Chapter 1 - Name Your Price, Be My Woman

"Go after her! She's running in that direction! Catch her!"

In the dark night, the shrill sounds of shouting and footsteps shuffling disorderly could be heard. 

They seemed to be coming and going. 

Leaning against the window of the car and looking at the bunch of people who were chasing her, running away in another direction, Ji Anyao let out a slight sigh of relief. Her heart was palpitating violently in her chest after that vigorous sprint moments ago.

"Has it been settled?"

A man asked in a deep voice as he snubbed his cigarette between his fingers in the pitch-dark cabin of the car. 

His low and rumbling voice was rather cold and aloof, making him seem unapproachable. 

"Yeah, those people have been shaken off! Thanks a lot!"

Clapping her hands, Ji Anyao casually thanked him and opened the car door to alight.

In the next second, there was a loud bang! 

Before Ji Anyao could react, her entire body had been pressed forcefully against the backrest. The aggressive masculine aura was right in her face, sealing her lips with an irresistible force.

'Damn it!'

'How can I be so unlucky!?'

'I've only hidden in the car for two seconds and already encountered a beast.' 

Bending her knees, Ji Anyao subconsciously tried to hit his lower abdomen in an attempt to break free from him!

However, even though she was fast, he was much faster! 

She hissed. 

Pressing one hand firmly on her wrist and the other on her slender waist, the man responded ferociously and swiftly. A tall shadow loomed above her head, like a majestic mountain that came tumbling down.

The contrasting burning breath and cold body temperature of his instantly caused Ji Anyao to shiver involuntarily!


After cursing softly, Ji Anyao reached out to grab his neck and a sharp knife appeared in her hand out of nowhere. She pressed it firmly against his skin, as if she would slit his throat at any time!

"Try moving again. Aren't you scared that I'd go overboard with my self-defense?"

The man remained still and ran his hand along her bare neck. He gently cupped her jaw and moved his thin lips close to her ear, his breath warm and moist. He was extremely threatening and dominant.

"I've just cooperated with you. Now... you should cooperate with me too, shouldn't you?"

"Cooperate with what!?"

"Put on an act with me." 

The man tugged his tie to loosen it and wrapped Ji Anyao's arms around his neck while he answered composedly.

"Let's act out a passionate scene."

As soon as he said those words, Ji Anyao vaguely heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside the car, accompanied by various whispers. 

"Look... that's Mr. Bai's car!"

"There's someone in the car!"

"It's a woman!" 

"Quick, quick, quick! Snap some pictures! Make sure you capture everything! If Mr. Bai is really getting it on with a beautiful babe in the car... that'd be groundbreaking news!" 


"Sh*t! Is that a paparazzi?!"

Ji Anyao abruptly reacted and subconsciously wanted to push the man away.

However, he pulled her even closer and tightened his grip around her. Her clothes and hair were messy and she looked somewhat unkempt. On the other hand, the man's suit was still as immaculate as ever and he looked suave and dignified. 


In a fit of pique, Ji Anyao gritted her teeth and vengefully lowered her head to bite down hard on his shoulder!

He grunted and tightened his grip. 

Slightly angered, he asked, "Were you born in the year of the Dog?"

With a sneer, Ji Anyao cursed softly under her breath.

"No. I was born in the year of the Wolf. It won't kill you to be bitten by me!" 

They were stuck in a stalemate. 

A large bunch of people suddenly flocked over out of nowhere from all directions, as if they had fallen from the sky. They were holding up their cameras and snapping away at the car, their cameras flashing one after another and almost blinding Ji Anyao.

"This damned bunch of paparazzi!" 

Cursing in resentment, Ji Anyao hurriedly grabbed her clothes to block her face before getting exposed. She did not have the time to look at the man's face at all and she desperately wanted to prevent the paparazzi from snapping photos of her!

"Are you done? What are you waiting for? Hurry up and drive away to shake them off!" 

Although she didn't know what intentions the beast in front of her had, Ji Anyao didn't want to stay a moment longer.

She had already gotten into enough trouble today. If she really made it to the news and her family members found out about it, they would definitely skin her alive!

Perhaps because he had already achieved his agenda, the man stopped struggling with Ji Anyao and rubbed his shoulder which had been bitten by her.

He pursed his thin lips and raised them a little.

He seemed to be smiling, but there was no joy on his face at all. 

He started the engine, switched on the headlights and floored the accelerator pedal. 


The car suddenly started and darted out, scaring the crowd outside. 

The crowd frantically dodged and looked at the sports car that sped away. Shivering in fear, their faces turned pale because of the fright and they were still overwhelmed with horror, as if they had just had a brush with death! 

'Damn, Mr. Bai is really not to be messed with!'

At midnight, there were very few cars on the road. In the quiet night, the silver-white sports car sped across the flyover, like a fleeting meteor cutting through the night sky.

Seated on the passenger's seat, Ji Anyao tidied her messy clothes. Her sleeve had been torn and her elbow was exposed.

She was so furious that she couldn't help but curse, "Scoundrel! Pervert! You're worse than a beast..."

The man side-eyed her and spoke ambiguously, "You're... nice to touch." 

Ji Anyao paused and looked at him with her jaw dropped.

Suddenly speechless, she had no idea what to say to stop him from being outrageously shameless!

Just as she was about to lose her temper, he looked away mindlessly and tossed her a jacket, looking at her decently. It was as though everything that just happened was her illusion.

After taking a deep breath, Ji Anyao furiously put on the jacket and told herself to calm down. She could not stoop to the level of a beast!

"Tell me, how much do you want?"

He popped that question calmly out of blue. 

Ji Anyao frowned and humphed in displeasure. 

"What do you mean?"

"I want to make you my sugar baby... Is 10 million yuan enough?"

He was extremely generous, but Ji Anyao was nonetheless enraged as her face turned extremely sullen!

"What do you take me for!?"

"100 million?" 

"Do I look like that kind of woman?!"

"Okay then, name your price."

"Shut up!" 

Ji Anyao interrupted him in exasperation. 

"Get out of the car immediately! Get out of my sight! Get as far away from me as you can!"

The man finally turned around and looked at her, raising an eyebrow. His handsome face was like a piece of art created by God and it exuded a stern and dangerous aura. Even in the dim light, one would involuntarily tense up and feel terrified after being looked at by him in such a manner.

Ji Anyao swallowed her saliva and subconsciously scowled. 

"This is my car."

Slamming on the brakes, he swiftly parked his car by the roadside and said in a hostile tone. He was extremely temperamental.

He continued, "You should be the one getting lost."