Making love (2)

However, she was not willing to leave just like that. Once she left this place, she would never have any interaction with PEI Munian again. Even if she just wanted to look at him, it would be impossible.

Lin Xiaoxuan opened her mouth, wanting to explain something and fight for something for herself. However, PEI Munian did not give her a chance at all. He bypassed her directly and walked into the villa.

Lin Xiaoxuan froze on the spot, and finally, her eyes slowly turned red, and she squatted down weakly.


Su Wanwan took a shower, changed her clothes, and walked out of the bathroom refreshed. PEI Munian leaned against the sofa and sat, holding a glass of red wine in her hand. She gently shook it, raised her head, and drank it all in one go.

This was su Wanwan's first time seeing PEI Munian drinking. She felt a little strange and curious.