New Life inside the Novel

"My Lady"

'What the- Where the humps am I?' Clara's eyes roam around the room searching for answers. She also tried to recall her memory but all she knows is she bumps her head.

She sits in her bed and noticed the maids and a butler in front of her.

"Where am I?" When Clara asked all of them to get confused.

"Call the imperial doctor. In instant" The butler said.

While everyone is busy panicking, Clara who is very clueless about what's happening glance at the mirror near beside her bed.

'Wow she's very beautiful' she said to her self. She saw a beautifully curved body, lips as red as roses, long wavy hair as white as snow in the reflection.

"My Lady"

"My Lady? Who are you guys?"

Clara was confused about what is happening. The box of gifts for fast recovery caught the attention of hers. She immediately takes a closer look to know if there might be answers to her questions.

"Duchess Claria Arthea Dalgona Silvian" She read the gift card.

'Hmmm her name is familiar' she thought and suddenly her head hurt. All the memories of the owner of her body entered her mind. Because of the severe headache, she could not stop screaming.

Everyone in the room panicked because they saw the duchess struggling.

"Where is the doctor?" the butler shouted and a knight shows up from the door

"He's on his way sir," the knight said.

Clara just kept on screaming because of the pain she feels. All the maids of the mansion are trying to calm the Duchess down.

A few minutes later the door suddenly opened and the Imperial Doctor entered. He immediately laid his belongings on the side table and took the tranquillizer to calm the Duchess.

In a few seconds, the Duchess calmed down and fell asleep. When Clara fell asleep everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"What happened to the duchess when she woke up?" the imperial doctor asked.

"When the Duchess woke up earlier she didn't seem to know us" - Maid 1

"Also, she didn't seem to know where she is" - Maid 2

"Hmm as I suspected" the imperial doctor nodded.

"Suspected what?" Mr Buttler asked

While the imperial doctor was arranging his belongings he began to speak to explain what he wanted to say.

"The duchess is suffering from amnesia, because of head injury. And before that, may I asked you a question?"

"Yes, of course," Mr Buttler replied.

"Did she act strangely before the incident?"

"We didn't notice anything, but the only person that was with the Duchess is her former personal maid" the current maid jumped in the conversation.

"I see, I'll send you Sir Oren all of the prescriptions. Please take care of the Duchess" He said before he left.

Meanwhile in Clara's unconscious world. She is amid emptiness and pure white surrounds her.

"Hello? is anybody there?" She shouted.

"Hey, you! You're in my body right?" A woman's voice coming from behind so Clara immediately turns around to see the owner of that voice.

When her eyes laid on the woman's figure, she was very amazed and very shocked. It was the Villainess in the novel, Duchess Claria Arthea Dalgona Silvian, the owner of the body where she reincarnated.

"I know you were fascinated by my beauty. But that's not the topic here"

"Did I die again?" Clara asked

Duchess Claria chuckled at her "Pfft, No silly"

"So where am I?"

"Well, we're both on my unconscious mind. The difference is I died and you transmigrated to my body."

'She seems nice' Clara said in her mind.

"Is there a chance you can get back to your body? I mean I stole it from you, do you want to win it back?" Clara asked the Duchess because she was willing to return the Duchess's body rather than claim it.

"Nahhh, I am satisfied with what happened to me. And besides, I am so very tired of my role" Clara was surprised by what the Duchess said. In her mind, the Duchess knew that she was in a novel during her time.

"Sweetheart, I can hear your thoughts, *Sighs* You know I'm fed up with my role." She approached Clara and placed her right wave on Clara's left arm. " Since I died early, you will take over my role and my body of course"

"Hey wait what-" When Clara started to panic, the Duchess quickly floated away.

Even before Duchess Claria finally disappeared from Clara's sight she quickly said something.

"Please take care of Lincoln for me" Then she vanished.