Chapter 456 Awakening (1)

Although feeling completely drained, Lu Weixi refused to rest her head on Qin Zhiyou's shoulder. It was only after he reached out to hold the back of her head and gently pressed it against his, did she lean in with a sense of listlessness.

The room was climate-controlled, with the central air conditioner gradually dispersing the layers of chill. In the quiet room, apart from the hum of the air conditioner, the only other sounds were their breaths.

After a long while, Lu Weixi recovered from her fatigue. Resting her head on Qin Zhiyou's shoulder, she spoke in a weak voice, "Qin Zhiyou."

"Mhm." Qin Zhiyou didn't move, nor dared to say anything more. He just maintained this position.

"If something were to happen to my mother, perhaps, things between us..."

"Nothing will happen to your mother, she is fortunate, nothing will happen." Qin Zhiyou comforted her, but deep down, he had no idea what might unfold. The health of the elderly can be unpredictable.