Pre tournament celebration gone wrong 6

The weight of the chilling legend hung in the air, a shroud of discomfort settling over the group. Each of them absorbed the grim tale with a mixture of disbelief and apprehension, grappling with the possibility that they might be entwined in a modern-day retelling of a centuries-old horror story.

 Finally, Morana was the first to break the eerie silence.

"Is there anything in the stories that might give us an idea about how to fight and defeat her? or what kind of powers she possesses?" She asked.

"I can't remember anything in particular." Replied Shio with a shaking head.

"Wait, this might be a bit far-fetched, but there is one more story that references similar creatures to Maria Ptolemy and her children." Said Zoel suddenly. "Stories of Mad Homer."

Recognition shone on Shio's, Sophia's, Leonard's, and Ezra's faces.

"Mad Homer?" Asked Ioannes.