Vildy, you will be reborn into that Silver God lying before you. In other words, the three of you are the three previous births of Silver God as a human, before he was reborn into a god like he is now."

Erick Vildy and Erdie Vio now looked stunned in their respective places, still unable to completely believe the truth and the reality they had just heard.

"This... This... It's like in a dream..." said Erick Vildy.

"I seem to be dreaming, Rick. Maybe Wie Wie already suspects this fact and truth. Wie Wie said he saved both of his soul mates when he blocked the black power of the Black Stone Demon, Rick…" said Erdie Vio, now unable to stem his tears.

"Now I understand why when you came back to your respective times, suddenly a longing really appeared and I was so impatient waiting for you two to return, Die. I… I… I felt that two parts of me were missing. Now I understand what causes it," said Erick Vildy again.

"And you are... are... are..." Erdie Vio made his guess while narrowing his eyes at Ruby Goddess.

"At first I didn't want to admit it to you. But now I feel like I have nothing to hide anymore. Yes, you've guessed it right. Stella Kuangdinata is my past life. Of course I can't remember become what in my previous life I was born, as who, and where. Three lucky stars have told me. I'm sure that before her death, the three lucky stars also told Stella Kuangdinata about the true identities of the three of you. The three lucky stars also told me about the three past births of Silver God. That is why, when Dark Stone Demon insisted on snatching the three lucky stars from me, I opened the passage of time and left them alone to seek the three past births of their host. Now, they have reckoned three of you as their hosts and I'm dead certain shortly afterwards, the yellow star will give his whereabouts signal to the red and the green stars…" said Ruby Goddess gazing her sight throughout the window.

"When the three lucky stars told me everything Stella Kuangdinata had done to Silver God's three past births, I really felt guilty for Silver God. I felt like I didn't deserve the love from Silver God. However, I myself couldn't deny my feelings for him. Therefore, I decided… The only thing I could do for him was to secure his three lucky stars by inserting them into the bodies of three people who were his three past births. Do you see it, Erick Vildy, Erdie Vio…?" said Ruby Goddess ending her long narrative.

Erdie Vio returned to his seat, "Wie… Wie… He must have known a little bit that we are two other halves of his consciousness, born in the future and the past, Rick. He blocked the Dark Stone Demon's evil energy in order to save his two soul mates, Rick."

"Oh, Wie… Wie… Wie… Where are you now, Wie? Why hasn't there been any sign of you from the yellow star until now?" Erick Vildy sank into his own lap.

Mrs. Florencia hugged Erdie Vio, "Calm yourself, Die. In calm conditions, Mom believe you can defeat Dark Stone Demon and bring your brother back safely. I'm dead certain…"

"Wie Wie was seriously injured in front of me, Mom. He was badly injured to help Rick and me. He was injured before my own eyes, Mom. However, I was helpless and couldn't do anything to help him back, Mom. I'm not a good brother, Mom! I'm not the youngest brother who deserves the protection and sacrifice of his brothers, Mom!" shouted Erdie Vio, starting to go crazy and hysterical.

Mrs. Florencia again calmed the turbulent soul of her youngest child.

"Calm down, Die… Calm down, Die… Soon, Mom is sure that there will be news about the whereabouts of Wie Wie from the yellow star. You have to be patient…" said Mrs. Florencia, caressing the youngest child's head.

Erdie Vio slowly started wiping the tail of his eye, "According to Mom, can I save Wie Wie and the two of us can go home safely with the antidote for the poison that is in Rick's body?"

"Yes, Die… No matter what happens, you three must trust each other, Die. Mom used to tell you this when you three were little, didn't Mom? Even though you are not siblings, someday you will need each other. Now is the time, Die. Trust Mom's hunch, Die. Everything, even though it is tough and hard to live with, will be all right," said Mrs. Florencia with a slight smile.

Erdie Vio nodded weakly after that. He came out from his mother's arms.

"Okay… Calm down, Die… Mom is going to the hospital first to see Julia Dewi. She fainted when she saw Wie Wie's condition, who was kidnapped by the rancid demon. I don't know whether she's been awake now or not. There are Melisa and Sabrina who look after her there. They actually want to come here, Die. But, Mom said you have lucky stars who can look after and guide you. However, Julia Dewi has absolutely no support inasmuch as Wie Wie's been kidnapped by the evil demon."

"Yes, Mom... Okay, Mom... I'll take care of Rick here. Mom don't have to worry," said Erdie Vio with a bland smile. This time, it was really no longer his smile full of joy and enthusiasm.

Mrs. Florencia kissed the foreheads of her two children. Erick Vildy seemed asleep in his slumber. He looked very tired, had been fighting all out with Dark Stone Demon and was now battling the poison that was eating his body away. Mrs. Florencia walked out of the main building of the Eternal Solidarity Center with a few sobs. Shortly thereafter, the roar of a car engine was heard leaving the courtyard of the Eternal Solidarity studio.

The clock was already showing several minutes past twelve. Along the way to the hospital, Mrs. Florencia saw that there were many fireworks displays everywhere. Mrs. Florencia could not help but keep her tears rolling down. Somehow this year's fireworks party became the saddest fireworks party in her life.


The clock showed one o'clock in the morning. The fireworks party had passed since an hour ago. Ruby Goddess still continued to channel her pink power waves to Silver God in order to maintain his godlike spirit which was getting thinner. In a moment she would glance at Erick Vildy. Even now his hands and feet were all blackened. Erick Vildy's body seemed to be trembling too, and he continued to sweat countless times.

Will… Will 3E lose? Will they just lose to that rancid and bastard Black Stone Demon? Oh, Buddha… Soon, the red star will also lose and be withdrawn from this battlefield. Only the green star is my hope. Can the green star defeat Dark Stone Demon by himself? Oh, Buddha… What will happen to 3E in the future? What will happen to my Silver God in the future?

Suddenly, an unbearable pain struck Erick Vildy again. He felt his whole body stiffen and couldn't move anymore. Cries of helplessness began to slide out of the eldest brother's mouth.

"Rick…! Rick…! Are you okay?" Erdie Vio started to panic and he approached his eldest brother.

Erick Vildy was still holding onto his left chest and kept screaming wildly with an unbearable pain in his chest and all over his body.

"Rick…! Rick…!" shouted Erdie Vio, starting to let out a few teardrops. "Hang in there, Rick…! Hold on…!" Erdie Vio was seen grabbing his eldest brother into a hug.

"I thought… I thought… I couldn't hold on anymore. This poison has eaten away my entire body. Soon I'll be done, Die. I will run out. You must hurry to the top of the highest mountain on Lake Toba as said by Dark Stone Demon. You have to beat him and save Wie Wie. By defeating him, the poison in my body will automatically disappear by itself. You... You... You understand what I mean, don't you?" Heard Erick Vildy's extreme struggle to deliver his last message to his youngest brother before he ran out.

Erdie Vio just nodded and let his tears continue to trickle down his eldest brother's face.

"Don't go, Rick… Don't leave me here alone. Don't let me fight on my own against that Dark Stone Demon."

"You… You… You are my soul mate, Die. I believe in your abilities, Die. I believe you can find Wie Wie, can find me, and reunite the three of us in 3E force that people have been proud of... Three Es will not be dissolved forever, right?" Erick Vildy's stammering words could still be heard and his smile was still bland and weak.

Erdie Vio nodded again and his tears dripped down again to wet the face of the eldest brother.

Erick Vildy shouted once again as the poison in his body reached to the climax. As soon as the screams stopped, it seemed that Erick Vildy had closed his eyes peacefully. Looked like his body didn't flinch anymore. He just froze in the arms of his youngest brother.

Erdie Vio continued to stare at his eldest brother's face in silence before finally one cry exploded and broke into pieces.

"Silver God…! Silver God…!" Ruby Goddess shouted in the midst of her panic when she saw an accessory and a part of the Silver God's withered robe.

Erick Vildy's body began to be covered by black smoke one by one, from the legs to the body, to the neck and head. Once the whole body was covered by black smoke, the body immediately disappeared from the arms of the youngest brother. Erdie Vio was left alone there with his cries still breaking, like a stream and like Niagara Falls in the rainy season.

I have to go to the top of the highest mountain of Lake Toba alone tonight. Rick… Wie… Even though you two are not beside me, even though you two are separated from me in a place so far, so unreachable, I know you two will stay beside me forever. Because... Because... Because the three of us are one soul that is divided into three parts. Aren't we…?

Slowly, Erdie Vio's body began to emit green light. Increasingly, his entire body began to be enveloped in green light. Erdie Vio also disappeared from the place. A flying green light drifted out through the window. Stayed Ruby Goddess, guarding her idol god in the Eternal Solidarity building.

Only the green star is my hope, O Buddha… Hopefully Erdie Vio can save his two brothers and the three of them can defeat Dark Stone Demon by using the power of the three lucky stars together. Oh, Buddha... Hope everything will end all right...