Making love (1)

Lin Xiaoxuan had been standing there steadily, watching the sweet interaction between PEI Munian and su Wanwan. Bitterness spread on the tip of her tongue and flowed straight into her heart. Her back couldn't help but stiffen.

After su Wanwan entered the villa, Lin Xiaoxuan took a few steps forward and called out with a sweet smile, " Mr. PEI.

PEI Munian's dark eyes glanced at her, but he did not say a word. He pushed open the car door and got out of the car. After closing the door, he strode over to her.

The evening sun shone down and formed a large Halo on his body. That tall and straight body was approaching her step by step against the light. Lin Xiaoxuan's heart was beating wildly, and even her cheeks were a little hot.

PEI Munian stopped in front of Lin Xiaoxuan. He lowered his eyes and looked down at her somewhat condescendingly. The infatuation in her eyes was obvious, and he frowned.