After aimlessly advancing for some time, unable to get to the source of the roar any closer than before, Morana finally called everyone to stop running.
"Stop! Stop! We are not getting anywhere like this. We are only running in circles, we need some kind of plan."
"What do you suggest?" Asked Shio.
"Well for starters…"
After the creature had disappeared from the room, it didn't take Ioannes much time to regain his composure and decisively leave the room to find his other companions to save Luca. After some wondering, he finally stumbled upon Ezra, who proudly stood upon a corpse that distinctly resembled a hybrid between a cockroach, snake, and a human, or what was left of it at least.
The situation, combined with Ezra's expression, was surprisingly refreshing.
"Do I even want to ask?"
"No, probably not."
"Seen anyone?"