Chapter 2 - Made It To The Headlines!

Ji Anyao's jaw dropped again as her brain couldn't process it for a while.

Seeing that she didn't respond, the man waited for two seconds, resting his slender fingers on the steering wheel. He gently knocked them against the steering wheel twice, and the lapel on his chest was still unbuttoned. He looked unkempt yet evil, causing the ambiance in the car to be inexplicably ambiguous.

"How does it sound? You have two options. Alight from the car... or name your price." 

He said that in a shameless tone, but he didn't sound frivolous at all. 

Ji Anyao was so furious that she became at a loss for words. 

She pushed open the door, got out of the car, took off the jacket, and threw it back at him with all her might!

"Get lost! Don't let me see you again..." 

Before she even finished, the car had already sped hundreds of meters away and the noisy sounds of the car drowned her voice out. The fumes from the exhaust pipe even overwhelmed her senses as they surged into her nose. She was hopping mad. 

Standing by the roadside, Ji Anyao stomped her feet and placed her hands on her waist. The more she thought about it, the more infuriated she became! 

"What kind of person is this... he actually took me for a shameless woman!? His good looks have gone to waste! He's got such poor taste, he might as well be blind!" 

After cursing for a long time, Ji Anyao finally calmed down a little and turned around. She was still on the flyover and there were barely any cars at midnight. There was not a single cab in sight.

The clothes she was wearing were torn and the night breeze blew at her, causing her to shiver because of the biting cold. 


Ji Anyao couldn't help but sneeze. Seeing that it was unlikely to get a cab, Ji Anyao pursed her lips and reached out to take her cellphone out of her bag. 

To her astonishment, she ended up grabbing the air. 

Ji Anyao's body suddenly stiffened.

'Oh dear! I left my bag and my cellphone in that scoundrel's car!' 

'I'm really unlucky!' 

By the time Ji Anyao got home after an arduous journey in the cold and breezy night, it was already three in the morning... She was weak and mentally and physically exhausted, such that she dozed off almost as soon as she rested her head on the pillow. 

On the following morning, she heard the sound of knocking coming from her door before she had even caught enough shuteye. The incessant knocking made her feel extremely annoyed. 

"Who's that!? Fancy you kicking up a fuss bright early in the morning. I just want to get some sleep!"

Ji Anyao lifted her blanket with sleepy eyes and cursed in exasperation. 

She initially wanted to chase them away by yelling, but the knocking got increasingly louder. 

"Anyao! Anyao? Wake up! Stop sleeping! Something's wrong! There's huge trouble. If you don't open the door, I'll have to let Su Chengyu climb through the window."

Hearing Yin Mei'er's voice, Ji Anyao subconsciously frowned and opened her eyes to glance out the window...

She thought, 'It's not even daybreak yet. What is this demon doing here in the morning?'

Extremely fatigued, Ji Anyao covered her face with the blanket and wanted to continue sleeping but couldn't do so because of the huge din outside her room. 

She had no choice but to force herself to get up and run to open the door whilst in a trance.

"What's the hurry? Why are you so anxious? Has the sky fallen down?" 

"It's worse than that. Hurry and look at this!" 

Yin Mei'er shoved a stack of newspapers into her arms, after which she pushed and shoved her back into the room while Su Chengyu squeezed in and closed the door with a loud bang!

Ji Anyao clutched the newspaper in her hand with her eyes half-open. Staring at the large headlines on the newspaper, she read them out in a robotic voice.

"The CEO of Mingrui Group... gets beaten up into a pulp by an escort?"

"The heir of the Bai Group gets intimate with a mysterious woman in his car as soon as he gets off the plane, busting previous rumors of him being gay.." 

The more she read, the more awake she became. When she saw the various photos under the headlines that were in enlarged texts, Ji Anyao immediately got goosebumps! 

"That's not all. Look at the next few pages!" 

Su Chengyu leaned in and pointed at the newspapers as he continued reading out the rest of the lines. It was as though he was out to create trouble! 

"Based on observations, the female escort who beat someone up in the nightclub and the mysterious woman who appeared in Mr. Bai's car seem to be the same person. The way they were dressed is the same too..." 

"Stop, stop, stop! Don't go on anymore! My head hurts!" 

Rubbing her temples with two fingers, Ji Anyao laid on the bed. At that instant, she even felt like dying! 

'Seriously, why do they have to bring this up... The more I dread it, the more likely it would happen!' 

She didn't expect the photos of her "doing the deed in the car" to make it to the headlines. Even the news of her getting into a fight in the nightclub had spread like wildfire. Overnight, the entire city wanted to kill her! 

"Wait a minute!" 

Seemingly having thought of something, Ji Anyao leaped up from the bed and frantically yelled at Su Chengyu. 

"Hurry up! Bring the newspapers here. Let me look at the photos... Did they snap a photo of my face?"

"Your face wasn't photographed, but... humans are smart these days. You can't keep it a secret for long. Look... in less than an hour, these news have overwhelmed the internet and the women in the city have gone mad, especially after seeing those photos of you guys in the car! They desperately want to find that mysterious woman. Tsk, tsk... this is really scary!"

Holding the computer and handing it to Ji Anyao, Yin Mei'er raised her eyebrows slightly and shook her head, not at all optimistic about what might happen next. 

"Look for yourself. At the rate that things are going... how long do you think you can hide it for?" 

"Oh, this time, I'm done for..." 

Ji Anyao once again fell back onto the large bed. Her intentions to die surged from the bottom of her heart!

"But then again... this Mr. Bai is really handsome, huh? Anyao, you've gained an advantage this time! Tell us... what is it like to get it on with such a dreamboat in the car? Was it thrilling?" 

"Yeah! It was so thrilling that I wanted to die..." 

Laying on the bed, Ji Anyao felt like she was at her very last breath. She said, "Hurry and get me a bottle of poison. I want to kill myself..." 

"What for!? Get up and take off your clothes!"

After putting down the computer, Yin Mei'er picked Ji Anyao up. 

Swaying unsteadily, Ji Anyao stood up helplessly, looking like she wished she was dead. 

"What are you taking my clothes off for? I'm already dying and you still refuse to let me die with dignity. You're too cruel... This world is so cruel!" 

"Don't feign death! Aren't you the best at fighting!?! You seem great at getting it on in the car too. Now you're pretending to be dejected and wishing you're dead. Who are you pretending for? Hurry up and take off your clothes to destroy all evidence!" 

She changed into another set of clothes. 

The three of them sat on the sofa, staring at the stack of newspapers on the table in confusion. 

"What should we do next?"

"Give a sum of money to the news press to seal their lips?"

"It's too late. The news has spread all over the internet. It's useless to stop the news at this point!"

"Or... should we get someone to delete the posts? Pay some netizens to change the hot topic on the internet?"

"That won't work either. The heir of the Bai Family has been preyed upon by countless women even before he returned to the country. Anyone involved in a scandal with him... Even if it's not real, it'll end up becoming real, unless..." 

"Unless what?"

"Unless Mr. Bai personally comes forward to address the matter and clarify it." 

Ji Anyao slammed her palm against the table and stood up abruptly. 

"I'm going to go look for him!"