The New Duchess

Clara woke up from her dreams carrying the Duchess's leftover memories. A spacious and airy room opened up to her which was full of expensive things and types of furniture.

She sat up from her bed and rolled her eyes across the room. 'Well Duchess Claria must be very elegant and sophisticated I guess'

Clara noticed that the room had a balcony so she stood up to take a look outside. ' I'm sure

Before she could get close to the balcony suddenly someone entered the room.

"My Lady"

Clara was surprised when a maid called her so she broke the vase beside her. Because Clara broke the vase, she quickly picked up the broken pieces of the vase and was unaware that the new maid was just laughing at her secretly.

While Clara was busy picking up she did not notice that she already had a cut on her fingers. The maid just stopped laughing when the head butler suddenly entered.

The head butler was shocked when he saw the Duchess kneeling while taking the broken parts of the broken vase scattered on the floor even though her fingers were full of wounds.

"Why are you standing there?! Go get the medical kit!" Said the head butler angrily.

The maid hurried out of the room as the Head Butler helped Clara back to her bed.

Clara just stared at the floor as she thought of the names of the people she had met as well as their looks.

"My Lady, Are you okay?"

"Your name is Oren, right? Oren Horreous?" Clara asked the Head Butler which surprised Oren.

"Yes, Mi Lady"

"Listen to me carefully"

"But Mi Lady your wounds-" Clara interrupt him.

"From now on, Call me by the title I have"

Sir Oren did not speak anymore because he felt the seriousness of the Duchess and he had no intention of interrupting her.

"Dismiss all young master's maids that I hired"

"Yes Duchess"

The maid was breathing heavily when she entered while carrying the medkit she was ordered to. When the medkit reached sir Oren, the cuts on Clara's finger were immediately treated.

"Who is she, sir Oren?" Clara asks with a dead-looking on her face.

"She's one of your maids Duchess" Sir Oren said while taking bandages on her fingers.

"Dismiss her"

The maid just knelt to what the Duchess said. She could not have imagined that she will be fired.

"Please, take pity on my Mi Lady," The maid said while begging on her knees.

"It's Duchess, And who are you to laugh at me while I'm having difficulty picking up those broken pieces?" Clara asked angrily.

"But Duchess-" The maid just bowed and did not say a word when Clara glared at her. She knew something bad might happen to her if she continued to argue with the Duchess.

"Take her back to her homeland, also for the rest of my maids. Dismiss those who are not worthy"

"Yes Duchess"

Clara ignored the maid who had previously knelt beside her. After putting bandages on Clara's fingers as she immediately sent Sir Oren away with the maid. She dropped her body on the bed because she was tired.

"I didn't know that Duchess Claria will be this fierce and scary" She whispered.

'I wonder who is Duchess Claria Arthea Dalgona Silvian'

'She's somewhat familiar'


"Take care of Lincoln for me"

(End of Flashback)

'Who is Lincoln? from what I recall on Duchess Claria's memories, Lincoln is the young master of the house'

Clara grabbed her head and then rolled back and forth on her bed. "Argh, Why are their faces blurred in her memories." She shouted in frustration.

"Young Master Lincoln! Please slow down!" A voice coming from outside the mansion.

Clara stopped thinking because of the shout of the unknown person so she went to the balcony to see what was going on outside. A 5-year-old boy is running while being chased by a royal knight.

"Young master! You still have classes!" A woman shouted that looks like the Young Master Lincoln's Teacher.

"Wait a minute..." Clara suddenly thought when she saw Lincoln.

She hit her forehead because she could not believe what she had discovered.

'Why did I just think about it now?'

'Don't tell me...'

'I was reincarnated as a VILLAIN??'