At the Intersection of the Six Reincarnation Paths

Chapter 23

The midnight wind blew its way through the trees and leaves amidst the darkness of the night. There were small waves on the rippling lake water. There was absolutely no humans' activity in the lake and in the forests in the surrounding mountainous areas.

When flying over the mountainous area on Lake Toba, suddenly a door appeared in the middle of the mountains. The door suddenly opened and the green light was sucked into the door. It was seen that the door closed again.

The green light moved to another dimension, which was also a forest at the top of the mountains. It appeared that Dark Stone Demon was standing at the top of the mountain. With one sweep of his hand, Rendy Ibrahim's lifeless body floated down and finally merged with his black smoke. A moment later, Rendy Ibrahim's body began to open his eyes. Black light flashed briefly from his eyeballs. The green light knew that Black Stone Demon had sacrificed Rendy Ibrahim and now entered his body.

The green light turned into Erdie Vio's figure. He was shocked for a moment because he saw that Black Stone Demon was now sweeping his hands over the bodies of his two brothers. Again, black smoke came out of the hand of the evil demon, which then coagulated into black snakes. The black snakes immediately shot out at high speed and instantly pierced the chest of the eldest and middle brothers. Now appeared and came out a red star and a yellow star from their bodies.

There were screams of hatred and anger from the youngest brother seeing what the evil demon had done to his two brothers.

There was laughter roaring from the evil demon who broke the night sky.

"I won't forgive you...!" Erdie Vio's screams were also shaking, shaking the night sky.

"I've got the red star and the yellow star. Only your green star remains, Erdie Vio! Give me your green star! Leave it to me! I want the three lucky stars right now!" shouted Black Stone Demon again.

Black snakes immediately shot out at high speed towards Erdie Vio. By darting upwards, Erdie Vio avoided them. Erdie Vio wiped his hand in the air and a wave of green light emitted. The green waves turned into countless small swords. The small swords whooshed back towards Black Stone Demon. There was the green swords fight against the black snakes for a while.

One burst of waves occurred in the air. Both the black snakes and the green swords vanished at once. Black Stone Demon whizzed towards Erdie Vio. Erdie Vio also zoomed towards the evil demon. There was a hands-and-feet fight for a few moments in the air. Black Stone Demon returned to spit out his black smoke. Erdie Vio was struck by the poisonous black smoke. His eyesight was blurred for a moment. As Erdie Vio let his guard down, Dark Stone Demon immediately landed a single poison stone tread onto Erdie Vio's chest. With a single scream of helplessness, Erdie Vio crashed onto the ground. Fresh red blood was gushing out of his mouth.

"Give me the green star! Why are you the same as Ruby Goddess and your two siblings? Why are you all so stubborn and hard to work with!" shouted Black Stone Demon.

"Want the green star, come here, Demon Black Stone," said Erdie Vio with a sneer. "Chase me... If you can catch me, the green star will be yours..."

With his resentment and anger already collected to the peak, Black Stone Demon landed a single black palm onto the ground. Ground cracked in a line. The line immediately reached where Erdie Vio was lying. Erdie Vio whizzed up again. The crack line didn't have time to swallow him. Black Stone Demon swept his hand upwards. The ground and rocks rose up and formed a giant scroll, starting to surround Erdie Vio. Erdie Vio took a moment to realize that his being defeated was imminent. He realized that with the power of the green star alone, he would not be able to defeat Dark Stone Demon. Without the red and the yellow stars, he would soon be a grain of dust in this scroll of earth and rock.

Erdie Vio stretched his hands left and right to hold the roll of rocky soil that was getting narrower and narrower pinching him.

Rick…! Wie…! Borrow me your strength... I beg you... Borrow me the strength of the red and the yellow stars so that I can get out of this scroll of earth and rocks... I beg you, Rick, Wie...

Suddenly, red light and yellow light also glowed from Erdie Vio's body. Once the three rays merged, Erdie Vio easily spread the scroll of the rocky earth again. With a flash of lightning, Erdie Vio shot upwards and with a sweep of his hand, the scroll of earth and rocks turned around hitting the evil demon himself.

Black Stone Demon was blown backwards. However, in the next few seconds Erdie Vio began to feel excruciating pain in his legs and arms. He immediately crashed to the ground and could not release the green wave anymore.

"Hahaha… That scroll of earth and rock was full of poison – the same poison I put into Erick Vildy's body. With that poison in your body, you will end up just like Erick Vildy, your eldest brother. Hand over the green star to me! Hand over the green star to me and I will hand over the antidote to you!" Came the thundering threat of Black Stone Demon.

Erdie Vio's cynical smile appeared this time, "Your only skill is playing from behind, Rancid Demon! With poison, you managed to conquer the three of us! By relying solely on the power of the three lucky stars, you intend to conquer the entire god realm! I'll tell you now... Later, if you succeed with your plan, it will be an achievement that you should not be proud of at all."

"What did you say?"

"Of course… Successfully conquering the entire god realm, conquering the entire universe by seizing power from outside, not relying on your own strength. Is that an accomplishment you are planning to be proud of if you succeed later?" Still Erdie Vio's cynical smile was visible here.

"Don't underestimate me! Don't insult me! Don't underestimate me, Erdie Vio! I hate being insulted the most! I am the most anti creature to be looked down upon and underestimated! You will feel the greatness of Dark Stone Demon! You will see the true ability of Dark Stone Demon!" Black Stone Demon's scream boomed, blaring through the night sky.

I'm sorry, Rick, Wie… I also fall into this Black Stone Demon's trap. I can't escape the poison. I fall into the same trap, Rick, Wie… I'm sorry… I can't defend the green star either. I fail to protect the green star who entrusts itself to me… I'm sorry, Green Star. I'm sorry, Ruby Goddess, Silver God... In the end, I'm forced to withdraw from this battlefield...

With a swipe of his hand, Black Stone Demon created a circle of black waves. Black waves as fast as lightning zoomed towards Erdie Vio. With one last cry of helplessness, Erdie Vio's body finally collapsed to the ground, closing his eyes peacefully, completely unmoved, leaving the green star hovering in the air above him.

Laughter resounded breaking the night sky when Black Stone Demon managed to take the green star. I have completed the three lucky stars in my hand. With their strength, I can rule the entire god realm. Ruby Goddess…! Look at me now! I'm not a demon that you can underestimate and look down on anymore. Look at me now! Someday I will rule the five lands in the god realm there! All of you will bow before me! All of you will bend your knees before me acknowledging my prowess!

"No…! No…! No…!" Ruby Goddess shouted when she saw all the accessories and oversized robes worn by the Silver God had withered now. There was absolutely nothing left.

It's not left at all. Gradually, the body of Silver God will disappear with time. Oh, Buddha... Is this the end of it all? Is this the end of my struggle so far? Is this the end of our love story? Oh, Buddha… This is so unfair! This is so unfair…!

Ruby Goddess slumped limply down, leaning on the side of Silver God's bed. There was absolutely no hope, even if only a speck... There was no hope at all, even if only a little. The tears flowed more profusely. However, all the tears that flushed freely out, could not at all take away all the pain and sorrow of Ruby Goddess.

Ruby Goddess' grief and sorrow flowed in all directions – bottomless, endless.

There was a roar of the car engine in the yard of Eternal Solidarity studio. Immediately Melisa Rayadi and Sabrina Marcelina got out of the car and rushed into the Eternal Solidarity studio. However, when they saw all the accessories and great robes of Silver God become all brown and yellow, hearing Ruby Goddess' cry for a long time, they finally knew what had happened to 3E… They finally knew that all hopes and expectations were gone.

Sabrina Marcelina leaned against the door because she could no longer stand up. Melisa Rayadi slumped limply and sat on the floor at once.

Melisa Rayadi started sobbing in her tears.

Suddenly I feel all hope will disappear.

Suddenly I feel that the waiting becomes meaningless ... Suddenly I feel that all dreams and delusions will overlap and then disappear...

Suddenly I want to turn around, go back to the past, back to a time when I still didn't understand the bitterness of an adult's life, to a time when there were only a handful of childhood tales that are now forgotten, to a time where there were a million dreams and limitless fantasies, to a time when I could still look to the future with great optimism.

Sabrina Marcelina's cries began to be heard, who was also sobbing.

Suddenly I feel like life is meaningless... Suddenly I don't understand... All my dreams and past delusions turn into a million confusing questions. Where exactly should I go? What is life for? Why are we living if we are going to die in the end? Is death the final answer to all this confusion? Do I have to die first to know what I was born into this world for? If there really is a Creator, who knows everything in this universe, I don't think a small, trivial question like this will be a problem for Him, right?


Where is this? Multitudes of people are walking in the same direction. Where are they going? There are those who are not dressed, some are wearing black, some are wearing gray, some are wearing brown, some are wearing colorful clothes with free styles like the one I am wearing now, and some are wearing white. Where are they going?

Julia Dewi followed the direction of the crowd because she herself also mingled in the crowd. Occasionally, Julia Dewi would look at the houses and small buildings along the left and right of the alleys in her path.

What is this place, really? Everyone is walking around the streets in broad daylight and absolutely no one is staying in the house… Everything is going to the same direction. Where is this really?

Suddenly, Julia Dewi's eyes fell on someone wearing a yellow shirt, about seven and eight meters in front of her. Those are the night pajamas that Wie Wie was wearing when he was kidnapped by that rancid demon. Yes... Yes... Yes... There's no mistaking it. It is Wie Wie… Those yellow night pajamas are the only one he has…

"Wie…! Wie…! Wie…! Wait for me a moment! Wie…! Where are you going?" shouted Julia Dewi but, whom she shouted at completely ignored her and continued to mingle with the crowd, walked to the same direction.

Julia Dewi suddenly met the figure of Rendy Ibrahim in front of her. Julia Dewi was taken aback for a moment. Hasn't this Rendy Ibrahim been dead? Why is he here? Could it be… Could it be… It could be that this place is… a… gathering place for the dead before they receive their judgment. Oh, Buddha... This Rendy Ibrahim is wearing a gray garment... Where will he be judged and punished for all his evil deeds while alive?

Julia Dewi shuddered in horror. The post-death sentences that she had only read about in books now seemed so real before her eyes.

"You're here too... If I'm not mistaken, you are one of 3E's lovers right?" heard a voice behind and Rendy Ibrahim's sinister smile was terrible.

Julia Dewi gasped in surprise. She started getting scared. She knew the next step she had to take was to take a thousand steps from that place.


The three lucky stars were already enveloped in the black smoke belonging to Black Stone Demon. He put all his strength into combining the three lucky stars with his dark power which was pitch black.

In a moment… In a moment… When the power of these three lucky stars fuses with my black power, I can tame them and can use their power for whatever purpose I want. Soon... Soon...

However, how unexpectedly…! Aldo Morales whizzed away at high speed and snatched the three lucky stars while Dark Stone Demon was putting all his strength into taming the three stars. Black Stone Demon was shocked and really did not think Aldo Morales would betray him tonight.

"Give back the three lucky stars, Aldo! The three lucky stars are mine!" shouted Black Stone Demon.

"By stealing these three lucky stars from their original hosts, it doesn't mean that all the luck and fortune in this universe will also be on your side, Dark Stone Demon."

"What did you say?" Black Stone Demon gasped in surprise with his pair of eyes widened. "You betray me, Aldo! You betray the figure who's given you the power you now possess!"

"You killed Stella whom I really love and makes me feel like a fool by spilling my hatred and grudge on the wrong object! You and Rendy killed her even though you clearly know she's the most valuable to me! You and Rendy clearly know for her sake I can do anything, but how could you take her from me! Very heartless!"

Aldo Morales shouted loudly while directing his dark power towards Dark Stone Demon. Dark Stone Demon, who had used all his strength just now, could not at all fend off Aldo Morales' power anymore. It was seen that Black Stone Demon was slammed back and hit the tree. Black blood immediately spurted out from his mouth.

"Return the three lucky stars to me! Give them back, Aldo! As long as you return the three lucky stars to me, I will create a thousand Stella Kuangdinata before you, Aldo. As long as you return those three lucky stars to me, ten thousand Stella can be created for you…" said Dark Stone Demon stammering as he hobbled towards Aldo Morales.

"Nothing can replace Stella in this world, not even in this universe, Dark Stone Demon! Just so you know that…! By creating so many fake Stella for me, you think it can replace all my pain, heartache and suffering, Dark Stone Demon! You underestimate me too much! You underestimate me too severely!"

Another black force was directed by Aldo Morales to Black Stone Demon. This time Dark Stone Demon slammed into the rock cliff behind him. Again, black blood was gushing out of his mouth.

"It's simple, Dark Stone Demon. In view of my repayment to you for this strength you have given me, I will not finish you off. However, since you have stolen something that is extremely precious to me, I will also do the same. I will also destroy all your dreams, all the dreams that are very precious to you. Break even, right?" Aldo Morales's sinister smile appeared.

"No…! No…! Stop that, Aldo! Stop…!" came the Black Stone Demon's helpless cry.

Aldo Morales threw the three lucky stars into the air and began to cry out, "O, Three Lucky Stars... For the good of this whole universe and all the realms, re-enter the bodies of your three hosts..."

Suddenly the three lucky stars began to emit three rays of three different colors. The red star began to dash quickly back into Erick Vildy's body. The yellow star started streaking as fast as lightning back into Erwie Vincent's body. The green star began to rapidly move back into Erdie Vio's body. Now it appeared that 3E's body shone brightly in accordance with the color of the respective lucky stars.

"No…! No…! No…!" came the high-pitched scream of Dark Stone Demon, piercing to the border of the dark horizon above.


Erick Vildy's body glowed bright red. Finally he realized and was able to respond to his surroundings. Yet, he was alone there. There was absolutely no visible Dark Stone Demon or his two other siblings.

Erick Vildy looked left and right.

Where is this? There are many people who are not wearing clothes walking in one direction, as well as those who are wearing black, wearing gray, wearing brown, colorful and white clothes... Each has their own paths. And furthermore, the sun is shining so hot, but the heat isn't felt at all. Where is this? Is... Is this? Is this in the afterlife?

Erick Vildy was taken aback.

Am I dead? Then what about Wie Wie and Die Die? Are they here too? I have to find them soon.


Erdie Vio woke up from his long sleep as soon as his body gave off a bright green light. Looking at his surroundings, Erdie Vio could only smile blandly.

Oh, Buddha... I finally come to the afterlife, which is the same as in my dream. I've failed to defeat Dark Stone Demon. Erdie Vio let out a deep breath. Well it can't be helped… It's here. Want to back off, it's obviously no longer possible. Want to go forward, there are six intersections here... Where are they going?

Erdie Vio was starting to get confused. Obviously he shuddered at the crowd of unclothed people, some old, young, even children and adolescents. And, black, gray and brown were not his favorite colors either, so it was decided he would join the colorful squad instead. In the crowd of people in colorful clothes, at least he could see that there were some who were dressed in green, just like the green night pajamas he was wearing now.

Erdie Vio began to join the crowd of colorful troops. There was still a long queue at the front. It seemed the crowd was walking slowly in one direction – who knows where...


"Aaiihh ...!" shouted Julia Dewi when she felt Rendy Ibrahim getting closer behind her.

"Where are you running to?" shouted Rendy Ibrahim about to grab Julia Dewi's shoulder when his hand was suddenly grabbed by another hand. When he lifted his head, he was immediately confronted by the figure of Erwie Vincent with the casual smile that became his trademark. Spontaneously he immediately took a few steps back.

"Already dead still want to harm other people, Rendy Ibrahim!" said Erwie Vincent, still smiling casually.

"Wie…! Wie…! Wie…! Finally I can meet you, Wie. Are you all right, Wie…?" Julia Dewi immediately hugged her beloved prince while letting her tears of compassion roll down a few drops.

"I'm fine, Jul. The lucky star has returned to my body. I don't know who in the human realm is kind enough to snatch the yellow lucky star from the evil demon's hand and return it to my body," said Erwie Vincent still with a relaxed smile and now he looked back at Rendy Ibrahim who was only a few meters away from him.

"Why do you always have the upper hand, Erwie Vincent? Why in your life, you always get whatever you want? I hate you! I hate your life which is much better than mine!" shouted Rendy Ibrahim at the peak of his anger.

"You want to know why? Because I never demand anything more than what I can afford. That's all... Simple isn't it?" said Erwie Vincent casually.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear!" shouted Rendy Ibrahim directing his dark power towards Erwie Vincent and Julia Dewi, but with just one casual sweep, Erwie Vincent managed to erase Rendy Ibrahim's dark power.

Rendy Ibrahim lunged forward. There was a hands-and-feet match with the yellow star. Erwie Vincent sneaked into the walls of the buildings and small houses on either side of him. Rendy Ibrahim landed a footprint on the wall of the building and the small house. Erwie Vincent came out again and slipped into the wall of the next building. Rendy Ibrahim landed one more footprint against the next wall. Erwie Vincent came out again and this time he swept a yellow wave at Rendy Ibrahim. Rendy Ibrahim was hit by the waves and automatically took a few steps back.

The yellow star waved both hands. Automatically the buildings and the small houses facing each other immediately docked and clamped Rendy Ibrahim who was standing in the middle. There was a scream of helplessness from Rendy Ibrahim. When the buildings and the small houses widened again, it appeared that Rendy Ibrahim was lying helplessly, but there was absolutely no visible red blood gushing from his mouth again.

"Give it up, Rendy Ibrahim!" said Julia Dewi. "Already at the end of the road like this, you should regret all your actions first and return to the right path."

Rendy Ibrahim was still trying to stand up. Once he had managed to perfectly stand up, the Demon Lord of the Hereafter who was standing behind him shone a brown light on him. There was a long, deafening shout from Rendy Ibrahim.

"Newcomers here can't do much! You haven't even passed the court and your sentence hasn't been determined at all, how dare you act a lot and mess everything around here! Get back to your way!" rebuked the Demon Lord of the Hereafter.

It seemed that Rendy Ibrahim's eyes became empty and vacant now. Immediately he joined the crowd dressed in gray and got into his proper path. Seeing this incident, Erwie Vincent and Julia Dewi looked at each other for a moment.

The Demon Lord of the Hereafter was coming near. Julia Dewi looked timid, standing behind her prince idol.

"Who are you? Not just anyone can get to the path that leads to the pedestrian bridge in front, as long as you know…" said the Demon Lord of the Hereafter in a cold tone that froze the bone marrows. However, as soon as he looked at Erwie Vincent's face, he saw a yellow light flickering from Erwie Vincent's eyes. He immediately changed his attitude and temperament.

"Oh, Yellow Star… I'm sorry… I didn't know that Yellow Star was coming to visit today. I'm sorry…" Now there was a warm smile from the Demon Lord of the Hereafter.

"Don't hesitate. I'm not that great either, not as good as you who can guard the intersection of the world and the hereafter for such a long time, Demon Lord of the Hereafter," said Erwie Vincent making an educated guess with his gentle, relaxed style. However, he was right. He was talking to the Demon Lord of the Hereafter.

"I don't dare… I don't dare, Yellow Star… All the yaksas, asuras, and guardian deities who work here know that the three lucky stars are messengers from the divine realm above. Everyone also knows that the three lucky stars have the supreme power to neutralize all energies of hatred, greed and delusion in the entire universe. I really did not expect Yellow Star would come to visit the intersection of the six reincarnation paths today," said the Demon Lord of the Hereafter, spreading his smile this time.

"Wie… You really want to find Erick and Erdie here? Are you sure they are here?" whispered Julia Dewi, pulling the idol prince's arm so that they stood some distance from the Demon Lord of the Hereafter.

"My hunch is never wrong, Jul. I bet they are here. They are two soul mates of mine separated in two places and two ages. You come back first, Jul… After I've found Erick and Erdie, I promise I will also come back…" said Erwie Vincent, smiling casually and comforting at his beloved princess.

"But... But I... I'm a little worried if you continue to be here, Wie," said Julia Dewi, still unable to release her prince alone there.

"Trust me, Jul..." said Erwie Vincent, clutching the cheeks of the princess. "I have the yellow star that will be able to lead me back to the world up there once I find the red star and the green star. We have three lucky stars on our side, and when we are together, surely you know that everything will be all right, don't you?"

Finally, Julia Dewi nodded.

"Okay… You have to come back as soon as you find Erick and Erdie, Wie. Will you? Don't stay here too long… After being for a while here, from that Demon Lord of the Hereafter, I finally find out that this is the crossroads of the six reincarnation paths."

"Okay… Okay… I won't be here long. You come back first, Jul. I'll catch up with you later…" said Erwie Vincent still in his gentle yet soothing style.

Just when Julia Dewi nodded her head, she immediately turned into an orange light. An instant later, the orange light immediately vanished before them, flying over the white horizon during the day.

Erwie Vincent turned away. It turned out that Afterlife Demon Lord had been standing in the same place, and without Yellow Star's orders he did not dare to leave the place – afraid of being labeled as the Demon Lord of the Hereafter who didn't know ethics, didn't know manners.

"Oh… It's okay, Demon Lord of the Hereafter. I actually want to find my other two brothers - Red Star and Green Star... But, it's okay, Demon Lord of the Hereafter... You go back to your duties first. I'll find them myself…" said Erwie Vincent softly and casually.

"Oh… Yellow Star is looking for Red Star and Green Star, apparently. This place is vast and branches up to the six realms of rebirth. If Yellow Star need help and information from me, don't hesitate to say it," said Demon Lord of the Hereafter, smiling kindly.

Actually, Demon Lord of the Hereafter was curious about why the three lucky stars could be at the intersection of these six reincarnation paths together, but the three of them could scatter to different points. However, seeing the yellow star who was in such a hurry wanting to find his other two brothers, Demon Lord of the Hereafter decided not to ask any further questions.

"Okay… Thank you very much, Demon Lord of the Hereafter," said Erwie Vincent casually, with a relaxed and soothing smile.

"There he is, Yellow Star from the famous three lucky stars, my friends," came the whispers of the other guardian gods.

"It turns out that he is a human, isn't he? Even so, he looks very handsome and gorgeous. With his gentle speech, and with his husky, wet voice, I am sure he will amaze and fascinate many goddesses with his eyes." A guardian goddess commented here.

"Obviously… He is a future god… In the next two lives, he will be reborn in the divine realm there as one of the leading gods. You are just a guardian goddess, don't expect to be side by side with him. Admiring him is okay, but don't fall in love… It hurts…" said one of the other guardian goddesses, who was accompanied by laughter from all the guardian gods that were there.

"Oh yeah… By the way, where are the other two siblings huh? Only this Yellow Star appears. Red Star and Green Star are completely invisible," came another comment.

"You didn't see them yourself. I saw them earlier. Earlier I saw Red Star chatting with the generals who guard the overpass. Meanwhile, I had seen Green Star mingle with the crowd that is about to be reborn into the human realm. I don't know what he was doing there. Maybe he wanted to briefly check the path of rebirth in the human realm. I don't know... They're three lucky stars, aren't they? What they're doing, no one dares to ask…" The goddess's narrative was quite long. She suddenly became the center of attention because she brought complete information.

"Really? You also saw Red Star and Green Star? How do they look? Are they as handsome and gorgeous as this Yellow Star? "

"I swear, comrades... Wait until you see them at the same time. I swear... Just as handsome and good-looking... Each of the three lucky stars has their own amazing personal looks and specialties..."

"I also want to meet Red Star and Green Star… Why didn't you invite me? Not saying that there are three lucky stars visiting here. You just took all the good for yourself..." said the other guardian goddess.

Laughter came back. Rumors of the three lucky stars continued to flow throughout the intersection of the six reincarnation paths.

Erwie Vincent just smiled casually. He already knew about where the other two siblings were. He immediately mingled with the crowd moving in one direction. So many die today. They are all waiting to be tried and sentenced. Tomorrow too... The day after tomorrow too... Oh, this world... Life and death come and go...

There was a deep sigh. A little uneasiness crept into Erwie Vincent's desert of mind.