Chapter 455: The Wound (Extra update with 600 monthly tickets)

Qin Zhiyou also felt helpless. At this stage, he had no solution and could only hope that Lu's mother would wake up soon.

He even dared not ask what she would do if Lu's mother couldn't wake up or sustained permanent damage.

The room quietened down in an instant. While Qin Zhiyou was physically present with Lu Weixi, the couple was mentally apart. One was worried that Lu's mother's health condition could cause their already shaky marriage to collapse as he watched the IV drip. The other was looking at the door, his mind adrift and far away.

After a long time, Lu Weixi finally stood up: "I'm going to take a shower. The clothes are here, right?"

Qin Zhiyou hummed in response, almost afraid to meet her gaze. He was scared that he would be met with Lu Weixi's cold, piercing eyes.

Lu Weixi picked up her clothes without giving him a second glance and headed straight to the bathroom. Soon, the sound of running water could be heard from inside.