A month in the Highlands passed me quickly by giving me new knowledge. I was learning a lot about the world I live in, about the wars that formed the country as it is now. I learned a lot about the king and his part in ending many of these wars, thus his title: King Richard the Calm. There was lots of talk and rumors slipping around the castle, speaking of the king's son, his bastard, coming back home. He had been off on the King's orders to train as he turned from page to squire. Now I, with one of the other squires, was given the task of being his servants while he was there.
"Grand Master, why must I be a servant? I'm supposed to be learning to be a High Wizard, not some measly lady-in-waiting." I complained as Grand Master Jonah was giving me tips and teachings.
"It's to show their Majesties you are loyal to the Crown, Matilda," he replied patiently. "As a young lady, His Highness has decided that learning servitude will be good for you."
"So I have to watch over the Crown's spoiled son? A bastard at that! This is ridiculous." I exclaimed pointedly.
"You wouldn't dare say something like that to the King, Matilda, so do not say something like that to me." the old wizard scolded.
My master gave me a white dress and a robe to wear. Those were known as magic-user robes.
"You must look presentable. Wear these."
I sighed and stood. I took the clothes to my room, changing into them while grumbling to myself.
"My good Gods! You look feminine." teased a voice from the doorway. I saw Micka in the reflection of the mirror and rolled my eyes.
"Be silent, you dirty hedge-born," I growled.
Micka laughed and entered my room.
"I'm just joking 'Tilda. But the Queen wants to see you. She sent a messenger for you." he said, smiling.
"You lie!" I exclaim, immediately yanking my hair down and grabbing my brush.
"I'm not! She wants to see you and now. I would hurry." he replied. He plucked the brush from my hands and brushed out my hair for me. I put it up into a tight bun.
"Thanks, Micka. I'm off!" I said and ran hurriedly to the stairwell.
When I got to the Royal Chambers, I was out of breath and shaking. I knocked twice and waited. The door opened, revealing a lady-in-waiting.
"Th-the Queen sent for me," I told her.
The lady-in-waiting side-stepped out of the way, telling me to enter. I took one shaky breath and went through the chamber doors.
"Your Highness, the High Wizard's apprentice has arrived." She announced.
The Queen stepped out into the light and smiled at us.
"Thank you, Mary. You may leave us." Queen Alanna spoke kindly.
Mary bowed and scurried out of the room. I looked to the Queen and bowed.
"How might I be of service, your Highness?" I asked my tone, still a tad bit shaky.
"Oh, yes! Come, come now." She said, taking my hand. She led me to a beautiful white and blue vanity and sat me down on the stool.
"You know, we appreciate that you are willing to serve Richard's son. He's next in line." She says, smiling into the reflection. The Queen was a beautiful, long blonde hair and blue-gray eyes. She had been a noble all her life, slender and dainty. I could see lines in the corner of her eye and on her forehead, showing her age.
"Don't you have any children?" I asked.
Queen Alanna shook her head with a sad smile and picked up a gold chain headpiece from the vanity.
"A mage gave this to me a few years ago, before I became Queen. She told me to give it to my daughter. I lost her before I could, and you remind me of her. So, I am giving this to you, Matilda." Alanna smiled and put the headpiece on me.
I gaped at my reflection. The gold headpiece had one blue sapphire in the middle of my forehead and glittered in the light like a chandelier.
"Your Highness, I can't possibly take this! I'm nothing but an apprentice for the High Wizard, a servant for the king's son." I pleaded with her, turning around on the stool.
"Now, my dear, that is anything but true. You are a special girl. My daughter was too. Take it. I refuse to take it back." Queen Alanna ordered.
"Yes, my queen." I sighed and stood.
"Good! Come now, we will await Richard's son's arrival." The Queen retook my hand and led me to the throne room where the King and the squire were waiting.
"Ah, Matilda. Lovely to see you again." The King greeted me.
"Hello, my King. I am happy to be of service to you." I said, bowing to him.
"Matilda, this is Squire Ivon. He will be serving my son, as well. You two will become very close." King Richard said, motioning towards the boy.
He bowed his head at me, and I did the same. It seemed that this squire was a very serious boy.
"Announcing Prince Nicholas, son of King Richard the Calm." The loud voice of Sir Henry echoed in the throne room.
A boy of age at least fourteen or fifteen walked in with more confidence in the surrounding air than I've ever seen a bastard have.
"My son! How good to see you." King Richard said, smiling at the prince.
"Hello, Father. It's nice to be home." Prince Nicholas said, bowing to the King.
"Nicholas, dear, these two are your private servants. Squire Ivon and Matilda, High Wizard in training." Queen Alanna chimed in.
"Pleased to be of service, my prince," I said, bowing my head.
"Squire Ivon, bring Nicholas to his chambers so he can get settled into being back home. Nicholas, when you find the time, please come see me in my study." King Richard said, waving his hand.
"Go with them, Matilda." The Queen ordered me.
"Yes, Queen Alanna." I obeyed and walked with the two boys out of the throne room.
Ivon and I walked on either side of the prince, us all silent. It was odd to me, how short that meeting was. The king seemed pleased to see his son, but Prince Nicholas just looked blank. One would think he would be happy, being the prince and all. But, I thought, that maybe there was something under the surface. Which could be true, with a royal family there is always a scandal. We were halfway to the stairs when a voice jeered out at me, echoing in the empty corridor.
"I thought you were training to be High Exile, not some princeling's servant." A snicker followed, and I turned to see Alan.
"High Wizard is the correct term, you uncultured swine. Furthermore, Page Alan, Prince Nicholas, is next in line. I would show them both respect. A sorcerer and a king are two you do not want as your enemies."
I looked to Squire Ivon, my mouth agape. The first words I've heard him speak, and they were to defend the prince and me.
"People fighting your battles now are they?" Alan sneered at me.
"Page Alan, I wonder how Sir Harry would feel about your disrespect toward the Crown?" Prince Nicholas threatened calmly. "Maybe I could have a chat with him and see what we can do to fix that disrespectful tongue of yours."
"Bastard princeling," Alan growled and stalked off.
"I hate that stupid brat," I grumbled as we walked up the marble staircase.
"May I ask, Lady Matilda, what you did to deserve his anger?" The prince asked me.
"I made him look like a fool in history after he made fun of my friend for getting an answer wrong. He's mad that I'm better than him, being a witch." I explained bitterly.
"Page Alan is ignorant. I apologize on his behalf. My mother raised to respect those with the Gift." Squire Ivon said to me.
"Well, I don't care about his ignorance. I told him the next time he wanted to bully, be ready to fight." I shrugged.
"You? Fight a page? Forgive me for prodding, Lady Matilda, but do you even know how to fight?" The prince looked at me with a look of sheer inquiry.
"To an extent, my prince. I grew up with many young boys with the Gift. Most of them and I wrestled and fought. Most of them ended up with a lump or two." I explained proudly.
"I see. With little experience in the art of fighting, you intend to win? Interesting..."
We arrived at the doors of the prince's chambers. I had gnawing guilt rumbling through my chest. I had thought and judged the prince without knowing him. Why had I even dared?
"My prince, I must apologize," I said, as the prince was opening his chamber doors. He looks at me, a confused expression on his face.
"Apologize for what, Lady Matilda? You have done nothing to wrong me," he said.
I took a deep breath. "Maybe not, my prince, at least out loud. I thought wrongly of you. I thought you were nothing but a spoiled bastard princeling. I am sorry for that." I replied, looking as tall and proud as possible.
But the prince surprised me. He smiled at me.
"My lady, I am a spoiled bastard princeling." With that, he went into his chambers.