Chapter 16: Defaulting (2)

Aunt Hao came over, "Young Madam, would you like to have dinner?"

Lu Weixi had just responded with a 'no' but then thought about the fact that she hadn't eaten properly in the last couple of days. Moreover, if she had dinner, she could take the opportunity to ask Qin Zhiyou to "pay her wages".

So she immediately responded, "Make some porridge, and a few light side dishes. Prepare enough for two."

It was eleven o'clock at night.

Lu Weixi sat in front of the computer in the dining room, stretching. The food on the table had already cooled, yet no one had touched a morsel of it.

Qin Zhiyou doesn't like to be disturbed when he works, and she never bothered him either. His work didn't keep her idle – she had designs to sketch and revise, and the clients' tastes and the actual conditions of the houses to consider.