To say I am stunned is an understatement. I am stunned because this main quest is truly in my style. I always had a problem with Nie Li having a harem especially him entering a "romantic" relationship with Xiao Ning'er.
It is clear that the only reason he entered a relationship with is because he felt burdened by her one-sided feelings towards him. Her saving him in his previous life didn't make the situation any easier as he then felt obliged to give her his life. To be honest while reading the novel I was angered about his weak-mindedness.
So what if she has one-sided feelings for you? Just tell her the truth. She still hasn't given up? Just stand up for your feeling for Ye Ziyun and don't give in. His weak mindset made Ning'er an initially interesting side character, a strong woman who fought for herself and never gave up, into just another female character blindly follows Nie Li. She loses all her initial character traits and becomes an unrecognizable character.
This seriously pissed me off as she was my favorite character at the beginning. I liked her more than Ye Ziyun. She didn't stand still against the injustice towards her. Instead she worked hard to the point of injuring herself in order to become stronger and escape the future her family had chosen for her. To even say they had chosen a future for her was an understatement, they had decisively sacrificed her for their own future.
And I can't even blame her for falling for Nie Li. Suddenly he swoops in like a prince on a white horse, cures her, shows far more wisdom than anyone in Glory City, makes her stronger, saves her from her dilemma and finally rekindles her relationship with Ye Ziyun. How can I blame her when she falls for such a guy at the tender age of 13?
I can't! However I can express my frustration towards Nie Li who from start to the end never views her as more than a very close friend. How could you fight against the Sage Emperor in your previous life but can't say no to a girl's feeling towards you?
I would be fine if he had at least loved her towards the end but he didn't. No matter how much time passed she was incomparable to Ye Ziyun. Ning'er was second place. If you can't show them the same kind of affection, don't have a harem! That easy!
He knew from the very beginning that he wouldn't be able to love anyone else than Ye Ziyun. He wasn't able to love Ning'er even though she stayed with him for a longer period of time in his previous life and he seriously expects that things would change now? How ridiculous! If he truly sincerely cared for her and had shown maturity fitting to his previous high cultivation and age, he would have rejected her and stuck to it.
That's why I don't like harem. It's just difficult to pull off that it isn't even worth trying. Most of the time they have only one true love and the others join in just as trophies - to show and satisfiy the readers that they have a lot of waifus - or take them in due to guilt or responsibility - if you are guilty, find other ways to make up them instead of letting them be second place even though they could be someone else's number one; if you are as strong and OP as you claim to be then show us that by not being in the situation of having to take responsibility in the first place.
HUMPF! That was a long rant and by now the people around me were looking at me with worried expressions with Ye Ziyun being the first to ask me.
"Mian Jie is something upsetting you? Was your trip uncomfortable?" She asks me while looking at with big worried eyes and hugging me tightly. It was the cutest thing ever and soon Ning'er did the same.
"Mian Jie are you okay?" She also hugs me and looks up to me with big eyes. Let me just say the cuteness of the two main waifus is overwhelming.
By now as if finally getting the cue Ye Han asks me whether I am okay and decides to lead me inside to rest by dragging my hand. Being overwhelmed by so many people being concerned about me, my mind momentarily blanks out before I remember the urgent issue.
"No Han Ge, I need to go to Uncle Ye Zong now! It is important." I state now coming to a halt. Ye Han sees my serious expression and also comes to a halt before asking "What is so important that you can't even rest before?"
I look at him with determined eyes and tell him "These boys behind me they need to tell the City Lord something important. I promised I would bring them to him." As if just now noticing the two strange boys who came with me and were now following us, he looks at them with surprise and then sighs while nodding.
"I don't know whether he will let us in without any announcement after all he is currently working but we can try to go to his study."
Satisfied with his answer, I nod cutely, thank him and smile at him. In return I got a blushing young kiddo. Why is everyone around me so cute? I've been continuously melting inside due to everybody being so cute.
Attempting to hide his blush, he now drags me to the Ye Zong's study with the two boys following us silently. Ye Ziyun and Ning'er were also following us but were more chatting and laughing with each other.
We finally made it to Ye Zong's study which was guarded by two strong looking men. They looked us with scolding eyes telling us not to disturb the City Lord and to play elsewhere. However they couldn't do anything to us due to our families' standing and could only continuously warn us with their eyes and words.
"Please let us in, it has to do with the good of Glory City. Please the City Lord needs to know."
I started asking to let us in and emphasizing the importance and urgency of the situation and with that the two previously quiet boys started begging to see the City Lord. Soon enough Ye Ziyun and Ning'er started crying out despite not knowing the situation. This lasted until the door suddenly opens revealing Ye Zong with a poker face.
Surprisingly Ye Zong doesn't look annoyed or angry, instead he is wearing a poker face. It was unfamiliar for me, he wasn't Uncle Zong instead he was the City Lord of Glory City and invited us in. By us I mean the two boys and me.
When we went in, he sat by his desk while we were standing in front of it. It wasn't long until the boys started talking about the situation while the City Lord was listening attentive. When the boys finished explaining the situation, the City Lord assured them to take action and told them to guide his aide to the warehouse and the area they and the other orphans usually stay.
[You've helped the orphans and thus have earned 10 contribution points.]
Wow earning points is truly easy if you have the right system.
Well now they were gone, it was only Ye Zong and I left in the study. The study stayed quiet and it was now time for me to decide my new persona; would I act overly mature by asking him directly about the situation about three Major Families or would I act like a slightly bright child by helping the orphans?
"Xiao Mian, you must be shocked about what is happening in Glory City. It is okay to be in shock but I want you to know that you did well by bringing the boys to me. I will investigate the situation." Ye Zong breaks the silence by comforting me and even asks me whether I want to go home because of the shock while giving me a small smile. And this was all I needed to hear to make my decision.