"I know you kids think you know the history of the great Highlands, but you don't." Sir Harry told us.
Micka and I sat with a group of pages, learning just as we were. Sir Harry's class was history and tactical thinking. He explained that when you look back in history you can find what tactics failed and succeeded and why.
"Now, first, I will tell you about the Dragon War. The Dragon War started when the Rogue King stole the Crown of Dragons for whatever greedy purpose he had in mine. The king's name was Leon Black, King of Thieves, and he was a bad man in his time. He cared not for anyone, not even his wife and son."
A page raised his hand and caught Sir Harry's attention immediately.
"Yes, boy, you. Your name?" Harry asked as the boy put his hand down.
"Alex of Grimhold, sir. Um, I heard that Leon Black's descendants are still part of the Rogue today." the page said in his quiet voice.
Sir Harry smiled and nodded, pacing the floor. "You heard correctly, Alex of Grimhold. His great-great-grandson is currently alive and King of Thieves. They cannot find him, though. But, luckily for the Kingdoms, they have caused no real trouble recently."
I found this quite intriguing as Sir Harry went on with the lesson of the Dragon War, even though I was exhausted from last night's unexpected encounter. I wanted so badly to lay my head down and rest my eyes. Instead, Micka had been the one to fall asleep, and Sir Harry had noticed.
"Micka!" he yelled
Micka's head shot up immediately, snorting. A paper happened to stick to his forehead. I took it off for him, his face reddening.
"Now that you're up, Micka, please answer my question," Sir Harry said, putting his hands behind his back. "Where did the very first battle of the Dragon War begin?"
"Uh..." Micka rubbed his eyes slightly. "Here in the Highlands?"
The class snickered at him, and his face turned redder than a ruby. He looked down, disappointed and ashamed. I felt quite sad for him. That could've been me in his place.
"A regular scholar, that one." A boy said, mocking him. I felt my anger surge.
"Well then, Alan, why don't you answer?" Sir Harry retorted with a smirk.
"It was in Naxen Desert, between King Leon and Lord Jareth's armies. They fought for the Crown of Dragons, but it escalated to the neighboring kingdom; Tareth of the Far East." I recited. I knew about Tareth from the history we learned in Whitebridge. Tareth wasn't a large kingdom but, at the time, they were the allies with the strongest army. I didn't like that Alan was making fun of Micka.
"Well looks like someone likes her history!" Harry exclaimed, giving me a knowing wink.
"Got bested by a witch, Alan! That'll teach you!" yelled another boy. Alan glared at me. That was when I knew I had made my first enemy among the pages.
I walked out of History with poor Micka, who was assigned to read the first chapters about the Dragon War and be ready to report on it chronologically tomorrow.
"Well, well, look who it is; Goddess of Wisdom. So witch, how does it feel to be working so hard only to be exiled to the Tower?" Alan asked in front of me, stopping me from going my way.
"Look, Alan, I am not going to deal with a bully on my first day. I am going to walk passed you, and you are going to leave both Micka and me alone. Thank you." I said with all the sass and irritation I could muster.
Micka smiled and walked past Alan. I started to walk past him, then tripped. He laughed at me, and I surged with anger. My hands went up in blue flames as I glared at him.
"How about we fight, Alan? If you want to pick on someone, let's settle it." I growled, the flames growing. Alan's eyes widened with fear, and he backed away slowly. I calmed down slightly, causing the fire to extinguish.
"I won't allow you to pick on my friend or me. Next time you decide to bully, prepare to fight." I threatened angrily. I walked away from him. "Let's go, Micka."
Micka followed me, dumbstruck at my actions. I knew that making an enemy out of a page wasn't a good idea, but I was not going to stand for such insolence. He should fear us, and yet he taunts us and our power. I could say for certain that Alan the Page would get his dues.
"Now some wizards don't make enough power. Those wizards need wands. For now, those wizards are you. " Master Gabriel gave us both wooden sticks. Both of the patterns were different.
"Some wizards get used to their wands and use them for so long, eventually making them into a staff." he continued.
"Um, Master?" Micka spoke, raising his hand.
"Yes, Micka? A question?"
"Well, sir, how come we have to learn with wands? We learned this when we first started." Micka informed him quietly. I had to agree.
"I was getting to that. You see, its good to practice old basics. Even I do it." Master Gabriel picked up a smooth white wand and pointed it at Micka's History textbook. "Surge meo. Ego Nunc præcipio tibi."
It was a simple spell, commanding the book to rise. The leather-bound book hovered above our heads before plopping down on the desk.
"Alright. Try a spell on this book." Master put out a blank journal in front of us. Micka raised his wand.
"Aperta, inanis Libro." The book opened to middle, and Micka smiled proudly, then closed it. This spell was a bit more difficult to channel, but mine was something that Master Jacob taught only me.
I told the book to burn.
Just as I had commanded, the book burst into flames, blue flames, like the ones I bear. I watched the heatless flames eat away at the paper. Micka watched, fear-stricken. Gabriel only sighed and collected our wands.
I was sent to Grand Master Jonah by Master Gabriel after my Basic Magic Studies. He said he would keep Micka and teach him some more. I knocked twice on the old Master's door and entered when a patient 'come in' was heard.
"Ah, Matilda of the East. What does Gabriel need you to learn from me today?" Grand Master asked kindly.
"Master Gabriel said you could help me. Master Jacob isn't here to help me anymore, but Gabriel said that you knew what to do." I said, rocking on my heels.
"Ah, yes. You have a rare gift. You, my child, have an affinity for fire. But not only can you control it, but you can also create it! Jacob Long wrote to me about you long ago. You and I are the same, you see." The old wizard smiled at me.
He held out his hand, and green flames engulfed his hand like paper.
"The colors mean something, you know. Green, meaning kind and wise. And yours, blue, meaning loyalty and intelligence." Master Jonah's fire extinguisher. "You will be personally taught by me. Master Gabriel will teach Micka."
I nodded, then a question came to mind. "Master Jonah?"
"Yes, child?"
"Why did you choose Micka as your second High Wizard?"
Micka wasn't exactly one's first or second choice; that was obvious. Though he was my friend and a great sorcerer, I could tell High Wizard was deciding to answer.
"Micka... Micka is my grandson." He said slowly.
Micka of the Highlands is High Wizard Jonah's grandson? How could I not have seen this?!
"Oh." was all I could say.
Master nodded, "Yes, I know. I promised his mother long ago that I would teach him magic instead of sending him to be a knight. He's a sensitive boy, you see. She was young and not married. When he was born, my daughter joined the church. She unfortunately fell ill and died. I took Micka in and raised him as my apprentice. His Gift was taught to him, not given naturally by the Gods."
"So you trained him in the art of magic? Brilliant, Grand Master." I praised him.
In Whitebridge, we were told that only the powerful could teach magic to those who hadn't been blessed by the Goddess of Magic. The teachers said that our Goddess handpicked those who could wield and teach magic to a non-Gifted.
"Thank you, my dear. Now we must start on your teachings."