
Every student have been asked by Professor McGonagall to gather at The Great Hall.It was simply decorated for some "suprising" event for the student.

The new popular group at Hogwarts,The Unity entering the Great Hall together.They laugh at each other,simply ignoring facts that most of eyes are staring at them.

Ron suddenly cross his hand with Hermione,make her blushing.

"Ron,We can't keep holding our hand infront teacher!We might got a detention!"Hermione whisper and giggles as Ron slowly let go her hands while rolling his eyes.

"Yeah,but I am your boyfriend."He tried to whisper but Draco seems to hear it.He let out a chuckled before telling Blaise about it.

"Of course Weasley King!you are his boyfriend"Blaise mocking him before laugh with Draco.Since they make up this group,Draco and Blaise can't stop teasing Ron.He always just let them go,didn't even try to fight it.Maybe he just don't care.

"Shut up,Draco"He said with a grin knowing that they wouldn't hear him.He took a seat with Hermione next to him.Harry and Ginny sit infront of them.They look at Draco and Blaise who seems lost in their own thought.

"Well,sit down will you?"Ron said confuse at their suddenly froze action.

"Err..well,this is-"Draco said shyly.His hands rubbing his head.Blaise meanwhile just staring at another table across them.

"Gryffindor place?"Ginny said,understand what the both idiot wanna say.

They both shook their head.

Its silence for a moment before somebody was laughing.

It was Harry.

"So what?Does this place making you girlish for a second?I never know Gryffindor have put that spell"He finish his sentence with a laugh.Its not taking a long time before Hermione joined him with Ginny.Ron meanwhile don't understand anything,as usual.

"Yeah,Harry was right.Just sit down you two,the rivalry between houses have gone since the war ended.And that's all because of you Draco."Hermione finish with a smile,assuring both of their slytherin friends that there is nothing to be worry.

"Are you sure? I'm scared some Gryffindor might beat me or something"Draco's eyes seems scared that makes Ron laugh.

"No they won't.I'm pretty sure I am the strongest person in our age.Yeah you know,I've been practicing Quidditch that makes my body very perfect"Ron said happily as he touch his own abs and muscles.Hermione laugh looking at his foolish boyfriend,but can't say that it was wrong,she knew it was right.

"Hell our Weasley King!"Blaise shouted as he laugh again.Draco joined him with Harry.Ginny just roll her eyes,looking at all the idiot boy.

"Then we'll sit here,I guess"Blaise said with a grin on his face.Draco also smile,happily.

Without they realising that all eyes were on them,including McGonagall who have been delay her speech to watch them.

Harry was the first one to realise it,he panicked and tapping the table for their attention.Ginny saw him,signaling McGonagall.She quickly slap Hermione and Ron's hand,who still laughing and touching each other hand.Draco that watching Harry and Ginny,stop his action  to hit Blaise and sit straight with his eyes on McGonagall.

Not to their expectation,McGonagall just smile at them and turn her face straight,asking for students attention.

They were shocked but let out a small smile.

"Good evening,dear student.I'm sorry for bothering you to enjoy your delicious feast.But I have a special announcement that I'm sure will make you feel energized after having two weeks of mid-terms exam."

All student started to show their teeth and grin on their face.They very sure it was something good that McGonagall gonna give them.

"We'll held a special party,I've been asking some muggles student,and they said that It will be good to name it Special Ball."

"That student got a bad taste on naming things"

Ron whisper to Hermione,make her chuckles.

"This ball will be held in two weeks from now on.We thought that this event were to encourage house unity,so everyone needs to be pair with a different house."

There's only some students who frowned at this terms.Most of students are fine with it,cause their senior showed how great it was.Most of one year students have been dreaming of dancing with other student from another house.It'll be fun to have new friends.

"But after seeing the senior student have been a very good at interacting each other,and destroy house rivalry,this terms in unnessasary anymore.You can ask anyone from any house you want.That is better.Now enough of me babbling,dig in!"

The food popped up infront of them,just as what they wished it was.

And yes,You know what is popped on Ron's plate.

Yeah that thing.

Chicken.Lots of them.

He started to eating them,without noticing that Hermione nervously steal a glance on him

"Will he ask me this time?"

She can't help but thinking about it.

Ginny watch her friend,glancing nervously on her brother is enough to know what is on her mind.She smiles as she put a pudding on Hermione's plate

Hermionw turn to see the pudding,before turn her gaze to ginny.


She mouthed those word,hermione nodded shyly.Ginny never fail to understand her,and she is grateful for it.

"I guess Pansy is fine"Blaise said as he smiles to Draco.

"Arh,what about me then?"Draco said angrily,doesn't know the fact that in every fucking grades,there will be girl who have crushes on him.

"You are Draco Malfoy,don't even worry about it."Harry said with a grin.He then pointed a table across them.

"That girl have been staring at you since you enter Hogwarts I guess."He pointed at Astoria Greengrass,one of their fellow students who is in slytherin.

"Who is that?"Draco ask curiously.His eyes can't stop staring at her,who seems to notice his gaze,quickly turn away.

"She is Daphne Greengrass sister,l heard her name is Astoria."Ron suddenly interrupt their conversations,after eating almost ten pieces of chicken leg.

"Greengrass?!"Blaise shouted.Most of students look at him,weirdly.He cover his face with his hood,before looking back at Harry and Ron.

"Seriously?Wow Draco,then you must be so fucking malfoy"He playfully punched his shoulder,Draco just rolled his eyes.

"Why,what is so wrong with her?"Ginny ask Blaise,raising her eyebrows.

"No,no.There's nothing wrong.It just they are a higher level I guess"He said raising his hand.

"Then you must be so fucking lucky Draco"Hermione said smiling happily at him.

"Yeah,I guess so.."He smile shyly at the fact of he still haven't move on.Blaise that realise it quickly put his arms on his shoulder.

"Yeah,mate.You have to make a move"Blaise said,cheering the Slytherin Prince.

Draco just smile shyly and his eyes fix on Astoria,who seems trying to steal a glance on him.

"I never knew you know girl"Hermione said to Ron,who relaxing his minds after having such a wonderful date with chicken.

Ron smirk at jealous Hermione.He planning on adding her jealousy.

"I do have eyes on beautiful girl"He said with playfully turn his gaze to Astoria.

"Fine"Hermione smack his shoulder with her books.

(Did I mention she bring books?I'm sorry,I thought it didn't need to be told👀)

"I'm kidding"He said,wrapping his hands on her shoulder.But Hermione quickly push his hands.

Ron looks at her,confusely.Did she really mad?

"You haven't wash your hands!"She shouted annoyingly.She smell her shirt that smell chicken now.She gava Ron a death glare before whisper a spell to remove those smell.

Ron burst out to laugh and ask apologize.Harry who have watching them quietly with Ginny,joined him laughing.

They finished their dinner and heads to their own dormitory.Draco have gone doing his stuff with Astoria while Blaise trying to reach Pansy.

Harry have been dragged by Ginny to their spot after he asked Ginny to go to the ball with him after dinner.He amazed everyone like usual.

Now the only one who left is Ron with Hermione.They headed back to Gryffindor common room quietly,with her hand on Ron's.

Hermione took a deep breath.She really want Ron to ask her.She scared that he might forget or he might wanna go with other students.

"Ron"She whisper to him.Ron stopped and look at her face.

"Yes,mione?"He look at her face with a smile.It makes her felt less nervous.

"About the ball-"She tried to ask him but he suddenly grab her hand and dragged her.They pass the stair to Gryffindor Common Room,heading to other place.

Hermione just let him brought her,she felt lost on her own thoughts.She couldn't help but feel sad.

Without her noticing,they headed to Astronomy tower.Ron let go her hand as they arrive.

"What are we doing here?"She said lazily.Now the only thing she wanna do is sleeping.She have no mood for talk or anything anymore.

"Sit"Ron said warmly.He hold Hermione's hand,making her join him sitting at the couple chair.

They sit silently.No words from her or Ron.

Ron seems lost on his own world,staring at the star.It so beautiful at night,but Hermione didn't have mood for it now.She just let her eyes staring every parts of Ron's face before letting out a deep sigh.

"Why are we here Ron?"

Still no response from him.He just continue staring the star but his hand still holding her,warming them from the cold.

Hermione fed up.He really have spoiled her mood.She pull her hand,standing up before walk from him.

Suddenly,she felt his hands grabbing her hand.Before she can even react,Ron pull her,making her to turn around facing him.With one smooth motion,he put his hand on her waist and kiss her passionately.His kiss was rough yet satisfying her hungriness of him.He kiss her harder,push her towards the wall.His tounge then push to her lips,asking permission to entering her mouth.She open her mouth a little,enough for his tounge entering it.

She let him exploring every inch of her mouth,and his hand touching her body that makes her moan a little.

After a few minutes of snogging,they pull apart.Resting againts each other forehead.They let out a small laugh.

"Would you go to the ball with me?"He pull out a small box and pointed it to Hermione.

Hermione's eyes flooded with tears,she just nodded to him.He smile and open the box.

It was a locket with a shape of heart.He help her wearing it on her neck.She then smile as she open the locket,seeing picture of them changing every second since they were in their first year till this year.It show Everytime Ron steal a glance on her,and everytime Hermione laugh with him,every moment they have together.

"This is amazing"She said started to cry as she was too amazed.Ron smile as he wiped her tears with his thumb carefully.

"You are amazing"He said with a grin before start leaning again for kiss.