Her Three Favourite Place


"They found Seamus Finnigan's body,one of eight years student,lying on the Potion's store room in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.They got information that the victim already die in about 24 hours.They got information that he takes the polyjuice potion,but the potion wasn't being done properly.He succeed to transform to the figure of one of the student, Harry Potter,for their plan on kidnapping Hermione Granger.The suspect, Mrs.Lavender Brown will be brought to a discussion whether to throw her into Azkaban for a reason she already 18 years old and making a potion without supervised.Other suspect,which is also students,

-Pansy Parkinson

-Cormac Maclaggen

-Dean Thomas

Will be expelled from their current school and will be blacklist by the Ministry Of Magic.

Other than that,Cormac Maclaggen who is commit another crime,will be punished for his crime further.Professor McGonagall as the representetive of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry,have ask for apologize from everyone for this incident."

Ron folded the newspaper before throwing it on the fire.Hermione gave a long sighed.

"At least we are done now"She said,trying to give Ron a smile.

"Yeah,finally."He said,replying her with a forced smile.He dissappointed on Dean and Seamus for betraying them.But he felt horrible knowing that Seamus was dead.

Hermione slid her hands to her.

"Let's go to Hogsmeade.It's been a long time since we hang out."She said with a smile.Hope this will cheer up him a bit.

"Yeah,that sounds good."He lead her out from the common room.They go to Great Hall,finding Harry was talking with Draco and Blaise.

"Hey mate,what did you all discussing?"

Ron put one his hand on Harry's shoulder.Draco gave him a small smile.Blaise go and hug him.

"I guess my words are really good"Draco whisper to Blaise,his eyes straight at Hermione that holding Ron's hand.

"Yeah,mate.You are the best."Draco just smile.It really took a very big sacrifice but it doesn't matter as long as Hermione is happy.He freaking sure that he'll meet his soulmate soon.

"I just can't thank Draco enough for helping us."Harry said with a grin on his face.Ever since Draco helped them,they started to be on a good terms.They became friends,and he swore to God,its felt better then when they were enemy and fighting each other.

"I think I'll never got to be thankful enough."Ron said,looking at Draco.He felt very guilty for insulting him before,thankfully he did realise.Or he won't ever got to knew his pure heart.

"Enough all of you,it's fine.You've helped me more before,even I am a bad guy."Draco said embrassly.

"Fine,then we are even,okay.I can't stand it anymore hearing all of you fighting.It already our eight year!"Blaise said with a teasing face.

Draco pull Blaise head on his armpits,acting he will knock him out.

All they fall into laughter.Hermione felt happy seeing all of them now friends.

"Well,me and Hermione wanna go to hogsmeade,drink butterbear.Do you all wanna join us?"Ron asking to all of them.They all nodded.

"Yeah,that will be good.The five of us can make our official team.We will be the best-"Someone suddenly smack Harry's back of head with a book.

"How dare you forget me!"Ginny's voice make them startled.Harry started feel that he should run.

"Yeah,you should run"Blaise whisper to Harry.

"I'm sorry,darling"He said more to whisper.While Ginny give Harry a death glare,Ron and Blaise already die in their laughter.Hermione tried to control her laugh,not want to hurt her bestfriend feeling.Draco just keep quiet since he really scared of Weaselte nowdays.

They started to move to hogsmeade with holding each other's hand.Ginny and Harry has sapperated away since Ginny's still in her sulking mood.Ron and Hermione holding each other hand,tightly.



1 week later


Hermione!wait for me!"Ron yelled from the boys dormitory.Hermione giggles as she started to run from Ron,trying to walk out from their common room.

"Catch me if you caann!!"Ron's eyes lighten up.He then jump from the stair,shorting his way to Hermione.

"Whatt!!that's not fair!"She started to shake as Ron open his arm,signaling her that she will do that thing.

"No..No Ron.Absolutely NO!"She shook her head.

"Don't tell me what I shouldn't do!Do it after we got married!"He shouted at her.He didn't realise that Hermione's face already turn red.

She blushed,forgetting the fact that she should run now.Ron's face is inches away from her now.

Before she even realise,she close her eyes.Waiting for Ron to kiss her.

"Arghhh!!"She felt Ron's arm on her waist,tickling her.

"No!"She shouted again but with laughter.Ron continue tickling her until she fell to the floor.


She can't stop laughing as Ron still do the same thing to her.

"I-can't-breath"She said while in her laughter.Ron finally let her go,with their face are inches away.Hermione didn't notice it since she still taking her breath.

"cup"one kiss

"cup"two kiss

"cup"three kiss

Ron stand up from her.Walking straight to the couch on the common room.He sit with a grin on his face.

Hermione on the other hand already blush.Ron kiss her on her eyes,nose and..lips.He never fail to make her blush,not even one time.

She getting back to her reality,realise that she's been thinking about him too much.She turn around to Ron,and saw him staring at her with a grin on his face.

She stand up,walking to him before sitting right next to him.She already decide that she will make him pay for what he have done to her.

She started by placing her head on his chest.She let her fingers walk on his chest,then to his face.It moved on his eyes,brushing it softly.Ron's face now still calm.But his ear started to change its colour.He trying to ignore Hermione.

Hermione hold her giggles,she move her finger on his nose.She play with it softly,she couldn't bear seeing his nice shape of nose.It make him a lot more handsome.She then kiss Ron's ron slowly,then quickly rest her head back on his chest.

Ron is nearly lose.His face turn red with his ears.He knows the next place hermione gonna touch is his..lips.He tried to hold his desire.

"Now,for the big feast."Hermione said with a slow,sexy voice.Her eyes move to Ron's lips.It was Ginny who teach her,she said that it turn on Harry everytime she did it.She just kept it for a special moments,like this one.

She slowly lean in,very slow until Ron can't even hold anymore.He close his eyes,waiting for her.But she didn't kiss her.She just stare at her.

"This is what I call revenge,sir"

Ron opened his eyes slowly,seeing Hermione with grin on her face.

"Stop it,and kiss me already!"He can't stand it and lean in first.He push his lips hard againts her,making her shiver.She smile as she won,but kiss him back passionately.They move in one swift motion,with Ron leading.They stay for a few minutes,before Hermione pull away,taking some deep breath.


Ron in the other hand,still didn't satisfied.He push his lips back againts her,but this time harder.It makes Hermione to fall lying on the couch.Ron on top of her,they started kissing again.Hermione pull away,when she felt Ron's hand started pulling off her button.

"Ron,we can't do it here"She said with a whisper voice.Ron ignore her and started kissing her neck,that makes Hermione to moan and leave some sign.His lips travel around her neck,back to her jaw.She hold his head,preventing him to do more.

"Ron,we really can't do this here,we are at school and actually we are in an open room,anyone can just barge in here"She said,hope that Ron will understand.

"Fine"That's all Ron said.He move away from her.She felt quite dissappointed.Its not like she didn't want it.She is ready and she love to have it with Ron.

But she have to accept the fact that Ron is hurt by her words.She just want to stand up when there is arms holding her waist.

Ron pull her,Taking her on his arms.He then gave her a smile.Hermione still in shocked.

"We just need a comfortable room,and I've found it."He said and started to walk to one of the empty room on Boys Dormitory.Hermione giggles as Ron put her on the bed and be on the top.

"I love you,mione.Do you want to do this,I don't wanna force you-"

"Ron,I'm fine.I love to have it with you"She said,she didn't felt embrassed.She can't felt it now.She was about to have the best night on her life..

Ron gave her smile.Before Hermione couldn't even reply,He started lean in and kiss her passionately.Hermione kiss him back.She slowly open the button of his pants.Ron meanwhile open Hermione's shirt button.Ron helped Hermione open his pants and throw it to the floor with his shirt,before he started to kiss her neck.It makes her moan.He in the same time started to pull Hermione's bra.Before Hermione even realise,they are both clotheless now and they didn't care that.They enjoy their night and forget to go to dinner that night,they are full though.